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ERC 74-4 EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER ‘Ara 1974 LUSH A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR COMPLEX RESPONSE ANALYSIS OF SOIL STRUCTURE SYSTEMS John Lysmer Tokekexw Udaka H. Botton Seed COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING | UAVERSIY OF CAUFORNA + sare, ale ‘BARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER Lust [A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR COMPLEX RESPONSE ANALYSIS: OF SOIL-STRUCTURE SYSTEMS vy Joba Lyzner Tokekaz Udaka 4M, Bolton Seed Richard Hvang, Report No. BERC Tid April 1974 A report on research sponsored by the National Seience Foundation wunder Grant No. GK-27760 cones of Engineering Usiversity of California Berkeley, California ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 4, WwTRODUCTION 2. THEORY 2a 2.2 2.3 2h 25 2.6 "The Equation of Motion ‘The Method of Complex Response ‘The Discrete Fourier Transform ‘The Frequency Domain The Equivalent Linear Yethod Sunnary of Numerical Procedure 3. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION aa 3.2 3.3 34 4. cHorcE ba 42 4a Ah 45 46 4 48 4.9 4.10 4a 4a Subprograns Tepes Core Size and Dynante Storage ‘Time Eetinates OF PUT pata ‘Maximum Frequency Input Motion Node Dimensions Boundary Conditions Symmetric Models Material Propercies Mesh Size Mass Matrix Interpolation in Frequency Donsin Number of Iterations on Sot Properties ‘Tine Mstories Response Spectra 3 KB Bie oe ul a 2a 24 23 25 25 26 2 28 28 30 ny 2 a 2 2 Ba sat 8 %. EXAMPLE PROBLEM 5.1 Input Data 5.2 Computer Output ‘WSH2 = Source Listing COMBINE - Source Listing PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION AND ABSTRACT ACKNOWLEDGHENTS REFERENCES Page oss 33 35 38 66 n 5 n 8 1. nemponucrion ‘The conputer program SI was developed in the Departnent of Civil Engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, California by « aroup of faculty mesbers and graduate students of geotechnical engineering. LUSH da basically a finite element progean deatged for wrthquake analysse of plane structures of the type show in Pig. 1. The program differs from ore conventional finite element prograns in that it, in an approxtnate manner, takes into account the strong nonlinear effects which eceur in soil masses subjected to strong earthguate notions. This ts ackteved by 8 coubination of the equivalent Linear method described by Seed end Tdrise (2969) and the method of complex response with couplex moduli, The latter sethod makes 1t possible co vork with differene damping properties in all elenents of the finite elemeat model, even in che high frequency ranges which must be considered in the study of sofl-structure interaccion for Auelear pover plants. In face, 1 was mis demana for accuracy 1n the high Frequency xange which was the sajor incentive for the developnent of wisi. ‘The physical problem which can be solved by LUSK ts illustrated by Fig. 1, The mathenatical model consists of plane quadrilateral or trtangu- ar elenents. The nodel is excited by a specified acceleration tine MMatory at the rigid base. The base does aot have to be horizoatel and the spectfted motion ean have aay atrection in the plane of the model. A special provision makes it possible to spectfy that selected nodal points can move only in the hortzoatel or the vertteal dtrectton and it is also possible to connect any pair of nodal points by a rigid elenent such that they will have the sane displacensat at all tines. TSGOW LNSW313 BLINIS TWOIdAL 114 voioseyeaon payee, aso pibiy fraan’ idan {Sa ® The stiffness and dasping of the materiale in the model can be chosen to be constant or to vary with the effective shear atrain amplitude im each elenent. Typical relationships between stif fac +» damping and effective choar strains for sand and clay ate provided within the progran. ‘The mass distribution within the model can be either distributed (consistent mass matrix) or cdddentrated at the nodal points Cuiped ass matrix), or it can be any combination of these chotc Many options are available for output which may consist of tine histories or response spectra for selected nodal points. A special eption provides for a pernaent record on magnetic tape of both input and basLe tnforation on the complete solution, A different option enables the ser to recover and/or restart the solution from the above nagne:ic record, and a separate auxiliary progran COMBINE makes 1¢ poseible to superimpose to solutions corresponding to the sane physical model. om 2.1, The Bquatton of Motton The equation of notion for undanped vibrations of the finite element odel in Fig. 1 can be written ba Gi) + ena) = ~1a¥Ke) @ where {u) = the nodal point displacements relative to the fixed base {G) = the corresponding accelerations el = the stitfooss matrix td = the nase matrix (lumped or consistent) CC) = the given input acceleration at the rigid base with the horizontal and vertical components ace) = 6, = HO) ® xe) = 0, FO. sore Gj and C, are scalar constants. (q) = load vector corresponding to ¥ 1s re 4a elated to the miss matrix ehroush 1 ° 3 1 i a 3 1 wend | ayo pey: @ 1 ° 3 + Al1 of the above vectors have the dimasion NF = 2 x the nunber of free the nodal pointe on the rigid bi nodal points (t ave not counted) and the elevents are arranged in the usual manner (1.¢. the indices 2)-1 ‘and 24 correspond £0 the horizontal and vertical motions of nodal point J, respectively). The matrices [J and [K] are syscetric, banded and have ehe dimension NF * NE. Fee 2 Fs ot w where the axplicude ¥ may be complex, This ioplies that the response 4 also haraonte fab = (u) ot o where {U} is a constant, perhaps complex, vector. Substitution of Ba. 5 into the equation of motion, Bq. 1, yields Ux] - wag) tut = ¥ + Gal 6) Vhich fe nothing but 2 set of Linear equations in the uniknoms (0). Equations 6 can be solved by Gaussian elimination if w is not a natural Frequency of the ayaten and the tine-dependent response (u) follows from Ege Ss Equation 5 provides the complex response co the complex input in Hq. 4, Since the reel part of the output corresponds to the real part of the input, the response to Fee) = RoC + el) = RecHeosue - tmZetaue a uCe) = Ratu) + eM) = ne(ubeosue - Infupsinue @ Shear modulus: of = oc ~ 28% + 214-3 y @) Young's rodulus: B* = ECL ~ 287 + 20n/8F) ao) will lead to exactly the sane amplicudes a9 a nodal analyais with the uniform fraction of critical danping 8, 4 enall error will occur in the phase of the sotfon but this is untuportent for the applications, when the damping 6/not uniformly distributed the formulas Eqs. 9 and 10 can still be used, but with different values of G, 2, and @ in each elenent. All of the equations 4 to 8 will still hold and the use of damping, end thus a complex stiffness matrix, has the added advantage that the deter~ inant of Bq, 6 cannot vanish and it is possible to find (U} for all values of & 2.3 The Digerete Fourter Tranaforn Actual earthquake motion are not harsonte. However, if a rotion 4s given as a digitized record vith N points at the tine interval dt 4¢ can be deconposed into N/2 + 1 harmonies as follovs M2 tage Jeo ome Yo ay * where Opt ie © 8G Re «zy and the ¥, are the complex amplitudes Ma tute Bldgs Fy teen yee Be iu , as) HL take 2'y x BL Re Py wrrsecd N geo “* zi tn thts formula Hen F +b, ke 1, NT an are the given digitized values of $(c)+ The computation of the complex amplitudes #, from the given real values Jj, is most conveniently made by a superfast algorithm known as the "Fast Fourfer Transforn! (PFT) by Cooley and Tukey (1965). hss algorithe produces the results of ig, 13 in a time proportional to N log (it) as opposed to.N* by the obvious method. The sane slgoriths can produce the Saverse transformation fron complex amplitudes ¥, (the frequency domain) to the veal values y,, (the tine domain). 4, Himftation on the use of the fast Fourier transform gethod in WISH {s that N must be a power of 2, (radix 2), Ths restriction is not important since r 1a always possible, and tn fact desirable to augment the earthquake by a string of tratling zeros. The latter {9 so because the motion given by Eq. 11 1s pertodte with the pertod Tews ae as) Hence, in order to simulate the finite duration of ectual earthquakes ie {s necessary to introduce a "quiet zone" at the end of each cyste to allow the viscous damping of the systen tine to. attenuate che response from one cycle before the beginning of the next cycle. Fortunately, the damping of sotls fs high and the quiet zone usually needs co be only a few seconds long. The method tata tot conpletely undanped systens in Which case 1c 1a also inpossible to solve tq. 6 near the natural frequen cies of the aysten, Superposition is valid for linear viscoclastté systems. tleace, the solution to each of che ters of Hq. 11 can be obtained independently by ‘the method of complex response, and the complete solution follovs by ‘simple superposition. Suppose (U)_ is the solution vector correszonding to the term fy + exp(iut). Then the complete solution 13 we tae {use Swe ® a8) =o Since this 1s of the sane fore as Eq. 11, discrete values of each of the conponents of {u), at thé tine interval le, can be fomed by using the Invetse fest Fourier transform on the corresponding conplex components of (W),. This solves the probien of transient response anelysis except for the addition of the rigid base motion to all displacements to form the absolute dtsplacentats of all nodal pointe. This can be done ia the time domain or ia the frequency donata. LUSH uses the latter method: 2.4 The Frequency Domain Equations 12 and 15 show that the frequencies at which solutions are to be obtained are x Ow B an where U, is the frequency in lz and T 1s the total duration of the sotion incli@ing the tretting zeros of the quiet zone. The highest frequency ie the "Folding" or "Nyquist" frequency aa ‘This 1 the highest frequency which can be represented by data digitized at the tine interval Ae. A typical earthquake record might coatain say > 1500 points Aigitiged at the tine interval Gt = 0.005 sec, Hence, according to the above method N vould be increased to 24 = 2048 by the addition of tratling zeros and Eq. 6 would have to be solved for N/2 +1 = 1025 frequencies, a formidable computational task. Fortunately, this task can be greatly reduced by cutting off and/or interpolating in the frequency dorain. Bquation 18 shove that the input mottos contains Frequencies a high as 100 He. Such high frequencies are usually not of interest and can be neglected by setting the high frequency terms of Fa. 16 equal to zero, thus avoiding the solution of Eq. 6 for these frequencies. Suppose the highest frequency of taterest 1s 20 Re which corresponds to 5 = 20 x 2048 x 0.005 = 205, Then only 206 solutions to Eq, 6 sxe required. This number can be further reduced by {aterpolation ta the frequency domain. “Suppose, we inétead of Eq: 6, solve’ the equation Cle] =u? (fat = ~&m} as) ‘over the range of frequencies. Then che components of {A}, here called amplification functions, vill be sqooth functions of 2. One can therefore proceed by evaluating (A), at sey every 4th frequency Ws 9-0. 4, 8 ‘and then obtain the intersediace arplification functions by interpolation. Expertence has shows that Mnear interpolation on the inverse of the amplification functions gives good interpolated values even near the uauural Crequemetes a5 tong as chere 18 good separation between the latter. ‘The actual number of interpolated pointe wich can be used without the Amtrodvetion of significant errors should be determined by tr1al and error. Typleslly, 4 has been found necessary to solve iq, 19 for every 4th oF Sth frequency. Ic nay be expected that the aumber of interpolated points corresponding to a given accuracy te approcizately proportional to the total duration of the input notion Hence tn practice the computation fine dnvolved in determining the amplification fumetfons, and thue the execution tine of LUSH, is nearly independent of the duration of the input eerehquake, Naving determined 411 of the aspliftcation functions (Abyss = 0, 1, AL. eteher ty astuston of qs 28, by tncerpolaton,.or by setting then equal to zero above the cut-off frequency the displacements at the 10 times k + Ge follow from suite E ‘which can be evaluated by the inverse fast Fourier transform nechod. 2.5 The Equlvalent Linear Method ‘the shove solution procedure makes extensive use of supemoaition and {s therefore, strictly spesking, applicable only to near visco- elastic systems. Hosever, the large shear deformations which ozcur in soils during strong eorthquakes introduce afgalficant noclinear effects ‘and sone method must be introduced to take these {nto account. This problen his been solved by Seed and Térias (1969) by the Introduction of the egufvalenr Minear method, According to thts wethod ai approximate nonlinear solution can be obtained by a linear analysts provided the stiffseds and daspiag used in the analysis are coupatible with the effective shear strata amplitudes at all points of the syeten, Seed and Tdriss (1970) have published data on strain-compatsble soil properties for types! clays and sands, This data has beon sumarized in Table 1 and to also provided uithin subroutine CURVS2 of LUSH in che form of DATA atarenent ‘the equivalent Linear method uses'the above data as follavs? A sot of shear modtls and damping values is estimated for each soil elenent of tho finice elenent ordel, The system is analyzed using these properties and the shear strain history 48 couputed i ach element of the model. Prom these tine histories the effective shear strain amplitud estimated (in LUSH by assuming that y (effective = factor *|y| (maxteum)) Sn each Glomane ang ‘Table 149 consulted to gee f the strain level te ‘Table 1 ~ Strain-compatible Sotl Properties. an Shear Hoduius | | Fraction of Critical Erfective Reduction Factor* Dante @) we | a | sm cay | sane sew | 40 1,000 | 1.000 2.50 | c.s0 sexi | was 0.913 | 0.984 2.50 | C80 a0 x 307? | 3.0 0.761 | 0.934 2.50 | 1.70 aie x10? | ais 0.565 | 0.826 3.50 | 3.20 1.00 x 107 “2.0 9.400. | 0.636 a5 | 5.60 36x10? | ans 0.261 | 0.443 6.50 | 10.0 1.00 107 10 0.152 | 0.246 9.25 | 15.5 0.316 0.5 0.076 | ois | 13.8 | 210 1.00 °. 0.037 | 0.009 | 20.0 | 26 aa oa | oo | 0.00 | 20 | ms 210.00 10 e.008 | 0.09 | 29.0 | 246 ‘Arnis ts the factor vhich has to be applied to the low shear strain amplitudes (here defined as 10-* the modulus at higher strain levels. shear modulus a¢ percent) to obtain 2 conpatible with the values of shear moduli and danping used in the response evaluation. If the 9011 properties are not compatible the table ts entered to provide improved values of shear modult and damping Jor the next iteration and the process 1s repeated until convergence hat occurred, usually within 3 to $ iteratfons. The response from the last iceretion is taken as being the nonlinear response. 2.6 Sumary of Numerical Procedure ‘The preceding sections contain ail of the basic elenents of a complete dynanic analysis of the finite model in Fig. 1. The folloving 4a a sumary of the procedure as {t {8 used tn progran WISH. only the ost basic operations are included. Special options and input/output Features vill be Afscussed in Chapter 3. A. Define input sorton Transform to frequency domain 1B, Define finite element model 1. Modal poines 2, Boundary conditions 3. Elements 4, Estimate material properties C.. Form mass matrix D. Form ett ffne: sacri E, Determine aupitfteation functions 1, Solve Bq. 19 for required frequencies 2, Interpolate in frequency domain F. Determine effective shear strains tn all elenents 1. Coupute strains in frequency domain 2, Convert to tine domain 3. Determine Yye¢ * FACEOF x Yuay a Ge Compute serain-compatible soit properties 2. Enter Table 1 for all elenents 2. Compare with properties used in analysis ‘a. Lf difserences too Large, repeat analysis from D. with new properties b, Tf differences ‘snall, g0 to H. 4H, Convert displacenents to time domain 1. Gnd of analyete. 3. PROGRAM neScREPTION The computer progran LUSH 4s veitten in the FORTRAN IY iaguage ‘and the CDC 6400 version consists of main progran LUSH2 and 22 sub- Foutines which will be discussed individually beloy. Additional, information 1s given tn the COMGN® eards of the source Listing of che program. ‘he program can operate in three sodes: MODEL, MODE2 or ‘0083, When operating in MPDEL the progran follows the procedure outlined in Section 2.6, At the end of step E1, on the last deeration, a magnetic tape CIAPEL) may be written which contatns a persanent record of all input and all of the amplification functions computed from Eq. 19. The inter- Polated points of the amplification functions are not included on the tape. Operation in YODE1 is rather costly because of the large nusber ‘of equations in Eq. 19. The progran does not necessarily stop after step El but can continue to the end of the analysis. At the exd of step Gl the improved estinates of the soil properties may be saved on TAPEL for use tn a subsequent iteration. The second mode, MODE2, reads TAPE1 and starts from step 12. This ode 1s Anportant for the practical applicatton of the program because u it provides a convenient restart capability and provides easy access to the complete solution stored on TAPEL, Experience with the program hes shown that on real-size Jobs it is convenient to do.the tterattens on soil properties one at a cine and to use the restart capebility to do the next iteration if required, Also, since. the record on TAPE! te complete and permanent this tape can be stored indefinttely for later recovery of the notion of any nodal point. HODES ds the sane as MODEZ except that the program prior to entering YODE2, copies che content of TAPE1 onto TAPE? and reads = new input earthquake. It then enters MDDE2 and finds the response cue to thie wed toput notion using the system properties ffor TAPEL. The resvltiog aiplification finetions are vritten on TAPE1. NODES ts used to obtein the cosbined response of different horizontal and vertical input motions as follovar First the horizontal responte is determined ‘using MODEL and/or MODE2, This produces a TAPE1 containing the horizontal response. This tape’ {4 then read in NODES which exansfers the Eortzoncel response to TAPE2, reads the vertical input motton, and produces the vertical reponse on TAPEL, The evo physical tapes TAPE] and T&T? may then be vend by a separate auxiliary computer program CO@INE, vhich Superiuposes the two notions, Both WISH2, operating in aly mode, and COMBINE can output the nodal point motions, as punched or printer-plotted displacement or acceleration time histories or as velocity and acceleration response spectra, 3.1 Subprograne ‘The eubprograns of LUSH2 are Meted in Table 2 which also shows the relationship between the prograns and the tapes they use. Table 2 - Calling Sequence for Subroutines and Tapes. 15 rrogran | canis anand by | Wetgee om: Raage ron ‘LUsH2 l NPT aor) eon sa 2 t YEDDA | Frist nena word ner 134 1,547, Tate a wom [sane | ee Somatw | AF DOUBLE CONS? vane 4 worrox, | Sounls,pxerse,S200E EDDA 3 iene om UA cms Teer I cuss oo i cams2 Suman DOUBLE “YOTION,STRALN constr enna Tet wrt Poor vara = cari Pr vrta ompMax ‘prerse | PLOT ‘MOTION 1 rr rT ABN arr 7 aioa nora ae 7 State poTION | TAREA ‘quaD i secon TE, vas OFTON rc oo 16 use This de the sain program. Tes only finction {8 to call stbroutine THVT and to set the length of blank COMO. Observe that {f the dimension of HX is changed the substitution statement NSCM = 19000 must also be changed to agree uith the new dimension. Nost of the cards of 1USH2 ave coment cards which contein identifi- cation of the progran, description of the punched input data, aod information ‘on how to choose the disensioa of array XX. mer ‘This routine reads {nput data fron cards or TAPEL as required, sets constants, arranges dynamic storage and calls the teportant subroutine YEDDA. LE the operation mode is MODE3 che physical TAPEL is copied onto che physical TAPE2. vepDA Tyis ts one of two principal subroutines of the program, Tt controls the finite elenent analysis and calla the other principal routiae MOTION. In addition, YEDDA reads and nodifies the daput earthquake recotd, controls sone of the output, and calls the subroutine STRAIN. FRSTF Generis by BAentertee| O97), Tetangutar elevente are perniseibie and can be Antroduced simply by assigning the sane nusber to the lest tvo nodal points. | | | where L 1a a large nunber which is automatically chosen to be 1000 x the largest nusber on the diagonal of the stiffness matrix before rigid elements are added. The value of Lis printed by the program wider the heading: STIFMUESS OF RIGID BLEIGNT, it is also saved on TAPEL, The effect of adding the above matrix into the atiffaese matrix 4s to foree ‘he use of amy rigid elenante may cause nuserical difficulties and double precision nay be the two nodal: potnes to move together. MARNIN required on IBM or other computers with shore word Length. ‘The mage matrix hes the fora 0 + abe + Gow 1, +, ep where [ily = constatent mass natrix forsed from quadrilateral elenents Doll, = lumped mass matrix formed fron quadrilateral elesents ily = lumped mane matrix formed from additional concentrated masses at the nodal points 4s scalar constant, which may have any value fron 0 to 1. The value = 0.5 appears £0 lead to che best agreenent with exact solutons obtained by continuum theory. ry STRAIX ‘The subroutine STRAIN computes the strains in all elenents in the frequency domain, transforna then co the tise domain and finds the axinun shear strain Y,,, Which occurs in each elenent during the duration of the earthquake. Tt then determines the effective strain amplitude Yee and calls CURVS2 to find the strain-cospatible soil properties for the next iteration, A comparison i# made between the new properties and the properties used in the current iteration and the difference in rercent 4s computed. worror {is the second princtpal wubprogran of LUSH2. Tes main fusction ts to control moat of che transformations of displacensnts and acceleration tine Wistories between the frequency and tine domain. This tneludes the interpolation ‘of the asp fearon functtons'tn the. frequency donain. MOTION also contvels the computation of respon spectra and the printing, Punching and printer-plotting of tine histories and response spectra. sue Computation of half bandwidth, MAXW, of the stiffness macrix. This bandwidth should be Kepe as small as possible since the computation, tine ts proportional to MAXUM, AAW 42 equal co che saxtmun value of 2eCa}+2) where 4 and J ere two nodal point aunbere within the seme ‘elennt, The nodal points on the rigid bomdary should not be considered 4m determining the half bandwidth. The half bandvidth for the aodel show in Fig. 148 22, The erdtical elenent {9 element no, 19. quan ‘This subroutine foms elenent stiffness and mass matrices as explained vader FRNSTF. Fey omass Formation of consistent element mass matrix. counvs2 hts subroutine computes atrain-conpatible soil properties by Anterpolation in Table 1, The tabulated values ere contained iz che DATA cards of the subroutine and can be changed by the user if he corsiders the provided values inadequate. Wotice that che strain values at which the properties are tabulated are uniformly spaced on a logarithsie scale, with 2 points per Logerithnic cycle. DOUBLE } ‘This subroutine doubles the number of terms in a complex array by Mnear mid-poiat taterpolation and one extrapolated polat. It 1a used for Interpolation on the inverse of the auplification functions in the frequency domain. cousot, In-core equation solver for symatric, Linear equations ia conplex vartables by Gausstan elimination and the active colum method. Feet duxiLlary subroutine for spectrum computations, Sets the frequencies at which spectral values are to be comuted. | PROUT Conerois printing of cable shoving maximum accelerations at spectfied nodal points. This is usually the last table of the output in each mode. 20 AREA Computation of lumped mass matrices for quadrilateral eleneats. acts? Standard routine for computation and plotting of response spectra. een Subprogran of DACISP, finds maximum values. Por Standard utility progran for printer plotting of up to 9 functions fon the sane graph, The carriage control of the evbroutine ie syeter oriented and the user aight have to make adjustments for use on computers other than the coc 6400, Fr Standard routine for complex fast Fourier transform. Standard routine for forvard fast Fourler eranefors of real tine Standard routine for laverse fast Fourier transform into real tine series. ssecoxD ‘The subroutine SECOND is a system routine on the CDC 6400 computer. It retums real tine in seconds. For other aystens the user should write ‘his own subroutine SECOND which calls the aystem clock. a SKYLINE Auxiliary evbroutine for COLSOL. Determines the vector MAKA contein= ing the skyline for the active colum method. 3.2, Tapes, ‘The program uses a total of eight tapes numbered 1 to 8, Only TAPEL and TAPE2 are physical tapes. The xenaining tapes are ainilated on nagnetic disks, The writing and reading sequence for the tapes te shown in Table 2, The capes are used-as follows: TAPEL As described in the introduction co Section 3 this tape contains a complete record of the input data and the uninterpolated enpliftes- tion functions for ali nodal point motions of the systes, The main functions of the tape are to provide a restart capability and a permanent record from vhich data can be recovered at a later dace. TAPED Copy of TAPE produced in MDDE3. TAPED length = AMNoUTr*(L+TOrFRIDEALENG/KENE)) Contains the uninterpolated amplification functions corresponding to points where output (maximm acceleration, tine histories or spectra) are required TAPES (length = 6WNELMK(14T0TFRSDT*LENG/EINT)) Contains the elenent strains in the frequency domain. TAPES (length = 2mIrmAi) Contains the full global stiffness matrix. TAPEG length = 128AER) Contains the element stiffness matrices, 22 Tape? ‘TAPES Qengeh = NPA) Contains the full mass nateix. angen = 12eenE10 Mas the sane function as TAPES, lovever, on even iterations 245... st contains the element stiffness matrices to be used in the next iteration while on odd iterations 1,3,..4 Lt contains the elesent hattices fon which the global matrix {4 actually formed. lence, the use of TAPES and TAPES alternate every tine a nev iteration is Anitiated. Sone computer facilities require that the Length of data blocks on simulated tapes be specified. For this reason the nusber of real vords on each simlated tape has heen provided da parentheses bebind the tape names, ‘The variable nanes mentioned are defined as follovs: MELM = Total aunber of element TORK ~ Hiyuent Frequency to be considered. DE = Tine step of Anput motion. LING = Nunber of tine! steps including trailing zeros. KINT = Incerpolation control nusber, Must be a pover of 2. (INT-1) interpolated points are generated between each pair of computed points of che anplitication functions. MOUr = Total number of nodal points uhere output 1s required. RF = 24 the aunber of free nodal poinee Mal = Heit Dandvidth of stiffness matrix, see description of subroutine BNDMAK. 23 3.3 Core Size and Dynante Storage ‘The program requires approximately 25,000 (decimal) locations to coupile on 2 CDC 6400 computer. For execution the storage vaquirenent 4s about 20,800 (dectmal) + the length of the array XX In blank CODON. ‘The required sininus dinension of the blank OUSWN block can be estinated NSC = I9MNELASHNDETSSANOUTESANPHAACLENGHL) /342eNTIES LNBPONUNBERHNDY (TOTFRYOTALENG) /KINTHAKUALI2 a where NEM, TOTFR, DT, LENG, KINT, NOUT, NF, and MAXW are as defined above, and NOPE + Total number of nodal points, NIIE = Number of rigid elenents, NRE» Mumber of dtsplacenent boundary condieions. NIMBER = Number of tterattoas on soll properties. ND = Musber of dazping ratios for apectr: The shove dimension is insufficient for very small finite eleneat meshes. For such meshes a conservative estimate should be made, Error nessages will occur 1f the dimension 4e chosen too small. A typical total ‘eld length for a neaningful job 1avolving say 400 slesents 1s 100K (dectmal). Hence, a fatrly Large computer is usually needed. ‘The blank common leagth fer the published version of LUSH has been Set toa lov 19000 in the main program. In order to chaage this dinension the user must change both the COMMON card and the card NSC = 19000. Ir 5 recomended that NSOM be set. at large as possible on the available computer since this will often reduce the nunber of tape operations and thus the execution tine. ead No changes need to be made fn the subroutines since all subscripted vartables vhich have variable length are etored in the array XX. This dynante storage is arranged in subrouriaes INPT and VEDDA. 3:4 Tine Becta ‘The execution tine for LUSK is a function of masy parameters including the speed of the computer used, the d{sension of XK, the nusber of output ‘options requested, and the geometry of the finite elenent mesh. Tt has been found that most of the tine is spent in the subroutine ODLSOL on the cask of solving Linear equations and that a rough estimate of the total execution tine per iteration ts constant * NPALENGADESTEP (1) MANHAN2 ENE 3) where EP(E) is the highest fraquency, tn He, considered during the iteration: For a UNLVAC 1108 computer the constant is of the order 10™* sec. It is clear from this expression that it is important to keep the bandwidth of the stiffness matrix mall. lence, utmost care should be made to nunber the nodal points of the final element mash in such @ manner that the band- width is mininized. Since the execution tine is proportions! to STEP(I) and-since gnaller clenente are required for high frequency analysis it 1s very important not co consider frequencies higher than absolutely necessary. Roughly speaking the nunber of elements required to obtain a solution of giv accuracy tnereases with the square of TOTFR, Since this means that both NF and Wl increase it {s not unusual to see the computation time Increase as the fourch power of TOTFR 25 GHOLCE OF INPUT DATA The format of rhe {aput data is specified in che coment cards of the main program LUSH2 in the order in which the data should be fed to the computer. In this section the date will be discussed in the order in which the user should male his decisions. 4. Maximus Frequency, The most faportaat of all decisions to be made by the user ta the choice of the maxinum frequency TOTFR, to be included dn the anslyate. ‘This frequency will more than saything else influence the accuracy, the finite elenent dimensions and the coat of the analysis, Since the computation tine 4s proportional to at least the fourth pover of TOTPR ie should not be chosen higher than absolutely necessary, Typical values fare 8 Hz for earth dans and 25 Us for nuclear pover plants. 4.2 Input vorton In a typical problen che input motion at the base of the finite | elenent nodel 1s provided as a digitized earthquake accelerstica record with specified maximun acceleration and duration. If the record is digitized ar the time interval Ae the highest frequency contained in the record is the Nyquist frequency given by Hq. 18, Hence, St mst be smaller chan 1/Qv,,.), where v_,, 18 the frequency TOTFR specified abore. This Aigitized at the tine interval 0.01 sec. oF 0.005 nec, corresponding & Nyquist frequency of 50 He or 100 He, respectively. On the other hand, if ible the Nyquist frequency is very high compared to v,, it is often pot to Save sone computer tine by filtering the highest frequencies out of cwcuimenit 1b uuslty sncitied eente me seomyeotin vectrn ch ipa oti and rete 4 tng’ asthenia ty 26 ‘can be done by the conputer progran SHAKE (Schnabel, Lysner and Seed, 1972). The saving in tine ds usually small. As wentioned in Section 2.3 the {nput motion must be augmented by trafLing ceros and the total nuaber of points must be a pover of 2, The nusber of trailing zeros required depends on che frequency charactertatics and the dasping of che eystem and must be determined by trial amd error. ‘the ausber of zeros 4a euffictent Sf che output motions computed by LUSH are attenuated within the period N-At of the motion. The decision on the Iengeh of the quiet zone can vavally be made in connection with the column studies mentioned in Section 4.6, Typheally only a few seconds of trafling zeros are required. ‘the 4 4: roquirenent to the input aotion fs that it be beseline corrected. This requirement ie only. iuportant {f 4¢ 1s considered zy to produce essenttally baseline corrected output motions. In this connection ir should be renesbered that even with a baseline corrected input motion the output motions will net he exactly bascline ecrrected. ‘This 4s due to the enall phase error implied in the method of complex response. In many practical eases only acceleration time histeries and spectra are of interest and the problem of b feline correction need not be considered. Velocity and displacement tine histories are alvays suspect land should net be used to conpute absolute and permanent displicements. Relative displacenente and velocities are usually quite good. 4,3, Model Dinenstons The overall dimensions of the finite elenent mesh will influence the response of the etmucture due to. reflections from the boundaries, The rigid base and the side boundartes of the finite elenent model must there- fore be placed outside the zone of influence of the structure to be analyzed. 7 ‘The exact locations of these boundaries ie a matter of trial and error and, not least, engineering Judgnent. ‘The best location of the rigid base, vhich incidentally des not have to be horizontal, ts sone natural soil or soti/rock boundary where a sudden increase with depth occurs in the stiffness of the sofl. Tor nuclear pover plants where only the motions of the structures are of interest it has been found that it ie usually sufficient to include soil depth below a structure equal to the width of the structure. ‘The side boundaries are conventently chosen vertical. In principle they should be Located far enough avay to achieve free fteld no:tons. However, this 1s rarely necessary and it is vavally sufficient to place the side bowmdariea a distance of 2.0 ~ 2.5 tines the depth of che nodel avay from the structure of interest. This rule applies only to cases with considerable soll damping, sey more than 12 percent of erizical, and assumes that the boundary conditions have been chosen as discussed below. rr 15 algo assuned char me rrequency content of the input notion is typical of a strong wotion earthquake. 4h Boundary Conditions In order to simulate che existence of horizontal soll layers outside the vertical boundaries 1¢ 1s nece: ary 0 impose special boundary conditions. on these boundaries. This can be done. in several ways. Tf the input sotton 1s horizontal the motion in the free field will correspond to vertically propagating hear waves and all motions in the free field will be horizontal, This condition can be sinolated by imposing the boundary conditions that ali nodal pointe on the vertical boundarie can move in the horizontal direction only. 28 Sintlarly, 1£ the dnput mottos 19 vertical the boundary conditions should be that the boundary points can nove vertically only. For the case of daclined input gotion the shove methods cannot be used. Ia such cases it Le recommended that the boundary be placed further axay from the structures and that no constraints be imposed at the boundary. Altematively the two boundaries can be connected by rigid elenmts, but thie will dnereage the bandeidch. 4.5 Symmetric Yodels tthe shove boundary conditions can be used co take advantage of aymaetey in the finite elenent sodel. Suppose the symmetric ode! shown tn Figs 2a is to be analyzed for the combined action of the horizontal Anput motion and the vertical input sotton #, Tt 4s then sufrictent to analyze one half of the structure with the boundary condition show tn Figs. 2b and 2e. The horizontal response is found first, using YOUEL of MODE2 and the model shown in Fig. 2b. Then the vertical response is found, using MODE} and the model chova is Fig: 2c,’ and the two solutions ‘are added by the computer program COMBINE as expleined in the introduction to Chepter 3. 4.6 Material Properties ‘The basic natertal properties to be specified for each elenent are: the unit weight, Poisson's vatto, and the shear modulus at small strains, here defined a2 y= 10-'Z. In addicton an estinate should be provided for the shear godulus and the fraction of critical damping to be used Goring the first iteration. The estimate is nest conveniently obtained by a so-called “colum study" in which the free field notion and strain= compatible so1} properties corresponding co the horizontal component of 29 S73GOW SINLAWWAS 4O SISAIVNY 2614 0915490 (9) \ TepOW e42/dWo (0) voHoji9x3 1DyUOZIIOH (a) ef 9} 20 ‘the input motion are couputed by application of LUSH to a stagle colum of rectangular elenants representing the sot] layers in the free field. If ali nodal points are constrained such chat they can nove only in the horizontal direction, and 1f the vertical dimensions of the elesents are ‘chosen anal enough, the rode will simulate che vertical propagation of shear waves in the free eld end treration will lead to the desired strain ~ compatible soil properties. These properties are then used as 1a first eatinate in the alysis of the complete finite elenent model. 4.7 Mosh Size pode. How small is a matter of Judgrent, Experience with LUSH has shovn that, Because the significant part of the motion corresponds to vertfcal wave propagation, a good rule is co choose che vercical elenant size less than eager 4) where 4, 4a the wave length of the shortest shear wave, V, to the shear wave velocity in the elenent, and v,., = TOTFR is the highest frequency of the analysis. Eq, 24 assumes the use of a mixed mass natriz, with = 0.5, see Eq. 21. For the case of a lumped mass natrix hal! the elenent size should be used. ‘The computed response ts less sensitive to the chotee of the horizontal mesh size which can often be chosen several tines longer than the dimension indicated by Eq. 24. The column study described in Section 4.6 provides an opportunity for checking the adequacy of the vertical mesh dimension. This ean be | at done by running the colum study with several mesh sizes; but ar even better method {8 Co compare the results with an exact solution. This solution can be obtained by the computer program SHAME deseribec by Schnabel er al. This progran cosputes the free field response using continuum theory and the solution will therefore be free of errors Antroduced by discretization. 4.8 Mage Mavis, The formation of the nase satrix vas dlecussed in connection with Bq. 21. 4,9, Interpolation in Frequency Dosata ‘Ag diacusted in Section 3.4 a considerable tine saving can be achtaved by interpolation on the anplification functions in the frequency. domain, The controlling parameter for this interpolation is che {aput variable KINI, This varisble {s restricted to integers which are powers of 2. Tee significance is that only every KINT-th point of the amplifi- cation functions will be computed from Ea, 19, The remaining values WLLL be obtelned by faterpolation. ‘Typical velues of KINT are 4, 8 oF 16. A Judgment as to how high a value is acceptable can be cbt ined by running the above mentioned colum studies for several values of KINT. See also the dfecussion of Bq. 19 4.10. Nusber of Iterations on Soil Properties If the intelal soll properties are chosen as described in Section 4,5 convergence to within 5% on the shesr moduli and the dazping values can be expected in 2 to 3 iterations, A converged solut‘on can therefore be obtained on a single run by setting NUMBER = 4. Hovever, 12 described in the {atroduction to Chapter 3 it is often more practical 32 to make use of TAPEL and MODE? to do the Sterations one at a tine. Sone saving in tine can be achieved by choosing @ lover maxtmun Frequency for the Saitial steps of the iterative procedure. Suppose tthe required maximum frequency {s V,,,= 10 Hz. Then @ 23% saving can bbe obtataed by running the first {teration up ro 5 Hz only, the second to @ Mz and the final rm to 10 Hz, Sintierly, the taterpolatin ‘control paranater KIN can be increased for the first iterations. 4.11 Tine Histories LUSHZ has options, provided ehrough the variable KEYSPC, for the punching or printer plotting of tine historfes of dtsplacenents or accelerations of any nodal points vhich are nor on the rigid base. The printer plotting of tine histories consumes Large anounts of paper and jan option has therefore been provided co print only every NSEIP-th poine. Even then, printer plotting 1s not recommended as the general wode of output except for the motion of a fav key points. By studying the printer plots of these motions the user can make judgments as ¢o the accuracy of the solution. In particular, it {s easy to see fron the plotted tine ietories of acceleration whether or aot the nuuber of trailing zeros 4a the dnpur motion ts adequate. Plots of éisplacenent ‘should not be used for this purpose since the motions ay not be base Line corrected. 4,12 Response Spectra Response spectra can be cospuced for any nodal point whteh £6 not ‘oo the rigid base. The procedure {a initiated through the input vartable KEYSPC and the Frequency range ia controlled through FSTRT, FLIST, and NENT, Within che frequency range PSTRE to FLAST the frequencies at whtch | 3 ‘the response valves are computed will always be chosen equidistent on a logerithnic scale, If the flelds for FSTRT, FLAST, and MINT ere left blank the values are set to FSTRT = 0,04 Hz, PLAST = 40 He, and NINT = 40. ‘This will lead to a plot which can be traced directly onto @ 8-1/2" x 11" sheer. Whenever response spectre are requested both the ebeolute accelera: tion spectrin and the relative velocity spectraua will be printer plotted. Additional spectra will be printed in tabular fore. 5, EXIMDLE pRosuEt An example problen for testing of both LUSH2 and COMBINE 1s chon in Fig. 3 vhich {9 assused to be half of the symmetric structure shown in Fig. 2. The finite eleneat node! consists of five elenents and 8 free nodal points. The shear moduli shown in Fig. 3 are those cozres- ponding toa lov strain level. The Anput acceleration at nodal points 9, 10 and 11 consists of a horteontal sotion digitized at 64 points at the time interval i:= 0.04 sec. ‘This motion will be aughented by a quiet zone consisting of 64 ceros to give a total duration of 27 = 128 points or 5.12 sec. The original motion has a maximum acceleration of 005g but will be sealed to 0.13g. ‘The vertical input motion 1s 2/3 the horizontal input notion. ‘the response of the symetric structure will be found through the folloving steps: 1, Program LUSH2 operating in MODEL 1s first used to find the response to the horizontal input motion. During this operation nodal paints 1, 3, 5, 6, and 8 are restrained such that they can nove In the horizontal direction only. Only one iteration is 34 -—— 40 —— — 40! 4 2 lumped mass 20: = 15 kips/tt i ; 20° 4a . 20° t i Nodal points 4 ond § linked by rigid element Element Unit Wt. Poisson's ‘Sheor Modulus ‘No. Morea pet Ratio ksf 1 Steel 150. 0.30 6000 2 ‘Sand Ws 0.45 3000 3 Sond us 0.45 2700 4 Cloy 120 0.45 4000 5 Cloy 120 0.45 3700 Fig. 3 EXAMPLE PROBLEM performed in this step using a lov frequency cutoff (1) liz) and rather coarse interpolation (KINT = 8), The solution Le written on TAPED. 2, The second iteration is carried owt in MODE2 using the strain- coupatibie soil propertics on TAPEL and a somavhar higier frequency cutoff (12 Mz) and less interpolation (KINT = 4). The Final olution for horizontal input is written on TEL. Program LUSH2 19 then used, in MODES, to find the reapmge due £0 vertical excitation. During thie operation nodal prints 1, 3, 5, 6 and 8 can move only in the vertical direction. Only one iteration is performed. At the end of this nun the horizontal and vertical solutions corresponding to the sane soil >ropertia and fraquency content extet on TAPE2 and TAPEL, respectively. 4, Finally TAPEL and TAPED are used az input 0 program COMBINE hich Finds the complete response by sinple superposition. 5.1 Input Data The input data required to perform the above steps is shows on pages 36 and 37, xcept for the underlined headings, the data 13 sho exactly as ie appears on the data carde. the data should be comared with the detatied description of the data format provided in chapters 6 end 7. Addictonal coments on th daca will be given below in comection with the discussion of the output. 36 Date Carda for Step 1 (WDE!) a i Data Cards for § 38 5.2 Computer Output ‘The printed output corresponding to the above data is shown at the end of this section, exactly a8 produced by a CDC 6400 computer, except for some blank space betveen tables. It should be remeubered that the printed output 4s only a minor part of the total output. The complete solution ts stored on TAPE snd TAPE2 and any part of this solution can be recovered by progran COMBINE or, if only the horizontal or vertical conponents ere required, by LUSH2 operating in ™ODE2. ‘The printed output consists of four parte, one for each of the above computational steps. The {fret page Lebeled MODEL* starts out with sone information elated to the dynante storage during difierent stages of the execution. If the assigned length of the blank COON block 4s too short error sessages will appear at this point. ‘Algo on this page is the value of the half bandwidth AMY discussed on ps 18. ‘the heading of the next page {¢ the identifying information contained on the first data card for WODEL, eve List of Coment Cards for LUSH2 in Chapter 6, The following lines are largely self-explasatory. ‘The dnterpolation control is set te 8 vhich means that only evory eighth point of the anplification functions will be obtained by solutions of Bq. 19. ‘The values of HEYSPC show that only maximim accelerations are requested at the free nodal points. ‘The following pages show the elanent and nodal point proverties, including the shear moduli (C-USE) and danping values (DANP-USE) to be used ducing the frst iteration, The nodal point inforsation includse the Ataplacenent boundary conditions. These boundary conditions refer to ais~ placenents relative to che rigid base or boundary, Wext fellows the input 8 earthquake acceleration incloding the trailing zeros of the quiet zon In this case only 8 cards or 64 points were actually read. ‘The above information completes the input data and the nest page shows the record for che computation of the stiffness natrix and the computed points of the aaplificarion functions for the first iteration. As spect fied earlier in the output under the heading *#*FREQUENCY CONTENT DF ANALYSIS#=” ehe highest frequency to be considered for the first Aeration Ss 10 He, ‘The duration of the motion £s 5.12 sec. ence by Eq, 17 we have to take 5,12 € 10 = 51 frequency steps and the last potae included will correspond to v5, = 51/312 = 9.9609 Ha. Since the inter polation control ts 8 the Hnear equations Bq. 19 are solved only (SUH) /8 = 7 tines, at the frequencies show on the ouput. ‘The next stage of the computation involves the computation of stress and strain tine Mstorles for all elenents and the determination of stvain-compatible sofl properties, the result of these compstations faze chown ta the subsequent tvo tables. The firee table shows that the festinated shear noduli were good within 3.6 percent and the damping were only 7.6 percent off, ‘The second table shows the valves of maximun ‘streas and shear strain (2) in all elements, and the tine at which the maximum shear strain occurred. The final table of Step 1 shows the maxinun ‘accelerations for all free nodal points. ‘The output for Step 2 scarts with the heading YODEZ*, In this step most of the input {a read from TAPEL. ‘The only new data entered are ‘Sone controlling parameters, notably a new frequency cutoff (12 tz) and a ney interpolation control (KINT = 4). Also, in his atep, standard Fesponse spectra for 2 percent danping and tine histories are requested for the horizontal motion of point 2. The output for the iret part of 40, Step 2 ds similar to that for Seep 1 except that Eq. 19 ts solved for G12 812 + 1)/4 = 16 frequencies, The output shows thar the soil properties have nov converged to within 1.2 percent. ‘The response spectra for the horizontal astion of nodal point 2 are shown 4n both tabular and plotted form, using a logarithmic scale for the frequency, The time history of acceleration is plotted at the time atep 0.08 sec, The decay of the motion indicates that the quiet zone is sufficient. As for Step 1 the final table of the outpst shows the maximum absolute accelerartons of the free nodal points. “he maximum values printed above the table are those of the input motion aiter filtering of frequencies above 12 Ha. At this stage all input data and the 16 computed points of the amplification functions for the second iteration have been wri:ten on TABEL and the computations may or may not be interrupred. ‘The output for Step 3 is labeled *MODE3*, In this step nost of the input are toad from TAPE the content of which is {mmediately -ranosered to TAPE. ‘The only new data entered 12 some controlling peranetors, nev boundary conditions, and specifications for output format. The input motion 4s nay vertical with « maximum of 0.10g, and only one treration Ls performed, using the sana soil properties as for Step 2. ALL the output ds similar to that produced during Step 2, At the fond of this run the solution corresponding to vertical isput ascion is weitten on TAPEL. The plot of che time histories of acceleration (1) and dlsplace- mente (2) shows that the acceleration curve does not reach the margin of che graph, this means that the maximm acceleration of .139¢ (shown above he graph) was not plotted. lence, the use of the skip control = 2 is et probably not appropriate in this case. ‘he decay of the motton indicates that the quiet zone ds sufficient. Step 4 4s carried out on s separate run using progren COMOINE wich TAPE mounted as TAPE1, and TAFE2 mounted as TAPE2, The output {2 largely self-explanatory and consists of a listing of the controlling paraneters contained on the two tapes. This 1s folloved by a nev apect{ffeation for the output paraneter KEYSPC and the rest of the output follove che sane patter a9 for Steps 1 to 3. A check of the cine histories of accelera- eon Will show that the time histories produced by COMBINE 1s indeed the um of those produced during Steps 2 and 3. a output from LUSH? = sope1 * +24 INFORMATION ON COMMON ALOCK SIZE FOP VeDDA #5* LENGTH OF RLAKK CCHMCN = 19000 LENGTH OF ALANK CONMCN REQUIRED = 693 LENGTH CF BLANK CCMMCN AVATLABLE FCR K MATRIX = 9198 ae INFORMATION ON COMMON BLOCK SIZE FOR STPAIN 42% LENGTH OF BLANK CCHMCK PECUTRED 373 LENGTH OF BLANK COMMEN AVATLABLE FER RpaC = — 9963 ea INEDEMATION ON COMMON BLOCK SIZE FCR MOTION #** LENGTH OF ALANK CCHNCK RECUTRED 868 LENGTH OF BLANK COMMEN AVATLABLE FOR AARC = 9066 PANO WIOTH = 190 47 ‘Sevirereur $ { 49 50 asasze st 60 output {rom COMBINE 62 | 63 64 65 6 6. LUSH? = Source Listing ue to page Limitations only the source Listing of the main progran LUSH2 49 provided wich this report. The complete source listing and deck, approxinately 4000 cards including test data, may be purchased from NUSEE/Computer Applications. See Chapter 8. ‘The master copy of LUSH2 maintained at the NISEE will be spdated periodically to reflect future developsents of the progran. contains @ complete ‘The provided Listing of che main progra Listing of the required input ‘data. arur on i i i Ree TE ee os tbanttethtton ~ ayy cutnacrees Sab tra! 7S att aga A SBA Sees por (hoe aay . The babe tour acetcesatnex Ae" the arceo aes CHT Cse. £96 gttustwine mura nee Senos Senciyel telat, Sharan 9! Tran fer) Ropu" eat wre 69 | i n Py 7. COMBINE ~ Souree Listing Due to page Minitations only the source Listing of the main progran COMBINE 49 provided vith thie report. The couplete source isting and deck, spproxinately 1600 cards, may be purchased from NISEE/Computer Applications. See Chapter 8. The master copy of COMBINE nigintatned at/the NISEE Will be updated pertodicatly to reflect future developsents of the progran. ‘The provided Listing of che main progran contains a complete Listing of the required input daca. 7 % sie 208 ES ERP ag re mesSASes otuu OEUE TE OrHEPSION ES F6e seate oo 8 8 PROGRAM TDENTINTCATION AND ABSTRACT 4 Program name: LUSH - Version 2 Program title: - Conplex Response Analysis of Sofl-secucture Syatens by the Finite Elenent Nathod. Dater 15 July 1974 = John tysser Takekary Udake H, Bolton Seed Richard Huang Computer Requtrenents: > The program is written in FORTRAN Iv and has been test. run on COC 6400,, CDC 6600,, COC 7600 and UNLVAC 1108 computers. The program will execute on a 65K nachine but at least 100K is required to run practical problens. Availability: = A CDC 6400 source deck and documentation may be purchased from: USIRE/compurer Applicat tone 729 Davie Hall University of califomta Berkeley, California 94720 Abatract: - The progran finds the complete response of a plane finite elenent model representing a sofl-structure system. ‘The program differs from more conventional finite elesent prograns in that {¢, in en approximate manner, takes into account the strong nonlinear effects which occur in sott masses subjected to strong earthquake motions. This 4s achieved by @ coubinatton of am equivalent linear method and the complex response method. ‘The latter method makes it possible to work with étfferent damping in each elenent and to consider higher frequencies than nest other sechods of dynante analysis. %6 ‘The input motion {2 assumed to be specified as accelers:ian Une Macories at a rigid boundary of the finite elesent node! usually the base, and different tine histories nay be specified for che horizontal and vertical components of the insur not loa. ‘The solutions for the two components are found independently but may be added by an auxiliary progran COMBINE. ‘The 6: ic output from LUSH 4s che tine history of net ion of all nodal points of the aysten. These tine histortes may be written on a magnetic tape together with the Snpu: information ‘to form a permanent record of the problen and its solution, or they may be punched, printed, or plocted as tine histories of Gisplacenent or accelerations oF ta the form of acceleratien and velocity spectra, 7 9. AcKowLEDGEMENTS The development of che computer program LUSK and the associated theory 1s the result of evo years of teamork tovolving faculty and graduate students of geotechnical engineering at the University of Californie at Berkeley. In addition co the authors thot involved have been T. Kagawa, #, Berger, C.F. Tea, M. Rozo-Organista, C.-S. Chang, and N, J. Serf, the subroutine COLSOL was provided by Dr. K,~J. Bathe of the Structural Engineering and Seructural Mechanies Division. ‘The development of the progran was supported by che National Science Foundation through Grant No, GK-27760, and several smaller grants-in-aid from industry. The authors are grateful for this support and would also Like to express their chanks to the Bechtel Power Corporation for providing the opportunity to test the program on full-size structures 78 a. REFERENCES Cooley, Js Wag and J. Us Tekey, “és Algoréthe for the Machine Calou lation’ of Complex Fourler Series," Mathenaties of Computation, Vol. 19, No, 90, pp. 297-201, 1965. Schnabel, P. B.j Js Lyeners and Us Bs Sood, "SHAKE, A Computer Progran for Earthquake Response Analyaie of lorizontally Layerud Sites," Report No. HERG 72-12, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, Decesber 1972. Seed, H. Bs; and I. M Idris, "Influence of Sof Conditions on Grouid Notions During Earthquakes," Jour. Soil Mech. and Found. Div., ASCE, Vol. 95, No. StL, pp. 99-131, January 1969, Seed, H. B.; and 1. M, dries, "Soll Moduli and Dawping Factors for Dynamic Response Analysis,” Report No. FERC 70-10, Farthquske Engineering Research Center, College of Engineariag, University of California, BErkeley, Calif., December 1970. Zienkiewicz, 0. C., "The Finite Element Method in Engineering Science,” NeGraw-Hi1l, 1972, [ EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING RESEARCH CENTER REPORTS ERC 67-1 “Feasibility Study Large-Scale Farthquake Simulator FactLity,” by J. Peneian, J.C. Bowwkamp, R. W. Clough and D, Rea ~ 1967 (@p 187 905) HERC 68-1 Unaseigned HERG 66-2 “Inelastic Behavior of Bean-to-Colum Subaseenblages Under Repeated Loading,” by V. V. Bertero ~ 1968 (PB 18¢ 688) ERC 68-3 "A Graphical Nethod for Solving the Wave Reflectton-tefraction Problem," by H. D. Melliven and Y. Mengi - 1968 (P5 187 943) HERC 68-4 "Dynamic Properties of McKinley School Buildings," by D, Kea, J. G. Bowukanp and K. W, Clough - 1968 (PB 187 $02) ERC 68-5 “Characteristics of Rock Motions During Earthquakes," by H. B. Seed, I. M. Tdrise and F. W. Kiefer - 1968 (PB 188'338) ERC 69-1 "“arthquake Engineering Research at Berkeley," 1968 (PB 187 906) ERC 69-2 "Nonlinear Seientc Response of Earth Structures,” by M. Diba} and J. Penzien ~ 1969 (P3 187 904) ERC 69-3 “Probabilistic Study of the Behavior of Structures During Earthquakes,” by P. Ruiz and J. Penzien - 1969 (Pb 187 886) ERC 69-4 “Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problens in Structural Mechanics by Aeduction to an Initial Value Formulation," by N. Déstefano snd J. Schujaan - 1969 (PB 187 942) HERC 69-5 "Dynamde Programing and the Solution of the Stharnoaie Equation," by K, Distefaao ~ 1969" (PE 187 541) BERC 69-6 "Stochastic Analysis of Offshore Tover Structures," by A. K. Malhotra and J. Penzien - 1969 (28 187 903) BERC 69-7 "Rock Motion Accelerograns for Migh Magnitede Earthquakes," by 4H. B, Seed and I, M, Iariae ~ 1959 (PB 187 940) RRC 69-8 "Structural Dynanics Testing Facilities at the University of California, Berkeley," by . M. Stephen, J. G. Bowvkamp, Re W. Clough and J. Fenzien - i969 (PB'289 111) HERG 69-9 jonse of Soil Deposits Underlain by Sloping Rock by H. Dezfultan and H. B. Seed ~ 1969 (PS 189 114) Hote: Mumbers in parentheses are Accession Nusbere assigned by the National Technical Infornation Service. Copies of these reports nay be o-dered from the National Technical Information Service, Springtield, Virginia, 22151. Accession Munbers yhowld be quoted on ordere for the reporta, ERC EERE ERC ERE ene ERC eRe eRe ERC ERC 6-11 69-12 9-13 oad 69-45. 69-16 10-1 70-2 70-3 10-6 70-5 70-6 70-7 70-8 "pynanie Stress Analysis of Axfeyometric Structures Under Arbitrary Loading,” by 5. Ghosh and £. L, Wilson ~ 1968 (es 189 026) “selomie Behavior of Multistory Franes Designed by Different Philosophies," by J.C. Anderson and V. V. Bertero~ 1969 (pa 390 662) Istiffness Degradation of Hainforcing Concrete Structures Sub- jected to Reversed Actions," by V. V. Bertero, B. Bresler and iB, ing Liao = 1969 (PB 202 942) “Response of Won-Uaiform Soil Deposits to Travelling Seismic waves," by H, Desfulden and H. B. Seed - 1969 (PB 191 023) “oamping Capacity of a Model Steel structure," by T. Rea, RW. Clough and J. G. Bouwkanp ~ 1969 (PB 190 663) "Influence of Local Soll Conditions on Buflding Darage Potential During Earthquakes," by H. 8. Seed and I. M, Tdrise ~ 1969) (PB 191 036) “Woke Behavior of Sands Under Seienie Loading Conditions," by MoE. Silver and H. B, Seed ~ 1969 (AD 714 982) 'uarthquake Response of Concrete Gravity Dans," by Ay Ke chopra’ 1970" {AD 703 640) "gelationships Between Soil Conditions and Building Danage in the Caracas Barthquake of July 295 1967," by H. Bs Seedy I. Me Tatise and H, Dezfulian ~ 1970 (BB 195'762) "oyelde Loading of Bull Size Steel Connections," by E. P. Fopey and R, M. Stephen ~ 1970 (Hoe available from TIS) “setomte Analysis of the Charaina Building, Caraballeda, Venezuela," by Subcommittee of the SEAONC Research Comittee, ¥. W. Bertero, P. F, Fratessa, 8. A. Makin, J. H. Sexton, ALC. Scordelie, EB. L. Wilson, L. A. Wyllie, H. B. Seed, and 3: Penzien, Chairman = 1970 (PB 201 455) ‘a Computer Program for Earthquake Analysis of Dans," by A. Ke chopra = 1970. (AD 723 994) ane Propagation of Love Waves Acrote Now-llorizontally Layered Structures," by J, Lyener and L. A. Drake - 1970 (PB 197 896) “Influence of Base Rock Characteristics on Ground Hesponse," by J. Lysmer, H, B. Seed and P, B, Schnabel ~ 1970 (PS 197 897) “applicabLlity of Laboratory Test Procedures for Measuring Soil Liquefaction Characteristics Under Cyclic Loading," by Hl. Be Seed and W. H. Peacock ~ 1970 (PB 198 016) ‘BER eRe ERC EEC EERE eRe ‘EERE EERE ERE ‘EERE ERC m9 70-10 nt n2 ne ns n-6 met m8 ea met m3 m6 Tes 72-6 "4 Simplified Procedure for Evaluating Soil Liquefaction Potential,” by H. B. Seed and I, N. Iiriss - 1970 (PB 198 009) "so42 Moduli and Damping Factors for Dynanie Respease Analysis," by HB. Seed and I, M. Tdriea ~ 1970 (DB 197 863) “koyna Barthquake and the Performance of Koyna Daz," by A. Ke chopra and P. Chakrabarti ~ 1971 (AD 731 496) Nevelininary In-Sity Measurements of an Blaetie Absorption tn Soile Using a Prototype earthquake Simlator," by R. D. Borcherde and P. W. Rodgers ~ 1971 (P3 201 454) "static and Dynanic Analysis of Inelastic Frane Structures," by FLL, Porter and G. H. Fowell ~ 1971. (24 210 135) "Research Needs in Limit Desiga of Reinforced Concrete structures," by ¥, Ve Hertero - 1971 (PB 202 943) "pynanie Behavior of a High-Rise Diagonally Beaceé Steel auildiag," by D. Reay A. A. Shah and J. G. Bouvkanp ~ 1971 (en 203584) "pynanie Stress Analyeie of Porous Elastic Solids Saturated with Coupreseible Fluide," by J. Ghaboussi and E. L. Wilson ~ i7L (PB 21 396) "inelastic Dehavior of Steel Bean-to-Colusn Subascemblages, by iI. Kravinkler, V. V. Bercero and E. P. Popov ~ 1971 (ep 211 335) "Ypdifteation of Selsmograph Records for Effects of Local Soil conditions," by P. Schnabel, H. B. Seed and J. Lysner ~ 1972 "seatic and Earthquake Analysis of Three Dimensioral Frame and Shear Wall Buildings," by E. L, Wéleon and H.W. Lovey ~ 1972 (es 212 589) “accelerations in Rock for Harthquakes in the Westera United States," by P. B. Schnabel and H. B. Seed ~ 1972 "Blast ic-Plastic Farthquake Respoase of Sofl-Builéing Systens," by T. inant and J. Penzien - 1972 “Stochastic Inelastic Response of Offshore Towers to Strong Motion Barthquakes,” by U. K. Kaul and J. Penzien - 1972 “cyclic Behavior of Three Reinforced Concrete Flexural Members with igh Shear," by E. P. Popov, V. V. Sertero and He Keavinkler ~ 1972 "Barthquake Response of Gravity Dans Including Reservoir Inter~ action lffects,” by P. Chakrabarti and A. K. Chopra - 1972. ERC EERE ene ERC ERC ERC eRe eRe eee ERC EERE 1 28 19 p10 qu 7212 Tet ree tes Tah 7365 73-6 m1 "pynante Properties of Pine Plat Dax," by D. Rea, C.-Y, Liaw and A. K, Chopra ~ 1972 “mree Dimensional Analysis of Building Systens," by E. L. \ilson and HH. Dovey ~ 1972 Rate of Loading Bffects on Uncracked and Repaired Reinforced Concrete Menbers," by V. V. Bertero, D. Rea, S. iahin and NM. Atalay = 1972 “cououter Progran for Static and Dynaaic Analysis of Linesr Structural Systeas," by E. L. Wilson, K. J. Bathe, J. Ee Peterson and il. H, ‘Dovey ~ 1973 “Lseerature Survey - Seteafe Effects on iighnay Bridges," by T. Iwasakt, J. Penzien and R, Clough ~ 1972 "SHAKE--A Conputer Program for Earthquake Response Analysis of Horizontally Layered Sites," by Per B. Schnabel, John Lysner and By Bolton Seed ~ 1972 “optimal Setanic Design of tuleiscory Frames," by V. V. Bertero and H. Kamil ~ 1973 "analysia of Slides in the San Fernando Dens during the Barth guake of February 9, 1971," by H. B. Seed, K. L. Lee, I. Ms Tarise and F, slakaist — 1973 “computer Aided Ultinate Load Design of Unbraced tultistory Steci Frames," by N. B, H-Hafes and G. J, Powell ~ 1973 "experimental Investigation Inte the Seismic Behavior of Critical Rogions of Reinforced Concrete Components as Influenced by Yonent and Shear," by M. Celebi and J. Penzien ~ 1973 “uysteretic Behavior of Bpoxy-Repatred Reinforced Concrete Beans," by Mf, Celebi and J. Penzien = 1973 "General Purpose Computer Progran for Inelastic Dynanle Response of Plane Structures," by A. Kanaan and @. #. Powell 1973 "a Computer Progran for Earthquake Analysis of Gravity Dans Including Reservoir Interaction," by P. Chakrabartt and A. Ke Chopra ~ 1973 "seteate Behavior of Spandvel Franes ~ A Review and Outline for Future Research," by R. Razant and J. ¢. Bouskanp ~ 1973 “earthquake Analysis of Structure-Foundation Systens," by A. Ke Vaish and A. X. Chopra - 1973, ERC 73-10 BERG 73-11 BRAC 73-12 eRe 72-13 HERG 73-14 ERC 73-15 ERC 73-16 BERG 73-17 ERC 73-18 HERG 73-19 ane 73-20 BERC 73-21 ERC 73-22 ERC 72-23 ERC 73-24 "econvolution of Seismic Response for Linear Systene," by Re 3. Reiner ~ 1973 “SAP IV Seructure Analysis Program for Static and Dynante Response of Linear Systezs," by K.-J, Bathe, EL, Wileon, and F, E, Peterson ~ 1973 "analytical Investigations of the SeLanic: Response of Tall Flerible Highvay Bridges," by W. S. Tseng and J. Tenzien ~ 1973 “earthquake Analyste of Nulti-Story Buildings Including Foundation Interaction,” by A. K. Chopra and J. A. Gutierrez ~ 1973 “ADAP A Conputer Progran for Static and Dynamic Avalysis of Arch Dans," by K. We Clough, J, M. Raphael and S, Nojeshedt — 1573 ‘cyelie Plastic Analysis of Structural Steol Joints,” by R. Bs Pinkney and Re Wl, Clough - 1973, “quab~4 A Computer Program for Evaluating the Setenic Response of Soil Structures by Variable Danping Finite Eleent Procedures,” by Let. Sériss, J. Lymer, 2, Hwang and H. B. Seed ~ 1973 "nynamic Behavior of a Multi-Story Pyranid’ Shaped Building,” by RM, Stephen and 3. G. Bouvkanp ~ 1973 "Brtect of Different Types of Reinforcing on Selosic Behavior of Short Concrete Columns," by Ve V. Devtere, J. Toilinga, ©, Kustu, KR. M. Stephen and J. G. Bouvkamp ~ 1973 “olive View Medical Center atersal Studies, Phase 1," by B, Bresier and V. Bertere - 1973 “uinear and Nonlinear Setsmte Analysis Conputer Programs for Long Mule fple-Span Highway Bridges,” by H.-S. Teeng and J. Penzien = 1973 (Constitutive Models for cyclic Plastic Deformation of Engineering Yateriala," by J. ¥. Kelly and P. P. Gillis - 1973 DRAIN = 20 Users Guide," by G. H. Powell ~ 1973 (eB 227- o16/as) “zarchquake Eagineering at Berkeley — 1973" - 1973 “seiemte Input and Structural Response During the 1971 San Horsando Earthquake,” by RB. Reimer, R. W. Clough and 3.4 Raphael = 1973 ERC EERC ERC ERC ERC T3258 73-26 73-27 at The? 13 Tob “Earthquake Response, of Axisymnetric Tower Structures Surrounded by Water," by 0. Y. Liaw and A. K. Chopra ~ 1973 “tavestigation of the Failures of the Olive View stair covers During the San Fernando Earthquake and their Implications oa Seienic Design," by V. V. Bertero and RG. Collins ~ 1973, purther Studies on Seisnic Behavior of Steel Bean-Column Subassenblages," by V. V. Bertero, H. Kravinkler end E. Py Popov = 1973 "Selamte Risk Analysis," by C. S. Oliveira ~ 1974 ettlenent and Liquefaction of Sande Under Multi-Directional Shaking,” by Robert Pyke, C. K, Chan and H, Bolton Seed ~ 1974 optimus Design of Earthquake Resistant Shear Bui:dings," by D. Rea, K. 8. Pister, A. K. Chopra, February 1574. “UUSH--A Computer Program for Coaplex Response Anclysis of Soil-structure Systeas," by Joba Lysner, Tekekazu Udaka, B. Boltos Seed, Richard Hwang ~ 1974

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