Did The Pandemic Impact Inflation in Our Country

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Yes No
The prices of our good increases Even before the pandemic, the
since the pandemic. prices of our goods gradually rise.

Now that the economy has opened Did the pandemic Supply and demand were still
up, more people are spending, impact inflation slightly out of balance prior to the
causing items to be in great epidemic.
demand. in our country?
There are less unemployed citizens
Low interest rates have boosted before the pandemic.
demand for homes, which has a
considerable backlog.

Inflation rises when demand The pandemic is one of the major events
outstrips supply early in a recovery, that impacted the inflation in our country.
but COVID-19 consequences have As the restrictions regarding the pandemic,
worsened this trend. more people are spending money causing
some items in high demands. The inflation
In the market, supply and demand continues to rise as the supplies and
are out of balance. demands are out of balance, which
worsened when the pandemic strikes in our

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