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Multichannel Tracking Platform

Developers Guide: Affiliate Reporting API

Purpose: This guide describes the web development required to connect your site and/or reporting
server to the HitPath API in order to retrieve your data for reporting purposes.

An API key is required to connect and retrieve your data. Your key can be obtained by logging into
your administration console. Be sure to protect your key and even change it periodically to ensure its
safety. The issued key will only work on your domain registered with HitPath.

Domain and Script name: Please use the URL found within your interface in the
System>API>Reporting API screen

API Key: Please use the key found within your interface in the System>API>Reporting API screen

Requirements: The following criteria must be met in order to successfully connect to the API.
• API key issued via the HitPath administration console.
• Server capable of server-side scripting such as ASP Classic, C#, Cold Fusion, Java, Perl, PHP or

Requesting Data: When requesting data from the API, you must set the following required GET
parameters. Data can be accessed up to twice every 5 minutes:

• clicks - clicks will give you a report with all recorded clicks. If the click was also a successful
conversion you will see the amount of the conversion in the “amount” field.
• sales - Sales will return only the clicks that generated a sale.

key - Parameter to send API key.

start - Start date for the report. This should be in a standard date format, such as 1/21/2008, 2008-02-02,
or “yesterday”. The start date must be no more than 45 days prior to the current date.

end - End date for the report. This follows the same rules as the start date, and must be greater than or
equal to the start date, but no greater than the current date.
Multichannel Tracking Platform

Developers Guide: Affiliate Reporting API

You may also set the following optional fields

Output format of the reports, which is one of the following:

• csv - comma delimited values

• xml - xml format text file

If the format field is not passed, a default of csv is assumed.

A correctly formatted call should return the following fields:

• campaignid - id of offer the click belongs to

• date - date the click was made
• c1 - c1 data passed in the click
• c2 - c2 data passed in the click
• c3 - c3 data passed in the click
• ip - ip address of client that made the click
• amount – amount of the sale generated for the click, or 0 if no sale was made

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