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KAYBER PAKHTUNKHWA PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION COMPETITIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS-17) 2010 POLITICAL. SCIENCE, PAPER TIME ALLOWED: THRER HOURS Attempt FIVE questions in all select section. AIP questions carry equal mars MAXIMUM MARKS: 190 1 Icast vo questions from each SECTION - 4 |. Evaluate Plato's tueery of Justiee and point out the techniques he proposes to ‘use for implementing justice. 2, “Aristotle’s views on the Ends and Functions of State clearly suggest that be ‘was realist in his approach and not idealist.” Elucidate. w Give a detailed account of Machiavelli's views about (he role of morality in Politics, Point out the contributions of Bentham to Utilitarianism, a SECTION -B Highlight the services of Al-Ghazali to Islamic Political Though 6. “The ideas of Hobbes and Locke had a deeper impact on Rousseau’s theory of Popular Sovereignly.” Explain. 7. “The Devolution Plan of 2001 was a marked improvement on the earlier system: of 1979." Expluin the statement with reference to the institutional changes which the former introduced at Pakistan's grassroots level,

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