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Course Title: English Fluency and Critical Thinking

Course Description: This course is designed for intermediate ESL students who want to improve their English
fluency and ability to think critically in English. Throughout the course, students will be exposed to various
types of texts and language exercises that are designed to improve their reading, writing, listening, and
speaking skills. Students will be encouraged to engage in critical thinking and to express their ideas clearly in

Course Goals:

• To improve students' ability to think critically and express their ideas fluently in English.

• To expand students' vocabulary and develop their understanding of English grammar.

• To increase students' reading, writing, listening, and speaking proficiency in English.

• To help students develop strategies for effective communication in English.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to Critical Thinking and English Fluency

• Understanding the importance of critical thinking in English

• Strategies for improving fluency in English

• Vocabulary building exercises

Week 2: Reading and Comprehension

• Reading strategies for understanding complex texts

• Identifying key ideas in written passages

• Vocabulary expansion through reading

Week 3: Writing and Grammar

• Sentence structure and grammatical rules in English

• Developing clear and concise writing

• Vocabulary building through writing

Week 4: Listening and Speaking

• Understanding spoken English

• Strategies for improving listening skills

• Improving pronunciation and intonation

Week 5: Presentations and Group Discussions

• Techniques for effective group discussions in English

• Preparing and delivering presentations in English

• Vocabulary building through discussion and presentation

Week 6: Wrap-up and Review

• Final review of course materials

• Strategies for continuing to improve English fluency and critical thinking after the course

Assessment and Evaluation:

• Students will be evaluated based on class participation, homework assignments, quizzes, and a final
project or presentation.

• Students will receive regular feedback on their progress throughout the course.

Note: This is just one possible syllabus, and the specific topics and activities included may vary depending on
the needs of the students and the preferences of the instructor.

Course Title: Thinking in English - ESL B2 Brush Up Course

Course Description: This course is designed for ESL B2 students who want to improve their ability to think in
English. The course will focus on developing vocabulary, grammar, and critical thinking skills to help students
communicate and think more fluently in English.

Course Goals:

1. To help students improve their English language skills through the use of critical thinking activities
and exercises.

2. To help students become more confident in their ability to use English in academic and social

3. To provide students with the opportunity to practice their English language skills in a supportive and
encouraging environment.

Course Duration: 10 weeks, with 2 hours of class time per week.

Course Outline:

Week 1: Introduction to thinking in English, building vocabulary through word association games, and basic
conversation practice.

Week 2: Developing critical thinking skills, practicing the use of question words (what, where, why, when, how)
and responding to questions.

Week 3: Building fluency through reading and summarizing news articles.

Week 4: Practicing expressing opinions and ideas in group discussions.

Week 5: Developing writing skills, including writing summaries and basic essays.

Week 6: Review of grammar and sentence structure.

Week 7: Using idiomatic expressions and phrasal verbs in conversation.

Week 8: Listening comprehension exercises and strategies.

Week 9: Review of complex sentence structures, including subordinate clauses.

Week 10: Final project: Students will give a 5-minute presentation on a topic of their choice, incorporating the
skills learned throughout the course.


Students will be assessed on their participation in class activities, quizzes on vocabulary, grammar and critical
thinking, and their final project presentation.

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