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Research Hypothesis

Directions: There are sample Research Questions given below. Read and analyze those
research questions carefully and formulate null hypothesis (Ho) and alternative hypothesis (Hi).
Please write your answers in your logbook.

Research question – Are there differences in extroversion, as measured by introversion-
extroversion scores, by birth order (i.e., first born vs. all others) such that first-born children
have significantly higher extroversion scores than all other birth-order children?
Ho – There are no differences in extroversion, as measured by introversion extroversion scores,
by birth order (i.e., first born vs. all others) such that first-born children’s extroversion scores do
not differ significantly from all other birth-order children.
Ha – There are differences in extroversion, as measured by introversion-extroversion
scores, by birth order (i.e., first born vs. all others) such that first-born children
have significantly higher extroversion scores than all other birth-order children.
Alternative Null


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