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Review of Related Literature and Studies

In the related literature, there was a study about the Perception of the use of Artificial
intelligence in business among senior high students, Using ICT it is believed that this work
will contribute to the literature will shed light on the researcher’s about Perceptions on the
artificial Intelligence in business in that the researcher considered strengthening the
importance of the present study.

Use of Artificial Intlelligence

Defined by Copeland (2022), artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a digital computer or
computer-controlled robot to perform tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. The
term is frequently applied to the project of developing systems endowed with the intellectual
processes characteristic of humans, such as the ability to reason, discover meaning, generalize, or
learn from past experience.

According to Beatson et al. (2020), studies have reported that employers, graduates, and other
stakeholders do not believe that higher education programs facilitate the development of
teamwork skills. In response to Kennedy and Dull's (2008) article, "Transferable group skills to
accounting students," In Accounting Education, we took a qualitative approach to investigate
master's-level professional accounting students' perspectives on process control and their
teachers' value propositions. Through thematic analysis of survey and interview responses, this
study reports that effective processes control support groups by creating a constructive
environment where social learning can take place.

As defined by Uptake (2022), Predictive maintenance uses data from a variety of sources such as
historical maintenance records, machine sensor data, and weather data to determine when a
machine should be serviced. real-time asset data and historical data, operators can make more
informed decisions about when machines need repair. Predictive maintenance requires huge
amounts of data and through the use of Using artificial intelligence and predictive maintenance
software, transform this data into meaningful insights and data points, helping you avoid data

Based on the Council of Europe (2022), The period from 1940 to 1960 was strongly marked by a
combination of technological developments (of which World War II was a driving factor) and
the desire to understand how to reconcile the workings of machines and organic organisms. For
Norbert Wiener, a pioneer in the field of cybernetics, it was a matter of unifying the theories of
mathematics, electronics, and automation into "a complete theory of control and communication,
both in animals and in machines." Just before that, the first mathematical and computer model of
the biological neuron (the "formal neuron") was developed in 1943 by Warren McCulloch and
Walter Pitts.

According to Gómez et. al. (2021), artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to have a transformative
impact on almost every aspect of our lives, from the perspectives of individuals, groups,
businesses, and governments. While there are certainly many hurdles to overcome, AI has the
potential to empower our daily lives in the near future. Much of this empowerment comes from
the expansion of human capacity. A large spatial AI system is also dominating due to the
opportunities of an increasingly digitalized and "data-driven" world (Hintz et al., 2018).

Artificial intelligence and sustainable development

According to Goralski et al. (2020), Previously limited to futuristic societies created in the
imaginations of science fiction writers and film producers, artificial intelligence (AI) is now a
part of everyday life around the world. our modern, high-tech society. There are many
definitions of AI, and each of these definitions has been revised over time. Currently, most
definitions indicate that AI solves complex cognitive problems related to human intelligence or
that AI helps as many people as possible through smartphones or care services. health, or even
AI that recognizes problems and creates solutions for the benefit of technology, people, and
society. However, the core concept of AI has always been to create machines that can think like
humans (Marr, 2018).

As defined by Aster (2020), artificial intelligence (AI) is finding its way into more and more
areas of everyday life; improving the AI skills of non-experts is important and will become even
more relevant in the future. While it is necessary that children learn about the possibilities of AI
at an early age, adults in higher education and beyond should also have at least a basic
understanding of AI (i.e., AI literacy) to be able to interact effectively with the technology.


Copeland, B. J. (2022, November 11). Artificial intelligence | Definition, Examples, Types,

Applications, Companies, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Oosthuizen, H., De Lange, P., Wilmshurst, T., & Beatson, N. (2020). Teamwork in the
accounting curriculum: stakeholder expectations, accounting students’ value proposition, and
instructors’ guidance. Accounting Education, 30(2), 131–158.

How AI is Making Predictive Maintenance a Reality for the Industrial. . .. (2022, October 14).

Council of Europe. (n.d.). History of. Artificial Intelligence.

Martínez-Plumed, F., Gómez, E., & Hernández-Orallo, J. (2021). Futures of artificial intelligence
through technology readiness levels. Telematics and Informatics, 58, 101525.

Xu, J. J., & Babaian, T. (2021). Artificial intelligence in business curriculum: The pedagogy and
learning outcomes. The International Journal of Management Education, 19(3), 100550.

Goralski, M. A., & Tan, T. K. (2020c). Artificial intelligence and sustainable development. The
International Journal of Management Education, 18(1), 100330.

Laupichler, M. C., Aster, A., Schirch, J., & Raupach, T. (2022). Artificial intelligence literacy in
higher and adult education: A scoping literature review. Computers and Education: Artificial
Intelligence, 3, 100101.

Our study is all about the concept of using artificial intelligence (AI) in enterprise amongst
senior high school students; in this study, we cite statistics from universities that are related to
our studies. One of the universities we cite is Yapay Zeka Teknik University. As previously
stated, AI is one of the most important topics that have been highlighted recently as
generations advance or grow. As a student generation, technology has a significant impact on
us, particularly in our exams. So, the connection among them is that a majority of the
universities inserted AI into their exams. With the help of this generation, technology will
significantly advance over time, which may be useful in business. Students have their personal
notions about this, and a number of them assume that this can no longer be helpful. However,
college students are starting to take on this generation.

Theoretical framework

AI`s spring, i.e., its birth, may be traced to Computing Machinery and Intelligence (1950)
which supplied the mechanism for trying out a machine`s intelligence. However, the term
synthetic intelligence became no longer coined until 1956 in the Dartmouth Summer Research
Project on Artificial Intelligence DSRPAI prepared via means of John McCarthy and Marvin
Minsky. While standard optimism hype and extensive AI investment reigned at some point in its
summers, the other turned into the case at some point in AI winters (Haenlein and Kaplan, 2019).

Gurman (2021) For numerous years Apple`s automobile group had explored simultaneous
paths: developing a version with restricted self-using skills targeted on steerage and acceleration
much like many cutting-edge cars or a model with complete self-using capacity that doesn`t
require human intervention For numerous years, Apple`s automobile group had explored
simultaneous paths: developing a version with restricted self-using skills targeted on steerage and
acceleration much like many cutting-edge cars or a model with complete self-using capacity that
doesn`t require human intervention.
Conceptual framework
Chapter III

Research Design
The research aims to investigate the perception of senior high school students on the use of
artificial intelligence in business. The study will employ a survey design, in which a
questionnaire will be distributed to a sample of senior high school students. The questionnaire
will consist of both closed- and open-ended questions that will elicit information on the student’s
knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions toward the use of AI in business. To find patterns and
trends in the students' responses, the collected data will be evaluated using descriptive statistics.
The findings of the study will provide insights into the awareness and understanding of AI
among senior high school students, as well as their attitudes toward the integration of AI in
business operations.

Participants of the Study

The chosen respondents are randomly selected students in the sections of the senior high
school both grade 11 and grade 12 students in Bignay National High School. The Participants
will be answering the given questionnaire.

Research Locale
The study will be conducted at Bignay National High School. The researchers choose this
setting because our topic is to know the perception of senior high students in AI in business.
Since the researcher is currently studying at Bignay National High school, so, this is the place
were it can conduct research.

Research Instrument
this study, we utilized a survey questionnaire as our research instrument through an online
Google form. The questions were designed to measure the senior high school students'
perception and understanding of artificial intelligence in business. "The survey was administered
to a representative sample of senior high school students to ensure a diverse range of
perspectives and experiences."

Survey Questionaire for the Senior High Student

I. Demographic Profile of Senior High Student

This survey is conducted based on the title "Perception on the use of Artificial Intelligence
in Business among Senior High School
Age:_____ Sex:____
II. Likert scale
Direction: Please put a check in the appropriate column. Your answer will remain confidential.
4 -Strongly Agree
3 -Agree
2 -Disagree
Intelligence 4 3 2 1
(SA) (A) (D) (SD)
1. I am familiar an Artificial intelligence
2. I believe that Artificial Intelligence is effective
in business because it can filter spam.
3.Artificial Intelligence facilitates the products
4.Artificial Intelligence provides purchase
5.I believe that Artificial Intelligence has
language recognition to digest unstructured data
from customers.
6.I know Artificial Intelligence detects fraud in
online transactions.
7. I know smart personal assistants, such as Siri,
Cortana and Google Now can provide
information about business trends.
8. Artificial Intelligence has big impact on my
learning experience.
9. I have a good understanding of the concept of
Artificial Intelligence in Business.
10. Artificial Intelligence can provide me a new
and innovative ways to learn.
1 -Strongly Disagree

Data Gathering

The questionnaire was checked and revised by the practical research 2 teacher and consists of
10 questions that suited to the respondents.The sampling method was use is descriptive sampling
where the respondents are choosen in Bignay National High School in Senior High Department.
The consent also given to the respondents and to their class president. The respondents were
taken from 517 total population, the researcher used a descriptive sampling of 15% divided into
12 sections, so, there are 6 respondents were obtained in one section. The survey was given to
the respondents through a google form that sent via messenger

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