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Lesson plan for alphabetical order

Grade 1

Date: 19-01-2023

Day: Thursday

Topic: arranging alphabets in order

Time duration: 30 mins

 Learning objectives

At the end of this lesson the students will be enabled to arrange the alphabets in its order

 Material required
1. White board or black board, or a wire
2. Flash cards with alphabets printed on it preferably with one vocabulary object also printed on it corresponding to
the alphabet
 Procedure
1) Gather students and share with them that you plan to do some activities with them after getting their consent,
show them letter “A” and ask what is this after getting answers , hang or paste that letter card in front of them on
the board, then ask what comes after “A” after getting answers or if you get no answers share with them “B”
comes after “A” pick up that card and place it next to “A”
2) Like wise continue your plan, you can also involve children to pick up the next card and put up, continue it until
A-Z or you may also divide it into 2 halves if it gets harder for them to grasp
3) At last you may sing poem of ABCD along with children pointing them in front of you
4) If you have the pictures for each alphabet on the card then you can do the same activity but starting with showing
picture first asking its first sound and then coming to the letter and then to its order in alphabetical order
 Follow up activity
1) Can be done on the same or on the next day to reinforce or to revise the alphabetical order
2) You can provide children with a blank sheet and small cut out of ABC letters with some glue and ask them to
paste in alphabetical order on their blank sheet can be done individually, in peers, or in small groups too
3) After they are done, self or peer checking can be done by putting up a control chart on some soft board or by
singing “ABC” poem

Lesson plan for noun

Grade 1

Date: 19-01-2023

Day: Thursday

Topic: introducing noun

Time duration: 15 to 20 mins

 Learning objective

At the end of this session student will learn the concept of noun

 Material required
1. Chalk and board or marker
2. Few objects or pictures of objects that can fall in different categories of name place animal thing
 Procedure
1) Gather students and tell them you have a new activity to do with them, start with their consent and then
start with making 4 columns on the board for name place animal thing
2) Now start showing pictures to them ask what is this when they tell you it’s a house ask them it’s a place
thing name or animal when they answer write it in that column likewise show all pictures and ask same
question and keep sorting them while writing on the board
3) Now tell them all those words which states any name or any place or any animal or anything, those words
are called noun, so tell them these all are nouns
4) Make sure you at least have 3 to 4 items in each column to assure the understanding
5) You may continue with same activity as long students are interested
 Follow up activity

Can be done on same or next day provide students with sheets written sentences on it and ask them to
underline the nouns in it later discuss it with whole class and let them self-assess


Provide cut out of pictures and a prepared sheet with 4 columns on it and ask children to sort those nouns in
their respective columns

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