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Dăniciuc Horațiu ,XI E

Time. A subject that everybody is either scared or indolent about. I myself am quite scared about
the truths that may unveil as the time moves forward. Everything just goes by without stopping, not
even a single second for you to just linger and process all information that is jammed inside our head. I
say all of this because I too have fallen into this endless pit we call time that just keeps going without
knowing what will come next. I try everything in my power to organize myself so I can get as much as I
can out of these 24 hours a day that we have. This cycle is very short, so as much as I try, there will
always be the possibility on missing something important.

Memories, experiences, decisions, all of these are just some of the things that I always have in the
back of my mind. What if, instead of staying at home maybe I went out with my friends and made some
unforgettable memories, or maybe instead of saying “maybe next time” I would’ve said “yeah let’s do it
right now everything” would everything have been different? As I tried to explain earlier, time is like a
pool of quicksand, if you move to much you will sink faster, as in life, trying to do many things at once
will just stun the progress you’ve made by that far.

So, I just do everything at the right time. Putting something at a later date just hurts me more. I
have to do it now. Focusing on a single thing at a time is much more efficient.

But,… that’s how I got in this state of confusion in the first place. From restless to calculated, I tried
everything but the result are always the same. I can’t win them all. This I why I always just end up in the
same place I started. That’s why after all of my failed attempts, I started understanding about the
importance of time. I shouldn’t have run from it, I should’ve embraced it because time, as unpredictable
as it is, in this world, it represents the core of everything.

After a discovery as strange as this one I thought to myself.

Everything is done. What is in the past, stays in the past.

So to not make the same mistake as in the past I made myself a journal to track what have I done
for the day. I want to help everybody that needs me, to play with my friends more, to practice my hobby
and as such in this notebook I write every little moment, making this ruthless passing time stop just for a
brief second in my journal.

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