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11 grade



1c. Complete the table with languages.

Countries Languages
United Kingdom English
Poland Polish
Germany German
France French
Romania Romanian
Italy Italian
Greece Greek
2a. Read the introductions and fill in the letters.
My name is Laura. I’m from Italy. There, people speak Italian but some people in the South
area of Italy speak German. I speak Italian, English and German.
I’m Sonya. I come from Paris, France. The mother language in my country is French. I came to
Germany to learn German.
Good afternoon! My name is Paul. My birthplace is Randers which is Denmark’s sixth largest
city. In Denmark, people speak Danish and German .Now I am learning English in collage.
3a. Look at the sentences and find the meaning of words in bold from the box.
1-a 2- h 3-g 4-b 5-c 6-f 7-e 8-d
3c. Read the text again and answer true (T) or (F).
1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.T
5a. Match the words to their definitions.
1-d 2-a 3-c 4-f 5-b 6-e
6a. Listen to the radio programme and choose the correct answer. What are they talking
about ?
Answer: b. A smart phone as a language
gadget 6b. Listen again and complete the table.
Things we can use Things we can do
Phone applications e-books, e-dictionaries learn the pronunciation of words, taking self-
assessment tests
Website You tube watching videos in the language we are

7a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.

1-a 2-b 3-a
7b. Put the words in the correct order and make sentences.
11 grade

1. Studying hard is very important to get a good job.

2. Reading is one of my hobbies.
3. Using e-dictionaries saves time.
4. Learning with friends is enjoyable.
5. Listening to English songs helps you have good pronunciation.
9a. Read the text and choose the best title.
Answer: b. Languages in some Asian countries
9b. Read the text again and write the languages under each flag.
Malaysia India Hong Kong

Malay, English Hindi, English English, Chinese

10a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
1.b 2.a 3.b
10b. Tick the sentences expressing gradual changes.
1. We are having a discussion on bilingual countries.
2. Using Internet is getting more worldwide. - Gradual
3. More and more people are sharing information on the internet. - Gradual
4. Susan is learning French as a foreign language.
5 .My computing skill is getting better and I’m hopeful to get a job soon. - Gradual
6. Recent study shows that the use of electronic tools in learning is increasing. - Gradual
7. The Internet is changing business activities for marketing and advertising. - Gradual

12a. Read the text about English language around the world and complete the text with
appropriate conjunctions from the box.
1.and order to 4. As a result 5.because 6. Although that
12b. Read the text again and choose the correct answer.
1.b,c 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.номны алдаа байна. Зөв хариулт 900million
13a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a
13b. Read the sentences and underline the correct conjunction.
1. He studies hard so that / although he can have a good job.
2. We are searching more information in order to / although we haven’t enough time.
3. So that / In order to become a good learner, every student should try hard.
4. Although / So that her English is good, she is attending in language course.
5. Sarah is going to Chicago in order to / so that have a job interview.
6. So that / Although the mother language is Hindi, Indians speak English.
11 grade

14. Study the structure of the article and put the paragraphs in the correct order.
Then complete the second column in the table.

3 1 4 2

Structure Parts of the article

Introduction English is becoming widely spoken language giving you
Paragraph 2 Watching You Tube and attending online course.
Paragraph 3 Searching for short lessons and movies on English.
Conclusion Practice regularly. Do not skip a day!
16a. Listen to the talk and answer the question. What are they talking about?
They are talking about the origins of Chinese characters.
16b. Listen again and underline the correct word.
1. researcher 2.studies 3.different 4. 3000
16c. In pairs, look at the pictures and guess what Chinese characters mean.
1. Fire, tree, day, night, walking, mouth, door, mountain / suggesstion /
17. Look at the abbreviations and talk about their meaning. Then check.
LOL-Lots of Laughs. BTW- By the way
tsp- teaspoon NASA-National Aeronautics and Space Administration
tbs- tablespoon ASAP- As soon as possible
msg-message pls- please
18.Read the text about abbreviations and choose the best title.
Answer: a. Types of Abbreviations
18b. Read the text again and answer the questions below.
1. An abbreviations is a shortened form of a word or a phrase.
2. People use abbreviations to save time and space.
3. All abbreviations mustn’t be official. Because some abbreviations are official, while
others are informal.
4. Three types of abbreviations are mentioned, ones made by using the first letter in
each word, ones made by using the first letter in phrases, and acronyms.
5. If abbreviations are read as one word is called an acronym.
19a.Listen and write down punctuation marks.
1. A question mark 4. A colon
2. A period 5. A comma
3. An exclamation mark 6. A quotation mark
19b. Match the punctuation marks to their functions.
1-b 2-d 3-e 4-a 5-c 6-f
20. Use punctuation marks in these sentences.
1. Look ! This is the tallest building in the city.
2. Today we studied some English idioms, phrasal verbs, and proverbs.
3. She said, “ People speak English and French in Canada.”
11th grade

4. How long have you been learning English ?

5.We have studied many punctuation marks: period, colon, comma, quotation mark,
question mark, and exclamation mark.
21b. Listen again and check the answers.
1-с 2-a 3-b 4-b 5-c 6-a 7-b 8-c9-c
1. Match the words to the pictures.
1-b 2- d 3-c 4- f 5-e 6-a
2. Do the crossword.
1. multilingualism 5. ASAP
2. communication 6. comma
3. cantonese 7. Question mark
4. abbreviation
3. Rewrite the sentences using although / even though / so that / in order to.
1. Although / Even though their mother language is Malay, they speak English.
2. Tuya wants to study in an English speaking country so that she should learn English.
3. We use abbreviations so that we can save space.
4. She changed the language into German in order to get information in German.
5. I am good at French, eventhough I am still learning it.
6. I wanted to learn German in order to attend a language course.
4. Put the sentences into appropriate columns.
Action at the time of speaking. Gradual change
3.I’m purchasing some English books 1. More and more people are using smart phones.
online 2. A number of online shopping sites are
4.These days, she is writing her new increasing.
story 5. I’m proud of you! Your speaking is improving
6.We are having a tea break at the 7. By using the social networks, much is changing
moment in our lives.

5a. Listen to a talk and answer. Are these people talking about….?
Answer: a. language learning experience
5b. Listen again and tick the activities students do.
Activities Jane Jake Sue
twice a week do grammar tests in the student centre +
three times a month go to speaking club +
do a lot of grammar and vocabulary exercises +
read and listen to English stories +
use an e-dictionary +
act out dialogues and do role plays +
write essays +
go to a school library to choose a book to read +

7a. Read the article and choose a or b for the title.

Answer: b. Reading strategies for comprehension.
7b. Read the article again and put the sentences in the order they go in the text.
11 grade

1 ….The best readers, and often the best writers, are the ones who read a lot.
5…. Look over any graphs, tables, maps, diagrams, etc.
3 ….Read the introduction and summary-think about the author’s purposes.
7 ….Reciting means practicing out loud what you’ve written down.
2 ….It is also helpful to create questions from your reading to help you think about the material.
4….Quickly look over each bold face heading and subheading.
6….Read each paragraph with your questions in mind.


Ex.1a. Look and match the jobs to the pictures.
1 An architect d 5 A flight attendant b
2 A gym instructor f 6 A therapist a
3 A pharmacist g 7 A cashier e
4 A lawyer h 8 A room attendant c

Ex. 1b. in pairs, discuss and add two more jobs to each place.
Places jobs
A supermarket A warehouse worker A cashier A shop assisstant
A court A judge A police officer A lawyer
An airport A flight attendant A pilot A stewardess
A hospital A janitor A nurse A doctor
A hotel A porter A manager A receptionist

Ex.2a. Look and add endings – er/-or, –ist and –on/ - ian to create a noun.
Example : therapy – therapist
Beauty- beautician pharmacy- pharmacist
Politics – politician interpreting- interpreter
Veterinary – veterinarian electricity – electrician
Poem- poet surgery – surgeon
House keeping- house keeper jewelry – jeweler
Conduct – conductor psychology- psychologist

Ex.2b. Write the nouns in the correct column.

-ist -er/-or -ian/-on other
therapist conductor politician poet
psychologist House keeper electrician
pharmacist jeweler veterinarian
interpreter beautician

Ex. 2c. Complete the sentences using the words from 2b.
1. a conductor
2. a interpreter
11 grade

3. A therapist
4. Philosopher (номын агуулгад ороогүй MACH, ERNST (1838-1916) The Austrian
physicist and philosopher, Ernst Mach, whose work in physics and in
philosophy had a great influence on 20th-century thought,
was born on February 18,1838 at Turas in Moravia and educated in
5. A beautician
6. A veterinarian
7. A surgeon
8. poet
9. A psychologist
10. Jeweler

Ex.3a .Listen to three different people talking and match their jobs. /track 8/
1. Jason a. an actor
2. Alison c. a firefighter
3. Susan b. a surgeon
Ex. 3b. Listen again and answer the question.
1. Who earns a lot of money? Jason earns a lot of money.
2. Where does Alison work? Alison works in firefighting.
3. What color uniform does Susan wear? Susan wears white uniform.
4. Whose job is dangerous? Alison’s job is dangerous.
5. Where can Jason be found? Jason can be found on TV.
Ex.4a. Complete the table with your favorite job and its description. Then write sentences which describe a job.
Job University Uniform Working Working Benefits Drawbacks
degree place hours
/inside or
requires a
Doctor university wear work inside Day or help Sometimes
degree uniform night time people it’s

Example: y job requires a university degree. Although I work inside, I wear a uniform. I work in
day or night-time and I am very happy that I help people. Sometimes my job is a bit stressful.
What’s my job?
Ex.5a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
1. a 2.b 3.a 4.b
Ex.5b. Complete each sentence with –to infinitive or gerund.
1. Working
2. To get
3. To become
4. Losing
5. Making
11 grade

6. Having
7. To know
8. To go
9. Taking
10. Working
11. To have
12. Travelling
Ex.5c. Read and change the verbs into the correct forms.
Nikki Evans is a car mechanic in London. She used to be a librarian. We asked her why she
decided to work with cars. “ My first reason was independence”, she said. “ I also wanted to
use my hands and I like to learn how things work. Besides, I came to the conclusion that many
people prefer to have a woman repair their cars.
Nikki didn’t find it easy to become a car mechanic. She had to attend a Skills center, special
sort of college where people can learn a new job for twenty weeks. She was happy to work after
she finished learning new skills. She told us about it. “ For ten weeks I was the only woman
among four hundred men. And some of them were rude to me just because of my sex. I was
also very tired working from eight in the morning to five in the evening with only thirty minutes
lunch. But it didn’t stop me doing what I wanted”.
Now Nicki works freelance. She fancies working for herself and not for a garage or a company.
Ex. 6a. Read text again and write sentences using the information given in the box.

Recent job Previous job Reason why Education Difficulties Feeling

changed about the
Construction A herder He likes to Technical
worker make things college Hard work Happy
with his
Nick is a construction worker. He used to be a herder. He said that he liked to make things
with his hands. Nick didn’t find it easy to become a construction worker. He had to attend a
Technical college where people can learn new job for 24 weeks. He worked hard . Now he is
very happy for his job.
Ex 9a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
1.a 2.a 3.a 4.b
Ex 9b.Complete the sentences using will or shall.
1. Will
2. shall
3. Will
4. Shall
5. Shall
6. Will
7. Shall
8. Will
9. Will
10. Shall
Ex.10a. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best title.
11 grade

The best title is job interview /answer a/

Ex.10b. Listen again and answer true or false.
1. True /T/ 2. False /F/ 3. True /T/ 4. True /T/ 5. False /F/
10c. write the example questions using will or shall. **most of these can be rewritten
to use either**
1. Will you help me find room number 23?
2. Shall I register your name, sir?
3. Will you sign here?
4. Will you give information?
5. Shall I make an appointment for 4 o’clock? / will you have an appointment for 4 o’clock?

Ex.11a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.

1a. 2a.
Ex.11b. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the verbs.
1. will have worked
2. will have finished
3. will have been
4. will it have been
5. Will you have finished
6. won’t have finished
7. will you have been
8. won’t have completed
9. will we have everything done
10. will have finished
12a. Read the two paragraphs and answer the questions using the future perfect tense.
1. By the time john finishes working
today. a. He will have work 10 hours.
b. He will have assembled over fifty cars today.

2. By the time chris finishes working today.

a. He will have worked over 8 hours.
b. He will have assembled about 40 cars.

3. In December, chirs will have worked at the factory for 5 years.

12b. Rewrite the following sentences as negative, yes/no and wh questions
1. He will have assembled over 50 cars. a.
He won’t have assembled over 50 cars. b.
Will he have assembled over 50 cars? c.
What will he have assembled over 50 of?

2. In December, he will have worked there for 5 years.

a. In December, he won’t have worked there for 5 years.
b. In December, will he have worked there for 5 years?
c. In December, how long will he have worked there?

3. By the time he finishes working today, he will have worked over 8 hours.
a. By the time he finishes working today, he won’t have worked over 8 hours.
b. By the time he finishes working today, will he have worked
11 grade

Ex 13c.Match the words to the jobs.

1. Self-service tills b. cashier
2. Doing the rounds a. postman
3. Cockpit d. pilot
4. Fill up your car c. petrol station attendant
14a. Read the text and choose the correct title for each paragraph.
Paragraph 1 – a technological advances
Paragraph 2 – b job advances?
Ex 14b. Read the text again and complete the sentences with the future perfect tense and
According to the author, after 30 years:
1. Postmen will have disappeared because of email and the internet.
2. The daily visit to the supermarket will have changed too because a number of
supermarkets already have self-service tills.
3. The travel experience also will have changed a lot because of booking tickets and
hotels online..
4. Pilot or taxi drivers will have disappeared because of computers in airplanes and taxis
5. Technology will have developed more.

1a. 2.b 3.b

1. I wish I had a new computer.

2. I wish it weren’t humidity.
3. I wish I could afford to buy a new car.
4. I wish I had higher salary.
5. I wish my English were good enough to communicate.
6. I wish I had a university degree.
7. I wish my job were less stressful
8. I wish I were a super model.
9. I wish I had an umbrella.
10. I wish I didn’t leave my wallet at home.

1.a 2.b 3.b 4.b

1. Because she wants to get a scholarship to study abroad.

2. Because she thinks being an internationallawyer will be the most important jobs in the
future of Mongolia.
3. By the time she finishes her university, she will be 22 years old.
11th grade

1. Solve the job anagrams.
2. Sort the vocabulary into the appropriate columns.
Jobs Working places Skills
A florist A grocery Working with my hands
A plumber A garage Working with machines and tools
An architect Solving problems and puzzles
A pharmacist office Working with machines and tools
An insurance agent Being organized

3. Fill in the missing words with the correct articles. / a, an ,the/

1. a roofer 2. a social worker 3. the author 4. an administrator
5. a cellist 6. a therapist 7. a pharmacist
4. Choose the best answer.
1. to say 2. to lend take 4. to be see 6. to get
7. making 8. Washing 9. Working 10. to have 11. Meeting 12. going
5. Complete the sentences using the future perfect tense.
1. Will you have finished… 2. won’t have finished 3. will have gotten
4. won’t have cleaned 5.will have cooked 6. will have taken
7. will have completed 8. will have healed 9. Will you have received…
10. will have prepared
6. Read the sentences and make questions.
1. a. Will you be quiet?` 2. b. Shall I open the window?
3. a. Will you do anything tonight? 4. a. What shall we do this evening?
5. a. Will you phone me this evening?
7.Choose the best answer.
1. I wish I could speak Italian 2.I wish I had a big car.
3. I wish I weren’t in the office. 4.I wish it weren’t Wednesday.
5. I wish I weren’t at school 6.I wish it weren’t raining.
7. I wish you weren’t leaving tomorrow.
Ex 8a. Listen and match the speaker with the correct job.
1. A tour guide b. Speaker B works as
2. A dentist c. Speaker C works as
3. A pilot d. Speaker D works as
4. A cashier a. Speaker A works as
5. A nurse e. Speaker E works as
11 grade

Ex 8b. Listen again and choose the best answer.

1. A. 2. B 3. B 4.C 5.A
Ex 10a. Read the text and choose the best title.
b. Paul’s life
Ex. 10b. Match the words to their meanings.
1b 2e 3d 4c 5a
Ex.10c. Read again and answer true/T/ or false/F/?
1 True2 True 3 False 4 True 5 False


1. What do you know about these people? Write at least one fact about each of them.
People Facts
She was one of the greatest scientists.
Her name is Marie She was a pioneer in the field of radioactivity.
Curie. She is the only person ever two win Nobel Prizes in two
different sciences.
He has brought the first ever Olympic gold medal to Mongolia.
He was born in Saikhan soum, in Bulgan province and he has
His name is
six siblings and he is the youngest.
Tuvshinbayar Naidan.
He planned to have a judo coach for the national judo team of
She is a Hollywood superstar.
Her name is Angelina Her movie career began in 1997.
Jolie. Angelina has adopted three children from orphanages in
Cambodia, Ethiopia and Vietnam.

3a. Read the texts and give alternative titles to each one.
1. Hollywood Star Becomes a Humanitarian.
2. Fist ever woman to receive Nobel Prize.
3b. Match the words from the article on the left with their synonyms on the right.
Answer: 1a, 2d, 3e, 4b, 5c, 6j, 7i, 8g, 9f, 10h
3c. Rewrite the complete sentences by connecting the
phrase. Answer: 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b, 5g, 6h, 7e, 8f
3d. Read the texts again. Compare and contrast the life stories.

№ Compare and contrast Marie Curie Angelina Jolie

1 What is/was her nationality? Polish American
2 What is/was her A scientist An actress
3 What do you know about She met her husband, Three of her six children came
her family? Pierre Curie, at University. from orphanages/ three of her
children came from Cambodia,
11th grade

Ethiopia, and vietnam

She won two Nobel Prizes. She is a famous and one of
4 Why is famous? One for physics, and one the highest paid actress in
for chemistry. She is the Hollywood also known as a
only person to ever win to mom with “International
prizes in different sciences. family”.
5 What change did she bring She discovered the Her role as Lara Croft in the
to the world? elements polonium and blockbuster “Tomb Raider”
radium. brought her international fame.
6 What can we learn from her We can learn patience of We can learn humanistic
life? studying hard attitude

4a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.

Answer: 1a, 2a, 3a, 4a, 5b.

4b. Fill in the correct words.

Answer: 1. lately, 2. So far, 3. Lately, 4. all my life, 5. so far, 6. all my life
8a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
Answer: 1. a, 2. b, 3. b.
8b. Look at the prompts and ask and answer questions in pairs.
What had they done by the time they were forty?
Marie Curie
Student A: Had she graduated from university?
Student B: Yes, she had.
Student A: Had she discovered radium?
Student B: No, she hadn`t .
Student A: Had she get married?
Student B: Yes, she had.
Student A: Had she won Nobel Prize for Physics?
Student B: No, she hadn`t .
Angelina Jolie
Student A: Had she donated large sums of money?
Student B: Yes, she had.
Student A: Had she won an Oscar?
Student B: Yes, she had.
Student A: Had she done humanitarian work?
Student B: No, she hadn`t.
Student A: Had she became UN Goodwill Ambassador?
Student B: No, she hadn`t.
9a. Rewrite the sentences using the words and expressions from the box.
11th grade

achieve so much out of curiosity if my memory serves me right

siblings with my full attention my mistake / bad
I bet on behalf of
workout without any doubt

1. By the time she was thirty, she had achieved so much.

2. I bet you that you have been very busy lately.
3. We were already tired when we started playing basketball because we had done a lot of
workout at the gym.
4. Without any doubt that she was a pioneer in the fields of physics and chemistry all her life.
5. I read the biography of this humanitarian worker with my full attention.
6. If my memory serves me right, Marie Curie had already received two Nobel Prizes by 1911.
7. Tuvshinbasyar wrestled in the Olympics, on behalf of all Mongolians.
8. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt still married? I`m just asking out of curiosity.
9. I have six siblings.
10. A: I became a judoka when I was 18.
B: Oh, my mistake, I thought you did that when were you were 10.

10a. Listen to the talk show with Tuvshinbayar Naidan and answer the questions.
What kind of person is
Tuvshinbayar? He is a morning person.
Where did Tuvshinbayar grow
up? He grow up in Saikhan soum.
At what age did he become a judoka?
He became a judoka at the age of 18
10b. Listen again and answer true(T), false (F) or not mentioned (NM).
Answer: 1.F, 2.F, 3.F, 4.T, 5.F, 6.T.
10c. Listen to the talk again and choose the correct answer.
Answer: 1.b, 2.c, 3.a, 4.B
11a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
Answer: 1.b, 2.b, 3.b, 4.b
11b. Rewrite the sentences using wish to express past regrets.
1. I never listened to my son. Now I feel bad.
I wish I had listened to my son.
2. I got injured during the London Olympics. I couldn’t get a gold medal.
I wish I had gotten a gold medal.
3. I met a drug addict yesterday, I didn`t help him.
I wish I had helped to him.
4. My mother didn`t go to college. Now she regrets it in the back of her mind.
She wishes she had gone to college
5. My father wanted to be a physicist. He became an engineer instead.
My father wishes he had become a physicist.
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6. Tuvshinbayar wanted to be a herder. He wanted to keep his nomadic heritage.

He wishes he became a herder.
12a. Finish the sentences using the words and phrases.
1. a while ago 4. tricky
2. satisfied 5. internal struggles
3. an addiction 6. great anxiety
13a. Read the text and change the verbs into past perfect or past simple forms.
What I wish I had done differently with my addicted son.
My name is Sarah. A while ago, I received an e-mail from a worrying mother. She
described her son`s addiction. She told me about different things she had tried to do to
help and was scared she was going to lose her son.
She then asked me a simple question: “What do you wish you had done differently?”
It was tricky question. After reading her email, the woman`s question remained in the back of
my mind for days. It caused me great anxiety because I simply didn`t have an answer.
What do you wish you had done differently? Yet, this response didn’t satisfy me. After a few
weeks, I finally discovered a better answer.
First, I would have learned to listen to my son. As a parent, it was my job to help my
son because that`s what parents do, isn`t it?
I wish I had listened to my own internal struggles. Finally, I would have learned to listen to my
heart and my head. My heart reminds me that where there is life, there is hope.
Listening is hard. After all, nobody will ever lobe your child the way you do. You fed him,
raised him and provided for his every need.
What do you wish you had done differently? I wish I had learned how to listen sooner.
13b. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. The mother asked the question “What do you wish you had done differently”
2. Sarah wishes she had learned to listen to her son earlier.
3. Parents should learn how to listen to their child.
4. Her son, internal struggles, head, heart.
15b. Write the answers to the questions in your notebook.
1. How did he learn English?
He learned English within three months of hard studying in a refugee camp.
2. Did he learn English on his own or does he have English teacher?
He learned English on his own but he has a tutor who was a refugee as well.
3. Why does he want to be an engineer?
He wants to be an engineer to go back to Syria and rebuild his country.
4. What happened when he was at school in Syria?
His school was bombed and many of his friends died and got injured.
5. Where is he currently living?
He is currently living in a refugee shelter.
6. Why did the reporter say that Hussam is extraordinary?
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Because he wants to be an engineer like his father who would like to go back to Syria helped to
people and to rebuild his country. He loves his country and people. He is a true heroism.
17a. Read the sentences below and find the definitions of the phrases in bold from
the box.
Answer: 1.d, 2.j, 3.i, 4.h, 5.f, 6.g, 7.a, 8.b, 9.e, 10.c.
17b. Listen to two people talking about their problems. What are they addicted to
They are addicted to drug addiction and drink alcoholic.
17c. Listen again and put the life events in a chronological order.

Samantha Ben
2 She dropped out of school. 5 He started begging for money on the
1 She was a good student. 1 He used alcohol when he was 13.
5 She was sent to prison for 3 years. 4 He was kicked out of home.
4 She smoked weed. 6 His liver got severely damaged.
6 She cannot find a job. 2 He became an alcoholic.
3 Her father had two heart attacks. 3 He lost his friends and became lonely.
7 She wishes she had never used drugs. 7 He wishes he were in college.

20. Read the extract of the article by Guardian Magazine about happy lifestyles
and match the rules to the appropriate actions.
1. do three extra acts of kindness today
2. Make three extra connections today.
3. Be more active today.
4. be as kind to yourself as you are to others.
5. Do something for the first time today.

1. Match the phrase to the opposites.
Answer: 1.g, 2.c, 3.f, 4.e, 5.h, 6.b, 7.a, 8.d.
4. Bolor threw a birthday party yesterday. What had she done by the time her
friends arrived?
a. She had sent the invitations by the time her friends arrived.
b. She had prepared the food by the time her friends arrived.
c. She had baked the cake by the time her friends arrived.
d. She had cleaned the flat by the time her friends arrived.
5. Bolor wants to become a humanitarian worker. What does she hope she will have
achieved by the time she is forty years old?
a. Bolor hopes she will have become a humanitarian worker by the time she is forty years old.
11 grade

b. Bolor hopes she will have donated money to the underprivileged by the time she is forty
years old.
c. Bolor hopes she will have become a UN Goodwill Ambassador by the time she is forty
years old.
d. Bolor hopes she will have visited a refugee camp by the time she is forty years old.
e. Bolor hopes she will have adopted a child from an orphanage by the time she is forty years old.
6a. Listen to the speakers and batch who they are talking
about. Speaker 1 – C
Speaker 2 – B
Speaker 3 – A
Speaker 4 – D
8b. Read the magazine article. Why do you think Alfred Nobel is called a man of peace?
The inventor of dynamite who established awarding of large cash prizes to humanitarians who
worked toward peace and to people who made outstanding contributions in the fields of
physics, chemistry, physiology, medicine, literature, economic and science.
8c. Read again and answer true(T) or false (F).
Answer: 1. F, 2.T, 3.T, 4.T, 5.F, 6.T, 7. F.



1a. Match the pictures with the words below.
1h, 2 p, 3l, 4m, 5o, 6a, 7n, 8t, 9i, 10s, 11k, 12d, 13e, 14b, 15g, 16c, 17j, 18r, 19q, 20f
1b. Listen, check and repeat.
1. H- A roof Дээвэр
2. P- Bricks тоосго\тоосгон
3. L- A shade сүүдрэвч
4. M- A garage гараж
5. O- An antenna антен
6. A- Concrete бетон\бетонон
7. N- A road зам
8. T- Wood мод
9. I- A basement хонгил
10. S- A balcony тагт
11. K- Glass шил
12. D- An elevator цахилгаан шат
13. E- Granite боржин чулуу
14. B- An entrance орц
15. G- A playground тоглоомын талбай
11th grade

16. C- A window pane цонхны хүрээ

17. J- Metal төмөр
18. R- A column багана
19. Q- Stone чулуу\чулуун
20. F- A wall хана
2. Put the word in the correct column.
Parts of the building Construction materials Object outside of the building
A roof
A basement
Concrete A shade
A balcony
Wood Playground
Window pane
Glass A garage
Granite An antenna
Metal A road
An elevator
An entrance

3.Complete the sentences with the parts of the building.

1. A basement
2. A garage
3. an entrance
4. A wall
5. A playground or a shade
6. window pane
7. a roof
8. An elevator
9. A column
4a. Match the adjectives to the nouns. More than one answer is possible.
1. Wooden: houses, garages, shades, walls
2. Glass: windows, building
3. Concrete: roads, columns, walls
4. Bricks: houses, garages, walls, buildings
5. Stone: columns, houses, walls, buildings
6. Metal: walls, columns, windows,
7. Granite: columns, houses, walls garages
4b. Now complete the sentences. Use the construction material once only.
They are wooden houses. The houses are made of wood.
These are glass windows. The windows are made of glass
These are... buildings. The buildings are made of bricks
They are ... roads. The roads are made of stone
They are ... columns. The columns are made of metal
These are ... walls. The walls are made of granite
They are ... garages. The garages are made of concrete
5. Look around the classroom, find objects and add 5 more sentences.
1. The rulers are made of wood. They are wooden rulers.
2. A bookshelf is made of iron. This is iron bookshelf.
11 grade

3. Windows are made of glass. They are glass windows. etc…

6a. Listen and match the buildings to their location.
1b 2c 3a
6b. Listen again and complete the sentences.
1. 1915 Panama-Pacific Exposition
2. designed
3. Exploratorium an interactive science museum
4. a favorite wedding
5. swans, ducks, geese, turtles.
6. museum of modern art
7.October 1997
8.visiting exhibits
9.stone, glass
10. 19 galleries district
12. November 1986
13.service towers
14. 88
15.staircases, lifts
16.12 glass
7a. in pairs, study the pictures and find differences. Complete the table.
Feature Building A Building B
Storeys 6 12

Construction materials bricks Concrete/ granite

Number of entrances 1 2
Shades 1 2
Antennas No antenna 2
Playgrounds Yes No playground
Elevator No elevator 2 elevators
Roads Yes No road

7b. Write 8 sentences about differences of 2 buildings

1. Building A is a 6 storey building.
Building B is a12 storey building.
2. Building A is made of bricks.
Building B is made of concrete/granite
3. Building A has got an entrance
Building B has got 2 entrances
4. Building A has got a shade
Building B has got a shade
5. Building A hasn’t got an antenna
Building B has got an antenna
11 grade

6. Building A has got a playground

Building B hasn’t got a playground
7. Building A hasn’t got an elevator
Building B has got two elevators
8. Building A has got roads
Building B hasn’t got roads
10a. Read the text and answer the question. How many records of Burj Khalifa are
mentioned in the
-Tallest building,
-highest mosque,
-highest swimming pool,
-highest viewing platform.
10b. Read again and complete the Burj Khalifa profile.

1. started in 2004 and completed in 2009

2. opened in 2010
3. a part of Downtown Dubai
4. height is 829 meters
5. made of reinforced concrete
6. contains 57 elevators and 8 escalators
7. houses 900 residences, office suites, as well as
the prestigious Armani hotel

10c. Write the sentences using the profile above.

Burj Kalifa construction was started in 2004 and completed in
2009. Burj Kalifa was opened in 2010.
Burj Kalifa is is apart of The Downtown Dubai
Burj Kalifa is the tallest structure in the world. It stands a total height of 829
meters. Burj Kalifa is made of reinforced concrete.
Burj Khalifa is made of reinforced concrete.
6. Burj Khalifa contains 57 elevators and 8 escalators.
11a. Study the sentences and choose a, b or c in the explanations.
1a 2c 3c 4b 5a 6b
11b.Complete the table using words and phrases from the box. Refer to grammar summary if necessary.

Tense Positive Negative Question Meaning

Simple present This bridge is This bridge isn’t Who is this Repeated
used by used by bridge used by? action and daily
hundreds of hundreds of routines.
people every people every
day. day.
Simple past These houses These houses What were Action completed
were built 20 weren’t built 20 these houses at a specific time
years ago. years ago. built of? in the past.
11th grade

Simple future Wilton Street will Wilton Street Who will Wilton Action to be
be widened next won’t be Street be completed in
year. widened next widened by? the future.

12a. Rewrite the sentences using the passive forms.

1. The design team will be chosen on April 2.
2. This long bridge was constructed by architects in 1952.
3. This room as a conference hall is used by people.
4. Who was the Golden Gate Bridge designed by?
5. Sand and cement were used to fix the basement wall
6. The broken part of the bridge will be repaired by them.
7. The gate is replaced every decade by us.
8. Who was the Pyramids built by?
12b. Now change the passive sentences into questions.
1. When will the design team be chosen?
2. Who was this long bridge constructed by in 1952?
3. Who is this room as a conference hall used by?
4. Which Bridge was designed by people?
5. What were sand and cement used for?
6. What will be repaired by them?
7. When is the gate replaced?
8. Who was the Pyramids built by?
13. Complete the sentences with by or of
1.of 6.of
15a. Read the text and match the types of bridges to their pictures.
1. Beam bridges 2. Arch bridges 3. Suspension bridges
15b Read the text again and complete the definitions with the words below.
1. Arch bridge 2. Beam bridge 3. Suspension bridge
15c.Read the text again and answer true (T) of (F).
1.T 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.F 8.T 9.T
17b. Read again and answer the questions.
1. The Golden Gate Bridge
2. It is located in San Francisco.
3. The bridge connects the city of San Francisco to San Francisco Peninsula.
4. Construction began in 1933.
5. Construction was completed in 1937.
6. It is 1970 metres long (this is a mistake in the textbook. The correct answer is 2,737m)
7. The height is 230 meters above water.
8. It is apart of United States Highway 101.
9. It has six lanes.
10. It has a foot path on each side.
18.Look at the picture. In pairs, ask and answer.
1. It is Peace Bridge.
11th grade

2. It was built in 1958.

3. It is 350 metres
4. It spans over the Selbe river.
5. It symbolizes the unity and peace of Mongolians.
20a In pairs, discuss the following statements and choose a or b.
1b 2a 3b 4a 5a (дүрмийн хувьд a тохиромжтой. more safer гэж болохгүй) 6a 7a


1.Look at the pictures and match.
1c 2e 3b 4d 5a 6f
2a. Match the words with their definitions.
1b 2a 3e 4f 5d 6c
2b. Fill in the sentences with the words from 2a.
1. wildfire
2. flood
3. avalanche
4. hurricane
5. Earthquake
6. Drought
4b. Read again and number the sentences below according to the order of information in
the text.
1. 2
2. 1
3. 5
4. 3
5. 4
6a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
1b 2a
6b. Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.
1. Has- have
2. Finishing-has finished
3. Has not – hasn’t
4. Aren’t – haven’t known
5. hasn’t come-didn’t come, Is fighting – was fighting
6c. Write sentences in the present perfect simple.
1. Have you ever faced a drought?
2. What have you done to prepare for a disaster?
3. The cattle haven’t reached the grass because of the heavy snow.
4. Skiers haven’t walked through the deep snow.
5. A rescue worker has already found a survivor.

7b. Read again and answer the questions.

1. How many types of dzud disasters are there?
- There are four kinds of dzud.
2.What’s the type of the white dzud?

3. What’s the type of the black dzud?

- A long snowless period where cattle have no water..
11 grade

4. What’s the type of the iron or glass dzud?

- Wet snow falls in early spring-winter and a thing covering of ice covers the snow so cattle
cannot reach the grass.

9a. Listen to the news and answer. Are they talking….?

b.About a disaster
9b. Listen again and complete the table.
Types of a disaster: An avalanche
Place: French Alps resort of Tignes
What happened: Four people died
10a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
10b. Rewrite the sentences in the passive.
1. We have been told about the natural disasters.
2. Some men and women have been rescued by helicopter.
3. New houses have been built after the earthquake by a lot of people.
4. The famine situation has been announced in Asia and Africa by the United Nations.
5. African children suffering from malnutrition have been adopted by some European families.
11a. Read the newspaper article and choose title a or b.
a. A survivor
12a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
A 1.a 2.b
B 1.a 2.b
C 1.a 2.b
D 1.a 2.b
12b. Complete the sentences with suitable modals from 12a.
1.supposed to
2.supposed to
4.have to
6.are allowed
7.aren’t allowed to
9.aren’t supposed to
12c. Use must and mustn’t and a verb.
1.mustn’t swim
2.mustn’t smoke
3.mustn’t make
4.must be/stay
5.mustn’t ride
13a. Listen to the children and answer. What are they talking about?
Natural disasters
13b. Listen again and match the sentences with the names.
1.C 2.B 3.D 4.A

14. Are you prepared for an earthquake, wildfire or winter storm? Do the quiz to find out.
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.A 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.C
13.B 14.C 15.A
11th grade

16a. Read and answer. It is about

a . Disaster preparedness
18a. Listen to the talk and choose a o b.
a. Nomin is talking about the situation.
18b.Listen again and choose the correct answer.
1.B 2.A 3.B
19.Copy the sentences and add punctuation.
What can I do?
I myself want to help stop global warming. Want a better life, clean air and better health you can
get all at the same time.
Five easy to understand actions for how you can do your part in stopping global warming and
getting a better life. They are the most critical actions and they will lead to a balanced climate.
The required technology just start doing it and share what you are doing with your friends.
1.Avoid fuel powered cars.
2. Eat organic food!
3.Buy from companies that are environmentally responsible.
4. Take part in environmental movements.
5.Tell your political leaders you want clean energy and a clean environment.
When all of us are moving in the direction the climate and the future of our lives will be saved in
surprisingly short time. The transition doesn’t need to be something bad, but can in many ways
be a change to the better for each of us.

2. Match the words with their definitions.
1.B 2.D 3.E 4.A 5.C
3. Complete the sentences using the words in the
box. 1.famine
2.Stormy dzud
3.white dzud dzud
5.iron dzud
4. Change the sentences and questions into the passive.
1. The bill for the insurance has just been paid by Kerrie.
2. My important documents have already been kept in a safety bag.
3. The wildfire hasn’t been distinguished yet.
4. Nutrition food hasn’t been eaten by children from Africa so far.
5. Have the earthquake warnings from the board been read yet?
6. The parcel has recently been sent to African children by the Red Cross organization.
7. Global warming has been discussed lately.
8. her students has been taught about disaster preparedness all her life. Has he been
phoned by her?
9. Has the sign been noticed by them so far?
10. Becoming a rescue worker has been dreamt my whole life..
5. Choose the correct word.
1. Supposed to
2. Supposed to
3. Supposed to
4. Supposed to
5. Supposed to
6. Have to
7. Have to
11th grade

8. Must
6. Listen to the song and complete the missing words.
After Everything Her younger free Forgotten Between us Million
Have Done Tried Make
6c. listen again and answer the questions (I would skip these).
1. What is the song about?

2. Student answers.
3. Underline all of the sentences with have or ‘ve
4. All of the verbs in the present perfect occur in the past but are related to the present./All of
the verbs in the present perfect are fully complete.
8b. Read again and complete the
notes. Date: December 26th, 2004
Time: At 7.58 am
Location: Phuket, Indonesia, Indian Ocean
Number of victims: 150000 people died and 5 million homeless.
Witnesses: Pete and Cathy and their dad.
Nationality: British
Their description: “When the tsunami hit, we were sleeping. My sister and I woke up
because we heard police sirens and helicopters. We left dad asleep and went down to find out
what was going on. Outside, people were standing in shock. Suddenly a man yelled, “Another
wave…....there’s another one coming!”. We ran as quickly as possible to our room. While dad
was talking on the phone with mum, the phone was broken off. We left the hotel immediately.
On our way to the airport, we saw the beach…. It was full of broken beach umbrellas and boats.
Tourists were looking for their families. It was awful! We were alive because we hadn’t gone to
the beach earlier that morning. Lots of other people weren’t that lucky. We just wanted to go
home but the airport was closed! We will never forget what we saw over those days.”

8c. Complete the sentences.

1. People
2. Broken off
3. Beach umbrellas / boats
4. Were looking
5. Airport was
21a. in pairs, study the table, ask and answer.
1. The Pantheon, Rome was constructed in 118-
128AD The Pantheon, Rome was built by Hadrian.
The Pantheon, Rome was made of concrete and bricks
2. The CN Tower, Canada was completed in 1976.
The CN Tower, Canada was designed by John Andrews.
The CN Tower, Canada was made of concrete.
3. The Lloyd’s Building, the UK was built between 1978 and 1986.
The Lloyd’s Building, the UK was built by Richard Rogers.
The Lloyd’s Building, the UK was made of concrete, steel and glass.
4. The space Needle, the USA was built in 1962.
The space Needle, the USA was designed by Edward E. Carlson and John
Graham. The space Needle, the USA was made of steel.
5. The Petronas Towers, Malaysia was completed in 1998.
The Petronas Towers, Malaysia was designed by Cesar Pelli and Achmad Murdijat.
11 grade

The Petronas Towers, Malaysia was made of reinforced concrete.

6. Fallingwater, the USA was built between 1936-1939.
Fallingwater, the USA was built by Frank Lloyd Wright.
Fallingwater, the USA was made of sandstone, concrete, glass and steel.

1.Find 7 word for a building.

1. Wall

2.Match the words to their definitions.

1f 2e 3b 4h 5d 6c 7a 8g
3.Unjumble the words for construction materials.
Granite Stone
Concrete Glass
Brick Wood
Use of English
4.Put the verbs in brackets in the correct passive form.
1. was built
2. will be taken
3. will be constructed
4. was designed / is designed
5. is located
6. was damaged
7. was changed
5.Rewrite the sentences using the passive forms.
1. A shade for children was built last year.
2. The eco-friendly playgrounds are designed by her.
3. A new bridge will be built in this town by the company.
4. Cafes, gym and pool facilities will be included in the entertainment center.
5. The basement wall was painted by us yesterday.
6. The new campus for international students was constructed by them
11 grade

7. This glass bridge is visited by thousands of tourists every day.

6.Now change the passive sentences into questions.
1. Was the shade for children built last year?
2. Are the eco-friendly playgrounds designed by her?
3. Will a new bridge be built in this town by the company?
4. Will cafes, gym and pool facilities be included in the entertainment center?
5. Was the basement wall painted by us yesterday?
6. Was the new campus for international students constructed?
7. Is this glass bridge visited by thousands of tourists every day?

Listening and speaking

7a. Listen to the dialogue and answer. Are they talking about ……?
b. design of a house
7b. Listen again and answer.
1. She is going to the gym.
2. He is working on his assignment.
3. The assignment is to design an ideal house.
4. The house has four rooms, it is made of wood with a metal roof.*
5. Outside they will have two wooden shades and a beautiful flower garden.
6. They are going to present their work to the class on Tuesday.
7. Yes, she will be there.

Reading and writing

9a. Read the text and answer. What type of bridge is it? What is the main purpose of
it? It is an arch bridge.
The main purpose is to carry vehicle, bicycle, railroad, and pedestrian traffic between north
shore and the central business district.

9c.Now write the sentences.

The construction of the bridge started in 1924.
The construction of the bridge completed in 1932.
It was designed by John Bradfield, Thomas S.Tait and Ralph
Freeman. The total length of bridge is 1149 meters.
The highest point of the arch is 134 meters above mean sea level.
The arch spans 503 meters and support the weight of the bridge 39000 tonnes.
The iconic bridge took 8 years to build using 52800 tonnes of steel and six millions
hand driven rivets.
10.Write the sentences using the passive forms.
The construction site was cleared from rocks and trees by the consrtuction
workers. The site was leveled and wooden forms were put up for the foundation.
Concrete was poured and made dry
The floor, walls and roof systems were completed
Pipes and wires were run through the walls, ceilings and floors
The heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems were installed
11 grade

Insulation using wool or foam was installed.

Exterior finishes such as bricks or stone were installed.


2a. Match the words with their definitions

1. Glucose – c. type of sugar that is found in plants
2. Carbon dioxide - e. the gas formed when people or animals breathe out
3. Oxygen- d. a chemical element that is a gas with no smell or color
4. Respiration – a. breathing
5. Cell – b. the smallest basic unit of a plant or a animal
2b. Fill in the blanks with the most suitable word from the box. Then check with
your partner
1. Light
2. Carbon dioxide
3. water
4. glucose
5. oxygen
3a. read the text and choose title a or b
A. Plants and photosynthesis
3b. Read again and label the pictures using the word in the box
1. energy
2. Oxygen is released
3. glucose
4. carbon dioxide
5. water
6. chlorophyll

3c. Do the quiz

1b 2a 3c 4d 5 c 6a
4. Study the sentences and choose a or b
1b 2 b
5. underline the correct from to complete the sentences
1. Is produced
2. Can be supplied
3. Is carbon dioxide needed
4. Increases
5. Are needed
6. are quickly built up
6. Change the active sentences into passive and passive to active
11th grade

1. Combining nitrogen with sugar molecules make amino acids

2. An experiment about the process of photosynthesis was carried out by A Dutch
scientist, Jean-Baptiste van Helmont
3. A number of experiments to observe the process of photosynthesis in plants
were conducted by biologist
4. Whom was the theory of evolution dicovered by?
5. Green chemical called chlorophyll traps light energy.
6. Gardeners watered the willow tree carefully and precisely over the 5 year period.
7a. in groups of 4, conduct the following experiment of photosynthesis and explain it to the
8a. Read each short description and match them
1. It is a very cold, windy, and often snowy biome located around the North Pole. Arctic
2. It is an arid or dry region and contains plants and animals adapted for survival in this
environment Desert
3. Something between a forest and a desert. There isn’t enough rainfall for a forest to grow,
but there is enough rain for grass to grow. Grassland
4. This is a transition zone between different ecosystems, such as grasslands, true forests,
and deserts. There is fertile soil with conifers, deciduous trees and variety of animals.
Forest and woodland
5. This is also called a tropical rainforest with tall trees and warm and rainy all year
around. This biome belongs to the tropical wet climate group. Rainforest

8b. In pairs, use different resources to complete the chart with the
correct information. Then check with other pairs
I would skip this. Its pretty vague

Habitats Arctic Desert Grassland Forest and Rainforest

Climate Cold and Hot and dry Medium Medium Humid and
windy rainfall. Not rainfall, hot
enough for Enough for
forest trees
Water The arctic Little or no Small Sometimes Large
consists of water amounts of large amounts of
ocean that is water amounts of rainfall and
largely water water
by land
Plants Grasses, Cactus, sage, Grasses Various trees Trees, other
mosses brush rare plants
11th grade

Animals Wolverine, Fennec fox, Horses, cows, Bears, deer, Snakes,

caribou, arctic deer,camel etc hare, etc frogs, many
fox, arctic rare species
hare, walrus,
seal, polar
Soil (note: Frozen, Sandy Somewhat Fertile fertile
this is in the covered in ice fertile
wrong place.
I made a

9. Match the words their definitions

1. b 2. c 3 e 4. f. 5.a 6.g 7d
10a. Read the article and What is about
It is about Adaptation
10b. Read again and choose a, b or c
1. C 2. A 3.C 4.A 5. B 6. B
11a. Listen to the quiz and answer. Is the quiz about a animal habitat or b adaptation.
11b. Listen again and choose the correct answer.
Question 1. What enables an animal to hide from predators or prey?

a. camouflage
b. photosynthesis
c. symbiosis
Question 2. Why are polar bears white?

a. To camouflage them against the ice.
b. To camouflage them so their prey cannot see them.
c. So that they absorb heat from the sun easily.
Question 3. What is the most likely reason why animals in hot climates have larger ears
than similar animals in cold climates?
a. It is more difficult to hear in hot air, so bigger ears are needed.

b. Big ears lose heat quickly, while small ears lose heat slowly.
c. Big ears are useful for creating a breeze when they are flapped
quickly. Question 4. Why do wasps and bees have black and yellow stripes?

a. The stripes warn other animals that wasps and bees are dangerous. b.
The stripes are attractive to birds and other predators.
c. The stripes make them look like harmless so they can sneak up on their prey.
13b. Read again and answer these questions
1. He got up at 5am
2. Antony and Dan
3. To observe animals
4. BBC, National Geography and his friend-traveller Dan
5. Dan
6. His observations
11 grade

7. Zebras and jaguars

8. Climbing trees
9. Towards his shelter
14. study the questions in 12a, and choose a or b in the explanation
1.B 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.B
15. read the questions and decide if they are subject or object questions
1.S 2.S 3.S 4.O 5.O 6.S
16. Fill in the blanks
1. What are you crying for?
2. Who shall I give this to?
3. What are you waiting for?
4. Which writer were you talking about ?
5. Which candidate have you voted for ?
6. Who does she remind you of?
7. Who should we send the invitation to?
17. Unjumble the words to make questions
1. What will I talk to her about?
2. What predators are you afraid of?
3. Which train did you come on ?
4. Who are they playing against?
5. Who do you usually speak to?
6. What are they looking at?
18. Read and complete the sentences
1. A herbivore is an animal that eats plants.
2. A carnivore is an animal that eats other animals.
3. An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals.
4. An insectivore is an animal that eats insects
19. Label the animals below as herbivore, carnivore, omnivore or insectivore

An insectivore An omnivore A herbivore A carnivore

20a. read the text and complete the blanks with appropriate
1. Producer level
2. Secondary consumer level, omnivore
3. Secondary consumer level
20b. write the food chain words in each picture. Use the words in 17.
1. Producer Level
2. Primary consumer level (herbivore)
3. Secondary consumer level (omnivore)
4. Secondary consumer level (carnivore)
20c. put 1-4 in the correct order to make a food chain. Then check with your partner.
11 grade

1. Sun, grass, snail, bird

2. Grass, grasshopper, frog, snake, bird
22a. Match the words with their definitions.
1d 2e 3f 4a 5b 6g 7c
22b. Listen to the dialogue and answer animals and plants or Interaction of habitat
a. Plants and animals
22c. Listen again and fill in the Venn Diagram
Food chain Similarities Food web
Shows the transfer of energy Green plants A network of interconnected
from one organism to next food chains
beginning with producer Plants get energy from sun
- Green plants Animals get energy food
All animals depend on plants

23a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanation

1. B2. A3. A4.B5.B6. A
23b. Choose the correct answer
1. c 2. C 3. C 4. C 5. B 6. B
24. underline the correct word to complete the sentences
1. either 2. Neither 3. Both 4. Neither 5. Both 6. Neither 7. none 8. All

1. Complete the chart with at least 5 appropriate words
photosynthesis oxygen, carbon dioxide, light, chlorophyll, glucose,
terms in food chains producers,
animals in food web scavenger, coyote ,
habitat interaction adaptation, camouflage, habitat, interaction,

Use of English
2a. Write S for subject questions, O for object questions.
1O 2. O 3.O 4.S 5.O 6.O 7.O 8.O 9.O 10.S
3.Write a question for the underlined word in each sentence. Use WHO for people and
WHAT for things
a. - Who is working with the nature?
- Whom did doctor tell to draw blood?
b. What did the repairman work on yesterday? -
Who worked on the computer yesterday?
c. What did the woman write?
- Who wrote a long letter?
d. Who gave the student some advice?
- What did the teacher give the student?
4.Choose the correct active or passive form of the verbs in each sentence
1. is unbalanced 2. Vibrates/makes 3. is endangered 4. Keep 5. was introduced
6.Do/recycle 7. are disrupted by 8. Is transferred
5. Complete the sentences with a present passive. Use the following verbs
11 grade

1. The seeds are planted

2. They areshipped to a factory
3. The berries are picked by hand
4. They are dried in the sun
5. They are sorted by hand.
6. They are taken over the world
7. They are roasted in ovens at the factory.
8. They are sold in the shops
9. It is drunken in offices and home everywhere
6. Choose the correct one.
1. none 2.Either 3.All 4. both of 5. Neither 6. either
7. either 8.None 9.All of the choices work.
7a. Listen to the conversation and answer. Are they talking about Biology class?
7b. Listen again and answer T or F
1. F2.F 3. F 4. T 5.F (they sometimes eat rodents) 6. T 7. F
9. Match the verbs with the synonyms
1. D 2. F 3.E 4. A 5. C 6. B
10a. Read the title and predict what the text is
about A. Food chain
10b. Read again and answer the questions (these can have many answers.
1. The pyramid of number is a graphic representation of a food chain.
2. Yes, all living things within an ecosystem are interdependent.
3. Food supply, predation, disease and cold water are affected to the rate of population.
4. Any answer is acceptable
5. Any answer is acceptable



2a. Listen to the people and answer. What are they talking about?
They are talking about their favourite sports
2b. Listen again and answer the true (T), false (F) or doesn’t say (DS)
1. The people are from different countries T
2. Most of them have the same favourite sports. F
3. They like sports which they play well. DS
4. Another name of football is soccer in Britain F
5. One person likes winter sports. DS
6. Tennis is summer sport. DS
7. Sport center offer a lot of activities and you can meet T
people who have same interests in sports.

3b.Listen again and choose the best answer.

1 c. football
11th grade

2. c. basketball
3. b. volleyball
4. c. Argentina
6. a. volleyball
4a. Label the sport equipment using the words in the box.
1. a shuttlecock-a
2. a tennis racket -k
3. a snorkel mask-h
4. cleats-d
5. a bowling ball pins-c
6. weights-j
7. swords-i
8. a hockey stick and puck-f
9. ping pong paddles-g
10. a baseball bat-b
11. goggles-e
4b. Where do you play the sports.
1. A 2.E 3.F 4.J 5.I 6.K 7.C 8.G9.b/d
5. Read and Write the rules.
Rules for players Rules for coaches Rules for officials Injury prevention
Players should follow Coaches should fully Officials must Players should
the rules governed by understand the rules understand the rules access working
their team. of the game. of the game safety gear.

Players should train Coaches must follow Officials should also

and practice outside the correct rules of the understand the
of their playing sport. signaling and whistling
season to stay codes for the game
physically fit and Coaches should take
updated on their continuing education Officials should also
skills courses to stay track scores, keep
updated on the rules time, and resolve in
and procedures. game discrepancies.

Coaches must
understand additional
aspects of spots rules

7.Match the words with their definitions.

1. aesthetic appreciations -c.
2. a competition -f
3.a physical challenge-g
4. a co-operation-e
5.a sustained level-a
6.a sedentary behavior-b
7. obesity-d
11 grade

8b. Read again and answer the questions.

1. Why do you need physical activity?
- Physical activity improves health and fitness and human bodies are like cars;
they need to move to function well.
2. Why inactivity is called as a “ silent killer?”
Inactivity increases your risk of many chronic diseases.
3. What are the benefits of sports?
- Playing sports have some benefits such as mental, physical and social.
4. What personal qualities will be improved when you participate in sport activities?
- Sport will develop personal qualities form; co-operation, competition,
physical challenge, and aesthetic appreciation.
5. How sport participation can positively affect your mental health?
- Improve your concentration,reduce stress and depression, boost you self-confidence
and have leadership traits.
10b. Read again and choose the correct answer.
1.The most suitable title of the text is
b. Obsession to football
2.Allegiance means
a. loyalty or commitment
3.The blogger had to support Arsenal because
c. he did the same as local do
4. “Inescapable” means
a. unable to be avoided or denied
5.In the end, the blogger says that he……………..
c. will support people’s love to sport

10c.Complete with words with the correct for of the prepositions; in, to, with, at, out, of.
Then make sentences with the words.
rush to
familiar with
with frustration
boast of/about
peer at
interested in
lead to
take part in
Obsession with

11a.Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions. Which sports do they like
most? They like tennis.
11b. Listen again and choose the correct answer.
1. Eddy didn’t play hockey because
b. practice was too early.
2. What does Lin Yue assume about Canadians?
b. They all can skate
3. What does Lin Yue say about table
tennis? b. The equipment is simple
4. What does Lin Yue say about her sister?
c. She likes to play tennis.
11 grade

12a. Study the sentences and complete the table.

Quanitifiers Comparative form Used with ….nouns

little less uncountable
few fewer countable
many/much more uncountable/countable

12b.Choose the correct form the fewer /less to complete the sentences.
1. There were fewer outdoor sport fans in the past.
2. I drank less water than she did at the last basketball competition.
3. I have less than an hour to do this exercise.
4. We have less time to go in for sports these days.
5. Fewer than thirty children each year participate in the chess tournament.
6. This athlete does less workout on weekdays. He has a full time job at the
Sports Committee.

12c. Complete the sentences using the appropriate quantifier.

1. a. 2. c. 3. b. 4. b. 5.c 6. a7.b 8 .a.

15a. Study sentences and answer a or b in the explanations.

1. b.past participle 2.b. transitive 3. a.Some
15b. Change the active sentences into the passive. Use present , past and future perfect
1. Active: Argenitina has won two World Cups.
Passive: Two World Cups have been won by Argentinian .
2. Active: By 2050, scientists will have discovered a cure for cancer.
Passive: By 2050, a cure for cancer will have been discovered by scientists.
3. Active: By 1pm, the athletes had left the stadium.
Passive: By 1 pm, the stadium had been left by the athletes .
4. Active: in 100 years, people will have visited the Moon.
Passive: in 100 years, the Moon will have been visited by people.
5. Active: By 2040, the government will have banned smoking.
Passive: By 2040, smoking will have been banned vy the government.
6. Active: People have played football for hundreds of years.
Passive:Football has been played for hundreds of years.
7. Active: Has anyone ever sent you a ticket for basketball competition?
Passive: Have you ever been sent a ticket for basketball competition?
8. Active: Olympic medalist Prieste had stolen the first Olympic flag from one of his teammates.
Passive: The first Olympic flag had been stolen by Olympic medalist Prieste from one of
his teammates.
15c.Choose the best answer to complete these sentences.
1. By 1920, the first talking films……..
b. had been made
2. I’m afraid all the food……….
b. has been eaten
3. In 100 years, all the rainforests ……………..down.
b. will have been cut
4. I…………to swim by the time I was 8.
a. had been taught
5. Alexander Fleming………………penicillin by the Second World War.
11 grade

b.had discovered
6. My sister………....her homework before I came home.
a. had already done
18a. Read the email and answer the question. What was ann’s feeling at the cycling
Thrilled. Afraid. Amazed
19.Match these activities with the pictures.
1. playing board game – i
2. sky diving - d
3. jewelry making - a
4. travelling - j
5. blogging - f
6. bird watching - c
7. playing a musical instrument - b
8. woodworking - h
9. wildlife photograph shooting – l
10. bungee jumping - e
11. doing yoga and meditation - g
12. knitting - k
20. Listen to the people. Are they talking about
c. hobbies for both.
22. Read the paragraphs and guess the unusual hobbies.
1. Jewelry making
2. Egg painting/carving?
3. Making cards and dressing in victorian era clothes?
4. Bee keeping
5. Travelling.
23a.Match the idioms with their definitions.
1. an all-rounder perform with determination, effort
2. up to scratch b. accept the challenge and try your hardest
3. to get stuck into give up on something
4. to throw in the towel d. someone who is good at many things
5. to take the bull by the horns e. at an acceptable standard
1d. 2e 3a 4c 5b
23b. Write the appropriate idiom to complete the sentences. Write the verbs in
correct form.
1. I’m not ready to take up a new hobby, because I feel I’m not up to scratch doing it.
1. My dad has been fixing the car since this morning. But it still doesn’t start. So he Threw
in the towel
2. Tsogt can deal with anything. He can play any sports and draw pictures
very well.Everyone says that he is an all-rounder
3. Don’t Throw in the towel. It’s really difficult to jog for 10 kilometers long.
4. Don’t disturb mom. She is really get stuck into the decoration of the fancy dress.
24a. Listen to the different people and answer. What are they talking
about? They are talking about hobbies.
24b. Listen again and take note of the different hobbies. What do their hobbies give the
1. Self-esteem, meeting people, relaxing
2. Relax and mentally escape
3. Feel refreshed
11 grade

4. Feeling self-sufficient.
5. Relax, reduce stress
1.Match the words with the sports.
1. c 2 f. 3 a. 4 g. 5 e.
6 h. 7 d. 8b 9 i.
2.Classify the activities in these categories.
Physical leisure activities:
horse riding, going to museums, camping, travelling, gardening, woodworking
Recreational leisure activities:
shopping, seeing a movie, watching tv, eating out at a restaurant, attending classical music
and opera, barbecuing, computer games, going to museums, doing handicrafts
Mental leisure activities:
writing stories, drawing pictures, reading books, doing jigsaw puzzles, blogging

3.Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.

1. Water has fewer calories than milk has.
2. The doctor advised the kid to eat less sweets.
3. There are fewer cars on the roads in this small town.
4. He did more exercises than he should have to do.
5. She has much less patience than her husband.
6. He wants to make fewer business trips as he has become seriously ill.
7. She has less time to finish the job until next weekend.
8. The students have fewer days to finish the project
4.Rewrite the sentences in the perfect passive.(present, past and future)
1. Joe had cleaned the tables. – The tables had been cleaned by Joe.
2. The brave men had defended the city.-The city had been defended by the brave men.
3. They will have eaten dinner by the time we arrive.- Dinner will have been eaten by the
time we arrive
4. Our team has won the championship recently.- The championship has been won
by our team recently.
5. She had not noticed me- I hadn’t been noticed by her.
6. Had she solved the problem?- Had the problem been solved by her?
7. By this evening he will have played a lot of computer games- By this evening a lot of
computer games will have been played by him.
8. She will have taken the national entrance exam by 14 of June- The national
entrance exam will have been taken by 14 of June .
9. I had not opened the window before you came in- The window had not been opened
before you came in.

5.Choose the correct modal verb in each sentence.

1. c 2.b 3. b. 4.a 5.b 6.b 7.b 8.a,b 9.b 10.a
6a. Listen and and answer . Are they talking about sports or hobbies?
They are talking about hobbies.
6b. Listen again and answer true (T) or false (F)
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5F 6T.
9a. Read the essay and answer. What did the author focus on?
c. Hobbies

9b. Read the essay again and answer the questions.

1. How many parts are there in the essay?
11 grade

- There are 4 parts in the essay.

2. Which paragraph includes the topic?
- Paragraph 1 includes the topic.
3. Which paragraph includes the ideas of the author?
- Paragraph 2 included the ideas of the author.
4. Which paragraphs explain, describe and give examples?
- Paragraph 3 explains, describes and gives examples.
9c. Read again and answer the questions.
1. What’s the author’s passion?
- Basketball is author’s passion.
2. What are the styles of players?
- There are styles such as a passer, playmaker, shooter, defensive player, and
dunker or highflyer.
3. Is basketball team sport?
- Yes
4. Why are there endless ideas while playing basketball?
- There are endless ideas you can think how to trick the opposing players.
5. Why does the author think about that basketball is better than baseball, soccer,
and football?
-The players are recognizable and never wear helmets.


Exercise 1a. Match the column A with the column B and make abstract nouns,
compound nouns and complex noun phrases.
1.camcorder (1d)
2.a new car (2c)
3.sleeping bag (3j)
4.friendship (4i)
5.armchair (5h)
6.happiness (6f)
7.water to drink (7b)
8.hard-drive (8e)
9.hairdryer (9g)
10. freedom 10a
Exercise 1b. Complete the sentences using words and phrases in activity 1a
3.sleeping bag
5.water to drink
Exercise 3a. Listen to the talks and choose the correct answer. What are they
talking about?
a. Technological advance
b. Useful gadgets
Exercise 3b. Listen again and match the information.
11th grade

Speakers Gadgets Purpose of Use

Aki computer e-mailing or skyping and doing Internet
Lindsay cell phone contacting friends, using as a dictionary or
taking pictures
Zoloo camcorder making short films and taking pictures
Shalini hard-drive saving documents
Tom electric hotspot making tea

Exercise 4a. Study the underlined words and phrases in the sentences. Then choose
a or b in the explanations.
1.All underlined words are nouns. (1b)
2.According to the sentences a, compound nouns consist of two words. (2a)
3.According to the sentence b, complex noun phrases consist of more than two words. (3b)
4.In sentence c, an abstract noun expresses things that person cannot touch and see. (4b)
Exercise 4b. Put the underlined words and phrases into the correct column.
Compound nouns Abstract nouns Complex noun phrase
breakfast freedom my favourite jacket
school bus friendship a small cute kitten
hairdryer honesty my back garden
one of my best friend

Exercise 6a. Look at the pictures and complete the phrases using the words in the
a tin of tomatoes (bag)
a loaf of bread
a glass of milk
a bar of chocolate
a piece of meat
a carton of yoghurt
a packet of biscuits
a bottle of mineral water
a jar of honey
Exercise 6b. Read the advice and find which items they are from the activity 6a.
1 a jar of honey
2 a bottle of water
3 a carton of yoghurt

Exercise 6c. Read the advice again and compete the table.
Why we should use them?
honey good for digestion, reduce the risk of heart disease, insomnia
water hydrate yourself, give full of energy, make your meal much tasty, keep fit
yoghurt promotes healthy skin, immune system

Exercise 8b. Listen to the talks and answer the question. What is a flea
market ? b.A street market selling second-hand goods
11 grade

Exercise 8c. Listen again and choose the correct answer.

1 2 3 4 5 6
b b a c a c

Exercise 9a. Read and label the pictures with the advertisements.
Funny cleaner Feel Comfort Tiny Colleague

Exercise 12a. Match the phrases with the pictures in activity 11

a to slam the door on someone
e to cut in front of people in line
f to push someone
c to say “excuse me” when you want someone to move
d to watch your volume
g to stand too close at the ATM
b to hold the door for someone
h to say “sorry”

Exercise 12b. Put the phrases into the correct column.

Good choices Bad choices
to watch your volume to stand too close at the ATM
to hold the door for someone to push someone
to say sorry to slam the door on someone
to say excuse me when you want to cut in front of people in line
someone to move

Exercise 13a. Read the magazine article and choose the best title.
a.Cultural differences of personal space
b.Be a space respecter not a space invader
Exercise 13b. Read the article again and tick the correct sentences and rewrite the
wrong sentences.

1.Personal space is the area around our body.
2.Personal space is different from person to person.
3.Tourists should stand further from busy streets and take pictures.
4.It`s not OK to talk on the phone loudly in a crowd. ( When talking on your phone, the
general rule is quiet as possible)

5.Holding a door for someone means respecting others.
6.In a waiting room, you mustn`t put your bag on a seat.

7. It is rude to stand too close to a person who is using the ATM.
Exercise 14a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the
explanations. 1.Some adjectives go with prepositions to clarify meaning. (1b)
2.Prepositions go after the adjectives in the sentences. (2a)
Exercise 14b. Put the correct preposition after each adjective.
11 grade

1.good for (having a good effect on something)

2.good at (being able to do something well)
3.good to (behaving well to others)
4.available to (possible for something)
5.available for (possible for someone)
6.rude to ( to be not polite)
7.different from (not the same as another person or thing)
8.similar to ( not different)
9.famous for ( famous by something) from (protecting something or someone from danger)
11.friendly with (being in a friendly way)
Exercise 14c. Complete the sentences with appropriate phrases in activity 14b.
1.available to
2.good at
3.good for
4.available for
5.famous for
6.friendly with
7.different from
Exercise 16a. Listen to the people and answer . What are they talking
about? b.Awkward situations
Exercise 16b. Listen again and complete the table.
Situations/problems Ways of solution
Forgetting someone`s name Saying someone`s name it back immediately to help store
it in your memory, try to ask someone else the person`s
Making small talk with Have a plan, have some good stories to tell
Not knowing escalator rules The right side is for standing and the left side is for those
who want to walk

Exercise 1. Look at the following words and phrases. Then read the sentences and
write down what pronouns in bold refer to.
2.a new car
3.intelligence best friend
5.water to drink
6.cell phone
8.sleeping bag
11 grade

stand on the left
block the ways with bags or other belongings
sit on the steps

Exercise 2. Look at the phrases and put into the correct column.
What personal space respecters do? What personal space invaders do?
saying ”sorry” hitting people
not interrupting others` conversation touching others without permission
leaving seats for others standing too close
holding the door for someone cutting in front of people in line
taking others` belongings asking password of credit card
slamming the door behind

Exercise 4. Put the sentences into the correct order.
1.She is famous for her research.
2.You should make a space available to others.
3.School rules are different from school to school.
4.It is rude to hit people.
5.Be friendly with your classmates.
6.She is always good to me.

Exercise 5a. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct picture mentioned.
5a = a
Exercise 5b. Listen again and complete the columns.
stand on the the right
keep the bags out of the way


Exercise 7a. Read the book chapter and choose the best title.
b. Personal space zones
Do’s Don’ts
Stand on the right side Block the ways with bags or other belongings
Keep bags out of the way Sit on the steps
Walk on the left

Exercise 7b. Read again and answer true (T) or false (F)
1.F 2.T 3.T 4.F 5.F 6.T 7.F
11 grade



1a. Match the discoveries to the travellers
1. c, 2. e, 3. a, 4. d, 5. b
1b. Now write sentences using the information from 1a
1. Vasco da Gama was the first European who sailed from Europe to India.
2. Christopher Columbus discovered America
3. Captain James Cook explored the South Pacific
4. Marco Polo was European traveler to China and the Far East
5. Ferdinand Magellan was first to circumnavigate the globe
2a. Match the words to their meaning
1. trade route –f. a long-distance route along which commercial goods are transported
2. navigator –c. a person who explores by sea
3. expedition -a. a journey undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose
4. circumnavigate – e. sail or travel all the way around
5. scurvy – a disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C
6. endeavours –b. an attempt to achieve a goal
3b. Read the text again and answer the questions
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d 5. d 6. d 7. a 8. b 9. d 10. C
4a. Study the sentences and choose a or A in the explanations.
1b 2a
4b. Put the following sentences into passive voice (Past perfect passive)
1. Silvia’s life had been saved by Dr. Richard
2. Another planet had been discovered by the Americans
3. The injured man hadn’t been accepted by hospital staff.
4. The check had been received by Jerry just in time
5. An anonymous gift had been received by Jim.
6. Who had the plan of that villa been designed by?
7. The fire had been put out by firefighters successfully.
6. Match the words to their explanations
1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. f 6. E

7a. Listen and choose the best title.

a. Great Expedition of Captain James
7b. Listen again and fill in the missing information
Date Places
Born October 27, 1728 Marton, England
Died February 14, 1779 Killed by the natives of
Hawaiian Islands
First journey August 26, 1768 To find the fabled southern
Return home July of 1771 From his first journey

9a. Match the synonyms

1. e 2. f 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. d
11th grade

9c. Read again and choose the best answer

1.b 2.a 3. b 4. c 5. b 6. c
10a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanation.
1a 2b 3a 4b 5a
10b. Connect the sentences using the conjunctions of contrast or purpose.
Marco Polo became a high official in the king’s court to present the message from Pope IV
Marco Polo was from Italy whereas William of Rubruck was from France.
Merchants from Europe travelled on Silk road to sell commodities and buy silk from China.
John of Plano Carpini visited Guyug Khan even though he was not a Mongol.
Chinggis Khaan kept Yelu-Chu-Tsai by his side so that he could get wise advice from him
Silk Road was closely related to the history of Mongol Empire although it did not go through
the territory of Mongolia.
12a. Listen and match the people to the type of the holiday and the holiday destination
1. Joey Russia package holiday
2. Kathy Australia beach holiday
3. Jaime Canada adventure holiday
4. Bat USA cultural holiday
12b. Listen again answer true (T) or false (F)
1. T 2.F 3.F4.F 5.F6.T7.T 8. T
16. Look at the pictures and match the sentences
Picture #1 b Picture # 3 a
Picture # 2 d Picture # 4 c
19a. Listen to the dialogue and answer. Are they talking about:
b. Space exploration
19b. Listen again and answer the questions.
What is Yuri’s night?
Yuri’s Night is named for the first human to launch into
space Who is Yuri Gagarin?
Yuri Gagarin, who flew the Vostokl spaceship on April 12,1961.
What is Kelly’s opinion about space exploration?
Despite the scientific or economic benefits that may come from exploring
space, it is clear that humanity needs to invest its rare resources at home first.
What’s Tsogt’s opinion about space exploration?
Many human problems are easily preventable with a portion of the resources we donate
to space. Furthermore, it cannot be denied that we face a tremendous number of
problems in the world today.
20b. Read again and answer
1. No 2. D/s 3. Yes 4. D/s 5. Yes
21. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
1a 2b 3a
22. Change the direct speech into reported speech
1. He said he was an aerospace engineer.
2. She says she works in the National history museum
3. Doctor said his / her son studied at university.
11 grade

4. Astronaut said he was in the space.

5. He says he teaches physics to his friend.
6. Mother says she loves the youngest girl.
23a. Study the sentences and choose a or b In the explanations.
1a 2b
23b. Choose the correct answer
1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A
1. Sort the vocabulary into the appropriate columns
an astronaut trade route to overcome hardship tremendous
merchant navy to gain profit
nobles expedition to commemorate
2. Fill in the missing words
1. scurvy 5. commodity
2. apprentice 6. account
3. coral 7. passage
4. mosquitoes 8. aero space

3. Fill in the missing words / нөхөх үг өгөгдөөгүй байна /

1. apprentice 4. mosquitoes
2. coral 5. navy
3. passage 6. Merchant

4. Connect the sentences using conjunctions of contrast and purpose.

1. Although he had a higher social status in Yuan Dynasty, Marco Polo was a merchant.
2. People travelled on Silk Road to sell and buy commodities.
3. You can enjoy stunning wildlife in Africa whereas you can experience incredible city
life in New York city.
4. I chose the package holiday so that I can enjoy the tour without any worries.
5. We are going to a concert tonight to see performers in their traditional costumes.
6. Moscow and St Petersburg are cities of Russia whereas Washington DC and New York
City are cities of the USA.
7. Although the trip was incredible, the overall cost was a bit high.
8. I like to talk about Marco Polo so that my students can understand better about Silk
5. Turn statements into reported speech
1. Teacher said that Vasco Da Gama had explored the route around Africa to India
many years before.
2. Guide said that the travelers hadn’t visited museums because of reconstruction.
3. Researchers said that Magellan had led the first expedition to sail all the way around.
4. Traveler said that he had drunk six cups of coffee that day.
5. My sister said that she didn’t like metropolitan cities such as New York.
6b. Listen again and complete the table in a chronological order.
11 grade

The great Travelers on Date Country of Origin Mongol khan they met
Silk Road
Yeh-Chu-tsai 1219 Kidan He became an adviser to
Chinggis Khaan
John of Plano Caprine 1245 France He saw Guyug Khan
William of Rubruck 1255 France He met the great khan Mungke.
Marco Polo 1271 Italy Because he met Khubilai Khan

7a. Read a magazine article and choose the appropriate title.

c. 12 quotes of 12 women
7b. Write names of women
1. The woman who reached Antarctic first LOUSE
2. The first woman astronaut VALENTINA
3. Non-Arabian woman traveler FREYA
4. The woman who is a journalist ANNIE
5. The woman who couldn’t remember danger and difficult WANDA
6. The woman outstanding traveler ELLA
7. Who said anybody could be an explorer
8. Who said energy rightly had applied and directed would accomplish anything? NELLY
9. Who travels in a barrel? ANNIC
10. Who flew across the Atlantic?
11. The woman who reached the summit Mount Everest.
12. Who is the writer among these women?


2a. Read the text and match a title to each paragraph.
2b. Read the text again and find.
1. Two zones with wind . 1,5
2. The zone with a wild flower Edelweiss. 3
3. The zone in which a lot of gazelles live. 4
4. The zone which has high altitude.1
5. The zone which is located near the border with China. 6

3a. Listen and answer. Is this information about a. Wonders of Mongolia or b. Natural
zones in Mongolia?
b. Natural zones in Mongolia
3b. Listen again and fill in the Information in the table.
# Place name Location Feature
1 Khuvsgul North west of Mongolia near Russian The largest fresh
border water lake
11th grade

2 Sayan Mountain Between north Mongolia and south Border between

Siberia Mongolia and Russia

3 Gun galuut Complex of high mountains, steppe, Variety of ecosystems

rivers and wetland
4 Orkhon valley Central Mongolia Written by UNESCO
into the world heritage

4a. Look and match the new words to their meaning.

1b 2d 3e 4a 5f 6c
4b. Fill in the missing words from la.
1. I love this place. The scenery is really splendid
2. He domintes his family and makes all the decisions.
3. He drinks to quench his thirst, and that is all.
4. Once 1 went on a visit to a New England village with its frozen lakes and vast snow
5. It's quite a jump from one side of the brooks to the other.
6. They would have to walk along the ridge for a while to get there.
6a. Look and match the information.
a. Kharhorin museum established : 2010, located: Kharkhorin soum, Uvurkhangai province
b. National history museum established: 1971, Sukhbaatar district, Juulchin street,
Ulaanbaatar c. The Fine Art Zanabazar museum established: 1966, Chingeltei district,
Juulchin street, Ulaanbaatar
d. Central museum of Mongolian dinosaurs established: 2013, Chingeltei district, Sambuu
street, Ulaanbaatar
e. Bog khan palace museum established: 1924, Zaisan road, southern Ulaanbaatar
f. Erdene zuu monastery established: 1965, Kharkhorin soum, Uvurkhangai province
8a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.
That castle has been visited by many tourists.
Many museums and monasteries had been restored by Mongolian Government before
1. We use have / has + been + past participle to form ....
a. present perfect passive b. past perfect passive
2. We use had + been + past participle to form ....
a. present perfect passive b. past perfect passive
8c. Rewrite the sentences into present and past passive.
Example: They had taken the dog to school.
The dog had been taken to school.
1. Kelly has paid the bill recently.
The bill has been paid by Kelly recently
2. She has eaten a sandwich for lunch.
The sandwich has been eaten for lunch
3. He has won two golden medals already.
The golden medals have already been won.
4. I have opened the presents.

5. Has he caught the thieves?

Have the thieves been caught?
6. They haven’t read the book.
The book hasn’t been read.
11 grade

7. They had sent the e-mail.

The e-mail had been sent.
8. He had examined his legs.
His legs had been examined
9. She hadn’t booked the restaurant
The restaurant hadn’t been booked.
10. Had they received the letters?
Had the letters been received?

9a. Match the new words to their meanings.

1. excavation
a. the activity of searching and finding out about
2. exploration
3. aristocrat
b. to remove earth that is covering old objects buried in
4. tomb
the ground in order to discover things about the past
5. artifacts
c. a large stone structure or underground room where
6. depict
someone, \ especially an important person, is buried
d. a person of high social rank
e. to represent or show something in a picture or story
f. an object made by a human being, typically one of
cultural or historical interest

1b 2a 3d 4c 5f 6e
9b. Complete the sentences using the words from 9a.
1. The many important objects found in these excavation are preserved in the local museum.
2. Several kids decided to conduct an exploration of the cave due to their curiosity of science.
3. The French aristocrat Marquis de Sade once said that “It is only by way of pain one
arrives at pleasure.”
4. When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb
5. Looters stole ancient artifacts from the tomb.
6. The drawings on the cave walls depict the lives of the earliest men on the planet
10a. Read and choose die best title.
b. An exploration from the Shoroon Bumbagar
10b. Read the text again and answer the questions.
1. Where was the excavation run?
It was run in Bayannuur Soum in Bulgan Province
2. Why are the experts and scientists paying special attention to the tomb?
The experts and scientists are paying attention to this tomb because nothing has been
discovered in this area.
3. How many finds have been taken from the tomb?
550 finds have been taken from the tomb.
4. To whom was the tomb dedicated?
It was dedicated to aristocrat, who was a king or prince as there was a gold crown which was
intentionally broken next to the silk bag.
5. What kinds of coins have been found? Golden,
silver and bronze coins have been found.
6. Why has the scientists from UNESCO come?
The scientists from UNESCO have come and conducted research on the tomb upon the
invitation of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of Mongolia (MECS
7. How many wall pictures have been found? There
are over 40 wall pictures have been found.
11 grade

8. Which century does the Shoroon Bumbagar Tomb date back?

The 6th and 7th Centuries
12a. Listen to a radio programme. Why is Takhi called Przewalski’s horse?
The horse is named after Russian researcher in Central Asia, Przewalski discovered the head
bone and skin of an unknown animal was the Takhi - ancestor to the present Mongolian horse

12b. Listen again and tick (V). Which information was mentioned in the radio talk?
Biography of Przewalski
How Takhi was known to the world 

The cause of Takhi extinction in Mongolia 

What kind of people were the hunters 

The method of capturing Takhi foals 

How Takhi was re-introduced to the native land 

How Takhi mares give birth

Which organisation financially supported the project 

13b. Read the article again and answer true (T) or false (F)
1. Dinosaurs became extinct during Mesozoic era. F
2. Palaeontolist is a person who studies history of ancient people. T
3. There are very few dinosaur fossils found in Mongolian Gobi. F
4. A janitor is a person who cleans floors. T
5. Andrews and his team travelled in Mongolia on only horses to F
do research.
6. The researchers found the fossils accidently. T
7. The biggest success of the expedition was that they found F
ancient human bones.
8. People say that Indiana Jones movie was inspired by the story T
of Roy Chapman Andrews.

15a. Label the items in the pictures with their names.

1i. toiletries 2g. a compass 3e. a first-aid-kit 4c. binoculars 5f. a map
6h. a passport 7a. insect repellent 8d. hiking boots 9b. a camera 10j. torch
16b. Read again and answer the questions.
1. What should we think of when we make a list of packing?
We should think of where we’re going, what the temperature is going to be around, who
we will be travelling with, and what size suitcase we will bring.
2. Which item do we have to take with us all times?
We have to take passport with us all the time.
3. Is it enough to take 2-3 shirts for a week
holiday? Yes,it is.
4. Where should we put shoes in?
We should keep our shoes in plastic bag inside our suitcase.
5. Which items are included in breakable items? The
camera and binoculars are breakable items.
6. How can we prevent from hurting ourselves?
We should keep sharp objects in the suitcase to prevent from hurting ourselves.
7. How can we leave some space in the luggage?
We should get out all the unnecessary things.
8. What should you check off as you pack your luggage?
We should check off our generated check list.
11 grade

17a. Study the sentences and choose a or b in the explanations.

A wild ass is not as fast as Takhi.
Re-introducing Takhi in the wild was more important than exhibiting them in Zoos.
Marmots are also endangered like many other animals in Mongolia.
I packed my suitcase as quickly as I could.
1. We use (not) as + adj. + as to ... two people/things/places that are equal in some way.

a. compare b. contrast
2. We use more than/less than after ... to make comparisons.

a. one-syllable adjectives b. more than three-syllable adjectives
3. We use like to express two people/things/places are ... in some way.

a. similar b. different
4. We use (not) as + adv. + as to compare ... of people/things.

a. characteristics b. actions
17b. Rewrite the sentences using comparative forms of adjectives.
Example: Mazaalais are not as popular as Pandas in the world.
1. Pandas are popular in the world. Mazaalais are not popular in the world.
2. Mongolian horses are fast they cannot gallop faster than Takhi though.
Mongolian horses aren’t as fast as Takhi
3. Przewalski is a famous researcher. But few people know about Roy Chapman
Andrews. Przewalski is more famous than Roy Chapman Andrews.
4. ‘Have you ever seen a wild camel? Does it look same as a domestic camel?’
Does wild camel look like domestic camel?
5. For many tourists, travelling to Mongolia is very expensive than travelling to other
Asian countries.
For many tourists, travelling to Asian countries is less expensive than travelling to Mongolia.
6. Taking a tour in UB is interesting. But travelling to the countryside is more
interesting. Travelling to the countryside is more interesting than taking a tour in UB.

1. Look and choose the correct explanation.
1. an aristocrat
a. a person of high social rank

b. an important person
c. a famous person
2. a tomb
a. removing earth that is covering old objects buried in the ground in order to
discover things about the past
b. a large stone structure or underground room where someone, especially an important

person, is buried
c. representing or showing something in a picture or story
3. a brook
a. a long, narrow hilltop, mountain range, or watershed
b. an object made by a human being, typically one of cultural or historical interest
c. a small stream

4. splendid
a. very small
b. being thirsty
c. excellent, or beautiful and impressive
5. vast
11 grade

a. having power and influence over

b. extremely big

c. searching and finding out about something

2. Complete the sentences using the words from 1.
1. Brenda looked splendid on his wedding day.
2. Henry told me his father was a general and an aristocrat
3. I tried to swim in the brook, it was possible because the shallow twater.
4. Mongolia has vast reserves of coal and copper mining.
5. When their leader died, they placed his body in a large tomb
3. Change the sentences into past or present perfect passive.
1. Somebody has watered the plants.
The plants have been watered.
2. They had missed the plane.

3. A thief has taken the money.

The money has been taken by thief.
4. A construction worker had painted the roof.
The roof had been painted by the constructor.
5. A janitor hadn’t cleaned the room.

6. My mum hasn’t bought the presents

yet. The presents haven’t been bought yet.
7. The students have finished the reports.
The reports haven’t been finished
8. Have you finished writing your essay?
Has your essay been finished writing?
9. Somebody has turned on the air-conditioning.
The air-conditioning has been turned on.
10. Had he decorated the room?
Had the room been decorared?
4. Put the verbs into the present or perfect passive.
1. How many newspapers has been printed recently?
2. Many people have been invited to the royal wedding.
3. The new archeological sites have been discovered in Mongolia.
4. Dinner had been cooked by mum when we arrived.
5. I have been invited several times this year.
6. Has the invitation been accepted by them? (accept)
7. The parcel hadn’t been received by the time we got there, (not / receive)
8. Has the boy been punished after behaved badly ? (punish)
5. Complete the sentences using as... as or so as.
1. The blue car is as cheap as the red car.
2. Today isn’t so windy as yesterday.
3. Riding a camel is as fast as riding a horse.
4. Visiting museum isn’t so exciting as watching movies in the cinema.
5. Playing video games isn’t so good as exercising.
6. Anne plays as good as John.
7. The weather in Mongolia isn’t so warm as the weather in Korea in summer.
8. The marmot is as common as the wolf.
6a. Listen to the travel information and answer. What places are mentioned?
Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park, Yolyn-Am, Khongor’s sand dune, Nemegt , Khermen
Tsav and Zyganai’s River are mentioned
11 grade

6b. Listen again and complete the table.

Where When was Area size Altitude Animals

Gobi 27 million mountain sheep,
Gurvan Dalanzadgad, in 2,400- goats, leopards,
Unmugobi province hectares in 2,600
Saikhan area lynxes, wildcats,
National in 1965 meters
squirrels, white
Khongor’s Sevrei and Bayandalai above sea gazelles and
sand dune soums in Unmugobi level other animals.

8a. Read the text and choose the best title.

a. Hunnu state tombs In Noyon Mountain
8b. Read again and choose the best answers.
1. Why is the Noyon Mountain famous?
b. It has series of Hunnu tombs
2. What does Hun mean?
a. person
3. Who was the leader of the Tibeto-Mongolian expedition?
b. Pyotr Kuzmich Kozlov
4. Where did the explorers find the lacquerware cup?
a. one of the grave
5. Where can you see the Noyon Mountain findings
today? a. Hermitage Museum in StPetersbuig

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