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10:12 te til §3 SCRIBD ( Searcl & Download now ‘Common Errors in APP (Automatic Payment Program) ‘Common errors encountered while executing F110 (APP) and resolutions are listed out here, hope these are helpful to troubleshoot the errors. 1) Novaiépayment method found eirainpeyment methadin vendormasterarinthe noice Payrentmethod has be maintained at etheria ‘vendor master arin the vandorinvoee 2) Company coves 300d not appea in proposal X009K2011 100K, Run dale & Kertfcation) Pete check fyou have any open lms forthe vendor or nofor he date ou are runing proposal. Chak ‘wah FBLIN rept forthe chosen vendor. Tis tellng you that F110 could et nd any records thet meet hose crea, Aes a generie message and the enter canbe because of anyreasons or eombination of mle Arovow oho addonal log should hap you to ently eat reasn fo not selecting a particular inaice. 3) Payment Curency 20% paymentmethedX: Noval payment procedure ‘The paymentprogram coudrol find a combination of payment method andhousebank account wih which he Payment canbe cared out ‘You right have restcted he payments oa particular cureney curences you may have te change curenciosrestctons traqured «4 Acczunt 000900000 (VendorAccourtrumber and Company code) blocked Payment proposal 0002011 YORK (Run Dae 814) ‘once you make a preposal fora vendor, ypu cannot rete another proposal forthe same vendor unless and Luni tston is completed ie. paymantrunis oer Unless payment runis over, vendoris locked for another proposal Option: completo the aro proposal and continue the curent proposal ‘Option2 Dele the earlor propos aang conte the current proposal '5) Mnimum amount has net been reached

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