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Storysheet 3.1

hen Mory's boby wos one week old, he wos nomed Jesus, the
ri,i' nome the ongel Gobriel hod told Mory to give him. Joseph,
Mory's husbond wos there too. Loter when Jesus wos o little older, Mory
ond Joseph took him to the temple to offer his life to God. They olso
brought two doves os on offering. At the temple, on old holy mon nomed
Simeon corried Jesus in his orms, blessed him ond gove thonks to God.
An old holy womon colled Anno, olso orrived iust then ond gove thonks
to God. She then went obout telling everyone obout Jesus. After this
event we hove no stories obout Jesus in the Bible until he wos twelve
yeors old ond his porents took him with them to Jerusolem for the feost
of Possover.

The bible does tell us though thot Jesus grew in knowledge, in wisdom
ond in his relotionship with God. We ore olso told thot he lived with his
porents ond obeyed them.

We con imogine thot Jesus wos o very loving boy who showed greot core
ond offection for Mory ond Joseph. They lived os good Jews occording to
the low ond they proyed os oll Jews did. Mory, who knew the Jewish
scriptures very well would hove tought Jesus oll obout his heovenly
Fother while Joseph probobly tought Jesus the corpenter's trode since we
know thot he followed in Joseph's footsteps ond beco nter too.
He hod to leorn how to smoothen wood, to cut piece
iust the right size to moke o door or toble. Jesus
probobly olso helped his mother to corry woter
from the well or collect firewood for cooking.

Joseph died when Jesus wos still quite

young. Jesus took up the work of coring
for his mother ond worked everydoy ot
the corpenter's bench for obout 30 yeor-i
before he left home to begin his work
preoching, heoling ond telling people
obout his heovenly Fother.

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