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Successful students DO NOT STOP

You have an opppoptunity right now, that you won’t have a few years
from now. This is an opportunity of a life time. Your family are counting on you
to study hard. Your friends are counting on you to study hard and maybe you
don’t realise it yet. But your future self is counting to study hard and the goal is
not to keep studying untill you’re content. The idea is not to studying until you
become satisfied with your grades. You should never be satisfied. You should
always be striving for better. Because the day you become content with your
grades that’s the day that you stop evaluating yourself that’s the day you stop
crowing. That’s the day that the person trying to catch you will catch you. You
have to take advantage of the once in a lifetime opportunity that you have right
now. You don’t have to the most talented or the wisest, or the smartest, or the
wealthiest. You don’t have to be the most intellegent to get to the top but you
gotta study you have to outstudy everyone.

Your classmates might come from money they might have parents that
own businesses they might know people and are able to get them a job but they
will not outstudy you and what you have to do is make a decision that no matter
how privileged or talented anyone else in your class you’re goiung to outstudy
them but how to do your outsyudy everyone else in your class?

I’ll leave you with the words of eric Thomas I’ve looked at the most
successful people in the world and I realised that they have 7 or 8 similiar things
in common and one the things they all had in common was that they all had a
routine they don’t have a gap of wasted time in their routine they don’t grind until
6PM and they paly video games for the rest of the night. They’re not scrolling
mindless through instagram for hours a day they don’t have time that’s a poverty
mindset. Successful peolple don’t waste time they don’t watch tv, they don’t do
alot of entertaiment if they’re not working then they’rer studying or getting better
at their craft so what you have to decide is. Do you want to be in 99% or the 1%?
And you only join the 1% when you start thinking like the 1% working like 1%
walking like 1%. How you prioritise your studting over the next 365 days will
significantly alter the journey you’re on and wether you make it into the 1% club.
Aristotle said, “you are what you repeatedly do” “Therefore excellence ought to
be a habit” “No an act” Don’t ever forget that
As coach Jay said I’m not your coach right now. I’m you concience you’re
in a fight between will and skill I say will first because that’s where you are.
You’re looked and loaded with skill. You’re studying every day, you’re putting
in your work. You’re buying everything your books, pens, notepads. You’re
making the invetment, you’re living yur dream you’re walking like your dream
you’re surrounding yourself with your dream you’re studying until late at night
and walking up early do it all over again. You’ve put your work in, you’ve got
your skill and now it’s the test of your will it’s a mindset thing you’re in right now
it’s a mindset thing!

Because your challenge isn’t moving your mountain isn’t moving you
don’t feel like you’re making any progress you’re not physically moving when
you seen everything else around you and other people around you moving you’re
not making progress you’re in a test of your will right now because life says it has
a little more test for you. It’s no different because you messed up because you fell
off the wagon, bacause you failed an exam 2 exams, 3 exams. You gave up on
your studying, you dropped our last year and you. Really want your dream to
happen and you’re putting in your work and nothing happening yet.

This is our moment, ladies and gentlemen, this, right here, is our moment
guys. You’ve all gotta think about that, just for a minute this right here this
moment right here this is moment to what we make have been dreaming of into
really the exams you have coming it all starts in your mind you’ve got to fall back
on everything that you’ve learned. Everything that you’ve prepared for, every
hour you’ve been studying for it. You’ve prepared well for this. Dreams can
become buried under discouragement, buried under past mistakes. There are
dreams buried under failed exams, buried under low self-esteem. It’s easy to settle
for average grades.

Even though you have all this potiential buried on the inside. All of us
have things that we’re believing for something we want to accomplish, deep down
we know it’s part of our destiny we can feel it stongly but then we hit some
setbacks we didn’t pass the exam, our results weren’t good enough. If you do your
part and start believing again get your passion back it’s on the way go back and
try again the true mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on
your dream instead of letting it get buried you keep shaking it off you keep
moving forward, you keep looking for new opportunities.

By : projectElon

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