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Workshop, Additive

implementation to
space engineering
The manufacturing of space-products has not yet
come to the stage where it’s possible to use Additive
Manufacturing, also known as 3d-printing.
Therefore we hereby invite you to the three-day
workshop where you will work in a team of 9
engineers to make this possible!

During the workshop you will be guided through

the problems in the question with help from ESAs
and Ultimakers specialists.

The location of the workshop is the European

Space Agencys (ESA) headquarter in Paris, France.
24 Rue du Général Bertrand CS 30798, 75007
Paris, France.

The workshop will take place the first Monday to

Wednesday in April 2022, 4th until 6th. During this
time you will work in teams to come up with a
concept that you will bring back to your company
for further development and implementation to
your companys manufacturing operation.

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