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                                                   Reading Comprehension Grade 2 

The Fight at Recess 1. What do Ken and Karen both want to play with?

  A. Legos
At recess on a rainy day, the teacher told each B. blocks
student select a toy to play with. Then she stepped C. a ball
out of the room for a moment. Jean chose Legos. Bill      
and Mark played with blocks. Ann and Rachel 2. Why did all the other students forget what they were
wanted to color. Ken and Karen both wanted to going to do?
play ball.
“I want the ball!” Ken said. “Give it to me!” _____________________________________________________
“I had the ball first,” Karen said.
Ken and Karen fought over the ball. Ken got _____________________________________________________
angry. Karen got angry. Soon the other students had
forgotten what they were going to do. Everyone
was watching Ken and Karen fight. The teacher 3. Why did the teacher run back into the room?
heard the noise and ran back into the room.
“What is going on?” she asked. _____________________________________________________
Mark explained about the fight.
“There is no need to fight,” the teacher said. She _____________________________________________________
took the ball away from the struggling children. “This
toy should not even be here. This is not an inside 4. How did the teacher solve the problem?
Then the problem was solved, because no one _____________________________________________________
got to play with the ball!
“We should not have had a fight,” _____________________________________________________
Ken told Karen. “Then we would be
able to play with the ball!”


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