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76. Which vaccine is contraindicated in 4 year old with immunosuppressive treatment for
autoimmune hepatitis?
A. Hepatitis A
B. Hepatitis B
C. Varicella Zoster
D. Acellular pertussis
E. Inactivated polio

77. What is the red flag sign of development milestones in a 9 month old child
A. Unable to scribble using crayon
B. Unable to pass objects from hand to hand
C. Not able to stand alone

78. Normal infant able to sit with both hands leaning forward, able to transfer objects from one
hand to other. But cannot wave bye bye nor grasp with thumb and finger. His approximate age is
A. 5 months
B. 7 months
C. 9 months
D. 11 months
E. 13 months

79. A 7mth old boy came with vomiting n diarrhea with blood in stool. Stool FEME shows neutrophils.
A. rotaviris
B. norwalk virus
C. staph aureus
D. resp syncytial virus
E. shigella dysenteriae

80. Which of the following is correct about anterior frontanelle

A. is smaller than posterior frontanelle
B. is pulsatile
C. is located at junction of sagittal & lamdoid suture
D. bulges during dehydration
E. usually closes at 3 months

81. You are asking history from a 7 years old boy with bronchial asthma. Which of the following is a
closed-end question?
A. Does he have wheezing at night?
B. How long does he has asthma symptoms?
C. What did he used to relieve the symptoms of asthma?
D. What kind of play he fond of?
E. How was his birth events?
82. Which of the following associated with bronchial asthma?
A. allergic rhinitis
B. tonsillitis
C. migraine
D. arthritis
E. dental caries

83. Wide & fixed split S2. Ejection systolic murmur, grade 2/6. No pallor, no cyanosis. Diagnosis?
C. Aortic stenosis
D. Pulmonary stenosis

84. Pallor, petechiae at palate and elbow. Lethargy , liver & spleen are palpable 2 cm below costal
margin. What investigation should be done?
A. Hb electrophoresis
C Bleeding and clotting time
D. Serum bilirubin
E. Coomb’s test

85. A 6 years old boy presents with fever and flitting, fleeting joint pain involving ankle, knee and
wrists. On examination, his left knee was tender and warm but not swollen. There is also map like
erythematous rash on his trunk and limbs. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Acute Rheumatic Fever
B Infective Endocarditis
D. Septic Arthritis
E. Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis
86. A previously well 3 years old boy presented with bilateral leg swelling for 3 days. On
examination, he is generalised edema, blood pressure 80/60mmHg, temperature 37 degree celcius.
What is the most likely urine results?
A. no proteinuria
B. proteinuria 10-20mg/ml/hr
C. proteinuria 20-30 mg/ml/hr
D. proteinuria 30-40 mg/ml/hr
E. proteinuria >40 mg/ml/hr

87. 3 y/old boy has fever & cough. Temp 39, RR 40, SpO2 91% . On examination, he has dull,
crackles and bronchial breathing sound at right axilla. What is the likeliest causative organism?
A. Strep pneumoniae
B. Mycoplasma pneumoniae
D. Parainfluenza virus

88. A child had dry, scaly itchy rashes on neck and upper chest during infancy. But the rashes are
now confined to her antecubital & popliteal fossa. They worsen during hot day. Diagnosis?
A. Impetigo
B. Atopic eczema
C. Urticaria
89. A 6 month old girl presents with unresponsiveness. had cold last night. This morning, mother
tried to wake up her but she was lethargic and drowsy. Temperature 36.5, RR 35/min, HR 150/min. Non
blanching purplish rash over the trunk arm and leg. Diagnosis?
B. Hepatic encaphalopathy
C. Child abuse
D. Measles encaphalitis
E. Meningococcal meningitis

90. 8 weeks old boy had recurrent vomitting. Abdomen examination revealed firm mass over
epigastrium. on feeding, peristalsis movement seen. Investigation show hyperkalaemic hypochloremic
metabolic alkalosis. Diagnosis?
A. duodenal atresia
B. hyperthrophic pylocric stenosis
C. intusussception

91. 8 years old came with red urine for 2 days. G6PD status was unknown. On examination, the BP
was 130/85 mmHg and there are periorbital puffiness and infected scabies lesions in the web spaces of
his fingers. All other examination findings were unremarkable. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. G6PD deficiency
C. Acute glomerulonephritis
D. Septicaemia
E. Leptospirosis

92. 4 years old female girl came with cough, fever and non purulent conjunctivitis. On the fourth
day of fever, she developed rash which appear on face first and then spread down her whole body. The
rash was pink and maculopapular. Diagnosis?
A. Chicken pox
B. Steven Johnson syndrome
C. Rubella
D. Measles
E. Exanthem subitum
93. Regarding breastfeeding, which is correct?
A. Weaning starts about 9 months
B. Best to start breastfeeding 24 hours after LSCS
C. Breastfeeding contraindicated in HIV positive mother
D. Infant formula contains lactoferrin
E. Breast milk provides adequate iron for 1st year of life

94. 3 years old boy, present with cough, respiratory distress while playing. O/E he has wheeze,
decrease breath sounds over right chest. Diagnosis?
A. anaphylaxis
B. FB aspiration
C. asthma exacerbation
D. pneumothorax
E. lung collapse

95. A 7 year old child has recurrent, self-terminating loss of consiousness lasting for 10-20s. The EEG
shows burst of 3 cycles per second spikes. When asked to voluntarily hyperventilate, he exhibted a
typical attack. Diagnosis?
A. Absent seizure
B. Complete Partial Seizure
C. Infantile spasm
D. Myoclonic Seizure
E. Tonic Clonic Seizure

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