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FAKULTAS (Faculty) : KIP (Teacher Training Education)
JURUSAN (Department) : PEND. BHS. INGGRIS (English Education)
Mata Uji - Course Applied Linguistics Hari/Tanggal - Tuesday/ 29 October
Day/Date 2019
Smt/Kelas - Class 5 / ABCDEF Jam ke - Session 3
Penguji - Endang Fauziati , Prof. Dr., Dra., Waktu - Duration 90 minutes
Examiner M.Hum.
Petunjuk - Instruction:
1. Do not forget to fill your identity (name, NIM, class, signature) on the answer sheet.
2. Do not open any book (either dictionary or hand phone) during the test.
Capaian Pembelajaran Mata Kuliah - Course Learning Outcomes (CPMK - CLO):
1. Menjelaskan teori belajar (behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, constructivism, SLA)
yang digunakan sebagai dasar pengembangan metode pengajaran bahasa Inggris
2. menerapkan teori belajar dalam pembelajaran bahasa inggris dengan mempertimbangkan
skill tertentu yang akan dikuasai pembelajar;
3. Menjelas perangkat analisis (Error analysis, transfer analisis, interlanguage analysis,
discourse analysis) dalam penelitian linguistik terapan yang digunakan sebagai
pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris;
4. Menerapkan perangkat analisis (Error analysis, transfer analisis, interlanguage analysis,
discourse analysis) dalam penelitian linguistik terapan yang digunakan sebagai
pengembangan pembelajaran bahasa Inggris.

Multiple Choice (Score: 60, CLO: 1-4) Kerjakan di lembar jawab!

1. Some key figures in the development of the behaviorist theory are as follows, EXCEPT….
a. Watson b. Brunner c. Thorndike d. Skinner

2. Some of the learning precepts based on behaviorism include the followings, EXCEPT ….
a. never translate c. frequent repetition is essential
b. all errors must be immediately corrected d. avoid memorization in learning

3. Thorndike’s work is often referred to as connectionism, since the idea that bonds between stimulus
and response take the form of … connections.
a. neural b. physical c. me6ntal d. psychological

4. The following statements describe the concept of Cognitivism, EXCEPT . . . .

a. Cognitive theory focuses on an unobservable change in mental knowledge.
b. Learning is equated with discrete changes between states of knowledge.
c. Learning is equated with changes in observable behavior.
d. Cognitive theory addresses the issues of how information is received, organized, stored, and
retrieved by the mind.

5. Thorndike’s law which states that practice or drill helps in increasing efficiency and durability of
learning is referred to as ….
a. law of readiness b. law of tendency c. law of exercise d. law of effect

6. The central figures in cognitive psychology are as follows, ECXEPT….

a. Kohler & Koffka b. Edward Tolman c. David Ausuble d. Erikson
7. Based on Vygotsky’s ZPD, Bruner develops the concept of which a teacher or more competent peer
gives aid to the students in their ZPD as necessary, and reduces this aid as it becomes unnecessary.
This theory is widely known as the concept of …
a. scaffolding b. collaborating c. partnership d. join forces

8. The following statements describe the concept of Cognitivism, EXCEPT . . . .

a. Cognitive theory focuses on an unobservable change in mental knowledge.
b. Learning is equated with discrete changes between states of knowledge.
c. Learning is equated with changes in observable behavior.
d. Cognitive theory addresses the issues of how information is received, organized, stored, and
retrieved by the mind.

9. Ausubel calls the typical learning based on behaviourism … learning.

a. rote b. meaningful c. role d. natural

10. Law of … holds that objects in the environment are seen in a way that makes them appear as
simple as possible.
a. Law of Pragnanz b. law of similarity c. law of continuity d. law of Proximity

11. According to Ausubel, meaningful learning takes place in the following conditions, EXCEPT…
a. the learners comprehend the material
b. the learners can relate the material to their present knowledge system in a non-arbitrary and
non-verbatim manner
c. the learner consciously intent to integrate the material being learned into their own cognitive
d. the learner does a lot of memorizations and repetitions

12. All learning activities in cognitivism should be meaningful. In so doing, the teacher can do the
followings, EXCEPT…
a. Build on what the students already know;
b. Help the students relate new material to themselves, their life experiences, and their previous
c. provide a lot of pattern practices and memorizations
d. Use inductive, deductive, or discovery learning procedures as the situation warrants.

13. Piaget well-known work is a theory of child cognitive development. He believed all children pass
through the stages to advance to the next level of cognitive development as follows:
a. sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational
b. concrete operational, sensorimotor, formal operational, and preoperational
c. concrete operational, formal operational, sensorimotor, and preoperational
d. preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational, and sensorimotor

14. Within the perspective of . . . , language learning is an emotional experience.

a. behaviorism b. cognitivism c. humanism d. audiolingualism

15. Edward Tolman disagreed with Watson’s mechanistic behaviorism and proposed his own theory
called …. Behaviorism.
a. purposive b. classical c. operant d. verbal

16. According to Nunan, humanistic approach to language teaching has a belief in the primacy of . . .
within the learning process.
a. rote learning b. meaningful learning c. affective & emotional factors d. drills
17. Abraham Maslow's hierarchy of needs includes some motivational needs as follows, EXCEPT . . .
a. Biological and Physiological needs c. psychological need
b. Esteem needs d. Self-Actualization needs

18. ZPD, according to Vygotsky, is the zones between the actual development (what the learner can
do independently) and ….
a. the current development c. the potential development
b. the present development d. the existing development

19. According to Erickson, during the … stage, children start to gain a little bit of independence and
start to perform basic actions on their own and making simple decisions about what they prefer.
a. Trust vs. Mistrust c. Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt
b. Initiative vs. Guilt d. Industry (competence) vs. Inferiority

20. Carl Rogers believed that people possess an inherent need to grow and achieve their potential or
the tendency to self-actualize. People who are able self-actualize are called…. persons
a. successful b. fully functioning c. flourishing d. deteriorating

21. According to cognitivism, aspects of a child’s linguistics system could be accounted for as…
a. the reaction of an organism (the learner) to its environment (stimuli).
b. mental activity governed by abstract rule (universal grammar)
c. the result of stimulus-response sequence
d. the mechanical habit formation

22. Constructivism has the premise that, by reflecting on our experiences, we construct our own
understanding of the world we live in. Thus, knowledge must be …
a. constructed by the learner c. supplied by the teacher
b. handed down from generation to generation d. generated from the learner’s mind

23. The following sentences indicate the characteristic of humanistic technique EXCEPT . . .
a. a lot of repetition drills and memorization
b. It accommodates what the student feels, thinks, and knows in language learning
c. It caters the learners’ emotions, feelings, and linguistic knowledge and behavioral skill.
d. It regards learner as a whole person who basically has feeling and emotion.

24. According to Hymes, a person who acquires communicative competence acquires both knowledge
and ability for language use with the following components, EXCEPT:
a. whether or not something is functionally possible;
b. whether or not something is feasible;
c. whether or not something is appropriate in relation to a context;
d. whether or not something is in fact done and actually performed.

25. According to Canale and Swain, ... refers to strategies for effective communication when the
learner’s vocabulary proves inadequate for the job, and his or her command of useful learning
a. grammatical competence c. sociolinguistic competence
b. strategic competence d. discourse competence

26. According to Celce Murcia et al.,... refers to an understanding of social context in which
communication takes place, including role relationships, shared information of the participants,
the communicative purpose for their interaction.
a. discourse competence c. linguistic competence
b. sociocultural competence d. actional competence

27. A text can be recognized through its textuality, the external and internal factors that bind it as text.
De Beaugrande & Dressler mention seven standards of textuality, as follows, EXCEPT....
a. cohesion b. intentionality c. contextuality d. intratextuality

28. According to De Beaugrande & Dressler, one of the seven standards of textuality is .... It is a
principle that refers to past experience, the formation and understanding of a text is affected by the
formation of another text which is similar to it.
a. cohesion b. intentionality c. contextuality d. intertextuality

29. What follows are the notion of a text, EXCEPT....

a. a text categorization based on the internal, linguistic characteristics of texts.
b. a text categorization chosen on the basis of external parameters.
c. a text categorization on the basis of cognitive categories or linguistic criteria.
d. a class of texts having similarities in linguistic forms regardless of the genre.

30. What follows are types of genre identified by class of communicative events, the members of
which share some set of communicative purposes, EXCEPT.
a. a children story b. a president biography c. a job interview d. a narrative

Essay (Chose 4 items only). (Score: 40,CLO: 1-4)

Write four summaries of the following topics; (1) Behaviorism and Foreign language teaching; (2)
Cognitivism and Foreign language teaching; (3) Humanism and Foreign language teaching; (4)
Constructivism and Foreign language teaching. The summary contains: the major concept and two
prominent figures with their basic insights.
(5) Communicative competence, especially from Celce-Murcia
(6) Text, Text Type & Genre. The summary contains: Notion of text, Characteristics, types of
text, notion of genre, some examples of genre.

Nama: No Presensi :
NIM : Tanda Tangan:

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