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Motion: Technology has brought more good than harm to Mankind.

Team members:

Speaker 1: Speaker 6:
Speaker 2: Speaker 7:
Speaker 3: Speaker 8:
Speaker 4: Speaker 9:
Speaker 5:

Your group’s stand:

Affirmative Negative

Points given by Speakers 1 of each group:

Main point 1: Evidence and explanation:

Main point 2: Evidence and explanation:

Main point 3: Evidence and explanation:

* Both groups now have 4 minutes to discuss how they want to rebut Speakers 1, and who
to rebut which point.

Rebuttal note-taking

Argument 1: How to rebut:

Argument 2: How to rebut:

Argument 3: How to rebut:

Let the Fight begin!

Arguments/reasons from Your rebuttal

Speaker 2: Speaker 2:

Speaker 3: Speaker 3:

Speaker 4: Speaker 4:

Speaker 5: Speaker 5:

Speaker 6: Speaker 6:

Speaker 7: Speaker 7:

Speaker 8: Speaker 8:

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