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Computer Study Guide (3rd Quarter)

What it CSS?
 CSS (Cascading Style Sheets): stylesheet language used to describe the presentation
of a document written in HTML.
Why it CSS' important in creating a website?
 CSS makes the front-end of a website shine and it creates a great user experience. It
controls all design related aspects of website, such as background, color, border,
margin, padding, height, width.
What are the CSS Elements?
- Colors
- Backgrounds
- Borders
- Margins
- Padding
- Height Width
What are the CSS positions?
- Position: Static
- Position: Relative
- Position: Fixed
- Position: Absolute
- Position (extra): Sticky
What are the CSS Forms?
- Styling Input Field
- Padded Input
- Bordered Input
- Colored Input
- Focus Input
Explain your thought, is CSS complicated to learn?
 In my opinion I think CSS is not that hard to learn, since I’ve already learned about
HTML. But I also think that it’s because I haven’t go to higher grade or became an
expert yet, so that’s why it seems not that hard to me.

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