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Should tattoo still be considered " unprofessional"?

Does having a tattoo unprofessional? A tattoo, a mark, a figure, a design, or a word

intentionally placed on the skin. Tattoos were interpreted as more than just a form of body
decoration during the pre-colonial and early Spanish colonial periods. Tattoos were viewed
differently depending on the region as a sign of bravery, a symbol of social standing, and a rite
of passage. Pintados were Visayan warriors who were covered in tattoos.

Even before most Filipinos are wearing tattoos on their body. It is a sign used to embody a
tribe and its significance in the community. Tattoos were seen as a source of accomplishment
and rank in the Philippines. Men wore ink on their chests and heads to show their warrior
strength. Women were seen as beautiful when they wore detailed lines on their arms and wrists
(Visayas and Mindanao tribes) or full chest and arm tattoos (Luzon mountain tribes). The
majority of tattoos were obtained through the completion of rituals or tasks. The styles varied
according to the region and tribe from which the people came. Tattoos are generally regarded
as unprofessional because some people dislike them. To be honest, most of us make small
assumptions based on people's appearances, but some people go too far and judge a person
as unprofessional simply because they have ink on their bodies. Unfortunately, we live in a
world where some people dislike someone just because they have a tattoo.

To tell you the truth, getting a tattoo used to be frowned upon in the Philippines. Locals had
the misconception that tattoos were only worn by criminals or drug addicts. However, thanks to
the country's progressive liberation (aka younger generation), tattoos are now considered an art
form—perhaps a way to express oneself. Although there are different standards, dress codes,
and rules for blue-collar and office jobs, visible tattoos do not affect the work that is done in
either field. Some may argue that covering tattoos is simply part of the dress code, but clothing
isn't always a form of art.

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