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JA eflta f

(201) 431-2429


"fhe k.y to Magic is enerQ. BtlBRGY is magic.

file :magician creates a oertain kind ot -.agio around
h1ma,elt using his energ. Be warps apace and time with
hi. energJ". he warps people's perceptiODll. He can ....en
influenoe 50,000 people i t he's good «nougn -- and
it he care. to."
"The magioian simply changes the va7 beings
perceive this energJ to dislooate their energy, to
move them. trom. om plane ot illu8ion to another. FraIL
this point of' view, magic i8 a collective hallucination}
but :frca this a-.e point of view, so is all life. n

The above is quoted tram the book, "7.'.be Hagic
Makers" by David Carrol. The anon,aoua author of the
_alling insight into magic i8 a Jll8.gician.
The energy reterred to is not the energy one gets
trom. tood and oandy. Here we are concerned with the
enerQ of the ether, the pS7che and the magnetic perso-
nality. The magician creates that ener87 by his magic
thought, his dJ1lamic chari8llla and hi. m.aster,. over la1a
Beed the adv1.e. The Kentalist must oapture hi.
audience in the palm. ot hia hand and tl'Bn.port them.
into a difterent plane. Into an enohanted world never
before .een. Into an enraptured dimension ot thought
where the,. remain tor m.any da,.s atter the ahow.


All A.L IllD BlCLUSI11I 1

... LIIlK WI'fB BlERl'IIJ.'Y


IIXldlr&7 up. . the joU'l'JlAt7 ot .,. 111'e. I round

.,-seU with1:D a torre.t clark - " Dante
"!'be aas1eian. I bad 118....1" . . . betore, allk.d . .
to tb1n)= ot aD"1 -:b.r ot .,. t'lIail"1 who ha4 paa••d awa"1 ad.
who .8.1 dear to ... I thought ot' .,. late a1mt Oa:rm.eli ta. !be
magi.i_ then 1;014 a. the dre.. -7 aunt wore the la8t 1;1JIe I
age and then. he told .e her ezao' nam.e. I'
oulous thing I had .....1" vi tne.a.d...
had seen her. Be to14 •• the 0014)1" ot her hair and e7.a and her
the .ost air...

Ifhat 18 what the laq a&14. !bat 1s exaotl"1 what ahe

saw 1n her mind. That wu exaot17 the ett.ct tha't 'the m.ag1c1an
wanted to oreat.l
'1'h.e toUowing 1. a true Ito17.
Tvent,. ,.ears ago, a ,.ouns magic1aD. was entertain1na a
group ot' sp.ctator. at a private part"1. The _gicia:a had taken
with h:1a a knookout .tteot_ to present tor the grand t'inale. h-
ring the ahow tho aagioian pertormed 'Varioua .tandard. et1'eota

ftB ideal situation 0_

noh' as the 4'w1niah1ng cards, a aimple book teat with the 14-
deok. the princel card triok. oherohea la t_,
about toward. the end ot the
program when a lad,. friend ot the :taaU,. o. .e cal.ling unexpect.d
tor a casual Tisit. ':rhe ladJ was inT1ted in and to her pleasure
waa aak.d to b. aeated as a . .gio &how was in progr•••• !he
great .oment arrived as the aagioian addr•••• d the lad, that had
just dropp.d in. "Ba.,.e ,.ou end. I ."'.1" .e'
betor.'" ".0 anaw.rea
the ladJ. "Did ,.ou know that there would be a aagio show here
todq'l" ".0 r" again. "You just cmae b,. to 8&7 hellO, oorr~ot'"
"Oorreot' ".
"Would ,.ou oare to partioipate in a .ost UDusual test'"
"Ye.' n "J1a,. I haYe a sample ot J'our hand writing. Here i . a pad
and penoil. aign ,.our full name." The lad1 oomplied bJ'
.igning her name on tho paper pad. fhe maaician then took up the
pad, studied ,her hsndwrlt1Da and gave tbe ladJ a short grapho-
analysis. '
"Will ,.ou ple..e just think o~ a . . .ber ot "lour 1'BDLi17
who has died and who was ye1"7 dear to 7ou• 1)0 not tell.. the
D8JIiUI but just think iDten1;ly 01' the peraOll. I am. going to put the
lights out and then I will _ove to 'he tar oorner ot the 1'0_.
You will .ee .,. tao. as I will ahine a tlash limt on -"I taoe
and when I do, I want 70U to wri t8 the n-.e ot .~ Aead persOD
on the paper pad and th8n .eal it in this e.n'Vel;,§pe and hold i '

·.. .·ff··
I. LDK WITH JrlBBl'Ul' ••••• OOI'l.

oyer 70" head. I vill thea put the lights on. R

~be masi8ian th8D aSked the lad7 to please oro•• her ~.
He then plac.. the paper pad 1D tront o~ her, the PeDoU to her
right a:A4 the eDvelope to her len. The aag1cian then inatrut.4
the la47 Dot to do -,-thing until to14 to. -1'he Jll&gician then oall-
e4 ~or lights out and then walked back slowl7 toward. the tar
oorner, 1;ook out a pocket naahlight end sbalm it On his taoe.
He then instruoted the la47 to take up the penoil and write the
name o~ the dead peraon, tear ott the aheet and aeal it in 1a10
envelope _41 hold it oTer her head.
the aag1cian a1l1tched ott the pooleet fia.blight and abort-
17 oallea tor lights-on• • r-.1aed in the tar corner ot the
rOaD, about 20 teet away traa the la41 and prooeeded.
RI ha.e an impre.sion that you are th:tDkina ot a t~e,
ia that oorreet'" "leat" replied the lady.
"Please reoall md think ot the dre.a this peraon waa
.earing the last time 70U aaw her. I alao want 70U to pioture in
your mind the oolor o~ her hair and e7.a and her approx1llate ase
when abe 41e4. Yea, ot ooura.r You are th1nk:ing ot Ca:raen Paber.
Who. 'Tou callod Oar..elita."
~e laq lod out a gaap and said "Ye. 'that wa. ' late
and dear almt Cumelita! How JI81"Veloua I flow .1JI}:iL'1 -.rveloua."
The ladJ and the apeetatora "0were at the part7 Fe
atill talking about that one ettec'. he,. have torgotten the di-
mabing carda which .used them grea'17. and the prino.a. oard
'rick and the rest o~ the program. The., ou.l'T rem"or the U'Il-
oanny test of the dead'
In essenoo, the 1I&g1oian GIll., ro...eale4 'he n.... 01' the
dead person. But the laq ola1m.ed that the aasician had de80ri...-
ed her almt tulll, telling the 00101' ot her dress, hair and
e"es plus her age _ !hat is exact1,. the etrect the JDafd,oi. VIID-
tod to oreate aad what he had strived tor. !he aagiclan ereated
that impression bJ' leading the laq along the labyrinth of
thought. "the to~e.t dark. II !he rest ot the audience was ao
impressed b.,. the test that atter a while the'1 also thought the
8 _ _ It the magioian CUl tell the exact name 01' the person he
must also know'J'th:l:ag else•
• 0 one was aware that the sagioi_ alreaq knew the ot the dead person. The . .gieian pretended that he vas tl'J'-
1ng to lea:n. the identity ot the dead person b7 read1ns the ".a-
.r1pt1on ot the persan in the 1a41'. aiDd. The lady assuaed 'bat
a:tter the magician got a full deaoription .t the peraon, he
voU1d then know her exac' 11.. ._. In her m.1Jld, the magioian was
reading thought. ~0IIl her mind alone, vhieh abe had not vitt_
down or told to anrone. It was a airaole and vhe:ll ahe later re-
lated her sto%'7 she said exaot1'1 tha1;.
!be preponderance ot impossibilities that surrounds the
presentation also adds to the legend 01' the sto17_ '!he lad7 had.
Ka!AL-E"fBS '3
.l LID: WI!H JrfBUIft •••••• oQUt•
dropped 1t7 ua.expeoted ad .unvited an4 did not know there waa
a magio ab.ov aD. !he laclJ' and the JUgician were det1Dite11 lDl-
kDown to eaoh other. ~ _gioian w.a 20 teet .way when the la-
d1 wrote the _ _ 4owa. h lad1 held. the written . . . in
an enYelope .....1' her head. 1'he -.agioim bad IlO ex•••• to the
writiDg pa4 ad 41d Dot eYell approach the 1a47.
HMr 41d the 1I&8101an d1Tine the ..... ot the dead pel's an,
The rea4er oan tiDd the .0lutioD to the .,..1;er7 in Paul
Curr'J" a maatertul et.teet oallet lI]fyotalopia n in Jinx #37 _do
alao 111. 4ma••aDD·. Praotical Hental . .t •• ta.
In the presentation abov., the aaaioian asked the 1aq
to tirst sip her naae .tor a .hort handwriting analysia. Aohal-
17 the aagieian wUlted to know it the laclJ was r1ght or lett
handed and if she wrote legibl7. Bence the _gielan knew where
1;0 pla.e the penoU and the _yelope before tbe light. were
turned ot.f.
~ la4,. i. thell told to oroa. her arms and Ilot to do
aJl:Tbhing lm'il to14 to and then the lights were extingui.hed.
POI' the of the test, the rOQll must b. iD total d.arla1e.a.
Aa aoon as the lights are ut1nga.1she4. the . .giol. . exchallge.
the writing pad on the table for a prepared one which he had
hidden 1n his 80at pocket. The prepared pad had an 1aPr•••ian
g:hmD 10k lmder the top abeet with a 20 it. le».gth of blaek thr.a4
attaohed. A. the magician walks backwards to the ta:r- oorner ot
the roc.. he pa,.. out the thread. 'lhen he tUl"lUl 01'1 the pocket
flashlight and instruct. the 1adJ' to piok up the pencil and
write. !he magioi. . k••ps up a line o.t patter '0 impr••• on the
audienoe tha, he i. indeed tar awa7 tram. 'he writing o.t the a ....
t.rhe magiclan then extinguishes the pocket fiaahligb.t and
as .Oall as the lad,- i. finished writ1ng. he inatrue'. her to 1a7
down the penoil and pick up the enY.lop.. '!hi. keeps the 1aq
hands oeoupie4 tor a few acaent. during whioh the ugicia pull.
on the tread and .teal. the impression g1lma1ok. As soon aa the
magician haa the gj_10k in his handa he calla tor l1ght.-OD.
'!he dr-.atio oono1ullion followa.
ifhe LiYing Ulc1 Dead fe.t hall degenerated great1,. with the
7eara. !roda,. 1t ill presented b7 :u.D:1 magiclana 11ke a .impl. oard.
triok. At one time the "L and D ' n was the talk ot the town
and the exclusive property of a few top notch aedium., who pre-
sented the ef.tect like a tull .YeDing dr8ll&. 'lbeae aediuma 414
this teat and 1'1othing e18e. 'rhe,. not oD!,. told the name of the
dead person but alao told the dis.ase wh1eh oaus.d the death and
alao the plac. of death plus n_.a of tl8 r.1a1#ifta.
The Huter "gician. throughout history have oreate"
~aol.a with 11tt1e or BO tatormatian bQt 801.1y by the rare.
ot their personalitie. ADd their OUDDing knOWledge ot 'the huaaa
.... _.t.
CllGLIOSnO (1743-95)
Ia the _oir. ot .000t •••• Mari. Je.... Be•• Du. Barl'7,
'th. taTorlte ot lthIg Louie XY, .e read ot a viait abe hael wiU1
the • •1Ier lIagiol. Gaglio.tro. Ifhe . .gioi. . 0'" _pitioatl.,
ar.l.ed. wi'h .parkl1llg diamond. on hi. . .east and tinser. ma
prio.le.1 sea on the knob ot his val.ltiag atiok. Bis grand e -
"':f7 vi'bh hi. bold, sl••'ng e,... bad von hal.t the battle as the
Count••s r.ali••• 'hat this vas no or~&rJ' oharlatan.
Atter Bohanging pleasentri•• , aglioatro took from. the
breaat pouet of hi. ooat & leather oa.8 'llhioh he handed to ~
(louD:te.s, sa,.iDs that it _.tained a Bagio Jlirror vher.iJl ah.
might read tbe e...e nt. ot the paat and the ra.ture.
"It tbe Tiaion be Dot to ,.our liking, II he rema:rked, !a-
preaaiv.l"., lido .not b18llLe ••• You use 1:he mirror at your OVD
riSk." With these vor•• Oaglioatro had a.wn the seeda at amino. .
thinga to ocae in the mind ot the Oountea•• She openn.d the eaae
and aav a ....talli. glass 1rl an elton,. :rr..e! ornamente. vi th a
Tariet., ot .ag1oal Gharaoter. in gold and a lver."
Cagliostro re.ited .aae oabaliatio .ords, and bade her
gaze intentl,. into the glals. She did 80 an4 in a tev B<IIlenta
vaa overocae with .fright and tainted ava.,. :.tbe Oounteaa reru.aed
to aee Caglioatro again under any oirou.atanoea.
WAat tid ttl» Oount••s ••e in the airror% She did not tell
ua but ve oan Tery aoouratel,. surmi.e. Oaglioatro vaa alva7a
kept up to date on the gossip ot the courts. The COlmt•••
liTed in tear, that is vb7 ahe Conlul.teel vi th magloians. She kn••
her paa' and ooulcl Ter'1 vell 1aagine her tuture. :&:here ru-
mora afloat that the Gounte.1 was guilt7 of trealon. (tor vhiGh
she vas e.xellU'bed. on Deo.. 7, 179.3 ). 'Ihe raaora la d no dought
reaohed her eare. Bid. she .e. the shadow. ot the guillotine in
the 1I1rror as auggested ~ Henr;y R. Bvana the magioal author'
Did Oaglioatl'o plaoe tha shadow. 1I in the airror? Vb;r Dot'
Thi. epilode .&de 0&&1io.tro's f ... grow tast aDd tall
right into the pagea ot historJ' and he did ao1;h1ng aore thaa to
allow the COUlltel8 to arrive at h.r own GoncluslonsJ
CHABLES B. POSTER ( 1 838-88 )

Charles B. POlter, the b1l1et-ldag ot all time., 1Ib.o

traT.led arouncl the wOl'ld and Ito04 betol'e orown heads
with Dothing .or. than a slip at paper .and a pencil, Gould ol'eate
miraole. out ot nothing. A oa.. on reoord 1s the ttme Yhen ~o
7 0uug gentl-..n OUl. into hil den tOI' a read1ng. POlter to14 . .
ot them that a Ip1:l'it had oae in with h1Dl and was DOW standing
by hi. si4e. Poster theA h.ded the lOUDg JIUID a .ard and told
him to read ott the a ... ot the .pirit, letter by letter. tha
l oung man was overwheJae4 a. he started to spell out the a... or
a reoent17 departe. aunt. He was griped with l'_orS8 and oried
protusel'1. Poater then delivered a oamtort1ng melaage traa the
.l LIB WItH lIl'ERl'IIY • • • •• POftD ••••• oca'.
d.part.. am'.
Poater had r ••or'.d to a ve7:!1 aoi..., but praotioa1
a.oret. ID pr••ebriatlaa biblioal 'b1m••• the hiP. pri••ta v...
a •• tal plate on their ch••ta with all1mv . .tal l.tter.. The
'.1tt.r' va8 told to look at the plat. and. that certain lett.ra
vou1d abiDe 011' toapen out wish.a.
Poater aoderD1••d ~ ette.t ~ h ••d1 np
~e 7 0 ung 8~
tlfIIIAID. a oard wJ:doh oontained. all the J.ettor8
not ~0.8s..i17 ta an,. °
the alphab.t,
order. Be waa to14 that the letters
vould 3..-p out at hia. 1I'o,1;el" tid not know iUle n... or the 4ead
aunt bat he let ta1I.e 70uns aD tell it iao la1a_ Such 1s the power
ot augg.stian •• pr.etio.d by the 1aa'8ral

!! COIlllAI'D !D I.WfIB!!S I

!rh.1., etre.t wa. oontribu1;.d 1;0 the _guiD. ---euc"

tor B...._ 1at, 1974. 'fhe .ditor, Baao_ J_e., published 1t
UDAler ~e t1 ~le or "lUnd Clou4 and rer a.. ob.oure reaa.
cU.d not publish the poasible .oluttcm. to it.
:roUoring i ' 1Jhe ,t01"7 in It' a _tire"'" with a sug-
g.,ted ao4u8 operuuU.
!'he atorr Vas tiret prated in the magasine "~lor1na
the UnlmOWll" ter Karoh 1960 in an art10le titled "Jlaa.itorina
the Met aph,.a 1o al " ...,. Walter .Gra", program direotor tor 181'.
eO&8t-1;o-oo&lt ~'or_·
!'he . .1;iole .0......
1D......t1gatlona ot the tl,tns ..... P
. . ._en1;, the p,,.ahi••• feter Burkos" .to. A. parapoaph wh101t.
must b. ot k.en inter••t to all would-be Heutaliat. or
ehi••• •8 tollow.:
"It CI'l• • •1'. b.d oard manipulator tr1.. to pro.... u
hal BSP b7 the ten or 41am.onda on . ., I pub110lJ .t.te
:bernitA that I will not be re.pon8ible ror 87J:1 8D.8uing

P1g_ 1
ahov1Dg . . .
About 4000 ft.
~o COMKAJID TD.....,. • • •• eant.

... ".a" atat.d P.ter lfmtk.1I had impr••••

cl h1a
and tarthar .tat.d, "So tid :0... Rolt Al.xander "he .to04 in
trcmt ot a lug. poup ot p.opl. on the root ot a 1I18a1 bu1l.-
1D& and ask.d . . ·.0 poiDt out a olou4 - 8IQ' 010u4 in the b1u.,
blue Flori4a aJq. 011 ho elif'terat oooaa.iQD.8 he ocme entrat.d
on the subject oloud ad 1t eli••o1....d. -one or the cloud. ar0UD4
1t di••ol•• 4, bu. -- 0014so1ler -- I .av tho•• tvo oloucla 41s-
.01..... "
It the r.afler 1. o.....r • •is with 1;he rudiJllent. of' . .t.o-
1'0108'1 h. o. get .cae go04 01... to the solutlan ot the lIJ'.t.-
'J!I7 trc:a iUle a'bo.... .ta....nt. Hr. HoOr.w .ta1;ed that he had poiD-
ted to a olou in the nltlua, blue Florida '*7." .
t'be .....1.... alQ"n tell. us that 1t vas done during tail' .ea-
ther. .&ad Florida bapp... to be the ideal plac. tor such a te.t.
Dr. AJ.ex8D4er oould ne....r duplioat. the a_e test ••01' Cb.1oago
.. .ew York, tor ex_ple. 4u. to the aultiple and varying heat
.ouro•• vh1eh oreat. a ebaoti. oloud layer OTer the city.
!la "010u4 te.t" oan onl,. be dono in the t.-p.rate lati-
tude. and under oertain weather oond!tions. It must be a windles.
da,., wa:rm and ot noraal hUlll141t'1. 'l!hese oonditions produo. the
.maJl puttJ oloud that re...bla. a ~t ot ootton. T.he•• clou48
are call.d tair-veather oloud. b;r seaman aDd nyers. '!he latin
naae tor .uoh a oloud is ne1aUlua hlm.11i." .e. »'il.1.
!hese amall olouds are the ...i.ibla top ot a, ri.1as
air eurrenta. A. air 1. heated OYer the hot earth, it expan4a . .
tand. to l"is. in eollmlla as though tbrou&h invi.ibl. ob!1IIDe,.••
As the air laiDa altitude 1t oools ott until it reaoh•• the 1.....1
ot cODdeaaat1on, where the in...i.ibl. water ...apor present in t_
rising ail' beo. .s risible as .loud tora. ~ oloud r ..... ln • al-
lI.O.t statioD8l"1 in the wiDelle.. nltlue, blue" skY aDd r-.a1na 1D
sight OIl top ot the th.eraal untIl the .ourc. or heat stopa 01'
change.. This aouro. ot heat oan b. duplioated b;r artiticial
aean.. S.e ot the olouds a SIIl&11 01ty are that va'1.
A turnao. in a bu11cl1Dg, tor uaaple, oan be uaed to produoe a
oloud b;r directing the heat upwards I When the heat is shut ott
the artitioial oloud d1sappea~•• !be ps,.Ohie oan toroe the ~o10.
of a .10ud or he oan 81"rBJI.Se to ha.... a n1aber or art1tioial olouds
up in the &1r s:D.d then ••oret1,. signal to his as.istant. whiob
heat souroe 'bo shut of't. See note. on page 25.
The p.ychio anat be a good alQ' vatoher and 1mst al80 'be an
. .atev weather man. !'be ouaulus h~li cloud rOrDlS ear17 in
the da,. and uaua1l,. grove larger and 8.et1m.e. turns into a th'aD.-
40rhead. So the , ••t auat be done owm l n gl'1, usually in the sor-
ning hour••

m itl"
..Boldn•••," Goethe aoted, "has geniua, pover and -li-
!IBO!-PBI1I'.r8 I

- ot- -
!his 1. a . .tho4 g.tt1D& idle drop 0Jl . . .an.'.
1;hougbta while .tating 1D. the _d.41. ot a ro. or on the .treet.
the !apr•••ion p_j ok about to b.
d.esorilte4 work. alao.t autcaatioallJ.
l:.ade4 to oonstruot the Si.'0k
are 2 pen.D:J' . .15oh boxe. made ot oarCoarA.
'ae the drawer tram. one 'bax aDd.
oonstruot a "tlap" 11ke the ODe a.en 111
fig. 2. One -.4 ot the d1'awer is retained
with the bott<a attache". It i . then out Pig. 2
to wedge ahape as shown.
The "tlap" i'a then 0.ente4 to
the drawer tram. the .eoond box. The whole
&ss_bl., 1s seen in Pig• .3 (with . .saage).
To the bott_ ot the tlap, o_ _t
a p1ece ot wb!te paper. ~ white paper
w111~ak:a the oeben !apre.aion tram. the
To prepare the oover, it must b.
unglued and all the e8.J'00ar4 f"rca the iDai.e
1. removed trOlA eD8 .1de 01' i;he cover
leaving onl7 the thin out aide pap.r. &em_t
a pleoe et carbon paper to the 1Dsida of"
the cover and then r.-l1ue the oover aa it
vaa bal'ore.
tull ot JIlatohe. md oloe.d
the oover and -.t ot e1ght.
Ba:,.. tha papal' .atoh 'box
that the -flap - ~ tuoked ·1I1t.
!he .pa.tator is given a piece 01' paper and the _toh
box to write an. Atter the question 1. wrltten, .pactator 1a to14
to told the ........ wb11e the pertoraer take. back the bax of
_tchea. The pertoNer _ke. sur. that the g1Dmdok ls at the
right end as a.en 111 Pia• .3. He holds the ...toh box an the pallll
01' hia hand and pulls out the drawer vith his right hand
(all this ls aa8Ulll1Dg the pertoser Is rlght handed). The draver
1e openned wide eaough to take out Q11e aatoh but alao vida enough
that the nap anap. out. dOVDwarda aga1D.a the lett pala.
Ifhe flap 1. not 1D e1ght. Row after the .ate is 'Uen.
out ot the box, the box ls .los.d and the tlap au",caaticall., sta.,.
on the outside aga1Jaat the bott_ ot the box.
'!Jae pertormer "urns the aa.toh'box on it' . . .d to strike
the "'toh to bUJ:llJl. the pap.r with the . .ssage. As he strikes the
aatoh ihe .. ssaa wil). b. gpo,.d to h1:m tor read1ng f
~wa,.s use blaH pencil-carbon paper and a ahort hard.


Thi. 1. the 14eaJ. te.t to do ro.. the pers_ that

inslst. that the pertoraer aust Dot to\1. the _ s.......paper.
WFlICTa .a. ap.ctator w.r1te. hia 1;11ought. on a _all
soratoh pad .... then t\U"ll. the pad up.ide flown OIl hi. paJa.
!'h. perroraer wi theu'b toaohms the pad
41 Yine. the _hough'b.
PBBPARATIOB's .a. ••ratoh pad 2JI 'bJ' JJJ inobe. ls pre-
pared'" pl...1Dg a pi•• e or oubon paper, oarbcm .1de clowD.
UDder 1;11e aeeond aheet ~ the pact aDd o~ted to it.
ft.Ie pad. eD1,. aonta1D.. theae two lSheeta •
... pleo. ot vh1te paper mal1er 1;han 1;11e
pad, about 2 bJ .3 inches, whiob haa a Da]l
piece ot raaor blade . . .ented to an. encl, 1.
Dext placeel under the oeboa pap.r 1n the pa4.
OD. the .....ok: outboard ot the pa4,
draw a aztJ'stal ball OIl a stand .0 that the 'ball
ls tawards the 100•• edges ot the aheats, a.
shown in Pig. 4.
You will &1.0 Deed oi'bher a sooret&r7
t,-pe billtolc1 or a 1user paper pad wi1m a
strip ot aagnetic tape osm~t.4 to the outs1c1e
as 8hoWll in PiS. S b,. the bl*ok pointed abape. Pia. 4.
WOlUCIlfG: Atter the apeotator hu written his worela
tell him to tlU'll the pad over end-tor-end.
Be will then be looking at the pioture ot the
o17st&1 ball on the baok ot the pad aDd the
100.e end. ot the pad will be pointing out,
ava,. trca him..
The pe:rtormer than in.truct. the apeota-
tor to gue at the OZ',7'stal ball end iaagine
that he •••• hi. wor48 in the ball.
Atte.. a rew "8Ilta the pertora.r
take. hi. wallet md oovers the orJ'sta! ball
and t.l1s the speotator to stop oonoentratiRs
tor a b1t. During thi. JUIleuver the pertoraer
11tts the vallet at hi. end a bit. !'hi. oauses PiS. S
the 100s. paper with tJiae pieoe of razor 'blade
to be attl'ao'ed to the wallet, lltt1ng the baok oover
ot the pafl with 1t tuat high 8Il0ugh tor the pertorsaer t • tinger
tlp. to sliele the 100•• paper with the impr•• sion out ab1t and
attaohes it to the _gne' on the wallet.
!he pertoraer then just takes the wall.t awq. opell8 it
to make notes atter having palae. the 100.. paper with the
.es.age. !he re.t i • • aatt6r ot presentation.
"'~I An e.xaa1ne4 spoon 1s pla•• el on the table. The
ps,.ohio rubs it abit and is seen 'to benet cea-,. by itseltl
You do not have to be another 817d1ni to work
this efrect but 70U witl
ha.e 'to praotice plent,.
betore a three-vay mirror.
MmHOD: !he g1mm.1.k that
makel 1 t appear that tho
spoon bent .ilibl,.
and by itselt 11 the ~
miok used in "!.he Solid Ghost." Pig. 6
It the reader doel not
own II~ Solid Ghost" by Diok Van B~er and Sam Hughes, he
Ihould get one. 'rhe "OhOlt" is inexpenl1ve selling tor about
$2.00. It il unoann,.. '!'he visible mov_ent of something \1I1der
the hankerohiet awes eTeryone who has ••er witnessed the etteot.
'rhe gimmiok is a short pieoe or rubber tubing, about
3 inchel by 3/8 inoh outside diameter. whioh is sewn into t;ho
hem ot a hankerehiet.
POl" the presentation you vill need two spoon8, although
only one i8 seen b7 the audienoe. One or the spoonl il unpre-
pared. 'rhe seoond Ipoon is bent al in Fig. 6.
You will also need a table mat or thick table oloth
and the prepared hankerehiet with the "gimmick."
'rhe bent spoon is palmed in the r1ght hand in the
8Ule position as shown in Pig. 6 • 'the end ot the handle itA"
is anchored into the f'lesh of' the palm at the base of' the
thuab. 'lb.e tip of' the~ddle tinger is curled arounet the bend.
or the Ipoon at "sn. ,he hankerchiet i8 in 10ur coat's breast
pocket. ~e ettect is worked while sitting at a table.
'rhe PRESENTATION : The straight spoon (unprepared)
1s passed out tor examim tion. It is found to be quite soli4.
While the SPOCb. is being examined, billings out the
hankerchief' with his left hand and shows it on both sidel. The
hankeroMet is Ipread out on the table by the edge on the per-' 8 side and the tar oorners are folded back to the mid-
dle. The taro corner with the gimmick is then tuoked under the
hankerehier, but not activated, and at the same ttBe t;he palmed
spoon is secretly left under the .ankerchiet.
Take back the straight spoon with your right hand
and pretend to place it under the hankerohier, but actually
drop it on your lap, and take the gimmick and bend it and hold
it down with your left hand over the hankerchier. Make s CDe
strokes over the gimmick and pass out the suggeltion that the
spoon will be seen bending by itselt atter you remove your
hands~ Step back and let the 'spirits manitest l • Atter the

...... Oall'. • ••
Ii_10k .tand. up .~a1gb.t, giving the impression that the
.poon i. beDding, puJ.1 back on the hBDkerohiet to topple the
s'mm1ok and oaaplete the illusion. When the hanker.biet 1.
reao... the 1:tent .poon will be in sight f
J. double ootton hankerehiet shouJ.d be uaed. When told.
iDs the hankerohiet, to14 it into a tent-like bundle.
Sussestion and the eerie aov_ent under the hanker-
chi.t will mak. the illusion p.rtect.


An impressi.e .tunt to p.rt01"lll 'atter the dessert'
il the hand1ing ot live tir. with ;your bare hands. With juat
a little preparation, the magioian oan create a seDaation.
- Beeded. i. a lIDlall ballot oottOll. or ootton awa_, the
~t1Pe used b,. ladie. tor oosmetics. Carr7 one ot thea. 'ba11a
in a small tin 80 that it will relain round. When reaq to
pertora, brag out the ootton ball and place it on a dinner
plate. Add halt a teaspoon ot water to the plate and then
sprinkle the ball with lighter tluid. ~ese preparatioDa
should be done .eoretl,. without much tuss.
Strike a match and light the ootton ball. 1'he t l _
will be quite high and impressive. Now you oan piok up the ball
wi th the thlDl.b and first tinger ot your right hand and plaoe
the burning ball in 70ur lett palm. The burning ball is held
in the lett palm tor just a second or two and then it is trana-
terred to the right palm and baok again to the lett Palm. Laat,
piok up the still burning ball and place it in your mouth where
it is extinguished when 70U olose your mouthl
Tba small _ount 01' water that ia absorbed by the oot-
ton ball assista 70U in retarding the heat so that the ball
can be held a bit longer on your palm than or41na:r'1.
~ water and the naptha (oil) behave in the aame man-
ner that the)" alwa7s do. The water sta1's on the bottom and
the oil remaina over it.
When 1'OU awallow the burning cotton ball, you ot
course tilt 70ur head baak like all good tire-eatera.
Beware, tire is a dangeroua thing. It can ruin an
expansive table-oloth or it oan burn the house down so donlt
drop the ball. Practice plenty betore attempting to preaent
any type ot tire magic. Practice will tell )"OU just how lang
you can hold the burning ball in your palm oomtortabl)" and
will tell you just how much water and lighter nui.' to-ua••
Before pioking up the burning ball with the tips
ot your tingers, wet )"our tinger tips in lOur mouth and then
pick up the ball b,. taking 1t at the bottom where the water

Bl'PBGr: 'lhre. diglt••••retl,. ohosen b,. a sp••tator are

added to ~.. 41g1ts abosen b7 the ••ntalist.
'lb.• •entali.t 40e. not know the three diglts moaen
b1 the speotator and he does not know the tinal
....el', ,.et the performer d!.,.1nes both nUlllbersl

Wles tvo paper pad.
a. shown in Pig.?
Speotator 18 giV*D
a choioe at either pat -
OR 1» ia hmded OIle
at the pads, preteI'.
abl,. pad "B •
speotator is told to .eeretl)' oirole an7 thre. dig!ts
together. Pertormer also olroles thr.e diglts on the other
pad and oal18 out his diglts. Spectator i. told to add the
three diglt. oalled to hl. ohosen thr.e diglt8. Speotator
1. then iJultructed to add two zeroes to the anawer to make
a larger number ot tlve or .ix dlg11;s. Pinal17 the speotator
i. instructed to .ubtraot the tirat three digits ot the
answer fram the tinal nuaber. .
IlAMPLB: 6~ -- speotatorts nuaber
012 -- pertormer's number
66600 -- two zeroes added
-...2.2i --
ainu t'1rat three diglts
o~ -- t1Bal aDswer
!he tinal answer ls a predlctable .erles ot diglt8. ~
third nuaber ls alwafs a "9". Tl» tlrst dig! t ot the aDsver
will tell the mentalist what numbers were Chosen b7 the spe.-
tator. ~o get the tirst digit, tell the apectator to give 70u
the total o't the tlrst and third diglts, which in this cue
is "1$" (6 +9). 1$ - 9 = 6 (the t'irst diglt).
The .eoond digit is alwa7s one le.s than the firat.
The tirst and the fourth digita are camplementa ot 9.
The seoond and firth digits are oamp1_ents o't 9.
In the above example, where the spectator geta the "B" pad,
the performer a1wa78 circles the sma. three diglt8, ·012."
The spectator atter addlng the two nuabera alwa,.s ends up
wi th three all-alike dlglts 1ik. 11666 II.
All the per't01"ll1er has to know to dvl1ne the tinal answer is
one ot the digits other than the 9. To get the first digit
per'tormer proceeds as already stated or resorts to pencil
reading or puaping, center tear, etc.


'!be entlre aaneu.,..r as aho1m in the exBIIP1. ls that tJae

speotator has multlplied three all-alike diglts b1 991
'l'h.r. are 0Il1,.
nine possible answers as .tollows s
111 X 99 • 10989
222 X 99 • 21918 ODc. the pertormer mo"s
333 X 99 • 32967 the tirst dlg1t he wl11 also
444 X 99 • 4,39$6 mow the tour1;h digit.
SSS X 99 • 54945 !he seoond 41g1t ls one
666 X 99 • 6$934 than the tlrat and one. the
111 X 99 • 1692) s.oond 41g1t ls known 1 t wUl
888 X 99 • 87912 also t.ll what the last digit
999 X 99 • 98901 ls.

SeoODd example: The spectator gets pad "An and clrole. the
diglts "678
678 -- speotator's number
+ ii -- Pertormer l • DUll.ber (alwa,.. the s .... )

88800 -- two ••roes added

-~ -- minu. tirst thr•• 41gits
879f2 tinal answer
BOTHe 1be mawer 18 alwAJS in ti.,.e diglts. but in the patter
perfor.aer refers to tlve or six digit. a. mi8direotion.
Perto~r alwaY8 circle. the thr.e lowest digits on
his pad. "012" or "210."

'lhe tinal answer has great possibi1itle. tor IIhOloDUD-

ship sinoe ,.ou already know one ot the dlg1ta, the "9". B.r
d.1Tining the tirst 41g1t, pert"o1"ller om tell the spectator
what hi8 orlginal three 41g1ts vere. In the seoon4 example
the tirst 41g1t 18 n8" .0
the performer knows that the three
ohosen digits were "678" sinoe the speotator got pad "A" wlth
the 41gits in sequence. Wlth pad "B" the ehoaen nUlllbers would
be "876" wlth the "8" as the tlrst dlgit.
!!!! CJlftBR lJBAR OOftllQY1@8Y

!b8 to11ov1Dg 0011eot.4 note. on the history ot the

aenter-tear etteet 11111 1atrocluo. tho reader to one ot the ta-
yor1te passt1ae. ot the author, whioh 1. tJ'71Ds
the or1gtD ot the .tte.t.
:tathc:. out

it .0.. Katl J'a1Y•• remark.d to me IlIton't be surpri.ed Al,

4&1 w. tind o..t that the ChIn•• e were ahg the ••nter
te81' prineipl. in 1000 B.C.11t
"Who.. :lDgen1o'U 'brain it was that de...ise4 the st.,al-
ing ot t:u ••nter portlO1l ot a told.d . . . .age slip in the aot
ot t.aring 1 t to pl••••, 1. Dot mom and. pltobahl,. n.....r will
be moa. It . . . . to be certain that . .Gila. and pro-
t •• aional aindrea4era u••• this .ubtle proce4ure long betore it
b.oame known t. -r1oians. Th•••cret vaa r.Yealed to the edi-
tor of a magic pub 1e.t1au b'J Sun.h1J:Le, the w.ll kDo1Gl aentall.t.
It has .inoe be.cae ....:1d817 known "onsat magioiana and the .e-
eret baa been publiah.4 in .....eral popular aagazines and even
aam. n.wspaperl. a Quoted tram Al Baker'. book, ~ntal Mag1o."
!he above atat...nt 1s about aa olos., as one can get
to the true taota, lrut the oontrovers7 do•• not atop there. WisA
that 1t did. Th. .ditor ot a magio pUbJ,,1oation It. _.tion&d. abo.,..
vas no doubt ~.d. ADD. .-nn and hi. JiDX..

J .9. '!heapson. Jr.

writtns in ROent.r.aental R
" . (AzmeWJl1lD) tid introduo. it to the wor14 ot _gio
in Augu.t ot 1932 when Pl07ed 1f'h.a7.r pub11... . . (.enter-tea-)
prinoiple aa a ''friok ot the Month Olub' 1t_, but h. gave ore-
d1t tor 1 t 's in...ent1on to 1'heodore H. A:rnold ot -ev York (J!t7. n
Then in ret.rring to Hartin Sunshin... J.G.T. Jr. state.
II __ he 018ar11 the da:r 'wa,. baok in tb! thirtle...
when he V88 tOling with a pi.,oe ot ne.spaper and gra.duall,. re-
ducing 1t to bits in an absent minded tashion. 11 - - ItThen 0 . . .
the dawning and the tora oenter princ1ple was born in the mind
ot Hutin Sunahin•• n
I ha.... un4erlined the word. aback in ~. thlrties a be-
oause these are 1neongruo'WI to the h1s'to1"7 ot the,
as will be pointed out later.
J .G. '!hampson, Jr. further sta.ted that Slmabine had
told him that he had revealtct the s.oret to '!heodors H. Arnold
And Stm..b1m surmisect that Arnold told the seoret to ADn_amn.
Ted Arnold va. a close triend to Annemaan and John
Borthern Hilliard. Arnold lett his magio t1"1mk to Dai Vernon
when he died in Sept. 17, 1936 aooording to taLe magic mags. See
JiDX #49 and So and the Sphinx tor Oot. 1938.
KBI1'.rAL-.arT. 14
!HE C-.rBB ttlWl COftROVERSY •••• eon'.
Sid LoPain,

'(;0 th• . - J 7 ofArm.a.

I:a the . . . J:lDz tor P.b. 1966" Vol. I f #46, an arti.1.
b7 Le.ll. Ha., .!aila- taot. a.
alreaq atate•• file .41'15.:., Bill !lads. . iat.rj.o". by wen'l-ins
• he 1"•••1....4 haa 8i4 Lera.1D. elat.d 11/2/64.
In the 1.t'.r S14 s'a'.a, "I 1".811'1 :u (CD_aDD)
vas the t1rst to publish the t center t and I alao b.lie.... he
tirat heard .t 1t t'JIiam a. • although he DeT.r mentioned. 1t 1D.
print. It vas pya to ae b7 a .'udellt in Cmbridge in 1928 -
whil. I va. riait1lla lfDgland - I ••nt it 1D a to tam Bow-
JeZ", ~•• ADD_Nlft . .4 J•• Or.tte - It " . IIJ .tudent b _ vhca I
obtain.d it bad. 1881"11e4 ot it bca a ohap in .piri.
s.a.....tisatiOD8 and the s1;udent aek.d a. it I had .....r h.ard of
1t D.rOr•• "
Another ot Si4 Lorain. t a vu ••nt1one4 in
Hasiok b7 Ba.o_ JOIl•• (Oo't. 18. 1974). Jon•• atat., a. toll... ,
uPrta Sid Lorain. 0011• • this int.resting bit ot .41t-
r1ria OODO.rDing the origin ot the o.nt.r n
"Lorain. Dot•• that an Amerioan ""'ui Garrus, • ,t;u-
dent at a..bridg. UDi...ersit" tir.t show.d it to him, identit7-
inS it as a .ed1U1l' 8 mo.... that h. had learned in I'lorida."
"In 1928, Loraine wrote ot hi. Cambridg....isl t and
"8crib.d the .enter tear in letter. to T.d Ann.lm and Joe
"In 'heir reapOIlce both. reported th• ., had not pr....io_-
1,. it. Atmeawm iater wrote it up, while ()Yett. so14
'the lecret."
Betor. goiDS 8DJ furth.r let a. .tate here that it 1.
quit. sate 1;0 as$,.e that It a . .dl,. knew ot the center teu- 1D
Pl.rida in 1928. it was ala. known in VulUnpon D.O. _4 in the
.ev York Oi ty ar.. ,.ear. betore that aiDoe tbe DC ar... has alW&7.
~eeD the oenter ot 'he .pirituali.tio .o.,.-.ent.


In 1923, Joseph Dwmina.r ad Jo.eph RinD. were appo1D.ted.

to 'tl:1e pI70hie eOlllllitte. or the ...gasin. 'Science an4 In...e ntl_."
That waa a tormidabl. .cab1D.ation. 'ftw S.lenoe and In....ntian _ I $1000- to anl pa.,oh1o 'that oould proTe hi. claiaa b'1 pro-
d110inS ph_omena that oould not be expos.d or duplloa't.d by B1:aa
and Dwm1.nael". RiDa was' 80 sure ot their advaDtag. tbe . .-
dium.8 that he acl4ad $10,000 ot hia own aonel to the etter. Th.
otter appear.d on the tront page ot Soieno. and Invention tor
August 1923.
The r.ward waa n • .,.er oolleoted and only ~allenge4
tvio. but i't proT.4 that t;h••• two .en 1mev just abeut e....!7-
thinS there was to know about aed1um.'. tricks plua man,. ot their
01111. See "60 Years ot ralohioal Be••aroh II 'D7 BUm.
1IIftAL-:lTT~ 1$
'lBB C.-rER TIWl COnROYBRIy •••• oant.
DUB.mGS •••
Dunning.r oaD~ibute4 an e~~eot to ~. JiDE, 0&11e4
"The Seeret." It vas a vorking ot the oenter-tear prineip1.
using ~lallh pap.r ad vas publish.d 1n Jinx #74 tor Jan. 6,
1940. The effeot is good but aore tnter.sting weI'. Danninser'.
oamments and's Dotes vhioh are the aoat revealing bi'
o~ historioal data oonnecte4 with the eenter-tear,
To open the effeot, DuDnins-r states, While this
.~tect haa b• • sold under difterent names and oredited. to as
!Il&DJ' clitterent p.ople, DO eme as 7et baa published. the preSeD-
tation whieh I tirst uae4 oyer 2$ yeare asa."
fida would plao. the oenter- e81' aethocl in the hands
ot Dunnincer in 191$1 At that tlae Dtum1 ns er had been. per~or­
~g on Itag. tor 6 years. Be vas 23 7ears or ag. and tast ~.­
.omm1ng a oelebrit7.
In the artiol., Azm.eJUDD statesl "Baok ill Jinz
1 used this prinoiple (th. oenter-tear) v1~ a tOrA out pieo. ot
nevapaper. Previous 'to that, I aupplied ~8.J'er's '.friok of the
Month Olub with the etfect as e.entually II&de quite popular b7
Mogul. Prenous to that Jo. o.ette sold it in a slight17 tit-
terent torm .1a the . .s. route. Previous to that Jle.:rtin S1U18h1De
quent '0 allot the altoYe that he had 1'am.t
I am beoaa1ng a magical agnost1c."
used it in private readings. AD4 Martin Sunan1ne told . . aubse-
:rca D,mp1Pllrl
Strange that AIm. .erm ad4ed that last senilaoe about
being aD agnosti•• We haYe DO idea what he . . ant bY' that.
On Jan. 25, 1975, a month and a halt betore Joe
Dunninger died, 1 .1s1ted his haae. He was vel'7 111. 1 just aak.t
him one questieD about the t1Jlle that Rina and. him weI'. oha-
llenging the aed!" through the S.ienoe and In'YeDtiOll aag. 1a
1923 md whether the,. knew ot the oenter-tear . .thod then. He
answered, "Yes, ot .ours., ••er7boq knew 1'.· And he t'urth.r
said that he diet Dot know who inYented it ad thought that D.O-
bod:1 knows. What Jae meant by 'e'Vel'1boq' knowing the,
he meant the oirole ot .ediums and aagioiana who were investiga-
ting the . .di,...

1 was well satistied with DuDDinger's abo.e state-
aents, but .ho:rtl~ atter Joe die4, (1 was b,. his deathbed when
he died at 12:30 H&reh 9, 1975, oftioial iliae) I wrote a lett.r
to Hartin Sunshine who lives in Three Lakes, Wisconsin.
lIP. SUIlahine anawered in a letter dated Ha7 26,
1975. In it he said that, "1 41soovered this (the oenter-tear)
around. 1920, when 1 atartect to do a s800nd aight aot.
... Sunshin. alao stated that he had mown the
aetho4 to .1•• Dmm1nserll
HEftAL-E'!. 16
~BJI CDTER ~BAR OOI'1'ROYERSY • •• 8lJJ1SHID ••• oem_.
I • •,. & •• ooad l.tter to JIr. 8• •ldn. ca JIq...31,
where Atm..'.
1975 askin. h1a about 'he Ar.m.,nn atat_a' 1D the 11Dz #74
atat.4 tJu.t 8ululb 1 ne had to14 him that ha
louneet .t ~ ••D:~.r-te_ hc:a Dunninger.
I .0001.".d BO rep17 to -r .eoond letter.
Let tha roa4er r.ach )d. Ovll oonolusion.. P•••.mal7
I o... itler Jo••ph lunnhls.r to b. the earlieat per.OIl an written
recor. oama••te4 witb. the ....ter-tear "'hod. I 'belie.,.. that
.&DDe..- vas .on•• t m hia .tat_D.t in J1mt #14.

!,g ada DY. ...CKI=T...ER

... XftBOD
Or.cU:1; 10.. AIm......
te. ~.. 'Ming the ~1r.t ,.
publi.h a SUUI ~oar oeDtell' "'hod. '.4 publiahed his method . .
~e heat page ot la1. J1Ja: 14 ~or Jaa. 1935 1 '!itl••, "The ",t.r
.~ the ••• as....
All»... atato" tlu.t tale o~t••t "VILe" em. h1lIl whU. a vudahiDS oom aoyo vith Xu Bold_. In 1ahe ••ia
act'1'., vhlola v•• a ~aYorit. with Bov.41D.i, a oom :I.. wrapped 1JI.
pap.r an4 pa•••" uoun4 to .e.,..ral .po.tator. to fo.l the ooiD
throUSh the paper. !'he a8ioi8J1 then make. t:lle ooiD tissap.ul
Aotual11, the la.' sp••tator, a oantederate, .teal. tha .0iD
before handing the pap.r back to tha aasio:l.m•
.lnD_IDD thought of 40mg the _.. tIh1D.g with a fold-
od bill.1;. ~ .••,re' •••• ag. ia pas•• d aroUlld tor yarioua per-
aons to r.a4. '!'h. la.t p.rson, a oonfederate, the . .sa.p
aDd theD. tola ~. pap.r iD r.verao lea."ias the writiDg on tJae
outaide. The performer onl7 •••• part ot the m.ssag., but enoup

a.. ".81'
of it to get ~. 11.1; of 1t.
Ia 1962, U. F. Grant put ou1; an ett.c' oalled "n•• n
b7 Jack Xetoh. It was ad:~ertis.d aa -'rh. a.D.ter :Method
and the gr-eate.' •••aase r.acling ••thod ever oono.ive4. n .uthoup
no ore41t was p.,,_ to A1me1laDD., the method was the 8 . . .
that the oenter of the billet was tolde. to tor.- a .quare. that
i., all the four ai4.s ot the pap.r folded tewarda th. iliA.
41. ·l.a't'1D& the .... age OD the inaide in the aqU8.1'. ot the told.
behind Ai. baU:. lb. -aioian alllp17 1'..... 1'...
In the pre.entation, tho to14.' billet is handed to the _g101an
the told so tlaat
the •••• ag. will uow b. OD. tho baok-outside ot tha told. !h•
. .a.age 1. &1l11p.. wh. the .apoian br1ng. his hand torward t.
burn the billet, ato. Th. ae1;hod i8 good provld.ed the sp••1;.tor
tolda the .....S• •lip corr.ot17.
In'1970 &,d Ber.soa put out a variation ua1:n&
a folded oard.
AlmlJII.&Im'. 14.. of uaiDg a .ant.clerat. i8 1;he ol.m-
.at sinoe the .peo1;ator. m&7 .~8e what is happening behind
the .agiolan' a baok. Aa.oth.r .1• • •ethod i. to do the e~t.ot
CBfta::·.fJWI JlB'!H01)8 17
!!I 1DIS_ !M!
A . .thod ot •• or.t17 teariDg 'h. oen••r portion or
a 1011& bl11.' wl'hout .h. au41eDoe 'being avare ot it w.. tir.t
iDtrocta.o.4 iD 19S2_ b7 R_ Bailli. in hi. boek1et oalle4 ItllD1_
....r.aJ. JI1D4.· BOD .all.4 hi8 priDoiple "'lise leere' aeater-tear. II
.A.1 Xer... iapro....d the .treois __ eloiDS it •••haD. .d.
A1 )topa ••i4 he 1.arDea. tho . .thod while watohing a 70\1111 ]a d7
tearmg tn.writer ribbon in a 1".otoP7.
Por 'he pr.sea'a1;lca. a pi... ot paper 2 b7 6 inoh••
i. used tor the ....ap vhich i. written on the oenter ot the
.11p. the pap.p i. to14e4 QUoe the lODI vq aDd tvi.e the othep
va,. 1;0 aake • tolded billet 1/2 b7 3 1:Deh.. long. !he billet 1.
t1tOIl held in l5he rlsht han4 pm.heel b."een the th\1llb an4 rirat
t1D.ger. The a1ddle 11114 r1ng finger pinoh the bott. . ot the bU.
let which oontains the IIld the ringer. ee owle4 18. '150-
varda the palJa. The moTe, vith praotioe, &utOlll&t10al17 tear.
the oenter portion or the billet, 7et ~ top or ~e bill.t r.-
.aiDa 1D .1gbt ad appeara \II1ohmaed.
It 1. be.t to use paper that teara ea8i17, l1ke the
tty leaTea or 8D old. book. Arter aeae praotioe the aethod. em
be uled with almost my paper. Al Korm lal. that the t1P.vri-
tel' ribbon vu hard to tear eTOIl with ,lJo1ih lumda, but practice
had thaught the 70-g la41 to tear It with oae ha:D.d.

'ULBD ~ !2.ll HlSaAGD

In 1949 70ur author d1•• oTerect the "-ins pOI.ibi-
liti.a .t the oSDter-tear prinoiple a:tter reading Aan..-nn t •
J11IZ. '-he 41 ••oTe17 let to . . . pipe dre_ _hioh pa,.e4 art.
Pirl', I 4eoiete4 that insteacl ot botheriDs to tear
eaoh individual billet, I vould go the iDTentor. aDe better b7
tear1Ds thr.e billet. a1; the . _ 1;1me thereb,. ·.teali:a.gthree
.enter por1;i.. at • •e. lII:oept tor the tuabling iavolTed 1D
1~n1DI up the billet• •,., the idea wal lood.
A tault that I totmd was ot haYing to untold. 1a1e
eenter., aneak1:as a gliap.e iD order to read ainda. So I ue4
a ane-lIMad 171t-. vh10h worked sreat. A .&rd vaa torced. on a
th1.rd. .peo1;ator m4 a e,.e was kept OIl ldl billet md lett to
the la.t. Another billet was pioked up and placed to 'be t . .ple.
and. the toroe oard oalled. TheD the billet waa tore up aDd the
oenter portioD atolen. The reat vaa ea.,. as it vaa dane an. ahea••
The last billet Gould be diviDed without touching it or atter
burn1n& it.
a, rar 1Ihe b••t Idea vaa a ecabiDation er the
oenter-tear with sealed .es.age.. The .pe.tator vas told to
aeal hie leoret . .alag. 1I1to a mall envelope whioh vaa just
large enough to aoomaodate the billet. Botioe vaa taken in vhioh
va,. the tolded eorner vent in to mov what part of the torn
envelope to ateal.
What apeotator in hie right Jlind. vill iaag1D.o that
'tae pOPtoraer e_ rea4 aiD.da UDder tho•• eondit1ana. Dian't he
aeal the . .8eaSe b1:IIlI.ltf
Ca'I. TBlR JUr.rHODS •• •• • ....

'is. 8 aIlcnq the felda4 ltUlet eateriq

a '1DJ' eDv.lop. jut; 'biS eD.o. ,. &I._oute
the billet. .... Bhea, t5h1 to14.4 ooaer, whi_
.ontaiDa the oeater portion, ul1UJ.l,. i. iD.e:ftte.
tirat. lJ.'he speotater then •• al. the envelope.
Pert~r hi. I.'baliati. pa8sl. oYer tme
III.velope.. tears i ' mel ateal. the lover :r-igb.tJ
hand oornel' piece ot the envelope. the other
pleoe8 arl 'bur.ae4 aDd . . . pertoDae:r- pioks up a
alate ad .iv1D.e. the though". %he oenter pie.e
i. opeDJ1ld behiD.d the .1ate.

PellowiDI "e
.ut are difteran' m.d ha
"'0 ter-tear . .thou
Mver appe~d 1n
priD:~ to the a_thor I I mewlaelse.
file paper aed il yeFJ' large Ic.pare" to
th. uaual biUet. fle. 9 repr.aent. a --pap.r
abe.t trOlll a dealt paA that . .aaV.a S b7 8
fJle .....ut1 ot thi• •ethod i. that the
ha.... ---
paper "e. not to be pr••told.... ~ .....
tator writ•• two que.tiODl on the . . . sheet
and then tolda thi paper ha.elt'.
Another "-iDa t.ature ia that the apectator Pig. 9
om. vrite acae lensthJ' qu.tiona .. the tvo pieoo.
that will be atolen . .uve 2 'b7 3 in......
~. pap.r aus' b. prepar.d l:t7 draviDS lin•• an it for t1w

quation. as ahown in the fipr.. ~ bott. 1m. ter qu••tion

!be top lin. ot the #I que.tioD 1. about 1.

i. about ODe 1Doh tram the bottca of the aheot. 1'be other 3
lm.s o"'er i'ls are cIr.1IIl about 1/2 1noh .part.
tub. tr_ the
top at the ahe.t . .4 the other liBea are again 112 1noh apart.
The apaoea abo.... an. bew.en the que.tiona are t11lecl with
the pertera.r'. a4 .peot.tJGr's D8JIIes, birth4ate, 4ate, eto.
!.be PBBSEftATIOB: .speotator i. tolel to write two qUlti.a
OIl the .paoea. When thialae" he is told to to14 the p.per 1n halt.
H. ia told t~ told it a I.eand aDd third tt.e. AmaaiDgl7 ~ ape.-
t.tor will ""OIJl&tilal1,. told the paper as n.ede4. Be 1. nezt
tJold to 1D.1t1al thl tolcled pap.r twice, en .aoh side. Speotator
18 the told to the billet wi i;h his baa.. on top of the
taD1•• PortolSer plao•• his had. 0 ....1' all and ro01te. acae .a-
bali.ti. worda. ~ to1ded billot is th.n tOr.D to piloe.. aDd
burned in an aloohol bowl. 'lbe pertorBler baa .tolen the lentIl'
or to1ded oomer whioh will ••li",er iJlto his handa l!2th que8t1tp I
!he 'tee' i. dOllI in exaot taah10n aa t;he Ol'igjDal
o_ter.tear math04. !'h. tolde. corner 1. .tolen by' pulliDI it
balk with tme tJmab and palaing it.
cmr.rBIR--TBAR lIB'tBODS ••••• et.
m fR.,OLOGY 2!. D;tOllDUS
Wi~ ~. aet1l.od.,_ the priYat. r.ader ... \1I'1.told . .
• _ire prop. . .r ...... rw ~ litter .inoe he will ha.... u-
•••• , . row q• •'iOl:Ltl. Belldo. tile .ethod, t;h. perrOl'ller rill
ne.d a 10116 line or salt.
Be.i401 que.tione, other data
oan be written .uoh all word.., D_es, de-
.ignl, 0 • •
Pla. 10 lIhow. • ....t or papor S b7 8
iDohe. Iquare •• 1n "he pr.Yious
A. pr1Jle requi.l'. 111 both erfe.t. 1s that
the pap.r 1. eas7 to '.ar. So the kind ot
paper should. b. ohosen oarefU117 and then
pr.p~ed or prm"oct with the liDe. as De."d.
.a.u. thilll .rteet the pie... or paper that
will b. atolen are a bit _aller, aeasUJ'iDg 1. P1S. 10
'b7 2 mohe•• Draw
the liDa. 1D. a. ahevll 'bo 1'•••1•• rov qIleatiODI 1"1--. cm.. Ipe.-
tator er tram t01ff1!' cl1ttertl' 10V••S.
!h. .peotator 1. then "old , . told the paper tour t18e.. !h•
• •e routine i. t_D u.ed •• 111 (Jeae1'. ".8agel. ~e porto1Wer
will enel up with tour pieoe. ot paper and the questions.

Ifh.e lott t1_s ot an aloohol til'. intrigue
andenohant the .itt.r.
!rhe privat. r.a4er mould. alwa7S 4.
the rire rltual vitil the or
any billat ette.t. The •••••1 us.d ror
bu.rn1D.g. the pap.r. IIh ould. b. a t.ep m4
high 8.1"rangeaeDt· 80 that the burning p.-
per. arenlt ••eD. !J:II road.r .ust trea'
the .esse1 with lome .abalistio aeaa1Dg
tor the entertataaent ot the .itter.
1'h. • ••••1 should be aa OrDa te or
r.ligious oup like the . .e IlIhown her••
'!'he paper. are allowed to bUJ'n tor 1'1
to ga.e at Uhe tl.... .. .aa.
about one JII1.nut. and. the apeotator il told
peraona oan .e.
g. 11
thought-t01'JU IDd ••'ul 18ag.a. While the s'itt.r 115 taus
diltraoted, the reader aecret17 opeDS up the stolen pieees ot
papers behind a .late aa he al.o pretends 'be read the llame••
A very 1aportant requiait. 1. that Uhe '~.tic Chali•• '
1IWI't be aade ot ir_ or .t••1 or ~ . .tal 1;hat will Dot eraok
wi th ee tir.. 0Dl7 a 811&11 _CUDt of 81091101 i8 plaoed. in the
oup. ·0 put the tire 08 the oup 18 co.ere4 w1th a tablet or
CBl'.rBR-'EAB Mlr!HODS •••••••t.
At . . ~ ot the 'eI1tUPJ', when a1D.treaf1iD& aota .ere
eYerJWher en Yauderi1le, an aot appeared. wlaare tho ,_atione
aoaled tn eDTe1ope. were burned as \he., were 0.11eot.41
!be elye10pea .ere Deyer touohod b'1 UlJ'ODO ox.ept the
writer ot ~ quostional (apparentl,.)I
Sounds tneredible' It looks inoredible also I
A pair ot tonga vaa aod to oollect \he onyelopos. '1'he
tanga with the envelope or envelope. was then dipped into a tire
bowl. '!he eDTelope. were aeen b,. oTeryone as the., burned. 'l'hen
'he operator would drop the envelope into the f'ire bowl, and
take another GD8, eto.
tho gJ,.1ok was a ap.oiall,. prepared. tire bowl. It had
iNa o-.partment•• One oompartm.ent was largo and oontained aleah.l.
mu. other oontainer was empt'1 and had a epring trap-door that
8WUDg down to open md • •pped . .ok to olose.
!'he envolopee were .otuall,. in flsme. when ahown. TU.,
.ere dipped into the aloohol with the aid ot the tonga and then
ahown all around to aehall,. be in f l. .ea. Actually it was onl.,
the aloohol which was in tlames. ~n the envelope was dropped.
into tbe d.P'1 oompartment.. the were extinguished when the
trapdoor snapped shut.
This routine oan onl,. be done tor the theatre mindreading
act, where the questions are tirst 0011ected to be answered later
by the mindreader. an. ot the asaistants eventua11., atole the
.ecret compartment with the unburned envelopea trom. the tire
bowll Ver,. 810ver, we l'IlUBt admit. One can well imagine the re-
action ot the wise onea. ~ envelopes could eYen be initialed
or signe4 ao that there is no ohanoe ot a switch I
Wha' in hell haa thia to do with the oenter-teart wen _

In the 19SO'. Jia Herpiok, who was working tor Lou TeDD_
oame out with his Mental 1'ong•• 'fhe tonga had two BJU.11 diska,
the aize at U.S. dtae. on the java. A tolded billet with a secrot
.essage was handled with the tonga an4 burne" The center POl'-
tioD which wa~ between the diaks. at oours., did not burn and
ends up secretl'1 in the performer's hands.
The apparatus is great tor use in private readinga aa
aore than one billet oan be handled at one time.
Then there is the ator., ot the _iDtlreading aot where
the sealed queationa are De"'er touoJ1ed b7 haan handa. In this
caae the .tBdreader ia a ohimpana.e!
lIY2.HI9. !lPBA9I.
fide OOD.O• •'. 'Uut aaIIV.riDg .r d1tt101ll1t. qu.••tl-..
bJ' '&;he privat. r er. .
A 1847 tor a p.yohio read1n&. 8M i. 8 "al
Batat. &8mt. She va.ts t •••n a 4l4OO,OOO hoa. so .he em g.t
1me hett)' ooadeat.. &be 1. in d.••t and . . . ot her deDts wiU
'be. . . ctu .ooa. She . . .4. th• •.-la.lon 1;0 paJ' ott her d.......
Bel" qu.tl_ 1.: WheawUl I ••n the house?
The read.r oa. Dot . .weI" that q. . . tiOD .stal,. so he
r ••ort. , . t;Jae 'pqeh1. t.edba_.' Be 1et. ,he .1...ter anavar her
own questiaal !he .itter 1. an experien.ed real .atata agent.
an. knovs her ohancea ot ••1lmg the hou•••
'.fbi an.wer to her qv..stton i . lodaed in her
.ubOOllsoi01l8 aincl. S • 'he rea4.r tak.. out
hi. suboan.iou. probe 'tIhioJ:a. Is tM .pendul.... '
~'h. pend:ulUlll i . aoth1n& aore thaa
a pie.. ot strtDg wlth a small welSht. !k•
• itter 1. &'lvan the pea4ul_ to hold with tM
...lp. .r her thlab ana tir.t tillger ot her
rlght band end 4angJ... it over a board wh1eh X
haa a oirol. and a oroa. en it.
Plg. 12 allows an elaboration ot the Plg 12
board to b. -used with the perulul.... '!he 1»oar4 •
:1s made with a pieoe ot 7 b7 9 1Deh &1't board. A oirol. 8Ild or.s.
ia drawn on :1t and th.n "00rate4 8.S shown with gr.eD., red mel
b1aolr: oolors. !he board oan then be laminated It d••irad.
!he penduJ.1a 0821 als. b. ti.d to the end ot a lone
pencil and the .peotator ia told to hold the other enel ot the
pencll,. while he reat. his elbow on the table.
The pendulum. i. now aaked question auch as, aVl11 the
hou.a be sold thia ,.ear, o:,p aonthZ"T.bI apectator is told that it
the pendulua swings back and torth in a straifht line 11; aeUUl -,..a"
end it 1 t swings in a 01ro1a i1; me8l1s ".0 I aad it tbe p_4u-
lum. 40es not awing at al1 it meana uncertain',..
the answers that the pendulla giv•••e . unC8DD7 _4
UDbe11evable but it workl.
The peD.dulUII. can al80 be used a. a lie detector. A
aitter is told, tor eX~le, that h. aust look out tor en. .ie••
Be denies that he has enemi.. end 11kewis. 4emes .verJ'thing ell.
that the read.r t.lls hia. Chances are he is jut being ....asiva.
So he is given the pendulUlll test which brings out the tru1;h trom.
his au_c_oious mindl b11t nut t1me 'You haTe a difficult sitter.
The 'oaoult board' mown in the 1'ig.12 oan be .labo-
rated by giving it eabalistic meanings. The author a s:1m.1-
lation ot the AZTEC Oalender.
b 'pendultml' has 1JDl1m1t.d mel proto1D1d poasibi1i-
ties. A oareful stu'" of it' s II1steri.a ia recOllDllencled. Ormencl
MeGill's "Pl1chic Magie" vol. 6 sold by Abbott has an excellent
chapter on the pendulum. Another 1004 chap1;er on the pendulua 1.
tD W.ltsenhotte:,pla General TeohD1qu•• ot BJpnotls~.

David P. Abbott tira' introduoed the 'bottl.d apirita-

in hia excellent book, "Beh1D.d the Scenes with 'the . .41__ • n
.,. n • • siven to the .tteot lt7 the mediUll vaa" .... "atie
Order 01' the Sw1Dg1Dg Pen4uluaa, or Hint
OTer .tter."
!be etteot OaR ~. dane a. a proot
or the aecl1UDl' a ps,.oh10 power or tha
bottle oan be used to anawer qu••t1.oas
in the a _ 1'aahie a s. the 'p.nduJ.,.,
in Ps,.ohic Pee4baok.
Here the .tte.t ia eT.n aore
unoaxm,.. Several hottl.s, about 7, are
.hOWD to the sitter. Eaoh bottle is
nUDlber.d b,. a paper label tr_ 1 to 7.
The aitter is asked to ohoo.6 any ODe.
The Chosen bottle i8 plac.4 4ir.otl,.
in tront of the aitt.r and the res' 01'
the bottl.. are lett on the table
~eh1nd t~ ohosen one.
hile the masioi8 • tepa baok
so a. not to touch the tabl., h. 1na-
1;ructs the .itter to pla•• his tinger Pig. 1)
tips on the edge 01' the table direotl,. in
tront 01' him and to concentrate to
make the suspended weight move in oiroles.
Aaazingl,. only the chosen bottle will show any movement, the
rest 01' the weights in the other bottles will reaain aotionl.ssl
One prime requiaite ia that the 8itter muat look and
ooncenpate 0Dl,. on the V6ight in tbe chosen bottle.
THE SlIJRRr 1s 'tha' eaoh weigh1; has a ditterent 1"h7th-.
beeause eaoh atring ls 01' clitterent lengl;hl
TO PRBPARB 'lHE BOT'fLIS, get a'bout 7 bottles allot the
.... sl.e, pretenabl,. the 28 oun.. soda kind. Suspend a. .
tishline welghts on stringe 1'1"_ the stopper corks md make sure
that each string ls 01' ditterent length. Atter that seal the oorks
with red sealing wa: and label the bottles with nlaber••
The sp.ctator deee not hav. to make any conscious ettort
to aove the weight. 'lb.e whole th1D.g happen. due to ,s7cho-aotor
action, unoansoious rel.a.ed d.•• irea, what••er that means.
The pa,.ch!o oan claim. 'lihe aotion .a proot 01' his powella.
HiJ34 oTer matter, eto.
Persona that haTe never been exposed to this kind o~ u.-
g10 are odD1plet.~,. battled 'bJ' the results including some ma-
sioiana! file .trec' i. great tOil the reader.

'!his etteot appeve" in 8_ hlal' s "1If8Il1." I _ 1D-

olu4iD.g here because it i. a , _ that shou14 not 1..,. doraan1J.
file teature. ot the te.t' aPe JI&1Q' and .urpa.s all
other billet 'est.. It i. a .ethod ot av1toh1Dg a number .t the
ape.tator'a billet. tor a .et ot dwaaJ billets right under their
noses and apparentl,. with ,.our Itare hand. and without the . .eel
tor nitohiDg-envelopes or other simmioks. But vhat i. even
more 8111&zing is that the billet. are apparentl,. in .ight at all
tiae. betore the e7e. ot the audienoe who .ee the billets later
'1'he Bliraole gimlliok is a
teke palll as shown in Pig. 14.
The teke i8 maele tram pla:r1ns oarel
stook out to si.. and then painted
nosh .olor. Use ODe or two red!"> Pig. 14
baok oards oemented together and PALM PEKE OlJTLIlfB
then painted. You Will &L•• ~eed Aa~AL SIZE
and aloohol fire bowl. plue a slat..
and ohalk.
WORXDlG: To prepare take 3 or 4
dumm,. billet. and pla.e th.. in
,"our lett palJil and oover th_ with
the teke palm.
Atter the spectators tin-
iah writing the,. are told to :f'old
the billet. (8D.JWa,. the,. 'Want to)
and to place them in ,.our right pala.
Here the mentalist oxtenda hia right
hand to receive the billets. Rentalist
oCllDDlents that he at no tim.e atares at
the billets and keeps his e,.es away
rrta thea. He just needs to touoh the
billets to get sam. vibs.
As SOOD as the 3 or 4 billet.
are oollected per:f'ormer plaoes his lett
pa1B over the right and pretends to be setting
same vibs and in the act transters the teke palJa
Pig 1 ~~

so that it eovera the real billets and grips the

toke palm with his right palm to buokl,e it downwards.
The trick is' nov done I When the aentalist removes his
lett hand. the audience oan see that it is .apt,. as the
.ontalist places his lett hand to his teaple palm aut and tells
the audience to please ooncentrate in their questicms. I:f' the
audl,enoe looks at the mentalist's right hand they will see the
hand as in .1g.1> 'rhe mentalist keeps the palm ot the hand
tacing up and the lett edge ot his tingers 1;owards the aUdienoe.
W'ha1; the audienoe 8ee is what looks like th.eir billets sticking
up tall and beautiful. ~e mentalist then approaches the tire
bowl and turns his hand 80 that the back or the 1'ingers are now
towards the audienoe and duaps the billets into the tire I

,HE PB.ARA.OH t S PALM •••• cont •

~e pertormer .impl,. tUJ.'J1. his baDd pala down and the
billets nutter oYer the tire b_l. !'he han4 ie held abo..t 10
inobe. OYer the bowl. It b,. chaDc. ODe ., two billet. tall out-
aide the bowl 10 muoh the better. beoause the whole thing looks
aost aatural. ~be pertor.aer ~ pieka up the billets that tell
bowl. .ext;
out aide the 'bolll, nth his right hand md drops them into the
the pertermer plok. up hia ala.e and OODDenoes to get
tmpre••ian. fr.. the tl..... ~ right hand loea behind the 11ate
and drops the palm' and the atolen billets. opeDl OIle an4
camaencel to read minds.
The alate l'ec<'llMl1ded here 18 the t7Pe whioh haa a -.all
ledge t. hold ehalk. To oonstruot ODe, a1:Japl,. take 8DJ' alate anel
oeaent a pie.e ot oh8lU1e1ecl l""'e1" t. . e ot the lons tr... alde.
'lhil ls ahcnm i.a. Plg. 16. !he slate .enea tllO pu:roposea. One la
to hold the ehalk and also to preTeDt aIl7 slips from. dropping
to the noor.
It the ia surrounded
or i t the angle. are not appropriate
then he om res.rt to the writing tablet
shown in fig. 17. Th1a tJ'Pe ot tablet ~
was very popular vlth Dmm.1nger. T'he s.
are sold in statl0n&r7 stores. ~.,. are
a box-11ke thing that se. to b. -.4.
apeolall,. tor mentallst.. The side. hid.
the actlon ot the hands and the stolen
billet.. P1g. 16
BOfB. 'he uaaber ot billet. used 1s up to
~ pe!'.tormer. 'lh.e more billets that are used
the better the etteot looka. 10 billets OaD
.87:7 eas11y be ...,lto11ed whioh ia 8I1ough tor
an entire eVening show.
As the oolle.ta the billet.
in his rlght hand he squares thea. When he has
oolleoted about 10 billeta he aske. the sntch.
ar oour•• f he also has 10 4uaay billet. UDder
the telee 1D. his lett hand. When the .wit~ ia
aade the pertoraer open. hia right hand and I'ig. 17
it looks exaot17 aa betore except that now
he doe. not haYe to keep the billets squared.
The r1ght hand looks oTertlowmg with billeta aD4 smoe a08t or
the aUdience doe. no. know just exaot17"how ~ billet. were
oollae~~~! the performer ean throw in a nuaber ot teke answera
which wiJ.J. aupply a tew laugha and s<ae drUl8.t10 aomenta. What
more oaa a mindreader ask tort
The tire bowl oan be dispenoed with by amply colleot..
1I1g a basket .tull ot billets and then dipp1l1g your right haD4
into the basket to get the teel ot it .ad make the 8witohllrrf!
a usw

1'0 OOKKAND THE ELliXaTSz Although there -''1 be other solu-
tions to the problem ot dispersing clouda. a laser beam for
example, the'1 40 not ••• praotical. Dr. tlolf Alexander W8.8
appointed to the board ot the BBLK RESEAOIl FOUBDA'fIOB ot
Hew York Oi',. tor the investigation otBSP on the strength
ot his 810u4 abilities.
THE CEN'rER ,BAR COB'l'RAVERSY: It eny reader has 8J17i;hing to
add to the tacta aa stated, please forward s8Ile , . Al Mann
!kcluaiYa. aa the'1 wUl be greatly appreoiated and due ore-
dit will be 8iven.
THE ClMTER TEAR: Instruotions toro the center-tear principle
are not detal1ed slnoe it ls aasuaed that the reader i8 well
acquainted with it. The oenter-tear .0'1'•• have been published
In aeveral books. Oorinda's "!h1rt.en Steps to Mentali." haa
a tull description ot the principle.
TYPH01JlS TONGS: 2h.ia remarkable aethod baa great possibilities
tor sensatlonal.publioit,.. The spectators oan write and .eal
their questions at heme and bring them to the theatre.
THE PHABAOH'S PALM, A olever bit is to write take questions
an the dummy billets. ~err billet has the same question. .s
the tire bowl 1s approached and the dummy billets are dropped
into it, one question is allowed to tall to the floor where
it l"eJlBins. For a finale, call attention to the billet on
the floor and have same spectator pick it up and read it to
himself. Mentalist divines the question without approaching
the spectator I
DINNER TABLE YOGAz Pleas8 do not swallow the cotton ball but
just pretend to do so. The ball is removed when J'ou wipe 'four
mouth with a hankerehie!.
A LINK WITH ETERHITYz Insist in total darkness. Same other-
wise fine effeots have been marred by light filtering fram
an outside source. Lower the shades and remove the light
bUlbs it neoe8s&r"f to prevent anyone trom turning on the
lights preaaturely.
SU8PDDED ABIMATION: Use a ama11 oard table for this expe-

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