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Madera, Laiza Victoria V.

February 9, 2023
BSPsych 2YB-4
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2. Salus populi est suprema lex 1. usefulness of analyzing governmental institution
5. Land 3. Family, clan, tribe, nation, state
10. verified by evidence 4. it is a theory that is divine creation.
11. measure and quantify those data 5. raises revenue to defray the expenses.
13. political behavior can be expressed in generalization 6. Greek word governance
15. Fluvial 7. inhabitants of specific geographic region
16. supreme power to command 8. Niccolo Machiavelli
17. status 9. authorized of taking of the property
18. scientific tradition 12. active engagement or involvement in the decision
20. makes the law making process
23. answerability or responsibility for one's action. 14. justifies the right to revolt against bad ruler.
25. Definite portion of the surface of the earth 19. Air
27. Who gets what, when, and how 21. city-state
28. meeting the needs 22. Philippine _______ legislative, executive, and
29. give more opportunities to those members who are judicial
in needs. 24. making decision after taking consideration
26. theory that is scientific

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