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Reena Conese ne Questions 131-134 refer to the following memo. To: All staff From: Leonard Villalobos, Vice President of Product Development Date: August 27 Subject: Atzeret game (Product #DS8192) Due to the results from our trial customer testing, we have decided to postpone the launch of the Atzeret video game. Customer surveys indicated that the game was less --131— than we anticipated, Over the next few months, the game development team will introduce several ---132-—- to make the product more attractive.---133---. If the changes are successfull, we hope to launch the game by next January ---134--- February. qua ciia cae bai kiém tra thir nghiém khich hang ciia ching t6i, ching t6i 44 quyét dinh tri hoan vige phat hanh trd choi dign tir Atzeret. Cac cuge khao sét khach hang cho thay trd choi nay kém thé vj hon ching t6i mong dei. Trong vai thing ti, nhom phat trién trO choi s& gidi thigu mot 86 stra di dé lam cho san phim tro nén hap din hon. Tai thoi diém 46, nhigu cude thir nghigm sé dugc tién hanh, Néu nhiing thay 46i thanh céng, ching t6i hy vong sé phat hanh trd choi vao thang 1 hoge thing 2 nim sau. 131. KEY C. Phan tich: Dua vao nghia. (A) expensive (adj) dat tién (B) repetitive (adj) lp di lap lai (C) appealing (adj) thu hat (D) surprising (adj) ngac nhién 132, KEY D. Phan tich: several + danh tir s6 nhiéu nén chon D. (A) modification (B) modifies (C) modifying (D) modifications (n) sy diéu chinh 133. KEY A. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) At that point, more tests will be conducted. Tai théi diém 46, nhiéu cuge thir nghiém sé urge tién hanh. . ; (B) The launch will be our biggest of the year. Vige ra mit sé la Ién nhét trong nim cia ching tdi. (C) However, the surveys are not reliable. Tuy nhién, c4c cudc khao sat thi khong dang tin cay. (D) Team members must each sign the form. Méi thanh vién phai ky vao biéu miu. 134. KEY B. Dya vio nghia. (A) since (prep/conj) ké tir (B) or (conj) hoge (©) if (conj) néu (D) later (adv) sau 46 GIAI CHI TIET CUON S 2022 | TEST 2 oy a0) Qnioeonoex Cre Reena Conese ne Questions 135-138 refer to the following e-mail. To: Eva Linn, Lundtalk Industries From: Technical Services Date: January 15 Subject: Technical query Dear Ms. Linn, Thank you for contacting our technical department ---135--- your query.---136---, our call got disconnected when we were trying to reboot your system from our remote location. ---137---. Therefore, please call us at your earliest convenience and refer to conversation ID #TECH12-2020A to complete the system repair. We have prioritized your inquiry and look forward to helping you -- 138--- your computer to its full capabilities. Cam on ban di lién hg véi bo phan ky thudt cia ching ti voi yéu cau tia minh. Nhu ban da biét, cuge goi cia chiing ta d.mat két n6i khi ching t6i dang c6 ging khoi déng Iai he théng cia ban tr dia diém tir xa ciia chiing tdi, Rat tiéc, ching ti khong cé s6 dign thogi dé lién Ige véi ban. Vi vay, vui long goi cho chung tdi vao hic thudn tién nhat cua ban va dé cap dén cudéc néi chuyén ID #TECH12-2020A dé hoan thanh vige stra chira hé théng. Ching t6i di wu tién yéu cau cia ban va mong duge gidip ban khéi phyc may tinh cia minh vé day dui chite ning. 135. KEY D. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia thi chon D. (A) until (prep/conj) cho dén khi (B) besides (adv/prep) bén canh (C) into (prep) vao trong (D) with (prep) véi 136. KEY D. Phin tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) In other words (adv) néi cach khéc (B) For this reason (adv) do 45 (C) For example (adv) vi dy (D) As you know (adv) nhw ban di biét 137. KEY B. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) We invite you to visit one of our computer repair centers in your area, Ching tdi moi ban ghé dén mt trong nhiing trung tim sira chia may tinh cua ching (6i trong khu vye cia ban. (B) Unfortunately, we do not have a phone number at whicl we can reach you. Rit tiée, ching toi khong cé s6 dign thoai dé lign hé véi ban. (C) Thank you again for being one of our priority customers. Cam on ban m6t Lin nifa vi da tré thanh khach hang tuyét voi cua chiing t6i, ; (D) Please submit your check for the service fee promptly. Giri sé ngay lip tire dé thanh todn phi dich vu. 138, KEY A. Cu tric help somebody do something nén vj tri can dién dng tir nguyén thé chon A. (A) restore (B) restoring (©) restored (D) restoration GIAI CHI TIET CUON S 2022 | TEST 2 fs) Gnpeonoeidoien; Pieneentc) Cre ror Questions 139-142 refer to the following Web page. For a limited time, the Uppercut Clothing Hanger Company is selling its highest quality hangers at huge discounts on wholesale orders. This special --139--- is perfect for hotels, retailers, or anywhere hangers are used extensively.---140--- of lacquered walnut wood, these hangers are not only durable, but also safe for the environment,---141—- are strong enough to hold up to ten pounds. To order, visit Www Note that all orders require a 20 percent deposit—-142-—. Uppercut will cover all shipping and insurance costs. Trong thdi gian gidi han, Méc treo quin 40 Uppercut dang bin méc treo chat Ingng cao nhat tai mite gidm gid I6n cho cdc don hang si. Chuomg trinh giam gia dic bigt nay rat phi hyp cho céc khach san, cita hing ban Ié hoge bat eit noi nao sir dyng nhiéu méec treo. Duge kim biing g6 dc ché duge phun son, méc treo khéng chi bén ma cdn an toin véi méi trudng. Chiing dit ben dé chju duge trong long len t6i 10 pound, Dé dat hing, hay truy edp Luu ¥ ring tat ca don dat hang yéu cau dat coc 20%, $6 tién con thiéu s€ duge thanh ton khi nh§n duge hang. Uppercut sé chi ta tat ca chi phi van chuyén va bao hiém. 139. KEY B. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) clothing (n) quan ao (B) offer (n) wu dai (C) decoration (n) trang tri —_(D) performance (n) budi biéu dién 140, KEY A. -- of lacquered walnut wood, these hangers are not only durable, but also safe for the environment. Khéng dién (D) vi néu dién phia sau phai c6 tin ngit, cau c6 dng tir chinh roi khéng cé lién tir ma van bit dién dong tir vao, do dé suy ra day li dang rit gon MB trang ngét (rit gon lién tit). Cau géc “because hangers are’ made of lacquered walnut wood, these hangers are not only durable, but also safe for the environment.”Cac bude rit gon: Bude 1: Bo chit ngir é MB cé chia lign tir. Bue 2: Xét dong tir néu cha déng thi chuyén thanh Ving, néu bj déng thi chuyén thanh Ved/V3 (bo tobe néu c6). Lién tir dau cau c6 thé luge bé luén. Do 6, bo hangers di, dGng tir bj déng nén rat gon cbn Iai chi “made” nhw dap an A, bé lién tir “because” do né dimg dau cau nén khong thay lién tir. (A) Made __(B) Making __(C) To make _(D) They made 141. KEY B, Phan tich: hangers = THEY nén chon B. Con néu chon A thi khong hgp nghia. (A) Both (pronoun) ca 2 (B) They (pronoun) ching (C) Fewer (adj) it hon (D) Theirs (pronoun) cia ho/cua ching 142. KEY D. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) Our products make great gifts. Sin phdm cia ching t6i tgo ra cde mon qua tt. (B) While sturdy, wooden hangers are also heavy. Trong khi bén, cdc méc treo bing gé ciing ning (C) Quality hangers are a great investment. M6t gia treo chat Ivong 1a m6t khoan dau tu tuyét voi. (D) The balance is due when the shipment is received. Sé tién con thiéu sé duge thanh toan khi nh§n duge hang. GIAI CHI TIET CUON $ 2022 | TEST 2 fs) OO) Qnjooonoex Pieneentc) Cre ror Questions 143-146 refer to the following e-mail. From: To: Date: October 14 Subject: Application Attachment: Résumé Dear Ms. Kumar, I am writing in response to the advertisement posted in the window of Baxter Art Supplies. As a frequent visitor to your ---143---, I have found it an invaluable source of inspiration over the years. I would be ---144--- to display my artwork. I would also enjoy running workshops to help inspire your customers. I believe I would be well suited for this role because I am both enthusiastic and friendly.- --145-—, [have led successfull workshops at various locations in the area. I have attached a copy of my résumé, which includes more details about these workshops.---146---. I look forward to hearing from you after you have reviewed my application and work. Téi viét email nay nhim phan hdi lai quang co quang céo duge dan trén ciza sé ciia mét cla hang cung cp d6 nghé thugt Baxter. La khich hing thuéng xuyén cia cira hing eta ban, t0i c’im thiy nb a mot nguén cam hig quy gid trong nhimg nm qua. Toi s@ rit vui dé trumg bay tée phim cia minh, Toi cfing muén t6 chife ec budi hgi thio dé truyén cam himg cho khéch hang ciia ban. Toi chi ring minh sé rit phii hgp véi cong vige nay béi vi t6i vira nbigt tinh va than thign. Hon nia, t6i dg tién hanh thanh céng céc hgi thao nhiéu dja diém khde nhau trong khu vue. Toi da dinh kém so yéu ly lich ciia minh, trong 46 c6 thong tin chi tiét vé ede hoi thao d6. Céc mau sn phim nghé thugt thé tim thay tai Tdi mong dgi phan hdi tir ban sau khi ban xem xét hd so va tée pham cita ti. 143. KEY C. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) school (n) trursng (B) house (n) nha (C) store (n) cita hang _(D) museum (n) bao tang 144, KEY C. Phan tich: I would be to display my artwork. Linking verb (tobe, become, remain) + Adj. Nén vi tri can tinh tir nén logi bo B, D, ngoai tinh tir mang hau t6 van edn tinh tr dang phan ti (Ved/Ving). 6 day phan tir chi cam xtc nén phai dich Ving~ gay ra, Ved~ cam thay, a coi nghia nao hgp. Nén vay dich ra thi thay t6i sé cdm thay vui mimg dé trung bay tée phim cia minh nén chon C. (A) thrilling ___(B)thrill___(C) thrilled __(D) thrills 145. KEY A. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) In addition (adv) ben canh (B) However (adv) tuy nhién (C) In general (adv) néi chung (D) Similarly (adv) tuong ty 146. KEY B. Phan tich: Dya vao nghia. (A) L enjoyed the painting workshop last week. T6i thich h@i thao vé tranh tuan trude. (B) Samples of my art can be found at Cac miu tac phm cita toi c6 thé tim thay tai, (C) I just started working with watercolors. Téi vira méi bat dau lam viée véi son mau nude. (D) For a price list, please contact me at 347-555-0101. Dé biét bang gid, vui long lién hé 347-555- ol. GIAI CHI TIET CUON S$ 2022 | TEST 2 || S01 Qnioeonoex

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