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Common Problems & questions with Journal Generator:


1. Running journal generator fails giving subscript out of range error:

This is the most common error with Journal Generator process. Mostly this happens if there is some
thing wrong in the accounting entry definition.

Navigation: Go > Define Business Rules > Define General Options > Use A-D > Accounting Entry
Definition > Update/Display and select the appropriate accounting entry definition:

1. Check whether the Accounting Entry "Record" and "Record Update" fields are populated with
correct values. Compare these values with the values given in Demo Database accounting Entry
definition as most of the time after upgrade, customers use the old definitions resulting wrong
values in these fields.
2. Make sure all the fields mapped in 'Field Names' are available in record which is specified in
"Accounting Entry - Record ". Also make sure populated values of 'Field Names' are available in
drop down box.
3. For release 7.5, Foreign Amount" should be populated with FOREIGN_AMOUNT.
4. Check Chartfield mapping. Make sure mapping is correct and does not have any invalid

2. What is the criteria for Journal generator to create the Journals from Accounting Entry table (How many
Journals it is going to create?):
Transactions that brought into GL, via Journal Generator will be broken into one entry per one Business
Unit (Subsystem's business unit), per Business Unit GL, per APPL_JRNL_ID (Journal generator template). It
also depends on the value selected in the "Journal Generator template >> Journal Date field". So Journal
generator will create a journal for one unique combination of Subsystem's business unit, Business unit GL,
APPL_JRNL_ID & Journal Date option.

3. Description is not coming over to GL:

This happens if we select 'Summarize to Chartfield Level' in the primary summarization option in the
Journal Generator template & did not specify any value in the 'Line Descr' field of Journal Generator
template. As Line Descr is not populated while summarizing by Chartfield, Journal Generator process
doesn't know which line description to pick. As a result journal line description in the Journal Line
table will be blank.

So Customer needs to make sure following things so that Line description will come over to GL.

1. Selected Retain Detail: There will be no summarization, i.e. there will be a journal line for
every row of the accounting entry table. Make sure in Accounting Entry Definition panel, Journal
Description field is mapped. So that Journal line Description field of JRNL_LN table will be
populated with the respective value of the Accounting entry table. If it is not mapped, process
will look at the Line Descr field of Journal generator template.

2. If they do not want to use Retain Detail, customer should give some value in the Line Descr
field of Journal generator template.

4. Currency options:
This determines the balancing, base currency adjustments etc for the journals. Foreign currency option
selected for the GL business unit plays important role. For example if the sub system's business unit is
having multiple foreign currency transactions and the GL business unit attached to this subsystem's
business unit is having 'No Foreign Currencies' as the currency option, then the journal generator will
not create the journals.
Currency options can be set at 'Business unit level', 'Ledger group Level' & 'Source' level. Settings
generally override from the source to the ledger group and then to the business unit level. Conversely,
the default is from the business unit to the ledger group and then to the source level. So when you
define a currency option at the ledger group level, it overrides any currency handling you specified at
the business unit level for journals using that ledger group only.


Source level: GO > Define Business Rules > Define General Options > Use E-P > Journal Source > Currency

Ledger group level: GO > Define Business Rules > Establish Business Units > Use A-M > Ledger for a Unit
> Currency options
Business Unit level: GO > Define Business Rules > Establish Business Units > Use A-M > General Ledger
Definition > Currency options

5. Inter unit balancing lines are missing in Journals:


Journal Generator does not create any InterUnit balancing lines. We need to have InterUnit balancing
lines in the subsystems accounting entry table before running the journal generator. If user pulls
data from Legacy system, most of the time, the Legacy system does not contain these InterUnit balance
lines and the customer feels that there is some thing wrong with Journal Generator. If InterUnit
balancing lines are missing from the accounting entry table, these lines can be created by running
Journal Edit process.

6. Unbalanced Journal Entries:


These problems may well be "application" specific. This is often due to applications (e.g. AP, AR or
AM) creating unbalanced Accounting entries on accounting entry table. For instance, AP Payment Posting
may have created an "out of balance" accounting entry in vchr_acctg_line.
In searching Product Release, an incident may exist or problem may be found from log file. To further
troubleshoot this problem, often COBOL trace may be needed and/or queries of journal lines from
jrnl_ln and accounting entries from the appropriate Accounting Entry table will be needed.

7. Journal Generator process completed successfully without creating journals:


Some times Customer complains that their Journal Generator process completed successfully with out
creating any journals. Most of the time the reason is bad set up. Check the values given in the
journal generator run control panel. The business unit specified on the run control panel should by
'Subsystem' business unit, not the GL business unit. Also check whether you have all the required
fields in their Accounting entry table or the Order of fields is wrong or mapping is not correct in
the Accounting entry definition panel etc or the selection criteria in the run control panel is not
correct. It will also happen if the ACCOUNTING_DT field of the accounting entry table is not falling
in the date range specified in the run control panel. Also check 'ACCOUNTING ENTRY DEFINITION' panel
and the 'JOURNAL GENERATOR TEMPLATE' panel for invalid values.

8. Journal Generator populates currency fields for stat accounts:


Journal Generator populates currency fields for journals with Statistic amounts and accounts. Saving
this journal might produces following errors.
"A currency code is invalid on line 1 because the account entered is a statistics account. (5010,49)"

If we delete the Currency code then try to save, it gives error message
"A currency rate type is invalid on line 1 because the account entered is a statistics account.

If we delete the rate type then try to save, it gives error message
"A currency exchange rate is invalid on line 1 because the account entered is a statistics account.

Journal Generator should not populate these currency fields if the account is statistic account.

This problem is been fixed in R-ISON-E24VQ for release 6. For 7.52, the problem been reported in R-
RYELLU-PU36D. R-RYELLU-PU36D is closed by Development because running Journal Edit without saving the
journal will solve the problem. It is required to run Journal Edit to clean up the journal line.

An Enhancement request R-JTAM-XY98Q for the future release.

9. Keep the Accounting periods open:


For a number of business units, the table ps_bu_led_tbl did not have values for the following fields:
open_year_from, open_period_from, open_year_to, open_period_to. The process abends with error "Severe error
9100,41 pi=3001, program=fspgjgen, calendar 01 for business unit xxxx has no periods between year 0000 and
period 000 and year 0000 and period 000". For each row in that table, the journal generator does a select
from the calendar table. It qualifies the select with the given open_year_from, open_period_from. Since
these values were zero, the select didn't return any rows and the program stopped processing rows from this
point forward.
Navigation: GO>>Define Business Rules>> Establish business unit>> Ledgers for a business Unit, enter from
and to open periods and years for each ledger defined.
The Journal Date option on the Journal Generator Template determines the journal date. This date must fall
within what is open on the Ledgers for a Unit (Open From Year/Period, Through Year/Period). It seems to be
that all ledgers regardless of their business unit should have valid open periods for the journal generator
to run.

10. Accounting entries against Multi book causing data corruption:


Opening the Journal in the Journal entry panel gives "No matching buffer found for level (15,26)", and then
"Error in PeopleCode ScrollSelect processing (2,213)"

1. When selecting the 'Multi book accounting entries' in the installation panel, THEN the option
'Accounting Entry in Sync' checkbox in the Journal Generator template MUST be turned ON.

In PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals peoplebook under Journal Generator: Defining Journal Generator
Templates section, the following is documented:
"If a PeopleSoft application using multibook has generated in-sync accounting entries for this template,
select the Accounting Entry In Sync check box."

2. It can be also due CURRENCY_CODE in the chartfield mapping.

When the currency code is defined as a chartfield , you CANNOT have a Journal Generator Template set WITH
the 'summarize' option; you need to keep the 'details' option. OTHERWISE, it will erroneously multiply
the number of lines by the number of currencies , in each ledger.

In these cases, do not include CURRENCY_CD in the chartfield mapping list in the Accounting Entry
Definition panel. CURRENCY_CD in the chartfield mapping list, can be removed manually, in the Accounting
Entry Definition panel.
run SQL statement below to remove incorrect rows from the chartfield mapping of your accounting entry

12. Performance problem with Journal Generator process:


Normally these problems are encountered when we do not specify the Business unit and Ledger group and run
the process for large volume of data. The performance problems depend on many factors. We need to find the
correct reason for the problem. It can be because of un-tuned database, Network problems, table space, SQL
generated by the COBOL etc. If it is due to SQL generated by the COBOL process customer need to find this
SQL and test this SQL. If required customer can add extra indices so that the optimizer of the database
uses the index. Adding indexes into Accounting Entry table may be required. In Oracle, EXPLAIN PLAN &
TKPROF are used to find out the access path. With the help of these commands we can find out the indexes
used by the SQL statements. The indexes delivered with the Demo database were created for small amounts of
data and is specific to the delivered sample chartfields. These indexes might be inappropriate for the
customer's situation. Do not run the Journal Posting process along with Journal Generator. Unchecking the
'Post Journal to Ledger' the field in the Journal generator template will separate the Posting process.

Incident# R-EKIFRI-BO08J has fixed some performance issue in Journal Generator for release 7.5x.

13. Customers do face other problems, which are common to all other COBOL process. Problems are because of
not compiling the Cobol files correctly, Stored SQL statements are out of SYNC with Cobol, some required
fields are blank, Cobol files are not in path etc.

14. How to UNDO the Journal Generator process:

1. Identify the rows in accounting entry table that were picked up by Journal generator.
These rows can be identified by specifying Process Instance, Journal Id etc in the SQL Select statement.

2. If these journals are posted, run UNPOST process.

3. Delete these Journals. These journals can be deleted by selecting "Delete" from the Process Request
option within journal entry page. OR delete journals using SQL from following tables. JRNL_HEADER,

4. Once you identify the rows in the Accounting entry table of subsystem, we need to update these rows.
The following fields in accounting entry table need to be reset.

* GL_DISTRIB_STATUS: change from 'D' to 'N'

* JOURNAL_ID: set to blank
* JOURNAL_DATE: set to null
* PROCESS_INSTANCE: set to 0 (zero)
* FISCAL_YEAR: set to 0

NOTE: Changing the GL_DISTRIB_STATUS: from 'D' to 'N', is sufficient. But it would not hurt to change
the other flags as well. Journal Generator will override these values and update it with the new values,
once the new journals are created.

Now you can rerun the Journal Generator process and it will create journals again.



The field - GL_DISTRIB_STATUS - is used by many other records in other products. Accounts Payable uses the
D, H, I, N codes.

Distributed Journal Generated. In Accounts Payable we only know that the JG has been run.

Generated Journal Generated but not yet posted to GL. This is not used in AP. It is a GL status only.

Hold Not ready to be sent to GL. Left over from 5.1, the Expense Distribution Lines were created in
Vchr_Acctg_Line before Voucher Posting, so there were no Accrual Lines yet created. This status tells the
Journal Generator not to process these lines. When Vouchers in this status are "Posted," they are set to
a status of 'None.'

Ignored Used since Version 6. If the accounting entry has been created and sent to Project Costing or
Assets, and the Voucher has been 'UnPosted.' Reversing Entries need to be created for those two but not
for GL because no entries have been sent to GL yet.

The GL_DISTRIB_STATUS is set to "I" when the voucher is unposted and has not been distributed to GL
(GL_DISTRIB_STATUS = 'D') but has been distributed to AM (AM_DISTRIB_STATUS = 'D'), VAT (VAT_DISTRIB_STATUS
= 'D'), or PC (PC_DISTRIB_STATUS = 'D'). We send reversing entries to those sub-systems by not GL.

Modified Used in Version 6. When the voucher has been changed for VAT or Assets. This is not used in AP.
It is a GL status only.

None Ready to be processed by Journal Generator.

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