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Dear Delaney,

You might be sitting in your chair being even more tired than usual just wanting to jump
into bed but we have goals to think about. Not just in our ERWC class but life in general. Where
would we be without goals? It would be pretty hard to keep your motivation going which I know
is already a hard problem for you. Physically, it feels like our body is breaking down at a young
age, mentally you know you have our battles to fight, and spiritually, you feel like you're in the
right place. You’ve finally gotten what you worked hard for, but now's not the time to stop. Lets
keep going until we achieve even more.
Some goals to keep in mind for our ERWC class would be to improve our argumentative
skills and rhetorical devices, work on our learning skills, and to keep our motivation up. I believe
that argumentative skills can bring you far in life if you use it the right way. If you can have the
act of persuasion on your side, you're one step closer to winning that person over. Alright, you
need to start asking more questions. I know you get scared at times and think your questions
will be a waste of time, but they aren’t. Ask questions, figure out what learning style works for
you, just like how you do your notes a certain way, if it helps you succeed than continue with it.
Motivation is a hard thing to cope with, especially with this distance learning and your bed being
right next to you. Even doing the things you love, sometimes you just want to curl up in bed, but
once you get out there and do it you're at peace. Start to think about your school work this way.
When you start, you regret it but once you finish you know it's done and you can curl up under
the blankets once again. You especially need to have a lot of motivation and confidence in your
AP Stats class because one, you hate math yet you took an AP class of it. Having these skills
now will prepare you for college and the real world. It sucks talking to people but it's a thing we
have to do to succeed in life. Working with animals gives you less exposure to this but it's still
something you have to do. So keep that in the back of your mind, you will be working with
animals for the rest of your life if you work hard enough. Make yourself known in the world.
These goals will take time and hard work. Nothing was ever gained by sitting on the
sidelines. If you can go back to working your pigs in a week with a broken arm then you can
complete your school goals. You worked hard on your pigs and look, you got rewarded with a
win. Keep that same mind set ahead, push your limits, work for another 4.0, work for that next
banner, it will all come together soon.

Delaney Sheridan

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