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Back problems are one of the most common reasons for visits to doctors’ offices and it is a major cause
of missed work. The lumbar spine, or low back, is a remarkably well-engineered structure of
interconnecting bones, joints, nerves, ligaments, and muscles all working together to provide support,
strength, and flexibility. However, this complex structure also leaves the low back susceptible to injury
and pain. While neck pain in the cervical spine is less common than lower back pain, millions of people
experience neck pain and / or related arm pain at some point in their life. Intervertebral discs take on
the function of a shock absorber between two vertebral bodies. A herniated disc is a condition in which
the inner portion (nucleus) herniate through the “outer” fibers. The herniated material can compress
the nerves around the disc creating pain that can radiate through the back and sometimes down the
arms (in the cervical spine) and legs (in the lumbar spine). These discs can degenerate with aging and
are therefore prone to injury. Back pain can be a chronic and debilitating condition. Small, daily actions
can help your discomfort and by taking steps to strengthen, stretch and protect your back, you can
ideally stop or slow pain. However, severe cases of back pain can’t be fixed by lifestyle changes. If the
back pain interferes with the ability to perform everyday activities, you should consult a doctor. The list
of treatment options for these problems is long and complex. No treatment should ever be dismissed,
as everyone’s pain and condition is deferent. Therefore, patients should carefully consult their medical
professional about those options before starting a treatment.

The lower back and neck pain is condition which is occurring due to the bad posture, long driving hours,
lack of exercises, improper exercises lifting of heavy objects. infections, tumors or trauma and it can be
connected to the tendons, muscles, highly sensitive nerves and nerve roots that travel from the lower
back down into the legs and feet, Small and complex joints, Spinal discs with their gelatinous inner cores.
An irritation or problem with any of these structures can cause lower back pain or pain that radiate or is
referred to other parts of the body. Pain from resultant lower back muscle spasms can be severe, and
pain from a number of syndromes can become chronic.

Identifying the symptoms, along with an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause of the pain, is
the first step in obtaining effective pain relief.

When to Seek Immediate Treatment for neck and Back


Most cases of low back pain do not require urgent care or any initial investigations. Patients
should seek a doctor immediately if they experience low back pain as a result of severe trauma,
or if low back pain is accompanied by any of the following:
 Fever and chills
 Unexplained recent weight loss, or recent weight loss due to trauma
 Radiating leg or arm pain pain. Leg or Arm numbness and weakness
Sudden bowel and/or bladder incontinence - either difficulty passing urine or having a bowel
movement, or loss of control of urination or bowel (cauda equine syndrome)
Severe, continuous abdominal pain (abdominal aneurysm)

General treatment advice for acute neck mid back and

low back pain
Ice packages 10 minutes

Warm towels 10 min or warm bath

Local application of antiinflamatory gel or stickers with medicine

Relax and Take rest at cozy chair with back angle of 45 digress or be in any position which is not
cosign pain

Painkillers and Miorelaksants 3 days regular dose, than 2days before sleeping and then as

Physiotherapy for pain relief

Acupuncture, soft massage

No Chiropractic activities before establishing of diagnosis of cause of low back pain

General treatment advice for chronic and diagnosed

low back pain
Anti-inflammatory medications and muscle relaxants

Lumbar support belt or cervical collar if pain is severe

Reverse traction table on picture above. Spend 20 min in this position on the picture


Side or back sleeping, don’t sleep on stomach

Physiotherapy for pain relief, strengthening exercises of back and abdominal muscles

Chiropractic activities if approved by your doctor

To continue with stretching exercises for back and abdominal daily at least 30 min per day
Daily sport activities like free style swimming or driving bicycle or exercises in the JYM without
causing pain. Reverse traction on reverse traction table

No running, no jumping, no contact sports. No bending, and lifting, pushing and pulling heavy
objects. Avoid fast twisting/playing tennis or golf/

Avoiding doing activities which are causing of pain and discomfort during or after doing them

Work on proper posture. Avoid longer sitting and longer driving


Regular check up with your doctor and discussion about options for surgical treatment if

If condition is due to moderate or major spinal instability or intraspinal nerve

compression/disc prolapse/ or disc degeneration which is giving continuous pain
which is resistant to conservative management immediate SURGICAL
TREATMENT IS ADVICED .Continuous pain management/more than 3 weeks/ is
not advisable in this conditions since it can increase present discomfort and make
the problem worse, and even lead to permanent weakness and numbness

If Surgery is delayed problem will become worse, surgery will be more difficult
and recovery will take longer time.

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