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My Life

What is Rankin? Most people would wonder, but

Rankin is a small community inside the city of
Pittsburgh PA. Growing up in Rankin is a feeling
that you’ll get growing up in a neighborhood that’s
not really known for anything and it’s hard to look
outward into what’s out there in the world but
imagining things were the closest thing we got to the
real world. My life / younger days of growing up were
more into the hard & rebel lifelike talking about
violence, doing petty crimes, and disobeying any
authority to the law. I am an African American from
the hood and was institutionalized into my
environment and living where there is no hope
sabotage my community and was making us killers.
While living as a young person and being black, you
do not know what is wrong or right all you know is
living in that moment then dealing with the
consequences later so here is my story.

October 31, 1995, I was born into this world with big
dreams and a perfect future but this thing we call life
had another purpose for me. I do not remember too
much of my infant days but only pieces of being
adopted by my grandmother and grandfather with
my brothers & sister while we were young. As a
child, I was always kind of confused about the living
situation at that stage of my life because I was
always around my mother and father growing up so I
couldn’t tell the difference or care too much about it.
I remember little parts of my childhood but nothing I
can pinpoint so I have nothing to say about that part
of my life but I could say I had a good one. My
elementary days I remember because, at that time of
life, I was very troubled and outgoing around the
community in ways that didn’t make sense from
jumping on people’s cars, to doing fake fundraisers so
we could have money throughout the day to get
snacks too actually helping out the community from
cleaning the streets in the community on community
day to washing cars at my friend “dae dae” house so
that’s the best way I could put it so we were like
young entrepreneurs at a young age. We did
dangerous things at a young age literally from
climbing up roofs of the churches and school on third
street, running from dogs, running from the cops,
hitting cars with snowballs while they drive past,
shooting BB guns throughout any time of the day and
almost getting shot by the cops because I made a
terrible mistake, and prank calling vocelli pizza and
sending all the pizza’s to Big Foots house haha but
only the real knows about Big Foot haha and many
more but things like this made me who I am, but like
I said before we had nothing to do so we chose this

My life in the past was filled with regrets & much

more, but honestly I had no vision into what I
wanted to accomplish in my life besides just living. I
had many challenges with growing up and one of the
challenges was being alone, I felt like I was a missing
piece to a puzzle that couldn’t be found meaning like
I didn’t get what my other siblings got like, I never
had a birthday party, I never got to have a sleepover,
I didn’t get the same attention they got, I never had a
real room that was mine, and I just felt like I was a
ghost that couldn’t fit in into the real world of love
and I believed that for many years of my childhood
even to a point my own family didn’t know too much
of what my life was filled with besides what I’ve told
them. I spent a lot of time of my childhood outside
with myself and not wanting to be in the house
because I felt like being there was boring and I didn’t
want to be around my family most of the time not in
the way that I didn’t like them but more in a way
that I just didn’t want to be there and I just felt like
being alone. I missed out on a lot of my childhood
from, taking pictures with my family, sharing my life
and my thoughts with my loved ones, and gaining
knowledge from the older ones that I looked up to in
the family so, I look at my life now and I feel like
that’s a piece of my life I left behind because I was
afraid to open up to others or it could’ve been I never
had a chance to learned to open up to others. I have
done wrong in my life and I am learning how to
accept things as they come because if I didn’t come to
a realization that I’ve done wrong in the past I
would’ve never be able to better myself into a better
person and enjoy life in a way that I always wished
for. Depression is very common in rough
environments where there is no assistance &
guidance in a child’s daily life and something like
depression or, anxiety will play a big role in their
daily life when they are older and it will be a lot
harder to battle each one of these and life at the same
time. I would like to gather people that have dealt
with this in life and try to come together to just
express how they made it through life knowing that
they weren’t always good or perfect but made a
change within to live a life of graceful blessings. I
would say doing something like that could change a
lot of mindset in rough neighborhoods. While I was
growing in this environment, I was not really seeing
anything and I mainly did the same things every
single day throughout my early teens from just
playing the game and playing football in front of my
home. It is funny when I tell people how I grew up
and for some reason they never believe me because
when I tell them “I never left Rankin” I meant that
even to the point growing up and if I ever did, I felt
so homesick for no reason and had to get back to
where I felt comfortable. I came from a church family
and waking up to go to church them Sundays was so
tuff for me knowing that I didn’t want to go but I had
to. I kind of enjoyed going and being with people that
believed in Jesus and singing gospel music plus my
grandfather and grandmother was really big on us
gaining faith and acknowledging that we are the
children of god and I have endless stories of us in
church haha but I really respect how my grandfather
wasn’t the perfect person but overcame life and
became a preacher to live a godly life. I was big on
attending church throughout the week and helping
my uncle bern with cutting grass at the church,
helping my grandfather move people across the city,
and helping my grandfather with his property’s and
mainly learning how to become a man but more a
servant. Remembering this now makes my life boring
and shocking because I didn’t know no better but
now, I can see how it affected my life later because I
didn’t know how to catch the bus, I never knew about
other neighborhoods, I didn’t really know anything
about restaurants, and it took me 16 years to know
what downtown was and that’s sad to say because I
felt like I seen everything. I can say I enjoyed being
where I was because I was always around my
brothers, uncle and their friends most of the time so
that made my teen years go by fast and I learned so
much from being around them. The turning part of my
life when I lost my faith or anything that made me
want to do good for me and other’s was in my Mid-
Teens and this was something I was not looking for
but life was about to give me a wakeup call into a
dangerous world and here it is.

Rankin back then was growing high in the rate of

crimes, and finding things to cope with the pain to us
was just keeping our head up and hopefully, we get to
see the next day and we were numb to everything so
honestly, I had no feeling on how things were going
or how things went, all I just felt was just ‘I’m ok ‘
and the people around me were ‘ok’. I didn’t start
feeling this numbness until I saw my brother on the
pavement with a bullet stuck in his mouth and blood
all around him hit me very hard as a young teen, my
mind was just blind to the fact of what happened at
that moment and having this nervousness in not
knowing what to do was something a teen or a kid
should never experience in their childhood and even
then after years go by I’m still losing friends and the
death toll was continuing to rise so I felt like death
should be coming to me soon but just didn’t know
when. Life was taking all those who I needed in my
life when I was a teen from my father, cousins,
friends, and many more and I honestly felt like how
can I survive in this world where death is next door
to me and taking those who I needed. I had no feeling
after all of those losses and even years later I was
getting older and things were getting worse and
something I realized over time was knowing that
more than 20 people I knew personally died from gun
violence and me not having a feeling or emotion to
shed a tear because in my mind they were living
through me so emotionally I was cool at that time
but really hurt inside. Living around that time was
challenging in a way that made me feel like I was
living in a warzone knowing that these bullets have
no names. I would’ve never thought Rankin was
dangerous because I felt like the community was safe
and very relaxing to what I knew of it but also I
didn’t know too much of the world besides Rankin
because I was the person that didn’t leave so I had no
clue on what was really going on. Music was a key to
how I felt the way I did at this point knowing that
the music I was listening to wasn’t good for me but it
was like a drug to me, hearing lines from killing,
dissing people, and gun play made my mind
dangerous itself because it pumped me up to the point
that I wanted to get shot at or get shot somewhere
and I had no clue why either. Around 2014 to 2017 I
felt the most dangerous because I was so into the
Chicago gangs and how Chicago was reaching
milestones in deaths and hearing about it made me
think “can Pittsburgh be the new Chicago” knowing
that people here are getting shot here at a high rate
also but I was really big with guns plus holding one
made me feel so good knowing that this is power and
wished someone would try to come do something
because most likely I would’ve shot at any threat
that came to do harm. I wouldn’t say I wanted to be
in a gang but I was just do to the fact that I hung
around like I was but you don’t have to shoot anyone
or sell drugs to be in a gang there’s many roles you
can play its just up to you how far you want to go
with it. When the death’s started hitting close to
home I started to understand that this isn’t good and
may hurt the little one’s that’s in my family and the
community so from there I wanted to change and be
an example of coming from a dark place and I did
make change for myself and went out the community
to find opportunities. One moment that changed my
whole life when it comes to death was in late
October of 2017 I was sleeping and I heard my
brother running upstairs pounding on my aunt’s door
saying “ ***** your mom isn’t breathing” so I get up
and run downstairs and go into my grandparents’
room and at that moment I knew my life wouldn’t
ever be the same again. While everything was going
on in the room I was trying to find some clarity of
what was going on at that moment and looking into
my grandfather’s face and seeing the fear of losing
someone that literally meant the world to him and
the family broke my heart and I felt this one deeply.
So therefore, after seconds went by I had to make a
choice and step in and help my grandfather
resuscitate the one that kept this family together and
the one that gave me this opportunity to share this
story a chance at life again so I started to yell
“WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP” that’s all you
were hearing from the room but getting no response.
Moments later the paramedic came and hooked my
grandmother up with machines to get a better pulse
and rushed her to the nearest hospital and for some
reason there was a delay to the hospital because we
were following the paramedic and they took a detour
through another neighborhood knowing that all they
had to do was get on the bridge that they passed was
hurting me more because I felt like we were losing
time. We make it to the hospital and we all rushed
into the lobby and I see my grandmother being rushed
to the emergency room from a nearby window and
seeing her chest go up and down gave me hope
because I thought she was ok she’s been through this
many times before but later that night at the hospital
we all gather up in the lobby then a doctor came and
told us that she died later that night and watching
my grandfather and everyone else break down into
tears made me feel worthless in not helping enough in
that room so I went out the hospital and got in the
car with my niece and did my best not to cry in front
of her because I didn’t want her to see me weak
knowing that I really wanted to. After everything
cooled off and everyone went to their own home, I
just completely shut off internally and didn’t know
what to do with life so I stayed in my room with the
door locked for days and just hurting and feeling
dead inside. After weeks went by I was going through
the most stressful part of my life to the point I
couldn’t even eat or sleep normally, my motivation
to work was at its lowest I just couldn’t even feel
normal being in the house when coming home from
work and not hearing a soul in the house was
something that broke the family knowing that she
was everything a family or friend would need to
become the person you truly our. One moment that I
always think about is when days before she passed, I
remember being in her room with my sister and aunts
and I was asking my grandmother what she was
getting me for my birthday on the 31st as a joke and
she responded ‘ I might not be here for your birthday
and everyone that was in the room was like ‘ she
needs to quit playing’ but I never took what she said
seriously so I was lost in what she said but moment’s
like that makes me think that as humans we can die
at any moment without knowing why but thinking
like this makes me appreciate every time I open my
eyes. A month later, I needed help understanding life
and becoming more peaceful with my life so I went to
seek the secret of living but mainly mental health.
Therefore, I told myself it’s time to find a doctor to
help me understand my mental state and help me to
understand why I am dealing with my problems and
what’s making me feel this way. After a month and
weeks went by of me grieving, I finally had time to go
into the hospital and I was sitting in the lobby of the
hospital and a doctor came out and took me into a
very relaxing room then I looked around the room for
a bit and saw so many peaceful messages on the wall
and this room had many features but the one that
stuck out was a mini waterfall that made me think of
a woodland area that was peaceful and beautiful.
Moments later I took a seat on a chair that was in
the corner of the room and he begin his assessment
and after minutes went by we were talking about the
reason why was here and telling him somewhat of
what I was dealing with and I kind of had a feeling
he already knew what was wrong after the first ten
minutes of me speaking and then for some reason he
told me to lift my hand up and try to keep it rested
for 30 seconds and in my head, I was saying to myself
“this is stupid he doesn’t know what he is doing” but
for some reason, my hand couldn’t stay still or relax,
it was like my hand had its mind of its own then, I
asked the doctor “why was my hand shaking so
rapidly “and then he asked “have I been dealing with
stress or problems growing up or anything harmful”
he said and I said ‘no” knowing that I was lying
because I didn’t want this person to fix me or know
me, after all, I wanted to be hard or just solid with
myself but I was wrong for doing so but I was mainly
scared of letting a stranger know everything about
me so easily.

After I did all of that he asked me did I know what

“PTSD” mean and I told the doctor “no” and he went
off by telling me “PTSD” is a Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder that can occur in people who have
experienced or witnessed a traumatic event such as a
natural disaster, a serious accident, a terrorist act,
war/combat, etc and telling me that I 90% have it but
wasn’t sure. I took time to think with myself and just
felt shocked by what he told me and I’m thinking
‘wow’ I never knew that was a thing because in a
hard environment things like this don’t even reach
the ears of the people living there but I was glad that
he was able to help me understand that the way I
was living was one of the reasons I was feeling this
way and the other reasons was me being very
paranoid in this environment to the point some night
I used to wake up screaming out of fear of me dying
in my dreams. Over the years of pretending to have a
smile when I was out made me understand that I was
mainly hiding my pain and suffering so no one else
could see what I was going through but a smile
because I didn’t want others to judge my hurt I was
going through. Around that time in my life while I
was healing I had mixed emotions with life and
where I was from even to a point I was afraid of
telling others where I was from just because of the
heat my community was facing and putting myself in
well-establish environments made me hate myself
even more because I didn’t know what I wanted in
my life, I hated it because I had people back home
suffering knowing that there’s no way out, I hated
because if I had to defend those who I loved I
would’ve risked my own life, I hated because I knew
we were great but didn’t have the support, I hated
because as a culture I knew we were living wrong and
not helping each other, I hated because I couldn’t
help……. After the visit my doctor recommended me
with some pills but I don’t like taking pills so, I told
myself I needed to find a way to inner peace with
myself to break this chain of resentment and
depression. Months went by and me being Isolated to
the world helped me much more that spring. I was
thinking about what made me who I am today and I
came up with the thought that things really didn’t
affect my vision on things with life but only made me
smarter on how I move now. Being a kid or a young
adult now and back then was very hard when you are
living in an environment where there is warfare and
having no experience in military tactics plays a big
role in our minds as we are growing and no child or
teen shouldn’t have a mindset of living in fear and
knowing that you have to watch over your back and
look at every car that drives past as a sign of danger
or have to read a person body language a mile away
or having to check each window of your house to get
a visual observation of the outside before you step
out your home because it was so second nature to us
to protect ourselves and the ones we loved knowing
that you only have seconds to react or be a victim of
senseless acts. Imagine waking up every day and
living life so militant, knowing that every time you
step outside might be your last. Next I want to share
why I felt like my fate was coming and why I felt my
community was about to make a killer at a young
There were days when I walked home at night and
imagined someone coming out the cut of a dark alley-
way and just killing me because where I was from
for no reason was something I always thought about
and knowing that I haven’t done anything to anyone
but living where I was living at people didn’t give a
fuck it was just don’t get caught lackin and I don’t
know why either but all of this building up as a kid
into my early 20’s caught up to me and hit me very
hard and that’s when I knew I needed to always have
someone with a gun next to me when I’m out. There
were times I was in front of a gun barrel and there
were times that I was just cooling it with my friends
and out of nowhere there’s a group of people coming
from the backyard with their guns up ready to shoot
at any movement and us knowing that there was
nothing we could’ve done to get out of that situation
knowing that we had guns in arm reach but they were
just a step ahead of us and caught us lackin and god’s
blessing they went off into the dark without anyone
getting hurt. One thing that I knew is if this person
shoots me I wouldn’t be scared because I really
wasn’t my mindset at that time was “people I knew
died before me so the one that’s in front of the gun
will live forever” so I kind of felt this is my time to
go I guess and hopefully people will sing about me
and there’s a song from Kendrick Lamar that’s called
“Sing about me” that I loved at the time and the
verse I’m relating to is when he sings “When the
lights shut off and it’s my turn to settle down, my
main concern ‘Promise that you will sing about me
promise that you will sing about me” was something
I wanted out of people if my time was to come. I
almost fell into the street life many times throughout
my life but something in my life was moving me
somewhere else when moments hit hard. The times
when I could’ve risk everything was when I heard my
cousin Jason got killed I was thinking about getting
back at those who did it because I was only 13 or 14
at the time and thought that’s what I needed to do
but I was dumb thinking I needed to, another moment
was when me and my friend kk got shot at in the Vill
while playing basketball with a group of people and
kids thinking to myself “why would someone want
to hurt innocent kids knowing that we had nothing
to do with anything, or back in 2015/16 when you
literally couldn’t be just hanging in the streets,
outside, or just relaxing in front of your home was
hard then having to carrier a gun everywhere you go
was overboard sometimes. One serious moment that
I was ready to say “fuck it I’m not letting no one
disrespect or hurt anyone I know again” was weeks
before I moved to California I was sleeping and out
of nowhere I’m getting woke up out my sleep of the
sound of gun fire in front of the house and hearing my
brother girlfriend yelling out of fear of death made
me almost go crazy because she was pregnant with
my little nephew and just watching my brother in the
distance limping up the hill made me just think
gangbanging is going to have me kill someone blacker
than me and thank god nothing happened to her
because I don’t know where I would be right now if
something would’ve happened.
Although we are living in a time where the BLM
movement is everywhere but for some reason I never
got along with it because when I was younger living
through all of this I would’ve killed a black person if
I had to and not because of the race or wanting to but
more towards what I was living around and
following the codes of the streets knowing that I
wasn’t in the streets but now all I was missing
through all of that was my faith and tell this day I
can’t believe I made it through without doing
anything but also knowing that my life is not
guaranteed whenever I’m back in town.

The only way to stop this cycle of trauma in the

youth is to start teaching them about life and
honestly sitting down with them in an environment
that they are used to and just talk with them about
your past knowing that you were just like them and
did things like them that didn’t make sense when you
were at that age. One thing I didn’t get is when
schools use to bring motivational speakers to tell us
how things are possible and we could do anything in
life if we put our minds to it. I always questioned
those moments in a way that made me want to get up
and say “ do y’all even know what we go through
each day” battling to survive each day and saying
that at a place that didn’t really care for us didn’t
make sense plus most of the kids there wasn’t even
registering on what the speaker was saying because
we felt that wasn’t a place to do so, but it would’ve
been a lot better to go into these hoods for the kids so
they can actually listen and feel what you express
about this so-called the ‘American Dream’. Here’s
some other details about Rankin and what the
community was like.

I remember the days I used to enjoy being in my

neighborhood because there were days where things
would get peaceful for once and when I say ‘peaceful”
I mean like I was more connected with life and the
energy of being alive without having a feeling
something was going to happen to me. My best
season of the year that made me feel like better days
was coming was mid-fall when the weather is not to
hot or too cold and that’s when you was able to see
the trees losing their colors and for some reason, it
related to me because in my mind I saw the struggle
of the trees losing their leaves and looking very
depressed made me also think ‘This is what life is
honestly ‘ you will have wonderful plus beautiful
times while you are living but there are times when
life will look and feel depressing for you but only you
can change the view of how you look at it but until
then have some faith that life will get better just like
the tree because it always does. Patience is
something most people lack in their aspect of life but
training your mind and yourself to understand
everything happens for a reason, you may not like
what life throws at you but if you tend to believe
things will get better you will be fearless to any
problems life throws at you. Fall had its perks and
one of them was being able to smell that nice fall
autumn scent and trying your best to step on a pile of
leaves so you can hear that crushing sound but also
they were the days you wouldn’t see too many people
or hear anyone but it was relaxing and made you feel
like ‘wow’ today is a good day. if the day was going
good and if I had some money I would take a trip
down to our super stop and buy some snacks like hot
chips, and Debbie cakes or some sunflower seeds that
I usually would get then make my way back home or
stop by my friend’s house and just enjoy the little
snacks that I picked up and just listen to music and
watch cars drive pass by for the rest of the day.
Looking at Pittsburgh now knowing that the city is
one of the unhappiest cities in America and I’m not
talking about us being sad but knowing that the city
only sees 59 sunny clear days out of the year and sees
306 cloudy days throughout the year and if you want
to get deep about it, living where there’s no sunlight
nearly most of the time can have an effect on your
body from lower serotonin  or something that can
lead to anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress
disorders. I can understand why now it’s hard to get
motivation throughout the city because no one is
getting that sunlight for them to want to get up and
do something much bigger than what they see but the
city is like a gray hole of depression.

Rankin did not have anything for the youth in my

younger days. Most kids I knew would go to the
Rankin Community Center after school and just have
a ball of fun, we did tons of things there, and they
provided us with help with school and provided us
with a place you can go doing the day so you can
enjoy life without being at home. There were
difficulties with being there and some of the things
we did not like we’re having to check in every day no
kid there wanted to do that, all we wanted was just
to go to the gym. The worst part of being at the center
was getting in trouble and being told you couldn’t
come back for a few days was really a heartbreaker
for a kid because it was like ‘wow’ they told me not
to come back until Friday. Things like that made a
place feel special because it was teaching you right
from wrong and if you wanted to be a part of the
good, you had to do right and that was a good lesson
they taught us. The center gymnasium was the holy
mecca to all fun and just moments from dodgeball,
33, free for frog/all, money, 5on5, and others and
things like this brought other community’s here to
the center where you can be free. One thing though
the center wasn’t a place to just come and show off
because if we didn’t know you or no one knew you it
was hard for you to get picked up in a game because
the center was filled with talent already so you had
to prove yourself.
Saturday center was a Rankin thing that every
Saturday you’ll get up and go to the center to play
basketball, football, watched college football, etc so
things made us feel like we were like a family, also
Mr.Mike and Poncho used to always give us good
laughs and great stories about life and such.
Saturday center was big for us because there were no
age restrictions so you were able to play with the big
kids and learn the fundamentals of competition
knowing that this will help in the long run helped a
lot when we play our Saturday little league football
games in Swissvale and knowing that we were a lot
tougher than the kids we played because the big kids
taught us to be unstoppable and let nothing break
you, just like that saying ‘’ what doesn’t kill you
make you stronger” and that’s what we took pride
for being stronger than anyone we came across. Being
at the community center was relaxing and sometimes
they made us breakfast and that was a great
Saturday if that happened ‘hahaha’ but being there
made all the problems go away and made you excited
for the next.

Something I have always seen growing up was it’s

possible to bring light into something that so darken
and it got to a point that I could see the changes
when I used to put myself in an environment that I
wasn’t mentally stable for but I remember what my
grandfather said to me ‘”A scared person will
achieve nothing in life “so I had to step out of my
environment to see what’s out there. Over the years, I
learned the lesson of not letting what you wake up to
having a factor on your goals or dreams because in
rough environments you don’t see the beauty of the
outside world all you know Is what you been around.
One of my goals in life is to go into these
neighborhoods and teach the youth or anyone I come
across about the word ‘Love’ and the power of its
roots. We are living in a society where no one speaks
about the meaning of living or loving because it’s
something society doesn’t value no more. The world
we live in now is toxic and draining because society
wants you to think living a fancy lifestyle or having
things makes people love you but at the end having a
nice car doesn’t fix the sickness in your family,
having the best clothes doesn’t fix the love with
yourself, or being popular doesn’t grant you the love
of your life and if we had more people come together
and spread these two it can make other’s look at life
in a better way & for each other’s because I really
think we were put on earth to love and knowing that
life is all about ‘Love’. I think war & hatred is going
to continue going on in the streets, frustration &
equality is going to keep going on in the world, and
anger & justice is going to keep going on in our
community until we go back to the simplest word
“LOVE’ and when we see that then we will have the

Before I go further into this story, I would like to say

I am truly sorry for the ones I made their lives hard
on and for not caring about them as a person and
putting pain on them plus their loved ones. P.s I am
not talking about anything harmful or serious

Things that made me appreciate living in Rankin

were just the love that you would get by just being
around people that looked just like you and going
through the same pain as you, I would say that made
bonds tighter for the ones that lived there. A
community can make or break a person but having
the right people in your life can make life much easier
and my community we have and had wonderful
people that came across our lives that made us who
we are now. If I can make a shortlist of those that
impacted my life I would say, Ms.Linda, The Nesbys,
Gt, Mr.Moe, T bop, Mr.Mack, Nate, Walt from the
barbershop, Jay from super stop , The bully, Mothers
of my friends, and my family most of important even
to the old heads from Knocks, Boe dean, poody, City,
chuck, Mr.Ron and many more but something like
this can change a person value in life but it takes the
right people around you to help you do so because
you can’t do it alone and I pray that I had or have
this impact in someone else’s life. One thing in the
community that we knew is we were not perfect but
we made a ton of fun out of it and I would say they
are the moments that will last forever. We had
memorable moments of the fun things we did growing
up such as playing Release-the-den, street football,
ding-dong-ditch, riding bikes, staying out until the
early morning, and just vibing were the best moments
of my life and I mean that. Rankin had a hold on me
when I was a young kid in a way that I can’t explain
but the feeling I’m trying to get at was it just felt
good like the air, the smell, the gloomy neighborhood,
the weed in the air, watching people get drunk and
just being around Rankin hanging with the guys on
the block made me feel like nothing in this world is
better than watching us have these moments was
something I wouldn’t trade it for anything and
moments like that made me look back into my life
and just think ‘wow’ some people may call how we
lived ‘ghetto’ but from my eyes, I called it “Living”
because in this world you can be judged on how you
carry yourself but in Rankin, no one cared about your
floss in life and that made me realize the struggles we
go through doesn’t stop you from enjoying life.

Something I’ve learned of growing with ‘Failure” was

there’s beauty in the struggle and most won’t see it
but honestly when you fail at something so bad you
just sit there and cry your eyes out while you just
think ‘ Why’ why is life treating me like this
although I’ve learned life is full of failure and
moments like this I had to use that pain & failure to
push myself to greatness. There is no reason to cry
and give up because you will get nothing out of it,
but cry and get something out of it because without
trying, there is no growth and without growth, there
is no life. Failing is something they do not teach you
in school or sometimes your loved ones will not
teach you about failing because they do not want you
to fail. I wish my family would’ve taught me about
failure and the understanding of it, but having
someone boost your confidence to a point that you
may never fail is something that can hurt a person
later in life because to me I feel like without
acknowledging pain or failing in a person life can
make someone feel arrogant and un-humble but
that’s my opinion on it though. What do you think? .
In school I wasn’t the perfect golden kid that did his
homework and followed the rules, I manly got C’s to
D’s or even maybe B’s depending on the class. I don’t
know how to describe who I was in high school but I
was always getting in trouble in my classes and I
really didn’t take anything serious throughout my
time there but mainly talking and joking around for
the most part but as a younger me I mainly did
things for attention most of the time or I use to bully
others because I felt no need to make people happy
because I wanted to show my dominance and get
respected like the older kids that I looked up to but I
can go on & on with how I treated people or how I
did wrong in an aspect of my life but I say these
things to educate because it’s real and kids nowadays
glorified what they see and such, because to them it
looks cool to walk around hard and talk about
hurting people because of what they have seen
around them and I can’t be no hypocrite because back
then I wanted to do the same thing and now I can
still feel that urge in a way but I feel it in a more
positive way. My high school days was very fun and
I don’t know why we did the things we did but we
was doing it all from skipping class, posted up on the
lockers with 30 people knowing that you had to get
to class, flame battles in the hallway that brought
other ethnicity into the group, talking with the bad
dips that walked past trying your best to get at them,
rap battles that had everyone laughing, slap boxing
or lock ups in the bathroom that had people terrified
going to the bathroom and etc but I don’t even know
why I’m speaking about this but that’s who we was.
A funny moment was when my friend Jake, Flock,
and someone else was writing people’s names down
on a piece of paper and was putting the names in a
bucket and if your named got picked you hadddd to
go in the bathroom and lock it up and “mannnn” you
should’ve seen people’s faces when their names got
picked because no one wanted to lock it up with
someone that knew how to wrestle hahaha. My
worst time of high school year was around the PSSA
days when they give out that test that they made
everyone take each year to see where you stand with
the others I felt like that was bullshit for the State of
Pennsylvania to do. One thing I can say about the
PSSA I totally didn’t give a flying fuck about that
test to the point when we got to school at 7am and
they gave us our test at 7:25am I promise I was done
with all the questions before 7:30am and the teacher
felt like I wasn’t trying but honestly, I just was tired
of taking a test that means nothing to me so yea fuck
the PSSA haha. There are things I do regret from my
high school days and one of them was not being able
to love myself with the things I had. I don’t know
why I felt like I needed to be like everyone else and I
knew I didn’t but I was young and I felt like that’s
how you get popular and get the girl you wanted but
also me knowing that I was flat broke with the worst
swag choices and didn’t look the best all the time
made me lose myself because I wanted the attention
everyone else got. If I could even go back I would just
tell my old self to love yourself and put some effort
into your dreams and do not worry about the next
person because “everything that glitters is not
golden”. I had many dreams growing up and one of
those dreams was to be a Youtuber and vlog my life
throughout my daily life although I am vloging and
got videos throughout my life so that is a dream
that’s actually happening. Another dream of mines
was to be a football player and I knew I was not the
best player but I was able to keep up with the team
in a way knowing that I was skinny as “fuck” but
strong as fuck haha them boys know I was. I only
played football my senior year and I don’t know why
I only played that year but man this was the most
fun I had with a team in my football career. I got so
many stories from that 2013 summer camp from me
slap boxing and getting hit in my eye and the next
day my eye was swollen and I had to lie to the coach
and told him “I hit a corner of a wall” or when
practice was over everyone gathered up and threw
the biggest flame battle that had us dying, or when
some dude named Bama told us he could sleep with
his eyes open so we made him do it and very
surprising he did it and it was creepy to be honest
and the last was when splash threw a party for the
team and everyone was battle rapping was so funny
but moments like this brought all of us together
before our tough season that we had. That season we
played the best football I ever seen with my own eyes
I did not play in all the games but I was just happy
to be a part of the legacy of Woody High and to end
my high school year with the team. I low key I hated
football when the cold came in and when I say it was
cold it was cold like Mid-November when the
weather was 40 degrees knowing that you still gotta
go to practice each day and play the playoff games
was kind of unbearable but it was worth it because I
got to be apart of a team that made it to the
championship game at Heinz Field and when I was
say it was cold it was colddd it was literally 28
degrees that day and windy plus we were right next
to the Monongahla River so that made it even worse
haha but it was just fun to watch the game and just
enjoy ourselves with the fans from school and family.
I kind of grew out of both of those dreams when
school ended and I was more into looking fly, getting
the lady’s, smelling good, and making sure I had
waves on deck lol can’t look fly without the water
pipes on your top but that was mostly what I was
doing after high school because I had nothing to do. I
remember going to the movies with my friends and
we use to go to Macy’s to look at the cologne but
really we was there to spray some of it on us because
we couldn’t afford it but it’s funny though that we
did these things but it was something fun to us to get
away but also terrible because I knew better haha.

The community is growing in many ways now and I

wished if someday I‘d make it I would provide things
in Rankin and other neighborhoods that the youth
and others would need to see & feel the passion of
doing something bigger and not just thinking this is
my world and living life here forever is my only
choice. My purpose in life is to put a smile on the
people and those that made me the person I am today
and hopefully inspire others to do the same. I knew
some people that I looked up to in my life but over
time I noticed they weren’t true into what they
preached about life to me but I was a kid and now I
understand life isn’t perfect but trying and failing is
the key to a happy successful life. Every time I visit
Rankin it brings back so many memories of me being
a kid and just looking at it now makes me realize I
really made it through all the pain and suffering we
had to go through and now I’m standing with pride
like a pack of hyenas. Another funny moment that
came to my thoughts was the first time I came back
home and seen they turned a church that was on the
end of third to a place you can drink and get fucked
up in haha that made me laugh so much when I
noticed it. One more thing if you know well only
people that was around that area will know but they
finally fixed a bridge that was under construction for
like 20 fuckning years haha so that was very blissful
to see haha.
One thing that I was doing was beating myself up for
a very long time for the way I was living and not
taking life seriously as I should’ve but you don’t get
taught that at a young age and living where I was
living being smart wasn’t something that we had
goals on, we grew up on heart and loyalty. Here’s
where my life took another turn for the worst and
good so here it is.

At the beginning of October of 2018, I adventure all

the way to California to live with my uncle to find
my other purpose in life and me not knowing what
that was but more of seeing what I can do somewhere
else. I was very optimistic about my move and had
many goals and dreams for my future to share with
the people back home. The first couple of months
living in California was very shocking in a way that
made me feel completely different from myself, and
seeing all types of diversity of cultures to the trees,
the people, and the beaches was just different for me.
Pittsburgh had no beaches but had lots of trees and
rivers, I really enjoy waking up out here where it’s
sunny 90% of the time, and being able to feel good
weather was a good thing mentally for me but I also
do miss stepping out into some snow for a bit. Over
time I felt that I was trying my best to fit in and I
was trying too hard to live a life that was not for me
because I moved into a big city with opportunity and
I wanted to flash my lifestyle in a way to makes me
look cooler to everyone on social media but that’s the
problem that made me feel the lowest because I
thought going somewhere everyone dreamed about
would automatically get you likes but the only thing
that did for me showed me that going somewhere nice
or beautiful doesn’t grant you publicity or it doesn’t
make you a truly authentic person it’s what you do
in the dark that makes you a truly genuine person
that people can recognize by just speaking with you.
Life hit me very hard the first year and I was just lost
in a way that I couldn’t figure out how to depend on
my own I didn’t know how to do things for myself
and having to make changes like this in my life put
me in a deep trouble with myself that lead to
depression just like how I felt when I was a kid but I
had to find my purpose knowing that there’s no one
out here to help me and that’s when my mindset
changed dramatically and after that, it was all about
survival. I had many lonely/depressing nights I use
to just stay up with everything off in my room and
just looking at the darkness in my room wondering if
I made a mistake moving out here and something
inside me kept telling me ‘Why’ Why, Why leave a
life that was so high-value, unique and honorable
into a life of pain, long-suffering and depression. I
was scared to admit to myself that I was wrong and
wasn’t living humble as I spoke but honestly I was
just scared to let my loved ones or my friends down
because I felt like I was molded into a person that’s
very outgoing and determine but over time of me
being out here it showed me everything I achieved
back home was handed to me. Other things that I’m
truly sad for is ruining relationships with those who
I met throughout my journey out here and it hurts to
let those who I built something with go but I was
more afraid telling myself that it was ‘ok’ to let
people go because while I was trying my best to
prove myself to them, I was losing myself because I
never felt that feeling before meaning like being
normal like how I always wished for and that’s
something I wish I could tell who meant a lot to me
at the moment of my life “Sorry”. Once I stopped
playing the blame game and pointed the finger at me
for not fixing the things, I needed to do to live a better
life was the day I finally understood the meaning of
failing at something plus the understanding of just
being myself and doing nothing for attention and
now I’m beginning to feel like I could help others that
are going through these same scenarios.

While life was happing to me, life brought some good

things out of it and one of those was getting a job at
the Los Angeles Country Club and learning the aspect
of golf and high-class environments was new to me. I
really enjoyed being there from being a part of the
club and being able to golf on one of the best golf
courses in the world was amazing and something I
needed from the pain I was going through. The cons
of working there was having to be there at 5am on
the dot and having to rake sand in the dark was so
questionable but I did it. Some pros of working there
was we got fed each day and the food was soooooooo
good I still remember the potato I had haha but also
how they treated us was really special, I got to
attend a work holiday party inside the Club House
and it was so beautiful like some stuff you will see in
a rich family house in a movie but I was just really
thankful being able to be there. I have seen the ocean
for the first time in my life and that spook the hell
out of me because I couldn’t see the end of the ocean.
I did a lot of things on my own with my free time out
here from walking around downtown learning
everything, mhmm going to different beaches, a lot of
sightseeing, learning new food that I never seen In my
life and meeting people was something amazing to
me. I’m not a big fan of doing something spontaneous
but I did go to the Griffith Observatory if you think
that spontaneous I don’t know but man that was the
best view I seen with my eyes, just looking over the
whole LA in all directions was a “WOW” moment
something I can’t ever forget. Although through my
journey out here I mainly work and go to the gym but
I am learning how to cook so that’s pretty dope of
myself and I’m slowly learning Spanish and French.
Some of my best moments was when my sister and
her boyfriend came out to visit me and picked me up
from work was heartwarming knowing that I have
people that care for me. The other time was when KB,
Foot, Jersey, Dae Dae, Huh doe, and casper came out
for the first time and us being where we from we
don’t have moments like this to share and I still
remember that kb and them was mad I took them to a
beach party that was very weird for all of us but I
felt like they enjoyed it a bit. The funniest moment
with them was at the hotel mann I can’t say too
much but jersey is wild lol but hopefully if I get well
established I can have more of this throughout my
journey and next time I will do a documentary to
have forever but that’s mainly it for what I got to
say through my journey out here so here’s some other
stuff I wanted to share.

I do truly miss my old life plus everything that I was

doing back home and I still cannot believe I was
working four jobs at the same time and still being
able to have a social life throughout it. When I use to
tell people this, I was so amazed to see their face
reaction and having them frozen and speechless was
something special because I felt like I taught them
it’s possible to do anything you wished for. I can say
it was very hard to work all those jobs and still be
able to enjoy life but I didn’t do it because I wanted
to show off, I mainly did because someone told me I
couldn’t do it so I took that as a challenge and over
time things came together and when the opportunity
came to me, I said ‘yes’. I don’t mind working each
day because I feel like me being at home does nothing
for me and I hate spending money of bored-ness and I
like being out each day knowing that every day is a
new day to do something great. The biggest thing
that came out of that was I got people to believe that
people may bring you down or tarnish your dreams
but only you can make whatever you want in life

The thing’s I missed about steel city is the vibe I use

to come across every day and meeting people in other
fields plus getting to know what they do and how
they help around the city helped me understand theirs
a lot out here. Pittsburgh is a beautiful city with tons
of fun things that I did not even know there was such
a thing but it’s a hit or miss on your experience.
Pittsburgh as a whole has so much history that dates
back into mid-1700, and around that time the French
and Indian War was going on and where the armies
of France and Great Britain carved paths through the
wilderness to control the point area and trade on the
rivers or if you wanted to talk about how Pittsburgh
was the headquarter to the  US Steel Corporation
that was founded In 1901 where things turned left
doing WWII that helped the war around that time. If
have ever been or had planned on going to the city
you will be amazed at how the city was a big role in
the world, we live in now but it’s something you
would have to do on your own. I love going back to
the city to see wonderful friends and knowing that I
have friends living all around Pittsburgh and every
time I go back, I try to visit but I am only one person.
I truly enjoy my friends or people I know that are
making a change in their lives because we are getting
old and these are the times to fully invest in what
you want in life and shout out to my family and
friends that are stuck in the system. I know things
happen for a reason but some things do not make
sense for them to be there we all know this country is
not designed for us so hopefully one day I can see the
guys again and do my best to help them out when
they are free. Love yall

Racism is something I have never seen growing up

but living in these times now, I can see how
Pittsburgh has a lot of racism and living in America
while black is something we have to deal with now. I
never grew up dealing with the police or hearing
about police killing blacks because I always thought
they were here to help and take away the bad guys
but now I don’t know who’s the bad guy or person is
cause we see police kill people for no reason but still
get away from what they did. Antwon Rose was
someone that I knew personally and I saw him as a
wonderful kid with a great heart I knew over the
years of seeing him something in my head said this is
a person that could change generations of loss hope
that we have in the city but June 19, of 2018 he was
shot and killed by a cop over a simple traffic stop
and it was sad to hear the news that day because
earlier that day I seen him in a jitney and me saying
what’s up to him and dapping him up before we went
on our separate ways and after that happened I
started to look at life differently. Antwon was a
wonderful kid and seeing him with his close friends
Waynechos & the boy john wall made me appreciate
friendship and loyalty. I had a video of them on my
youtube together at a basketball court and Antwon
was helping Wayne on the pavement with a rolled
ankle while john wall was watching over and
assisting them with anything that wayne would’ve
needed to get home. I hope that the world that we
live in now gets better for everyone and truly hope we
get over this hatred. I really do miss Antwon a lot
and seeing his family keeping his name alive and
sharing his story makes me want to do my part and
keep his name alive also and keep chanting ‘IM NOT
WHAT YOU THINK’ and that hits me hard each time
man I love you Antwon I promise your name will
forever be in our hearts and the streets. Man I’m so
happy to share this story with you and honestly I did
not want to do this but something inside of me was
telling me do something people can remember you for
and sharing my life is something I always wanted to
do but just didn’t know how to but I really
appreciate the time you took out to read but my story
is coming to an end for now but first I want to share
my thanks to the people that helped me get to this
point in life.

The first person I would like to thank is John U. John

allowed me to go to community college for free and
honestly I didn’t have the courage or self-love to go
because I felt school wasn’t my best trait and dealing
with the bookwork was something I wasn’t looking
forward to but over time I felt like life was giving me
the courage to get up and go because without trying
there will be no growth. My journey was very hard
but it was something I had to accomplish on my
own. John helped me with tons of things like helping
me get my driver’s license, and providing me with a
bus pass to get to work for years and I know he’s
proud of me for how far I am with life. I will always
thank John for believing in me.
The second person I would like to thank is Brian
from Uno’s Chicago Grill for giving me my first job.
Uno’s Chicago Grill was my first job ever and I was
very happy to finish high school and take the next
step into becoming an adult. Uno’s as a whole was so
interesting but it was very, very hard ‘haha’ if you
never worked in a restaurant just know it’s not for
everyone. My job at Uno’s was as a dishwasher and
at a young age and cocky I thought washing dishes
was easy but ‘mannn’ it was the hardest mental job
ever at that time but I appreciate the concept of hard
work and doing something most others wouldn’t do.
Over the years of working there, I’ve learned so much
from working with my hands to making food to a
point everything was so easy my fourth year around
and I felt good just working there knowing that every
day is something new ‘hahaha’. There were a lot of
good days there and we were like a group of people
that understood the pain of what it took to finish a
day that went so wrong ‘hahah’ I met the most
unique souls there and they made me feel like I was
important to others. If I could remember all the
names there it would be a long sheet with names but
the ones that I truly admire was Mick, D, Lena, all of
the Melissa’s, Leevor, Teddy, Ernest, Yani, Justin,
Whitney, Iesha, Jim and many more but those people
I just mention was people that made me feel like
there’s more to work and we had fun while we
worked and it felt very cool. I do not know how we
would be if we all decide to go back and work there
now but just know it’s not going to be pretty
‘hahaha’. My managers at Uno’s are the ones that
played a big role in how I look at things while things
get hard in a workspace. I watched them over the
years and me learning that they were in tough
situations a lot but they never broke their character
and that is something tell this day I take pride in, so
never let tough situations break your character
because you never know who’s watching. P.S. They
made really good food by surprise so I’ll tip my hat
to Yinzzz.

The Third-person that I would like to thank is

Tiffany M. she is everything a person would need
when you are coming from somewhere that is
different from the rest of the world. I truly respect her
patience in understanding me and making me feel
special to the world but on her end, it was hard for
her to make me express my pain and goals because
where I’m from you don’t share your goals or talk
about how you truly feel to others, you just go with
the flow of things and suck it up but she made me be
responsible for my life and made me take action over
my destiny so I truly respect her for helping me. The
best moment I had with Tiffany was on my birthday
days after my grandmother passing; we went to my
high school A.K.A Woody High and spoke to the kids
about their future and next step in life but that day
was special because I don’t know why I chose to get
up and go knowing that I was grieving but being
there with her made me feel better because It
challenged me that I was able to get up and speak to
a group of kids about their future with the pain I was
going through so that made me feel like if tiffany can
get me out of bed at my lowest she’s definitely a
person I trust with my life. Our goal in entering the
school was not just to go in there and fill student’s
heads with small talk it was to give them the
mindset of the real world of “trying” and
opportunities because when you leave high school
that is all you can do to become whomever you
choose to become.
The next person I would like to thank is a person that
made me feel special in my own skin is Will T. Will
was a person I met through Tiffany when I was
working at a place called Landforce and I remember I
was telling her I wanted to work with kids and help
with the community in a way. Sometime before
Landfoce was ending Tiffany, Will, and I, had a
meeting at a place called Payce but they changed
their name to Trying Together and we were just
discussing how I would best fit for volunteering
there. Will is an educator for the youth and has many
talents working in the field of education and working
with communities. What I really appreciate about
Will he gave me a chance to find my purpose in life
and I cannot repay him for that. Will is a person of
color working in a field where there are not too many
of us and working with Will made me feel like I can
do the same & plus break the thin line of us people of
color to work in the field of education. Once I felt
like I wanted to become an educator like Will, I saw
what he had to go through in being one and it was
tremendously difficult to feel comfortable where you
didn’t fit in at but over time you will see how many
people you could impact and inspire throughout the
hardship. I love every family that I got to work with
at the Hub, and seeing the kids look up to you as a
bigger brother is a feeling that I cannot even explain
but I will do my best to always be there for them
whenever they need me and I promise that.

The next person I would like to thank is an old boss

of mine Jessica L. she was an amazing boss with so
much positive energy. Jessica was a person that made
me feel like every day that you wake up you can
change a person’s life and that is something I did
when I landed a job at the Carnegie Science Center.
My job there was to be a part of the fun in Sports
works and there we had tons of things for all ages
from rock climbing, to a human You-yo, a rope
course, a little track field, and many more things.
Working there was challenging because you would
see maybe at least 5 thousand kids a day and if you
know, 5 thousand kids a day is the hardest job in the
world, and the kids will definitely push you towards
your limits. There is so much you have to do when
working a job like this from ‘watching the kid have
fun, plus making sure they are safe, then hearing 50
kids next to you screaming to the top of their lungs,
then maybe 4 kids in line asking you if you know any
Fornite dances so it’s a tuff job but honestly it was
worth every minute. The best experience I had there
was when I helped a kid that was blind onto the rope
course and honestly, I was scared because many
people looked at me and the kid astoundingly and I
didn’t know what I was doing at that moment but
the only thing I cared about was letting this kid have
an experience most people would say ‘she can’t do it
she’s blind. So I brought the little girl into the gate of
the rope course to pass out harnesses and give the
group some safety tips and after all of that, we went
up to the upper level of the rope course my hands and
my body instantly started shaking because I didn’t
want to let this kid down and knowing that I got the
whole place watching me made me feel even more
frightened, so we continue onto the obstacle but I
realized it’s a lot harder than I thought but when I
was helping her something in my head gave me a
wakeup call and it was simple, literally a word and
the word that came to me was ‘Believing’ and I was
so amazed for myself that she believed in herself to
do something many would say she couldn’t do and
when we got to the zip-line then I seen her take off
across the building on the zip-line made me feel like
we just proved to everyone that doubted us and did it
in an awesome way. When we got back down to the
lower level I asked if she had fun, she told me ‘This
was awesome and was just seeing her smiling in joy
was so blissful knowing that I made a memory for
her and I knew that day was a day to remember. I
was so grateful to be the one to make her day because
I could not have done it without her and my co-
workers pushing me to believe.

The last person I would like to thank is a good friend,

boss, mentor, and all Patty H. Patty is a person that
brought my ability to speak in public come alive and
for me not to be afraid to take lead when there is a
challenge. Working for the Pittsburgh Park
Conservancy was a just ‘I can do this forever’ type of
job and honestly, it was but I had many challenges
when I first started, I knew about the great outdoors
but being there was something completely different
and I felt out of place but it didn’t stop my mission
to become great. When were was assigned to go to
local schools and give a presentation to the kids is
when the challenges started, I had no teaching
experience or never taught a kid but they believed in
me and gave me a chance to gained the experience. I
had fun teaching the kids about trees and the great
outdoors, we had a lot of fun and my goal as a
naturalist was to make everything we do fun, simple,
and easy. My favorite time working with the kids
was when we had braddock propel school come to
the Frick environment center for their hike and
learning experience, so I decide throughout the day I
wanted to do something out of the book meaning like
stop the book work and do something fun to relate
with the kids because kids don’t know adults could
have fun also ‘hahaha’ so I decide to leave our last
talk of the day to go outside and make 50 snowballs
and wait for the kids to come out for a mega
snowball fight before they headed back to school, and
when they started coming out they didn’t know I was
out there but I wanted to surprise them with some
last minute fun and then I launched my snowball
across the field and after I did that they knew it was
time to have fun and a good friend of mines Lauryn
was capturing the amazing fun we was having but I
lost the snowball fight cause one of my co-workers
decide to join the kids team ‘haha’ it was all fine I
just wanted them to know the key of life is to always
enjoy it even if it is work or school. I couldn’t have
done it or gain so much knowledge without my great
co-workers Stephen, Taiji, Erin, Hannah, June,
Rachel, Carya, Amber, Lan, Camila, reed, and
Chastity they are the ones that made me feel like the
world was just filled with positivity and till this day
I’m so grateful for them to help me grow as a person
and I still can’t believe it. The best parts of being at
the Parks Conservancy was the fun we used to have
in between our work, we had a brushing club, we
used to always draw and played games, we had our
hikes, we had potlucks, we had movie time, and the
Halloween time was the best cause when you walk
into the PPC building you would just see corn
everywhere but I can’t really speak on that it’s
classified information but I can go on & on with
how much fun we had but one thing I forgot is the
famous Pittsburgh Parks popcorn something you had
to be skilled at and could never mess up cause if you

I did not want to make this as a book or something
perfect I wanted to make this for everyone to be able
to read in a way but there is a lot more I want to say
in this story I made. However, I hope one day I can
share more of my life again and give yin’z hope to
share your life story because no one is perfect in this
world and everyone goes through pain and suffering
but it takes time to be able to express yourself. I do
have a lot more to say and one part is about my
family but that is something I would rather do as an
interview more than writing it down. I want anyone
that is reading this to use this as motivation to get
where you need to be in life and understand life can
be great at the end of all the stuff we face in life.
Everyone wants to be the sun to lighten up someone’s
life, but why not be the moon, to brighten in the
darkest hours and that is who I want to be for others
so Love Yourself and be ‘Great’.

Free Dlow



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