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RELT 075 Assignment 2

A. Read chapter 1 of Geisler’s Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options, and answer
the following questions:
1. What is Ethics?
2. What is Christian Ethics?
3. What are the characteristics of Christian Ethics? Explain briefly each one of them.
4. What are the various views of Ethics? How does each one of them answer to the question
“Are there any ethical laws?”
5. Which of these views deny the existence of all objectively absolute moral laws? Describe
the difference between them.
6. Which of these views believe in the existence of all objectively absolute moral laws?
Describe the difference between them
7. How does each of these views answer the question of whether it is right to lie to save a

B. Read chapter 8 of Geisler’s Christian Ethics: Contemporary Issues and Options, and answer
the following questions:
1. Some have derived “moral” or “morality” from the Latin word “mos” or “mores”
meaning “custom” referring to how people behave. Thus, Ethics is identified with the
ethnic; and moral commands as community demands. What is Geisler’s response to this?
2. What is the only valid basis of ethical decisions for Christians (Evangelicals)?
3. How can one know that basis?
4. What are the spheres of God’s revelation?
5. How does Immanuel Kant call and explain the universality of moral law?
6. What is the special revelation of the same character of god that is reveled in nature and
the hearts of people?

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