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– Gonçalo Silva no. 9, João Freitas no. 14, Tiago Gomes no. 26 & Tomás Fonseca no. 27

Informal E-mail – Behind the Bushes

October 2022

Hi Connor,
How's it going? Hope you're having a great time during this school break. For me, it
has been a blessing in disguise. I never expected that a single vacation would blow away so
many cobwebs.
Since we moved to Brighton my parents lost their bearings. Surely it had to do with
our uncle's Henry big "adios". Very reasonable, though. He was fresh air itself.
Since I aimed to clear my mind, I got in touch with my other cousins here in the UK and we
managed to scheme a way out of there. A safari journey was just what the doctor ordered.
The wide open grass plains which went against the backdrops of the city scrapers, as
Henry used to describe, pushed away any second thoughts.
At 8 pm Friday night, we were heading to the airport. To be honest, I felt like I had
my knickers in a twist, an unwilled compulsion to honor my uncle's legacy, as Nairobi was
his cradle.
We finally arrived. Unarguably a marvel to behold, even for those who aren't the
biggest fans of nature. But making no bones about my expectations, I have to admit that I
wasn't very fond of the plan in the first place. People always talk about the lack of hygiene
and poverty when Africa is a matter of discussion.
Isn't it all about embracing the plot?
While we were on our way to the savannah and sat in the backseats of the land
cruiser, I was reliving the nights in which uncle Henry would bring to light his shenanigans
as a safari guide here in Nairobi.
The red cedar's leaves were trembling, zebras were carefully approaching the lake to
drink some water, as the crocodiles were to feed from them. And there was me getting lost in
my thoughts, sharing the scene with this wholesome environment.
I had never experienced such inner peace. Even though things at home were clear as
mud, I was able to get myself off that track.
I know that back in Brighton there's still a gauntlet to run through, yet deep down I
am confident that the bullet won't be that hard to bite.
By the way, I miss our adventures back in Sacramento. I'm looking forward to visiting
you and casting my mind back to the good old times!
Reach me anytime,

“The wide open grass plains which went against “… zebras were carefully approaching the lake to
the backdrops of the city scrapers…” drink some water, as the crocodiles were to feed
from them”.

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