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COM Nama :
TAHUN PELAJARAN 2021/2022 No. Absen :
Mata : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : 2 (Dua) Nilai :
Waktu : 90 menit
Tanggal :

I. Answer the following question with the correct answer!

1. “Keluarga” in english language is…

A. Family
B. Parents
C. Children
D. Granparents

2. “Saudaraperempuan” in english language is…

A. Uncle
B. Mother
C. Sister
D. Aunt

3. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Eating together
B. Mutual assistance
C. Study together
D. Waching a movie

4. “Friend”in Indonesianlanguage is…

A. Teman
B. Berteman
C. Bersahabat
D. Sahabat

5. Edo and Udinare playing marbles. The picture showsa playing marblesis …




6. Dayu like playing the kite. Kitein Indonesian language is…

A. Kelereng
B. Bola
C. Layanglayang
D. Sepeda

7. Lani and Dayuare playing swing together. The picture shows a playing swing is…





8. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Study together
B. Playing together
C. Fight with friends
D. Dancing together

9. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Playing football
B. Study together
C. Class picket
D. Rested under a shady tree

10. Look at the picture!

Beni and friends are team working to cleaning the school environment.
The Picture that shows cleaning the school environment is…





11. Living in harmony at society.

Society in Indonesian language is…
A. Masyarakat
B. Keluarga
C. Teman
D. Sekolah
12. Look the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Make road repairs together
B. Conference
C. Help the parents
D. Mutual cooperation

13. “Mengunjungi” in english language is…

A. Help
B. Society
C. Environment
D. Visit

14. “Environment” in ndonesianlanguage is…

A. Membantu
B. Lingkungan
C. Sosial
D. Mengunjungi

15. Look at the picture!

What is the activity in the picture?

A. Conference
B. Mutual cooperation
C. Help the parents
D. Visit the sick person

II. Answer the following question!

1. d–t–u–S–y
2. g–e–T–o–e–h–t–r
3. to – parent – obedient
4. a – together – watching – movie
5. clean – We – blackboard – a
6. giving – is – a – food – He
7. a – window – is – She – cleaning
8. football – together – Playing
9. are – not – Father – fight – mother – and
10. fight – Sister – not – and – are – brother

Answer Key

I. Multiple Choice
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. C
8. B
9. D
10. B
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. A

II. Essay

1. Study
2. Together
3. Obedient to parent
4. Waching a movie together
5. We clean a backboard
6. He is giving a food
7. She is cleaning a window
8. Playing football together
9. Father and mother are not fight
10. Sister and brother are not fight

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