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 Each team will choose their captain.

 Both teams will first present their claims good for 5 to 6 minutes each then a bell
will ring as an indicator of the time is up.
 Afterwards each group will be given 6 minutes to throw questions to the opposing
team based on the given speech and that also be the time for the speaker to
answer the given question by opposing team.
 The affirmative team will be the first presenter followed by the Negative team.
 Affirmative team defends the motion: burdens of the proof, has to prove all
aspects of the case, and cannot win on the inability of the negative side.
 Negative team argues against the motion: burdens of the rebuttal, must either the
necessity of the affirmative team, and cannot discuss anything affirmative didn’t
 After the debate teams interventions, the Chair opens the floor for Jury
discussion to ask any to the both team for 3 minutes.
 Chair will asks both team captain to briefly sum up his/her main idea
 The debate has three parts;
 Constructive Speech: presentation of each team’s arguments and evidence of
the case.
 Interpellation: opportunity for the opposing debater to ask questions regarding
the speech of the speaker.
 Rebuttal: summary and defense of each team’s arguments and evidence, to
be delivered by the team captain.

Overview of Debate Proceedings

Role Time
Chair announces the debate motion and rules, and 2
calls on the debate teams to present their
One round Question
Affirmative Speeches

Negative Interpellation 5-7

Negative Speech 5-7
Affirmative Interpellation 5-7
After the debate teams interventions, the Chair
opens the floor for Jury discussion. A Jury will be
given a chance to ask question or any comment to 3
the captains of each team for 1 minute.
Chair asks N-Captain to briefly sum up his/her 3
main idea
Chair asks A-Captain to briefly sum up his/her main 3
Balloting & Results
Chair invites the judges to vote for the debate 15
team which has put forth the most convincing
arguments. The vote, collection of paper ballots,
and preparation of the justification will last for
approximately 15 minutes. Then the judges
delivers to the Chair the justification in written.
To conclude the debate, the Chair announces 5
whether the motion is carried (proposers win) or
defeated (opposers win) and reads the Audience’s

Criteria for judging

a) Evidence 25%

b) Delivery 30%

c) Interpellation 30%

d) Rebuttal 15%

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