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Gabriel - Nicolas

12/12/2022 - 08h40 - 08h50


- Privacy is a thing of the past

- Employers have a right to monitor the activity of their employees on the company's
computers during work-hours
- Citizens who suffer from privacy breaches are to blame. Everybody needs to be cautious with
their own privacy
- Employers should be allowed to check their future employees' personal data on the internet
- Surveillance technology is the death of democracy


- By developing the IOT, we accept to give in our freedom to decide for ourselves / we let
objects make critical decisionsin our place.
- The many advantages of the IOT will make up for the privacy risks / we can accept to give in
part of our privacy so as to get the many advantages of the connected objects.
- If someone accepts to let his smartwatch tell him when to exercise and whatto eat, if he
accepts to let his car drive himaround the city and his hoover to take care of his home by
itself, don’t you think that he has already accepted to let AI and computerstake over his life?
If you let the IOT objects into your life, you open Pandora’s box.
- Who owns the troves of data created by the internet of things? What could be done with this
huge amount of data?
- The IOT technology is virtually useless. It’s just a way for companies to sell more products
and for the consumption society to become self-sustainable

- Augmented reality will alter medicine radically and put an end to the doctor/ patient relationship
- AR / VR will have dire consequences in terms of human interactions and social life.
- AR/VR are very dangerous for kids and for their psychological and social development.
- If the world around us is no longer good enough to make people happy, they will escape to a better
one. VR is a modern version of psycho-active drugs such as cocaine or LSD.
- AR is easier to interact with and easier to use than most hardware and software. It dooms
computing as we know it today and open the door to a whole new universe for computer scientists.

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