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ICT 9 (Internal Style Sheets)

(3rd Quarter) - It specifies or defines a style

that can be applied to single
web page.
Q3 - CSS
(Cascading Style Sheets)
- language used for designing
Hypertext Markup Language
(Style sheets)
- is a separate line
of codes containing all
properties and their values
that are used to describe an
HTML document.
(Inline Style Sheets)
HÅKON WIUM LIE - It specifies or defines a style
(Developer) to single element on a web
- In 1994, when the web has been page.
increasingly used as a platform for
electronic publishing, Håkon Wium
lie from the European Organization
for Nuclear Research (CERN) saw
the necessity to develop the old idea
of having a style sheet language for
the web, thus granting web
developers more control over the
design of their websites and
revisions of web browsers to support

(External Style Sheets)

- It specifies or defines a style
that can be applied to
multiple web pages.
(CSS ADVANTAGES): - A property is the aspect of the
selector to style.
● CONSISTENCY, - A value is the chosen value of the
- A consistent style of a website is property.
possible with CSS. One style
can affect multiple web pages on a
website, thus saving us more time in
designing a website

- Style in CSS is accessed only once.
This reduce file transfer size,
resulting in faster loading time of a
web page.

- Web browsers have their own Q3 - L3 Exploring CSS
built-in styles, yet, they are (Color Coding in CSS)
designed to render CSS. CSS
- A color coding system is applied to
increases our website’s adaptability
each part of the CSS codes: blue for
to be viewed by more visitors on
selectors, gray for properties, and
their chosen web browsers.
black for special characters and
- Mobile devices are common
nowadays. With a few codes
using CSS, a website can be viewed
using any preferred devices.
How to save a file:

- A selector is the HTML element that
we want to style.
- A declaration consist of a set of a
property and its value that are
separated by a colon”:”, it
intends with a semicolon “;”.
- Declaration block are enclosed by
curly braces “{ }”.
Organize Files:
- Organizing files can help in
accessing and retrieving files later

- Line continuation is implied inside
parentheses ( ), brackets [ ], and
braces { }.
A = ( 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5)
- In using ( ), [ ], and { }, line
continuation is implied.
color_scheme = [‘red’, ‘blue’,

- Python uses indentation to define a
block of code.
- The amount of indentation, by
default, is four (4) spaces.

- Comments describe what is going on
inside a program. To write a
comment, we use the
hash(#) symbol, three single or
double quotation (‘’’), (“””).

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