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<ClientInfo>[23:11:07] Adapter count: 1. Adapter: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics.

<GameInfo>[23:11:08] Registering Mod: TerraCraft(tc)

<GameInfo>[23:11:08] Initializing Mod: TerraCraft(tc)
<ServerInfo>[23:11:23] Server is listening... Port: 51683
<ServerInfo>[23:11:23] has connected server.
<GameInfo>[23:11:23] zlib version 1.2.11 = 0x12b0, compile flags = 0x455
<ClientInfo>[23:11:23] Login successfully.
<ClientInfo>[23:11:23] Chunk(0,0) loaded. 1 chunks exist.
<ClientInfo>[23:11:23] Joined the game successfully.
<ServerInfo>[23:11:23] Nerium_Ozzy joined the game.
<ClientInfo>[00:09:23] Chunk(-1,0) loaded. 2 chunks exist.
<ClientInfo>[00:24:05] socket closed.
<ServerInfo>[00:24:05] has closed. Error Code: 0
<ServerInfo>[00:24:05] Nerium_Ozzy left the game.
<ServerInfo>[00:24:05] Ready to shut down.
<ServerInfo>[00:24:07] socket closed.
<ClientInfo>[00:24:07] The server is closed and released.
<GameInfo>[00:24:09] Releasing game resources.

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