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<Gasal/Genap> <Tahun Ajaran> - <PROGRAM STUDI>

(Save this answer sheet. File name: UTS NIM NAME)
Muhamad Reval Al Sadad

Things you can do about your carbon footprint.
Insulate your home From installing a heat pump to turning down the heating, there is a raft of
changes around the home that can help the planet. Switching from a gas or oil-powered heating
system to an electric heat pump makes a considerable difference, according to Dr Neil Jennings,
an academic from Imperial College London. Improving insulation in our walls, ceilings and
windows can reduce the loss of heat from our homes and the amount of energy needed to heat
them. Dr Jonathan Foley, who investigates climate change solutions, says you can save money
and reduce waste by making smaller portions and saving leftovers for later at home. Living car-
free might be the most impactful thing we can do to reduce our transport emissions, according to
Dr Jennings. For those who fly a lot, reducing the number of flights you take will make a
considerable difference to your personal footprint, says Dr Jennings. Think before you buy It
takes 3,781 litres of water to make one pair of jeans, according to the UN's Environment
Programme, taking into account cotton production, manufacture, transport and washing.

Research: the problem is disconnection, not teens' screen time.
Keith Hampton, a professor in the Department of Media and Information and director of
academic research in the Quello Center, says he does not worry about screen time, he worries
about adolescents who are disconnected because they have limited access to the internet. In a
peer-reviewed paper based on a survey of 3,258 rural adolescents, Hampton and his team
compared the self-esteem and social activities of teens with no or poor home internet access to
teens who are the heaviest users of screens as well as teens with parents who tightly control or
limit their screen use.
Teens who had poor internet access at home and teens who had parents that exerted the most
control over their media use also had substantively lower self-esteem -- although only roughly
half of the lower self-esteem experienced by a typical girl or those with low academic
performance. The amount of time teens spent on screens, whether it was watching videos,
playing games, or using social media, did not play an important role in teens' self-esteem. Teens
who spend more time using social media and watching videos spend more time socializing.
Prolonging the myth that teens who spend more time on their devices spend less time with
friends and family and that 'excessive' time online is harming most teens' mental health, does
more harm than good, Hampton said. When parents exert too much control over the time their
teens spend on screens, they cut kids off from peers and the social support that protects mental

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<Gasal/Genap> <Tahun Ajaran> - <PROGRAM STUDI>

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