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Name : Ahmad Fadhil Al Hafidzh

NPM : A1B020108

Matkul: Discourse Analysis


“What is Discourse Analysis?”

In linguistics and communications studies, discourse is analyzed to understand how

language is used in a larger social and cultural context. Discourse is contextual, if there is no
meaning, that is not discourse. So, disourse is based on context and it has meaning. Whereas
dictionary is lexical. Dictionary meaning is just a part of the discourse, we cannot rely only on
the dictionary meaning when we try to find the meaning of our discourse.

As already mentioned above, discourse meaning is based on the context. So, there are 2
context, namely: near context and far context or extended context. The near context is the
speaker or people involved in the communication, or in the discourse, such as conversation, talk,
discussion, lecture, meeting, and etc. Then, the place, time, and every objects are also the near
context. The far context is ideology, aturan-aturan, work relationship, and so on. In addition,
for written discourse, there are 2 that involve in the context, namely: writer and readers.

Next is analysis. What we do when we analyse? When we analyse an object, we look at it

from several point of view, aspects.

So, discourse analysis is when we look at a piece of discourse from several different
angle, aspects. Furthermore, what kind of aspects that might we look at when we analyse the
discourse? The content, structure, style of language.

Types of Discourse:

1. Essay
2. Lecture
3. Letter
4. Thesis
5. Paper.

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