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piekarnia- butcher’s-

apteka- dry cleaner’s-

warzywniak- florist’s-

stacja benzynowa- newsagent’s-

warsztat samochodowy- stationer’s-

wyprzedaż- self-checkout-

reszta(pieniądze)- size-

zniżka- piggy bank-

oszczędzać pieniądze- out of stock-

drogi- currency-

Complete the sentences with the missing word.

Uzupełnij zdania brakującym słowem.
1. Tom’s phone is out of _______________________________ and he has to return it to the
2. Excuse me, could I _______________________________ this T-shirt on? I’m not sure if it
fits me.
3. I give my children_______________________money every month so that they can buy
their favourite sweets or little toys.
4. Frank asked me to _______________________________ him 20 pounds and promised to
pay it back next month, so I agreed.
5. I always _______________________________ all my money on books. I love reading!
6. OMG! That dress costs only 5$. That’s a real____________________.
7. Do you have any cash?
No, I must go to the_______________________and take some out.
8. There were a lot of people waiting in a long_______________________in front of the
shop because there was a huge sale.
9.I don’t know what present I should buy for her.
Give her a ________________card and she will choose something herself.
10. We are building a new house and we need to buy a lot of things in a ________________
store: tools, paints, cables.

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