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The RedRobin Project booklet

By: Freddie Johnson


• Production Schedule

• Script

• Storyboard

• Crew list

• Props list

• Location recces

• Sound table

• Foley sounds

• Clearances

• Contingency plan

• Confirmation emails

• Equipment list

• Cost sheet

• Test shoots

• Auditions

The RedRobin Project

Production Schedule
Date Doing what Who needed

30/3/23 (Thursday) Film Hologram Ethan, Freddie

31/3/23 (Friday) Film News report Freddie, Sophie

1/4/23 (Saturday) Work

2/4/23 (Sunday) Edit news report Freddie

3/4/23 (Monday) Film tunnel at Cholsey, Freddie, Henryk, Ash,

record Teddy phone Benji, Sam
call & finish edit news
report & Film child
4/4/23 (Tuesday) Film at house/voice Freddie, Henryk, Nick,
overs Jack, Chris, Ash
5/4/23 (Wednesday) Film jail Freddie, Nick, Angie,
6/4/23 (Thursday) Edit Freddie

7/4/23 (Friday) Reshoots Anyone needed

8/4/23 (Saturday) Work

9/4/23 (Sunday) Driving to Bristol Angie, Freddie

10/4/23 (Monday) Film murder memory Freddie, Ian, Lisa

11/4/23 (Tuesday) Edit Freddie

12/4/23 (Wednesday) Edit Freddie

13/4/23 (Thursday) Driving back Freddie, Angie

14/4/23 (Friday) Filming Helen Smith Freddie


The RedRobin Project
Date Doing what Who needed

15/4/23 (Saturday) Edit Freddie

16/4/23 (Sunday) Edit Freddie

17/4/23 (Monday) Film memories at Freddie, Oliver,
college and phone call Charlette
18/4/23 (Tuesday) Edit/reshoot if needed Freddie, anyone else
19/4/23 (Wednesday) Edit Freddie
20/4/23 (Thursday) First edit done get Freddie
21/4/23 (Friday) Edit after feedback Freddie
22/4/23 (Saturday) Work
23/4/23 (Sunday) Day off
24/4/23 (Monday) Edit Freddie
25/4/23 (Tuesday) Edit Freddie
26/4/23 (Wednesday) Second edit done Freddie
27/4/23 (Thursday) Get feedback & edit Freddie
28/4/23 (Friday) Edit Freddie
29/4/23 (Saturday) Work
30/4/23 (Sunday) Edit Freddie
1/5/23 (Monday) Edit Freddie

2/5/23 (Tuesday) Third edit done and get Freddie

3/5/23 (Wednesday) Edit Freddie
4/5/23 (Thursday) Edit Freddie
5/5/23 (Friday) Final edit Freddie

The RedRobin Project


The RedRobin Project

Short Film

By Freddie Johnson

The RedRobin Project

Note: This film will be set at night because light is very poor in the future so will always
look like the evening.

Text: The year is 2048

There has been a government project that looked at “mind control” of
humans, but it was forced out of existence in the end. Special forces
were sent to kill the human guinea pigs. This resulted in the arrest of
the special forces and the government throwing the project out of the
The project was called RedRobin. Until now the project hasn’t been
brought to the public’s attention.

(All words fade except The, RedRobin and project creating the title)

Fade to

INT Lounge EVENING: The TV is on in the dark house, it’s playing a news
item about a government project that killed many people and was forced
out of existence, the project was called ‘RedRobin’.

Nathan Jason has been arrested in relation
to the government project ‘RedRobin’, which
led to the murder of thousands of innocent
people. The special forces involved were a
rrested or managed to flee the country.
From new evidence we have been given, the
special forces have been released and given
a pardon from the country. From evidence
brought forward a third person Nathan Jason
has been arrested. He was part of the
RedRobin cover up. He sent in special forces
to eliminate the test subjects, at this time
they thought they were terrorists but in fact
they were the RedRobin guinea pigs. The
government said to shoot all. Yet when
questioned the government were unaware of this order.
All this information is coming to light from
an anonymous person giving the police a tip
off and sending information to journalists.
He is the third person to be arrested in
relation to the project RedRobin. The police
expect more arrests in the near future…

(Doorbell rings)
The RedRobin Project

…In other news Memory Bank has bec(ome)…
(the news is turned off)

JERROLD DAWSON gets up and walks to the door.

Cut to

EXT raining, front door EVENING: A hologram is standing outside in the

rain it’s a blue hologram wearing a red top, blue jacket and fedora on
(with the words memory bank going around the hat).

INT, front door EVENING: Jerrold Dawson opens the door, and sees the

Hello. Are you Jerrold Dawson?


Excellent, here is your memory bank that
you purchased.

The hologram hands over a small circular disc. Jerrold Dawson takes it
and closes the door.

Cut to

INT Lounge EVENING: Jerrold walks back into the lounge and puts the disc
on the table, a hologram of the bank of memories pops up. A woman
appears at the start, it is HELEN SMITH CEO of Memory Bank.


The RedRobin Project

Hello and welcome to your purchase of

your memory bank for you to look back
on all your memories. The company would
not be possible if it wasn’t for a little
chip inside your head, that’s recorded
all your memories. So, welcome to your
memories from the Memory Bank.

The screen then turns blue screen showing eight titles: Mum dying,
grandma and grandad, leisure time, school, work, happy times, dad
leaving and other.

Jerrold stares at the word mum dying, he feels sad, reaches to touch it
but retracts.

Leisure time.

The screen pops up with a memory of him playing in a garden, climbing a

tree with his friend, wondering how he got up there. Jerold smiles.


The memories change to him in his teens going to school walking around.
A girl then walks in and they look like girlfriend and boyfriend, he
doesn’t recognise her, another one shows him being good at drawing.


You always remember who you went out with

and who you slept with, but that girl I
don’t ever remember, and drawing I was awful
at it, that drawing I got from a friend.

Cut to

INT Kitchen EVENING: Jerrold gets up and moves to the kitchen where he
gets on the phone to the company.

Hello and welcome to Memory Bank how can
we help?

The RedRobin Project

Yes, I ordered my memory bank and I don’t
recognise some of the memories.

Oh, ok let me have a look for you…

From the lounge


Cut to

INT Lounge EVENING: There is a sudden scream from the lounge, Jerrold
goes to investigate and sees a memory he is stabbing a woman to death.
The CEO of Memory Bank (Helen Smith) then pops back up.

Unfortunately, you have committed a crime
in your memory 544668903g. The police have
been notified (voice starts to get muffled)
and will arrive shortly.

Jerrold is panicking he is very confused.


This was a new law which came about as soon
as Memory Bank began. It stated, any crime
committed on a memory would be enough evidence
to charge the person. This created a back log
of cases as everyone who even committed a minor offence was
arrested. So, it started only
notifying when you had a committed a serious offence. This
would happen when the memory was opened by the purchaser, as
the company never
looked into your memories themselves.

Jerrold walks to the phone the company are still on the line.

Cut to


So, are they my memories?

The RedRobin Project

Yes, it says he(re)…

Jerrold ends the call.

Cut to

INT Hall: P.C HOPPS and Police Officer 1 knock on the door, Jerrold
answers and they put cuffs on him.

I am arresting you for a murder which has
come from your memory 544668903g. Under
Memory Bank Act 2006 you will be charged in due course…

INT, cell EVENING: Jerrold looks lost, he can’t come with terms with
what is happening. A police officer is stat at a table with Jerrold the
other side.

…Do you understand

BETTY walks in

Hi, sorry I’ve just arrived I got your call
Jerrold. Hi officer I’m Jerrold’s lawyer.

Betty moves her hand over his shoulder, and stands behind Jerrold

How are the kids?

They’re good, they really want to beat you at
the board game next time they see you.

Jerrold smiles

Anyway, let’s get on, sorry (leaning forward with an outreached hand) I
didn’t catch your name officer?

The RedRobin Project

It’s P.C Hopps

He shakes her hand.

Right P.C Hopps where did we get to?

Betty, I just asked Jerrold if he understands
why he is here.

Right ok. I think my client understands
quite alright what is about to happen to him,
more than you think, as he did work in the government.

I don’t need to know that, plus I couldn’t care less. We need
to find out what he remembers,
Jerrold (leaning forward) what do you remember?

Jerrold tilts his head up slowly staring at him.

As you can see my client is in shock at the
moment. He is clearly trying to work out when
this was himself and what has happened. I suggest that you let
my client out on bail, to come to
terms with this and figure it out for himself. I also know
that you still have a big back log of cases to do with Memory
Bank, and my client is clearly not a risk to the public.

Ok fine you’re right, we do have a back log and
need to find space for everyone, I’ll grant you
bail for 1 month. At that time, we will come to
your house again to arrest you. We would normally give you a
tag to wear to know where you are, but
we don’t have enough so remain at your house. Do
you understand?

Jerrold stares at him

The RedRobin Project

I understand perfectly P.C Hoops

Excellent, Jerrold Dawson

Do you mind if I have a word with my client,

P.C Hopps gets up and leaves the room.

I’ve known you for years Jerrold and I know
you would never do anything like this, is there anything you

No, nothing at all Betty. (softly)

Do you think this has anything to do with
RedRobin, I know it didn’t end well?

I don’t think so, I’ll have a look into
Memory Bank and see if I can find anything

Why don’t you ask Teddy to get you what you
need, he’s always happy to help?

Good point, I’ll ask him.


Betty had a good point about Teddy, she had
always been very helpful. I trusted her and
she trusted me, I babysat her kids sometimes
when she was away with the husband, and she
even invited me to the family events too. I
worked on a couple of cases with her as she
was the government lawyer. She knew I couldn’t
hurt anyone, that’s why I had a desk and didn’t
work out in the field.

The RedRobin Project

Cut to

EXT, raining, outside house EVENING: Jerrold walks to the

front door opens it and walks into the house and closes the door.

Cut to

INT, kitchen: Jerrold is talking to his friend (TEDDY) who works in the

Teddy, you’re still working for the government
as an investigator, right?

Yeah, Why?

Great, don’t ask about why yet I’ll tell you
over a drink later, but I need you to look into Memory Bank,
it’s very important, I need you to
find everything you can on them. Who they work
with, investors, heads of operation, finances,
do they deal with any other companies. You got

Yeah, got it. Is everything all right Jerrold?

Look just do this and I’ll tell you later.

Jerrold hangs up the phone.

INT lounge EVENNG: He sits down on the sofa and starts looking online at
memory bank on the table.

Fade to black

The RedRobin Project

INT, Kitchen EVENING: Suddenly the phones rings, the person ringing is
Teddy. Jerrold answers the phone.

I have what you asked for, let’s meet at the Old Lion.

No, I don’t want to go there, let’s go to the
tunnel just out of town. You know the one.

Yeah why there? It’s a dump, nobody goes there anymore.


Cut to
INT, Tunnel EVENING: Jerrold Dawson walks into the tunnel with an advert
of Memory Bank playing on one side. Jerrold sees a figure at the end
which is Teddy. He walks towards him.

Jerrold Dawson, it’s been so long and this
is where you thought we should meet?

Yeah, for good reasons.

And what reason is that?

Because I believe that I’ve been framed by
memory bank for a murder, but I don’t know

Wow I didn’t expect that. I kinda always
knew something was wrong with them that’s
why I never got the implant. I warned you
about them.

The RedRobin Project

Yeah, I know that now.

Well, I did a lot of digging and I hope this

Teddy hands him a briefcase.

Thanks. I do hope you’ve found something that
will help me.

Well, you can tell me all about it another day.

Yeah, we’ll go to The Old Lion.

Jerrold walks back down the tunnel leaving Teddy standing there.

Fades out

INT, kitchen EVENING: Jerrold is looking at all the information he got

from Teddy (which is on the wall as a hologram) he looks at it
intensely. He then spots something, a name in a document signed by
someone named Jack Johnson. Jerrold goes to the phone and calls Teddy.

Teddy, do you remember Jack Johnson?

Yeah, he was part of our department back in the
day. He then went to work with you on some secret projects.

(Mumbles) RedRobin


Nothing, is he still alive?

Who Jack?

The RedRobin Project
Yeah. Do you know where he is I need to speak
to him?

Ooooh, I’m sorry I thought you knew he’s dead,
he was found in the river a month ago.

Jerrold is taken back he doesn’t know what to think. He doesn’t know his
next move.

Was it an accident?

No, it seems to have been a suicide, but if
you ask me the whole case seemed a bit sketchy,
the officers cut a lot of corners. Jack didn’t
seem the kind of person to commit suicide.



The thing about Jack was that he was like a
machine he didn’t feel anything, so for him to commit suicide
is weird. Jack worked with me on
some projects, but I forgot he worked with me
on RedRobin the project that killed loads of
people. Luckily for me I had all the documents
as I was the anonymous person tipping everyone
off about it.

Jerrold hangs up the phone and rushes to his record player.

Cut to

INT Lounge EVENING: He looks for a record flicking through each one
until he finds the one. It’s a single by Prince called Batdance which
has the Batman logo on it.

(whispers) RedRobin

The RedRobin Project

He places it on the record player. He turns it to 45 puts the needle on.

Pictures and documents fly by on the clear lid of the record player, he
slows it down to 33 still watching the images flicker. He stops it, the
images stop, there’s a document for the RedRobin project, Jerrold zooms
in to the bottom of the document using the middle of the record. There
is a signature by Jack Johnson, he zooms in closer, in small print there
is a signature from the CEO of Memory Bank with the Memory Bank logo.
Jerrold’s eyes widen


What I realised was that Memory Bank somehow
have knowledge, most likely from Jack, who knew
I kept documents of all my projects incase
anything went wrong. Because I bought my memory bank, the
company must of put in the murder so
I would go to prison. Meaning that they wouldn’t
go to jail like the other three people so far
have done.

Fade in

INT, Kitchen EVENING: Jerrold is calling Teddy, he gets through to the

answering machine.

I’m sorry you’ve reached the answering machine
of Teddy. Who won’t allow you to record a message
at this time, please try again.

Jerrold tries again, it starts ringing when there is a knock at the door
and a rattle of the letter box, a circular disc is dropped through.

Cut to

INT hall EVENING: Jerrold picks it up, feeling confused he walks into
the lounge.

Cut to

The RedRobin Project

INT Lounge EVENING: He places the disc on the table a video pops up of
Teddy in the bottom with the murder video happening above.

When I realised Memory Bank was setting you
up for a murder, I decided to do some more
digging and looked at your memory 5446 something. Don’t ask
how I got it but when I was looking
at the memory, I saw that there was a CCTV camera
in the corner. I managed to find it and the feed from the day
and what I found is interesting.
There was nothing there, you didn’t show and
neither did the woman. I’ve looked through the
whole day and other nights, there is nothing absolutely
nothing. Memory Bank have definitely
set you up.

There’s a knock at the door, Jerrold walks towards it slowly realising


Cut to

INT Hall EVEING: Jerrold opens the door two hooded figures are standing
there, as soon as they realise its open they rush in. Jerrold realises
and rushes towards the kitchen.

INT Kitchen EVEING: Jerrold runs into the kitchen, the kitchen door
opens to show another hooded guy, Jerrold stops suddenly and is then
taken down by the other two. Hooded figure 1 walks towards him and takes
out a device to shine a light in his ear. Jerrold is trying to get them
off wigging moving his legs up and down.


Jerrold then stops moving and is still, the hooded man turns the light

Fade to

The RedRobin Project

INT Jail EVENING: Jerrold looks like he doesn’t know what is happening
he looks confused, sitting in his jail cell paralyzed.


They had taken everything they
Cut to
(INT kitchen flashback EVENING: The men destroying the files and burning
the house down, and Jerrold hitting his head)
destroyed all my files and burnt down my house blaming me
being paralyzed to me hitting my
head on the table when I fell over.
Cut to
When in fact me being paralyzed was down to the light being
shown through my ear. which meant
I went to jail for my crime.

Cut to

Text: One-week later

INT Jail EVENING: Jerrold is watching tv. It’s showing Memory Bank has
collapsed and the CEO Henrick Smith has been arrested.

In a sudden end to the RedRobin project the journalists and
police were given all the
documents about the project, and files on the company Memory
Bank. The news team here can now reveal the person who leaked
the information is Jerrold Dawson. (a picture of him is shown)
was recently arrested for a murder which is now
believed to be a fake memory. The memory was
planted by Memory Bank so that their name would never come
into this. Well now it has, showing Memory Bank was a key
investor in the project RedRobin.
This has meant that the CEO Helen Smith, has
been arrested and is awaiting conviction,
meaning the company has folded and will now
cease to exist. There has been no comment from
the company or the CEO at this time. (
News reporters voice fading into the background.) There are
set to be more arrests as police look thoroughly at all the

The RedRobin Project


What memory bank didn’t account for was me making several
copies. Which would get sent out to the police and journalists
after a week if I didn’t
open the documents. This was the end of RedRobin
and for those involved, after a proper
investigation I was later released on a wrong conviction.

Jerrold gives a little smirk on his face.

The End

The RedRobin Project


The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

The RedRobin Project

Crew list
Name What they do? Date needed
Freddie Johnson Director, cameraman, 30/3/23 – 5/5/23
Angela Johnson Driver 3rd, 5th, 9th April

Cast List
Name Who they play Date needed
Henryk walczak Jerrold Dawson 3,4,5 April
Angie Johnson Betty 5th April
Ashley Brown Teddy 3rd April
Nick Johnson P.C Hopps/Hooded guy 3 4 & 5 April
Sophie Newsreader 31st March
Jack Burrows Police officer 1/Hooded 4th April
guy 1
Chris Burrows Hooded guy 2 4th April
Sam Scott 8 year old Jerrold Dawson 3rd April
Benji Scott 8 year old friend 3rd April
Oliver Jukes Teen Jerrold Dawson 17th April
Charlotte Baker Teen Jerrold’s girlfriend 17th April
Ian Parfitt Jerrold Dawson murderer 10th April
Lisa Parfitt Victim 1 10th April
Ethan Malha Hologram 30th March
Oscar Beale Answering 17th April
machine/Memory Bank
Diana Statham Helen Smith 14th April

The RedRobin Project

Prop list
Item Item description Who uses it When is it
Knife Fake, wooden, Ian 10th April
rubber knife
Circular disc A black circular lid Ethan, Henryk, 4th April
from a plastic tub hooded figure 2
(maybe 3rd)
Drawing A cassette drawing Oliver 17th April
Colouring pencil A brown colouring Oliver 17th April
pencil being used
with other around
Handcuffs Plastic generic Nick, Henryk 4th April
Briefcase A normal briefcase Ash, Henryk 3rd April
Single A Vinyl single of Henryk 4th April
Batdance by
A light torch A torch that’s light Jack 4th April
can go from wide
to thin
CCTV Camera Fake CCTV camera No one 10th April
Newspaper (only A normal Ash, Henryk 3rd April
needed if newspaper
briefcase can’t
be found)

The RedRobin Project

Location recce

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Tunnel

Location Address: Train station

Sat Nav details (Post code):

OX10 9QD

Nearest Train Station: At one

Nearest Bus stop: 8 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

Cholsey Train Station



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

It works for the out of town no one goes there tunnel especially colour correcting this to make it
look darker, the stairs is even more in more need of repair as it is has crumbling cement so works
even better getting that in the background to show how disused this part of town is. It also has a
perfect blank wall to have a advert of memory bank going down one side.

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Some natural lighting coming from the Work with the lighting and then colour
opening but mostly lit by the overhead lights, correct later.
which can’t be switched off or blocked as is a
working station.

Power Information Solutions:

None Charge all equipment day before and bring
back up batteries just incase they die.

Hazards Solutions:
Loose tiles, other people walking by, could Make sure you don’t run, if it does rain it
be slippery if been raining. Filming shouldn’t become that slippery but just be
equipment mindful

Sound Solutions:
Trains coming into station, people walking, Look at the train timetable and film when
people talking, cars pulling up outside, there isn’t a train coming into the station so
suitcases, announcements. you won’t have all the people either, or the
cars or the train or announcements. Use a mic
so it will cancel out background noise so less
likely to hear it.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: old bank
now Antique shop

Location Address: 82 High

Street, Wallingford

Sat Nav details (Post code):

OX10 0BT

Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 3 min walk

The RedRobin Project
Site contact name and contact Availability

After opening hours

Castle Antiques, 07435 787330


Yes, filming there on the 5th April (Wednesday) for about 4pm

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

It has the old bars from when it was a bank so is perfect for a jail scene. As it will look the part with
the bars and a white dirty brick wall so will looks like it’s an old jail and not `a new one fitting in
with the idea of being dystopian.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

No windows so will only be the lights from Turn the lights off if can or tape some black
the ceiling, which is in the celling, so is very card/cloth over them to give it a bit of tint
well lit. and make it less bright if needed, if too dark
use lights.
Power Information Solutions:
None in the area other sockets about Charge batteries before and bring spares,
bring an extension cable if needed, might be
able to charge batteries if they do die.
Hazards Solutions:
Uneven ground, carpet might be up, antiques There won’t be much walking around so
everywhere, small space, Filming equipment shouldn’t be a problem, but if do just mindful
of the cramped space and don’t walk to fast
and be mindful of the ground. The antiques
will be moved out of the way by the owners
so won’t be a problem.

Sound Solutions
People walking around and chatting. Shop will be closed so wont have any of that
only the owners so will have to ask them to
be quiet so not picked up, will use a mic so
will pick up the best sound and will cancel
out background noise.

The RedRobin Project

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Lounge/hall

Location Address: 36 McCulloch


Sat Nav details (Post code):

OX10 8FX

Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 10 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

None Always



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

For the house it needs to look quite modern and the house is that, it also has a tv which is big
enough to show a news report to represent how big this story is and how big RedRobin really plays
in the film. The lounge also has a record player with records below to works well with him looking
through all the records until he finds the correct one. The hall works well as it’s a little narrow. Plus
the lounge can be filmed like night during the day because of the blinds which shut out the day
light completely.

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Two above lights and two big windows Use above lighting if needed and close the
(natural lighting) blinds in the window so that it will seem
evening. If the lights are too bright use
filming lights or desk lights to set the mood.

Power Information Solutions:

A lot of sockets around the house and an Charge the batteries beforehand and the
extension cable in the garage spares but if using lights sockets are available
and an extension cable if needed.

Hazards Solutions:
Filming equipment, rug, furniture, rabbit. No one runs in the house if dark in house
make sure everyone knows where the
furniture is so no one bumps or hurts
themselves. Make sure the rug isn’t turned up
and the filming equipment and cables are tied
up and not in the way of the actors. Move the
rabbit somewhere else so it is not in shot and
doesn’t run around everywhere or biting
Sound Solutions:
Cars, builders, other people in house Shouldn’t hear the cars as they will be going
slow as it is a building site might hear
builders however there isn’t much digging to
do so shouldn’t be a problem. If it is, film
another day if too noisy. Use a mic so you
pick up les background noise.

The RedRobin Project

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Kitchen


Location Address: 36 McCulloch


Sat Nav details (Post code):

OX10 8FX

Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 10 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

None Some days as Angie Johnson does do online

classes for cooking classes. But free 4th April



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Works with the rest of the house being modern and white, has the same blinds so works for night
when daylight outside.

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Has one overhead light and some ceiling Close them, if necessary, use one of the lights
lights, two windows and door to the back if needed but use desk lamps to set mood or
garden (natural lighting) filming lights.

Power Information Solutions:

Sockets around the kitchen and extension Use the sockets if needed especially for the
cable in garage if needed. lights and an extension cable can be given if
needed. But charge all batteries and spares.

Hazards Solutions:
Slippery floor with socks on and running, If running make sure the socks have grip and
furniture, filming equipment. the actors know about this, or take of socks to
get more grip. Make sure everyone is aware
of film equipment and furniture. And if wires
around tie them up and make sure out of way
of actors and put some bright tape around so
people can clearly see it.

Sound Solutions:
Cars, builders, other people in house Shouldn’t hear the cars as they will be going
slow as it is a building site might hear
builders however there isn’t much digging to
do so shouldn’t be a problem. If it is, film
another day if too noisy. Use a mic so you
pick up les background noise.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Bridge

Location Address: W End


Sat Nav details (Post code):

OX10 9LW

Nearest Train Station: 2 min


Nearest Bus stop: 8 min walk

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural lighting May need lights if it is too dark, or colour
correct later

Power Information Solutions:

None Charge batteries beforehand and bring spares
just incase they die.

Hazards Solutions:
Potholes, uneven ground, cars, puddles, Make sure no one runs as they could trip in a
Filming equipment pothole make sure everyone is aware of the
pot holes, rain could obscure the pothole or
uneven ground so be more aware, if it
becomes to wet it may be too dangerous to
film. As it is a road be aware of cars and stop
filming if cars do come.

Sound Solutions:
Cars, birds, wind, trains overhead. The road is a close so there shouldn’t be too
many cars coming down, make sure you film
when there’s no trains coming over so check
train timetables and fit in within that.
Site contact name and contact Availability

Bridge under the railway



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Great for the out of town disused part of town where no one goes, has houses on one side which
won’t be in shot but on the other side it has a farm and has long grass with farm equipment
outside. The bridge has a clean wall for the advert of memory bank to go where it could be under
the brick that sticks out so has a clean advertisement end.

The RedRobin Project

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Jail

Location Address: 44-46 Oxford

Castle, Oxford

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 5 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

Oxford castle & Prison ?

01865 260663



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

A proper prison which can be used for filming, jail bars a run-down wall. The hotel side used the
actual prison so could use that as well.

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Lighting in the hall but only window in the Use lights

Power Information Solutions:
None Charge batteries beforehand and spares just

Hazards Solutions:
Uneven ground, close space, filming Make sure everyone is aware of the ground
equipment may be wet and it being wet/damp, filming equipment
isn’t in the way as it will be cramped.

Sound Solutions
Other people Ask them to be quiet.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Studio


Location Address: 28 Ancastle

Green, Henley-on-Thames

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 15 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

Need to book
Henley College

The RedRobin Project

Need to book

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

For the hologram as it is having a green screen and for the news broadcast.
It could also work as a jail for being dark but not having any bars.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Lots of lights to lights the green screen If green screen is still dark then use some
other lights to brigten the background so
there are no shadows.

Power Information Solutions:

Some sockets an extension cable can be Charge batteries and spares beforehand but
provided or brought it. sockets are available if needed.

Hazards Solutions:
Filming equipment, wires. Make sure all wires are tied up and visible
and put some bright tape over so the actors
are aware of this. Make sure the filming
equipment doesn’t get in there way.

Sound Solutions
Other people walking This shouldn’t be a problem as it will be
booked out so won’t be bothered, if it does
happen then put a sign on the door. The room
is sound proof so is hard to hear anything
from outside.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: College area

Location Address: 28 Ancastle

Green, Henley-on-Thames

Sat Nav details (Post code): RG9


Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 15 min walk

The RedRobin Project

Site contact name and contact Availability

Henley College Monday - Friday



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

The memory needs to be at school so the best place is college it is great for my actors to get to,
and works as a place for school. I can use it as the place for him walking with his girlfriend and use
the bench as for the place of him drawing.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural lighting Look at the weather so it doesn’t rain. Use
extra lights if necessary or colour correct

Power Information Solutions:

None Charge all batteries beforehand so that you
have spares just incase.

Hazards Solutions:
People, uneven ground, cars It is a road used so be careful if a car does
come get out of the way and reshoot. Don’t
get in the way of people walking as it is a
working college. Be careful of the uneven
ground make sure everyone knows to walk

Sound Solutions
People, cars, birds, wind Use a mic with a dead cat so that there is less
background noise and more natural sound
there will be a little sound but will be turned
down as I don’t want to hear it when my
actor looks at the memories.

The RedRobin Project

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Garden

Location Address: 6 Queens

Close, Dorchester

Sat Nav details (Post code):

OX10 7LR

Nearest Train Station: 15 min


Nearest Bus stop: 5 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

Monday 3rd



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

A lovely spacious garden with a big tree to climb, so will be able to run around it and climb a tree
with ease. It is also really easy for my actors to use as it there garden and there only kids.

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural lighting Use lights if needed but look at weather
before hand and reschedule if needed.

Power Information Solutions:

None but some inside and extension cable Can use some inside if needed but should be
can be provided fine, charge all batteries beforehand so you
have spares just incase.

Hazards Solutions:
Uneven ground, toys, branches, cables Makes sure when the kids are running around
that the space for them is clear of everything,
and that they know of the uneven ground.

Sound Solutions
Birds, wind, cars, other people in the house Use a mic so minimalize background noise.

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do notdraw) Type of room/area: Dining room

Location Address: 5 College

Close, Cholsey

Sat Nav details (Post code):


Nearest Train Station: 10 min


Nearest Bus stop: 12 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

Any time after 4

Ashley Brown house

The RedRobin Project

Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Works as a house for Teddy, there is no background noise really as it is a close where nobody goes
out. So will be perfect for recording his phone calls, it will also be good for the recording of his face
especially at night time it will seem dark and you won’t see anything, either having a white
background or having trees in the background at night, making the whole thing more creepy.

Lighting Information: Solutions:

A window for natural lighting and a light Close curtains if needed, and turn light off if
above needed. Use a camera mounted light to act as
a screen.

Power Information Solutions:

Sockets Can use if needed, but charge batteries
beforehand and spares

Hazards Solutions:
Uneven carpet, wires if used, furniture Be careful of furniture and tie wires together
in bright tape so it’s easier to see.

Sound Solutions
Cars, other people, TV, phones Turn off phones so they don’t go off or re do
the shoot after answered, cars shouldn’t be a
problem as it’s a close full of old people or
don’t go out often, turn off tv so it’s not on

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: public lane

Location Address: 142

Newbridge Road Bath

Sat Nav details (Post code): BA1


Nearest Train Station: 10 min


Nearest Bus stop: 2 min walk

The RedRobin Project
Site contact name and contact Availability

None Always


Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

Good for the murder scene looks creepy and easy to create a murder where nobody would have
seen which is what the company would want to do. Has a wall where CCTV could appear and look

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Natural lighting Look at the weather, use lights if too dar.

Power Information Solutions:

None Charge batteries beforehand and spares
incase they die

Hazards Solutions:
Uneven ground and narrow so not much Make sure everyone is aware of the ground
space as it will be dark when filming, and not much
room so be aware of this.

Sound Solutions
Cars, birds, wind, people in gardens Use a mic with a dead cat to get rid of this
noise or reduce it

The RedRobin Project

Location Recce
Please produce a location recce for EVERY location used

Insert photo of location (do not draw) Type of room/area: Office

Location Address: 69 Lloyd

Road, Didcot

Sat Nav details (Post code):

4 OX11 8JP

Nearest Train Station: 30 min


Nearest Bus stop: 20 min walk

Site contact name and contact Availability

Diane Over half term



Suitability / shots for production (scene numbers)

It has a flat desk that can be moved infront of the window so look sand works well so looks like a
CEO desk at home. The window doesn’t work well but the blinds look posh and with them kind of
closed a bit of light can come through, also foreshadowing that the company don’t always show
everything. Sometimes only a bit is shown through/out.

The RedRobin Project

Lighting Information: Solutions:

Window lighting and lights in ceiling Use blinds to take the brightness down or
close them if too dark use the lights on the

Power Information Solutions:

Yes Shouldn’t need as will charge batteries
beforehand but have if needed

Hazards Solutions:
Carpet, smallish space. Pull carpet up so will be able to move desk
better and tell everyone to walk carefully
when moving round.

Sound Solutions
Cars, birds, other people of the house Use a mic to reduce the noise and tell other
people in the house to be quiet, and if too
loud at times re do the shot. Cars shouldn’t
be a problem as it a quiet road.
Sound Table
Link When is it used? I tested out the opening music and these two
together worked well.
0-1 min Used to test opening music (won’t be used) Used to test opening music (won’t be used) Sad music use with opening music

MrSeHq8iaS_9NiTuwTHg3olDf2HykjC&index=5 Investigation use with opening music Investigation use with opening music

The RedRobin Project

Foley sounds
Link What is it/when will be used Doorbell, when hologram is at door Rain For the hologram on the table Phone ringing Phoning someone Knocking – maybe or record knocking at my

door Prison door closing Images flickering on record player Fire Light being shone in ear

Walked into Castle Antiques and they confirmed the date and time, and they gave me their
own telephone number.

Contingency plan
If my batteries die I will bring spares so that they can be used. I will make sure all my
batteries are charged the night before and I will bring the battery charges if there is a
socket at the location so I can charge the dead battery just incase my back up battery dies.
If I have a location that is outside and rains when I don’t want it to I will reschedule a date
when it isn’t so that it works, if it carries on raining I will change my location to inside or
under a canopy outside and not show the rain. So, the shot will work, I can then colour
correct it editing to make it brighter if needed.

The RedRobin Project
I will wright a list of my equipment and follow my plan so I know what I need that day and
tick it off when I have got it so I won’t forget anything. If I do forget something all the
locations are not that far away from my house the farthest is 20 minutes away so can go
back and get it. The main locations are nearer so will be much easier to get if forgotten.
However, if this is unable to happen then I will reshoot the location on another day.
I will bring spare SD cards so that if one becomes full then I will use another one that I
brought so I can continue. If all my backups do become full then I will go to the shops and
buy another couple, but I will look at how much room my SD cards have a couple of days
before, so I know if I need to buy another one or not.
If my actors can’t come to a location, I will put in another date so this can happen. My
actors are very flexible and have said yes to all dates I have given if they are unable to do it
anymore, I will swap the roles so that they don’t have a big role anymore but a smaller role.

If I can’t find a briefcase, then I will use a newspaper with the circular disc inside. If my
actors don’t want to get wet, then I will use an umbrella for them.

Confirmation emails

Everyone else I spoke to or phoned up and confirmed the dates and they booked it
in their diary.

The RedRobin Project

Equipment List
Equipment When is it for
Camera D5600 30 March – April 10
17 – 18 April
Microphone 30 March – 10 April
17 – 18 April
Tripod 30 March – 5 April
10th April
Lights x2 30 March – 5 April
10 April
Batteries for camera x2 30 March – 10 April
17 – 18 April
Batteries for lights x4 30 March – 10 April
17 – 18 April
Monitor 30 March – 10 April
17 – 18 April
GoPro 6 April
Dead cat 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 17, 18 April
Teleprompter 31 March
Smoke machine 4 April

The RedRobin Project

Cost sheet
What was it? How much?

Red Giant £76.20 for a month

Prisoner Outfit with handcuffs £12.99

Fake CCTV camera £7.49

Briefcase £15

Total: £111.68

Test shoots - jail - house - station tunnel - bridge tunnel

The RedRobin Project


Name: Henryk Walczak

Who they play: Jerrold Dawson

When needed: 3 – 5 April


Jeans x2, tops/jumper x3, overcoat, orange jumpsuit

Link to audition:

Audition notes:

He played the first scene at the door well, he opened it like he should stood there and wondered what the
hologram was doing, he looked at the disc for a bit wondering what it is. (I did tell him to do this but have decided
it doesn’t work as everyone uses it so it’s just like a parcel you just take it and close it) He did the other scene at
the table alright I might have confused him a little bit as there is nothing there so I’ll work on that. But overall, he
suited the character, he looked the age, looks like he’s seen a lot.

Name: Ashley Brown

Who they play: Teddy

When needed: 3 April


Jeans, top/jumper, overcoat

Link to audition:

Audition notes:

We did the scene of the tunnel as that is the scene where you see his face so I wanted to see his facial expression.
He played him well he was happy to see him when he first saw him as it has been ages, and then seemed more
interested when Jerrold mentions Memory Bank, he doesn’t look that old but looks like he’s near the end of

The RedRobin Project

Name: Angela Johnson

Who they play: Betty

When needed: 5 April

Costume: smart attire

Link to audition:

Audition notes:

Angela brought the reality to the character she made it more real with her voice going up and down to emphasise
certain words, making it more interesting and will hopefully entice the viewers more. She even flew her arms
towards Jerrold as if he was there, making it more believable.

Name: Nick Johnson

Who they play: P.C Hopps

When needed: 4- 5 April

Costume: shirt, overcoat, tie, trousers

Link to audition:

Audition notes:

He played him well I got him to repeat two lines as one he just read off the script so wanted him to go up and
down a bit more and another one he miss read it. His voice is very rough which is what I want for the officer as he
has been through a lot and wants to quit soon so isn’t that into policing as he was. Overall, he just needs to read
the script a bit more so that he understands it. But he works as the officer well, with. His voice and the way he

The RedRobin Project

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