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e U.K Concept College

Science and Commerce

Part II Class English Syllabus 2023

You don't have to be great to start But you have to start to be great

Test #NO. Part II Syllabus

Test #01 Lesson Number 1: Mr Chips(01,02),First Year At Harrow ,Idioms(1
TO 15), Preposition (A-B), Corrections(1 To 30)
Essay: Life In A Big City, A Visit To A Historical Place
Test #02 Lesson Number 2: Mr Chips (03,04), Hitch,Hiking Across The
Sahara ,Idioms(16 To 30), Preposition(C-F), Correction(31 To 60)
Essay: My Hobby, My First Day At College
Test #03 Lesson Number 3: Mr Chips (05,06),Sir Alexander
Fleming ,Idioms(31 To 45), Preposition(G-J), Correction(61 To 90)
Essay: Why I Love Pakistan, Allama Iqbal ,Quaid E Azam
Test #04 Lesson Number 4: Mr Chips (07,08),Lious Pasteur , Idioms(46 To
60), Preposition(K-L), Correction(91 To 120)
Essay: Co-Education,Corona
Test #05 Lesson Number 5: Mr Chips (09,10),Mustafa Kamal, Idioms(61 To
75), Preposition(M-N), Correction(121 To 150)
Essay:My Aim In Life,My Last Day At College
Test #06 Lesson Number 6: Mr Chips (10,11), Idioms(76-90), Preposition(P-
R), Correction(151 To 180),Essay: An Accident,Un-Employment
Test #07 1st Half Book
Test #08 Lesson Number 7: Mr Chips (12,13), Idioms(91-115),
Preposition(S-U), Correction(180 To 200),Essay:
Test #09 Lesson Number 8: Mr Chips (14,15), Idioms(116-135),

Principle:Prof# Hamza Jamshaid Khan Contact No#0304-7535602

Preposition(V-W), Correction(200 To 210),Essay: An Ideal Teacher
Test #10 Lesson Number 9+10: Mr Chips (16,17,18), Idioms(91-115),
Preposition(S-U), Correction(151 To 180)
Test #11 Full Book Objective+Grammer
Test #12 2nd HALF BOOK


1. Read
Reading is one of the secret weapons to improve your grammar skills. When you read, you will come across
different grammar rules,

2. Use a grammar manual: 

It is a very useful idea to have a grammar manual nearby that you can consult when writing. This will help
you to quickly refer to it when any grammatical question arises.

3. Write more and quiz yourself:

Just as we discussed how the extensive reading can be an important step to improve your grammar
skills, it will also be essential to simply write more

4. Re-reading aloud:  

After the extensive reading and writing, re-reading your pieces aloud could be a smart way to catch any
major and minor mistakes

5 Consult others and learn from feedback: 

It is always a good idea to ask for help! Many instructors and writing tutors are available on campus and
are glad to help.

Principle:Prof# Hamza Jamshaid Khan Contact No#0304-7535602

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