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Dear P1 Catechists

I have put the 2013 finalised curriculum excel file for P1 up on Dropbox - under P1
Resources - P1_2013 new folder. The principal's direction for our catechism lesson
is also uploaded there.
As spoken, we will combine 2 lessons into one from Term 1 to do a 'catch up' as we
need to introduce 'who Jesus is' before we cover his family and ancestry. This is
what I suggest we cover for this coming Wed:
From Lesson one - Jesus is born of Mary
Aim: Birth of Jesus was special
Lesson: Show a picture of the Nativity scene and revisit briefly the story of Jesus'
birth from the annunciation to baby Jesus being visited by the 3 wise men. You may
ask the students to contribute along the way as many of them know the story, do
take note that the non-catholics may not be so familiar with the story. We emphasise
that many people were waiting for the birth of Jesus as he was special.
From Lesson two - The boyhood of Jesus (Luke2:41-52)
Aim:To highlight how Jesus was truly a man and had an ordinary childhood and family life,
just like us. He chose to be an obedient child
Lesson: Tell the story of Jesus' life as a boy, from naming him to Jesus at 12 (at the temple). You may
use Story sheet 3.1 (uploaded in Dropbox under 'boyhood of Jesus)) if you want. He was learning to be
a carpenter and was an obedient child to Mary & Joseph.
Ask the students: How many of you are obedient children to your parents? Give me an example of how
you are obedient...give me an example of disobedient behaviour.
If there is time, you may either

 teach students to sing "Jesus was His Name" (B-I-N-G-O, bingo was his name tune), I have
uploaded songsheet 3.3 in Dropbox (under Boyhood of Jesus); OR
 Ask them to draw some things that a carpenter makes

Values: Choices, responsibility & respect

Wishing you a Holy and Happy Easter weekend.
P/s: You may want to set some ground rules with the students and remind them at
the start of each lesson, good also to start with a simple opening prayer

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