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”Human beings are social creatures.

We are social not just in the

trivial sense that we like company (...); simply to exist as a normal
human being requires interaction with other people.”
Atul Gawande
Society is the system of organizations and institutions resulting from the
interaction between people. People are extremely social beings and tend to live in
complex social groups. They can be divided into different groups depending on income,
wealth, power, reputation and other factors. The structure of social stratification and the
degree of social mobility differ, especially between modern and traditional societies.
Human groups range from the size of families to nations.

When we think of a human being, it would be good to imagine a miniature

universe. The complexity of this being still remains a mystery to us and an object of
research for scientists. But if we understood that man is concomitant matter, spirit,
energy, that is, body, soul and mind. we would try to treat it in this complex way. Thus
we would care for the health of both the body and the mind and the soul.

Our thoughts can help us to take healthy action for the body and soul, and that
means taking care of mental health. The psychologist, psychotherapist helps us in this
direction, just as the doctor helps us in physical health and faith in the spiritual. But if the
thought is the one that creates future situations, the ones we will live later, then the best
thoughts will lead us to a better, healthier life. If we understood at an early stage how
important this approach to man is, today we would not talk about diseases caused largely
by stress, we would no longer see an increase in depression, panic attacks or somatic

Psyhosomatic greeted man to help him understand this relationship between the
health of thought, body and soul. More and more psychologists and psychotherapists
today have knowledge and skills in this area, so as to help more people maintain optimal
health and live a better, happier life. I therefore urge as many people as possible to learn
to know this, to be concerned about their mental hygiene with specialized help in order to
live a healthier life. Only in this way will we be able to be a United society and only so-
called social interaction could exist.

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