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MPETAIIVE EXAMINATION FOR THE POSTS OF PROVINCIAL ty CONSTITUTIONAL LAW SUBJECT: - cor MANAGEMENT SERVICE (BPS 2010 Time Allowed: 03 hours ‘Max: Marks: 100 Mote: Attempt any five questions, Q. 1. Fundamental Rights in the 1973 Constitution of Pakistan are the mast important rights granted te the citizens of Pakistan. However, these can be suspended during the proclamation of an emergency. Explain the significance of fundamental rights in she 1973 Constitution, [20] Q.2 Ithas been repeatedly decided by the Superior Courts in Pakistan that Parliament cannot change the salient features of the 1973 Constitution. Discuss the significance of the salient features of the 1973, Constitution. {20) Q. 3, Discuss the Istamic Provisions i the 1873 Constitution af the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. (20) 8.4, Discuss the separation of powers under the U.S, Constitution. (20) 0.5, What is meant by the ‘Basic Structure doctrine’ under the indian Constitution? [20) 0.6, Tha United Kingdom's Parliaments con: limitations on its legislative powers, Discuss the limitations on its legislative powers. [20} red as ‘Ornni Potent’ but practically there are mary ©. 7. Discuss the changes brought about by the Human Rights Act 1998 to the constitutional mechanism of the United Kingdom, (26) 0.8. Discuss how the constitution of the then US.S.R. attempted to achieve the fundamental principle: “From each according to his ability to each accarding to his need.”

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