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Is the pen always mightier than the sword?

We can associate pen to writing or politics, and sword to war. Us, as Indonesians, will definitely know
the harsh history that our country has been through. A certain example of this is when the Netherlands
coloonized our country, because of the amount of spices we have. During these times, which was
around the 1800s – 1900s, the Indonesians had always tried to settle this by war. Or using the term,
“sword”. Although the Dutch were pushed away from some parts of the country, it ultimately did not
result in anything major. But, the age of colonization from the Dutch ended not because of war, but
because of ideas expressed in writing, or by the term “pen”. Multiple settlements were held, which
resulted in the friendlier relationship that the Dutch and Indonesian currently have.

Should we always prioritize safety?

An example of this is an event that happened in my city. A house had been caught in a massive fire that
caused the entire house to be obliterated, leaving a family of 4 with injuries and without a home. The
cause of this was actually because of a short circuit that happened the moment electricity was used. The
reason to this short circuit was because on the day of the incident, a electrician decided to cut corners
and not follow the entire safety procedure which ultimately caused an accident with a major loss.

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