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Hydrological cycle of water

Water Cycle (Hydrologic Cycle)- continuousmovement of water

between the earth andatmosphere

1. Evaporationchange of state of water (a liquid) to water vapour

2. Transpirationevaporation of liquid water from plants and
treesinto the atmosphere (90% of all water that enters theroots
transpires into the atmosphere)
3. Sublimationprocess where ice and snow (a solid) changesinto
water vapor (a gas) without movingthrough the liquid phase
4. Condensationfrom the gas phase to the liquid phase; watervapor
(a gas) changes back into a waterdroplets(a liquid)e.g. clouds, fog,
dew, or frost form
5. Transportationthe movement of solid, liquid and gaseous
waterthroughthe atmosphere. Without this movement, the
waterevaporated over the ocean would not precipitateover land
6. Runofremains on the surface and flows into streams,rivers,
andeventually large bodies (lakes or the ocean)
7. Evapotranspiration- the process oftransferring moisture from the
earth to theatmosphere by evaporation of water andtranspiration
from plants
8. Infiltration- process by which water in theground surface enters
the soil

Water is many time heavier that air by 803

Water is 800 times denser that air

Measurement of rainfall intensity is inches/hr

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