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Dear K-12 Graduates!

Congratulations for finishing another ladder going towards your goal in life!
All of you have your individual personal dreams in this life. Even your parents have their own
dreams for you, so that they do everything they can for you push you in accomplishing those
dreams. But remember, having mere dreams is not enough to bring you to what you want to
become and what your parents what to see in you! You need to keep pursuing your dream until
you see you see it come into reality!
For sure there are adversities and adversaries that would come before you to discourage and
paralyze you but always bear in mind that you have dreams to pursue and that your dream is
too important that the adversities and adversaries before you are not powerful enough to stop
Be resilient enough to face an overcome any darts of the enemy to abort the good plans in your
Remember! You are programed by God as a victor not a victim; You are designed by God as a
winner not a looser! God has equip you with tools like knowledge, wisdom and discipline you
have acquired from your school CEC. Use these in pursing another ladder of your success.
Keep trusting the Lord and always put Jesus Christ at the centre of your life while pursuing your
If God is with you and for you then who can be against you in pursuing your dreams!
God bless you and your family!

In His Service;

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