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Docente: july

6° grado
 We watch a video and listen the name´s family

 Complete
Little Red Riding Hood

¡Bienvenidos! A partir de esta secuencia vamos a explorar el clásico cuento popular Caperucita
Roja, que retorna siempre con cada generación de niñas y niños. Están invitadas e invitados a
escucharlo y leerlo en inglés. Junto a la teacher Andrea, estaremos trabajando y viendo este
cuento, para poder reforzar aquellos temas , vocabulario y tener una mejor comprensión.

Part 1
1. Little Red Riding Hood is a folktale.

What’s a Folktale?

✅ It is a popular story of oral tradition.

✅ The author and origin are anonymous.

✅ The story has different versions.

✅ It is entertaining and It has a moral.

Repasemos las palabras remarcadas en negrita y averigüemos que significan.

Entre todos conversamos acerca de que podrían significar.

¿Alguna vez escuchaste o leíste el cuento to de Caperucita roja en inglés?

Escribimos en letras grandes el nombre del cuento pero…. En inglés

Dibuja a Caperucita

Escribimos mamá en inglés

Ahora la dibujamos

Escribimos el nombre del lobo en inglés

Dibuja al lobo como te lo imaginas

¿Cómo se dice abuelita en inglés? Escribilo.

💡2. Look at the eight illustrations of the story. Describe the scenes. Use the words in the
boxes below.
🔍 Find these elements: Describe what you see:

Little Red Riding Hood

The Wolf

Mother In picture one, there’s …and there’s …

The Woodcutter In picture two, there’s …

The forest In picture three, …

The house

The basket

Entre todos realizamos esta actividad.

📚 3. It’s Story Time! Listen and read.

Audio Little Red Riding Hood


Long, long ago …

In a small house near the forest, there lived a little girl with her mother. Her name was Little
Red Riding Hood.

One day, her mother said:

“Grandma is sick. She’s in bed. Go to her house. In the basket, there’s a bottle of fresh milk,
some bread and some butter for her.”

Little Red Riding Hood immediately set out for grandmother’s house. But in the forest, she
met a hungry Wolf.

“Where are you going?” said the Wolf.

“To see my grandmother,” said innocent Little Red Riding Hood, “she’s sick. I have
some milk, bread and butter for her.”

“Pick some flowers,” said the Wolf. And he ran to grandmother’s house.

The Wolf got to grandmother’s house. He went tap-tap-tap on the door.

“Who is this?” asked Grandma.

“It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood,” said the Wolf, “I have some milk, bread and butter for you.”

“Open the door and come in, my dear,” said Grandma.

The Wolf opened the door and… in an instant, he ate her up!

Then, he got into grandma’s bed to wait for Little Red Riding Hood.

Little Red Riding Hood got to grandmother’s house. She went tap-tap-tap on the door.

“Who is this?” asked the Wolf.

“It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. I have some milk, bread and butter for you.”

“Open the door and come in, my dear,” said the Wolf.

Little Red Riding Hood opened the door and went in.

Little Red Riding Hood was surprised.

Grandma looked so different!

“Granny, what big ears you have!” she said.

“All the better to hear you with!” said the Wolf.

“Granny, what big eyes you have!” she said.

“All the better to see you with!” said the Wolf.

“Granny, what a big nose you have!” she said.

“All the better to smell you with!” said the Wolf.

“Granny, what a big mouth you have!” she said.

“All the better to eat you with!” said the Wolf.

And, in an instant … he ate her up!


The End

💡 4. Circle the answer you think is best. Then, check with your class.

1. This is a funny / scary story.

2. It has a happy / sad ending.

3. Little Red Riding Hood is innocent / alert.

4. The Wolf is funny / ferocious.

✍ 5. Problems in the story. Match questions 1-3 to the answers. Read the extracts with the
relevant information.

1. What’s the problem with Grandma? A hungry Wolf.

2. What’s the problem in the forest? Grandma is so different!

3. What’s the problem at Grandma’s house? She’s sick. She’s in bed.

✍ 6. The Basket. What’s in Little Red’s basket? ✔️ Tick or ❌ cross. Name the elements with the
words in the box.


---------------------------------- --------------------------------------

Flowers – Apples – Some Bread –

❌ There are no … Sandwiches
In the basket
✔️ There is … A bottle of milk – Cupcakes – Some
Butter – Cookies

In the basket, there are no flowers, and there are no ________. There is ________, ________
and ________ .
Part 2

💡 7. Let’s recap. What do you remember about Little Red Riding Hood? Talk to your


Little Red Riding Hood is… intelligent



The Wolf is… friendly


a cave
I remember…
a house
I know…. The story takes place in…
the forest

a castle


This story is… scary


💬 8. At Grandma’s Door. Order the dialogue. In pairs, roleplay the scene.

At Grandma’s Door

“Who is this?”


“Open the door and come in, my dear.”

“It’s me, Little Red Riding Hood. I have some milk, bread and butter for you.”
💡 9. Familiar Place. Unfamiliar visitor. Do you remember these famous lines from the story?
Fill in the blanks to complete them.


Granny, what …………………….. you have!

All the better to hear you with, my dear.

Granny, what …………………….. you have!

All the better to see you with, my dear.

Granny, what ……………………….. you have!

All the better to smell you with, my dear.

Granny, what ………….………….. you have!

All the better to eat you with!
Read the text again. Then, complete the story graphic with the different parts.

The Wolf eats Grandma – The Wolf eats Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood meets the Wolf in the forest – The Wolf gets in Grandma’s bed

The Wolf goes to Grandma’s house – Little Red Riding Hood knocks on Grandma’s door


We use First … Next …Then … After that … Finally … to order a narrative

A different ending. Read and listen to this different ending to the story.

A Woodcutter was around, in the forest.

He spotted the Wolf inside Grandma’s house.

He opened the door and… he split the Wolf open!

Happy Little Red Riding Hood and happy Grandma

sprang out!

The End

Audio different ending to the story

Hansel y Gretel

¿Alguna vez escucharon este cuento?

t’s Story Time!

Hansel and Gretel is the story of two brave children, a candy house and a cruel witch.

Audio Hansel and Gretel:

Part One

Once upon a time, there were two children: a brother and a sister. The boy was
called Hansel and the girl was called Gretel. Hansel and Gretel lived with their father and
their stepmother in a tiny little house in the forest. The family was very, very poor.

One night, Hansel and Gretel were so hungry that they could not go to sleep. They heard
their parents having this conversation:

“We have no more food. Hansel and Gretel are a problem now! They have to go!” said
the stepmother.

“Oh, no! My poor children!” the father replied.

“It’s the only solution!” she said. “Tomorrow, we’ll take the children deep into the
forest and leave them there.”

Gretel started to cry.

“Shhh! Be quiet!” said Hansel. “Don’t worry! I have an idea!”

The next day, their father called: “Children! Let’s go into the forest to cut some wood.”

Hansel took a piece of bread and put it in his pocket. The family walked and walked deep into
the forest. Bit by bit, Hansel dropped a trail of breadcrumbs to mark the way home.

The father stopped and said: “I’ll make a fire. You two wait here! We’ll be back.”

Night came. And they never returned.

“Let’s follow the trail of breadcrumbs,” Hansel said. But there was no trail. The birds of the
forest had eaten every crumb.

Now, Hansel and Gretel were lost in the forest.

Part Two

Three nights and three days went by. Hansel and Gretel were hungry and thirsty and tired.
And just then…

“Hansel! Look!” cried Gretel. “A gingerbread house!”

The windows were made of sugar. The doors were made of chocolate. The roof was made
of cake. In the garden, there were lollipops and candy bars.

“Mmm! Taste the door!” said Hansel.

“Try the window!” said Gretel.

Then, they heard a witch’s voice say:

“Nibble, nibble little mouse.

Who’s that nibbling at my house?”

Hansel and Gretel froze. Then, the witch said: “Come on in, the door’s open. Ha, ha, ha!”

Hansel and Gretel went in. The table was set. They
had milk and pancakes and apples and jam. Just for one night, Hansel and Gretel were happy.
Part Three

The next morning, the witch locked Hansel up in a cage. And she made Gretel a prisoner.

“I’ll cook your brother when he’s fat enough,” she said.

“Oh, no!” cried Gretel.

Every day, the witch checked on Hansel. And every day she said: “You’re too thin!”

But the day came.

“Fat or thin, I’ll eat your brother!” the witch said. “I’ll make a fire to cook him.”

Gretel took the risk and pushed the witch into the fire.

“AHHHHHHHH!” cried the witch. And she was gone!


And she took Hansel quickly out of the cage.

They found the witch’s diamonds, pearls and gold– and they filled their pockets full.

Then, they ran and ran until they got home safe and rich.

The End
Whatch a video about time.

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