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The space exploration, one of the most important things of our lives, even if

you don’t care about. So, the space is importsnt to us because is the place
where we live, is almosr infinite, and we don’t know relly something, just
imagine the things out there, all the things that we don’t know, for example
who we are, how we are here, how everithing was created, a lot of questions, a
lot of answers, a lot of misterys, so obiusly, the space exploration is so
important, the idea of living in another planet or discover live in another place,
or travel to another Galaxy, go back in the time, all the posibilities that we can
get are just amazing, and for that i think that is important the space
exploration, and all the cientific industry would be benefit too, because of the
expectations of the people, and that souds amazning, to have more people
interested on cientific stuff, on learn more about space about medicin,
programing, mechatronic, all that, i think that if in the future somebody
discover something so important about the space, like live in other planets, or
crazies things like a Galaxy into another Galaxy and that kind of things, if that
was big, i think that would change the mind of almos everyone of this planet,
and for me thats good.
And this is my ideas about why is important the space exploration and is very
interesnting to study about that, so yes, thats it.

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