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Engr. Faryal Baloch
Department of Software Engineering
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CSS – Introduction
❑ CSS:
- CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets.
- Cascading refers to the procedure that determines which style will apply to a certain
section, if you have more than one style rule. In other words, it refers to the way CSS
applies one style on top of another.
- Style how you want a certain part of your page to look. You can set things like color,
margins, font, etc. for things like tables, paragraphs, and headings.
- Sheets are like templates, or a set of rules, for determining how the webpage will look.
- It is one of three cornerstones of web along with HTML and JavaScript.
- CSS and HTML work hand in hand:
- What to Display? HTML sorts out the page structure.
- How To display? CSS defines how HTML elements are displayed.
Why to Use CSS?...
❑ CSS: Allows you to separate Style from Content
Why to Use CSS?...
❑ CSS: Allows you to apply specific styles to specific HTML elements.


Physical layout Web page



Applying a single style sheet to multiple documents
Applying multiple style sheets to a single document
Why to Use CSS?...
❑ Further Advantages:
- Faster download times: Reduction of file size is about 50% less
than a Web page built with traditional Web design methods.
- Shorter development time: Easily tweak the design of a
thousand-page site with just a few edits of one CSS file
- Greater control over the typography in a Web page: CSS's ability
to control typography better
- Better control over the placement of elements in Web page
CSS Syntax…
❑ Style rule has 3 parts:
- Selector; is an HTML tag at which style will be applied; this could be any tag like <h1> or
<table> etc.
- Property; is a type of attribute of HTML tag; put simply, all the HTML attributes are converted
into CSS properties. They could be color or border etc.
- Value; are assigned to properties; for example, color property can have value either red or
#F1F1F1 etc.

- Notice that declaration block contains one or more properties/declarations, separated by

- Each declaration includes a property name and a value, separated by a colon.
CSS Syntax…
- Multiple words; If the value has multiple words, put the value in quotes

-p {font-family: “sans serif”}

Apply this style to all p

Paragraph element of
element used in this
CSS Syntax…
- Multiple Properties; CSS also allow us the opportunity to define multiple properties within a
single selector.
- In this example, we are defining the text alignment and color properties in the same paragraph
<p> selector.
- When we have multiple properties in the same selector, they must be separated by a

-p { text-align: left; color: red }

Use semicolon for multiple

CSS Syntax…
- Multiple Properties; To make properties more readable, put each on a separate line.
CSS Syntax…
- Grouping Selectors; Selectors can be grouped so that a common property can be specified

h1, h2, h3, h4

font-family: Arial;
color: yellow

<h1> This is a level 1 heading </h1>

<h2> This is a level 2 heading </h2>
CSS Syntax…
- Descendants; Selectors can be descendants.

p b { color: yellow }

Only those <b> element would be

yellow that are within a <p>

<p><b> This would be yellow </b></p>

<b>This would not be yellow</b>
<p>Not this either</p>
CSS Syntax…
- Inheritance; Inheritance refers to the way properties flow through the page. A child element
will usually take on the characteristics of the parent element unless otherwise defined.
CSS Syntax…
- CSS Comments; You can insert comments to help you describe the
- Comments open with /* and are closed with */

/* This is a comment */
P { color: red;
/* This is another comment */
Font-family: veranda }
Types of CSS...
❑ Type defines the way we insert style sheet
- INLINE CSS: With an inline style, a unique style is applied to a single element.
- In order to use an inline style, add the style attribute to the relevant tag.
- The example below shows how to create a paragraph with a gray background and white text:

- This method is discouraged, because it makes maintenance of code a nightmare

- Looses the advantage of using CSS
Types of CSS...
- Internal styles are defined within the <style> element, inside the head section of an HTML page.
- Perhaps best used when a single page requires a unique style sheet
- This method should also be used sparingly, because it also makes the styles hard to maintain across
multiple pages to keep your site consistent.
Types of CSS...
- With this method, all styling rules are contained in a single text file, which is saved with the .css
- This CSS file is then referenced in the HTML using the <link> tag. The <link> element goes inside the
head section.
- This will keep your code in one place, and allows you to reuse your CSS, so you don't have duplicate
code all over your pages.
CSS Rules Overriding
❑ Applying MULTIPLE style scheets:
- You can use multiple sheets to define the style of your document
- However, when using two style sheets within the same page, internal style sheet
always takes precedence over external style sheet.
- Means any rule defined within <style>...</style> tags will override rules defined in
any external style sheet file.
- In General, cascade is just like waterfall meaning styles are applied from top to
bottom and bottom one will always override the previous one
- Therefore, always remember the ordering in which you want to apply the styles and
import sheets
- Good practice to have internal styles after global styles because internal styles are
more specific to single page and external usually apply to multiple pages

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