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Memory Bank profile

Founded 2000
Made available to the general public 2006
It works by putting a chip in the brain that the records all the memories you store at one given time
and then creates a third person perceptive of that memory showing your self but as the aspect of a
home video.
It was given many trials until it was made available, but what they found was that illegal acts were
being recored so the government devised a new law that was if a memory shows you committing a
crime then you will be sanctioned and police will come. However this will only happen when you buy
your memory bank which is a one off purchase where you get all your memories up to that point but it
also means no more will be added to it. So the police could only come when you bought your memory
bank and watched that memory. This created havoc as almost everyone had committed a crime even if
it was a minor one, so they eventually made it if it was a serious crime then you will be arrested, but
because of the two years that law was in it created backlog of cases.
Memory Bank became the biggest business of today and won many awards, the CEO was the richest
man ever of 3.14 trillion.

It sealed in the project RedRobin they were a huge investor so had to sign every paper work so need it
to be covered up and the CEO would do anything to protect it even fake a murder in a memory which
is why he did it to Jerrold.

The CEO Henrick Smith doesn’t care about anyone apart from himself his wife is his company and
his kids is his money. He hates his workers but needs them but if they put one foot wrong they are
out, however because how famous and how big his company is he always has people looking for jobs.

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