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With the rapid increase of large-scale, real-world datasets, it becomes critical to address the problem of
long-tailed data distribution (i.e., a few classes account for most of the data, while most classes are
under-represented). Classification on long-tailed distributed data is a challenging problem, which suffers
from serious class-imbalance and accordingly unpromising performance especially on tail classes. Your
goal is to present a model that can classify long-tailed data with good accuracy.

Some examples of Long-Tailed datasets: ImageNet-LT, SUN-LT

1. A Report describing the following:
Literature Review
Different techniques used and the related codes
Any novel ideas introduced
2. A video (max 5 minutes) explaining the proposed solution.

Evaluation Criteria:
The submissions will be scored based on novelty and appropriateness of the solution.
The final score would comprise of the following components:
1. 50% Presentation video
2. 50% Report
All submissions are subjected to plagiarism checks.

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